Пример #1
    def test_greedy_assignment(self):
        gt_big_mask = self.square_mask.copy()
        gt_small_mask = np.zeros(gt_big_mask.shape, dtype=gt_big_mask.dtype)
        gt_small_mask[900:1101, 900:1101] = True

        gt_big = GroundTruthInstance(gt_big_mask, 0)
        gt_small = GroundTruthInstance(gt_small_mask, 0)
        gts = [gt_big, gt_small]
        # Big Det
        det1 = PBoxDetInst(
            self.square_label_list, [700, 700, 1300, 1300],
            [[[10000, 0], [0, 10000]], [[10000, 0], [0, 10000]]])
        # Small Det
        det2 = PBoxDetInst(
            self.square_label_list, [800, 800, 1200, 1200],
            [[[10000, 0], [0, 10000]], [[10000, 0], [0, 10000]]])

        dets = [det1, det2]

        evaluator = PDQ(greedy_mode=True)
        evaluator.score([(gts, dets)])
        det_evals = evaluator._det_evals
        for img_det_evals in det_evals:
            for det_eval in img_det_evals:
                # Assume that big detection should be matched to small gt and small det to big gt
                self.assertNotEqual(det_eval['det_id'], det_eval['gt_id'])
Пример #2
    def test_no_detections_for_image_with_small_and_big_gt(self):
        gts1 = [val for val in self.square_gt]
        small_mask = np.zeros(self.img_size, dtype=np.bool)
        small_mask[500:504, 500:501] = True
        gts2 = [GroundTruthInstance(self.square_mask, 0, 1, 1),
                GroundTruthInstance(small_mask, 0, 1, 2)]
        dets1 = [BBoxDetInst(self.default_label_list, self.gt_box)]
        dets2 = []
        evaluator = PDQ()
        score = evaluator.score([(gts1, dets1), (gts2, dets2)])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(score, 0.5)
Пример #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.img_size = (2000, 2000)
     self.default_covar = [[1000, 0], [0, 1000]]
     self.default_label_list = [1, 0]
     self.square_mask = np.zeros(self.img_size, dtype=np.bool)
     self.square_mask[750:1250, 750:1250] = True
     self.square_gt = [GroundTruthInstance(self.square_mask, 0, 0, 0)]
     self.gt_box = self.square_gt[0].bounding_box
Пример #4
    def test_no_detections_for_image(self):
        gts1 = [val for val in self.square_gt]
        gts2 = [GroundTruthInstance(self.square_mask, 0, 1, 1)]
        dets1 = [BBoxDetInst(self.default_label_list, self.gt_box)]
        dets2 = []
        evaluator = PDQ()
        score = evaluator.score([(gts1, dets1), (gts2, dets2)])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(score, 0.5)
Пример #5
    def setUp(self):
        self.img_size = (2000, 2000)
        self.default_covar = [[1000, 0], [0, 1000]]
        self.default_filter_gt = False
        self.default_segment_mode = False
        self.default_greedy_mode = False

        self.square_mask = np.zeros(self.img_size, dtype=np.bool)
        self.square_mask[750:1250, 750:1250] = True
        self.square_gt = [GroundTruthInstance(self.square_mask, 0)]
        self.square_gt_box = self.square_gt[0].bounding_box
        self.square_label_list = [1, 0]

        self.cross_mask = np.zeros(self.img_size, dtype=np.bool)
        self.cross_mask[875:1125, 750:1250] = True
        self.cross_mask[750:1250, 875:1125] = True
        self.cross_gt = [GroundTruthInstance(self.cross_mask, 1)]
        self.cross_gt_box = self.cross_gt[0].bounding_box
        self.cross_label_list = [0, 1]
Пример #6
    def test_multiple_missed_gts_too_small(self):

        gts = [val for val in self.square_gt]
        for i in range(9):
            # Create small 2x2 boxes which are missed around an edge of the image (buffer of 2 pixels)
            new_gt_mask = np.zeros(gts[0].segmentation_mask.shape, gts[0].segmentation_mask.dtype)
            new_gt_mask[2:4, 2 + i * 4:4 + i * 4] = np.amax(gts[0].segmentation_mask)
            gts.append(GroundTruthInstance(new_gt_mask, 0, 0, i+1))
        detections = [BBoxDetInst(self.default_label_list, self.gt_box)]
        evaluator = PDQ()
        score = evaluator.score([(gts, detections)])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(score, 1.0)
Пример #7
    def test_missed_gts_and_unmatched_detections(self):
        gts = [val for val in self.square_gt]
        for i in range(10):
            # Create small 11x11 boxes which are missed around an edge of the image (buffer of 2 pixels)
            new_gt_mask = np.zeros(gts[0].segmentation_mask.shape,
            new_gt_mask[2:14, 2 + i * 14:14 + i * 14] = np.amax(
            gts.append(GroundTruthInstance(new_gt_mask, 0))

        detections = [
            BBoxDetInst(self.square_label_list, self.square_gt_box)
            for _ in range(10)

        evaluator = PDQ()
        score = evaluator.score([(gts, detections)])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(score, 1 / 20.)
Пример #8
    def __iter__(self):
        coco_annotations = self.coco_obj.imgToAnns
        img_ids = sorted(self.coco_obj.imgs.keys())

        # Create map to transfer from category id to index id (used as class id in our tests)
        ann_idx_map = {
            cat_id: idx
            for idx, cat_id in enumerate(sorted(self.coco_obj.cats.keys()))

        if self.n_imgs is not None:
            img_id_iter = islice(img_ids, 0, self.n_imgs)
            img_id_iter = iter(img_ids)
        for img_idx, img_id in enumerate(img_id_iter):
            if img_id not in coco_annotations.keys():
                yield []
                # load the annotations available for the given image
                # filter out any annotations which do not have segmentations
                for annotation in coco_annotations[img_id]:
                    if "segmentation" not in annotation.keys():
                        print("SKIPPED A GT OBJECT!")
                img_annotations = [
                    for annotation in coco_annotations[img_id]
                    if 'segmentation' in annotation.keys()
                # extract the class ids for each annotation (note that we subtract 1 so that class ids start at 0)
                class_ids = [annotation['category_id'] for annotation in img_annotations]
                bboxes = []
                seg_masks = []
                ignores = [annotation['ignore'] if 'ignore' in annotation.keys() else False
                           for annotation in img_annotations]
                iscrowds = [annotation['iscrowd'] for annotation in img_annotations]
                areas = [annotation['area'] for annotation in img_annotations]

                for annotation in img_annotations:
                    # transform bbox to [x1, y1, x2, y2]
                    box = annotation['bbox']
                    box[2] += box[0]
                    box[3] += box[1]

                    # define GT segmentation mask
                    # If segmentation mask is expected to be pixels within bounding box, adjust accordingly
                    seg_mask = self.coco_obj.annToMask(annotation)
                    if self.bbox_gt:
                        eval_mask = np.zeros(seg_mask.shape, dtype=np.bool)

                        # Use the COCO bounding box (note not exact around segmentation masks)
                        # Round down for lower bounds and round up for upper bounds to accommodate floats
                        seg_bbox = np.floor(box).astype(np.int)
                        seg_bbox[-2:] = np.ceil(box[-2:]).astype(np.int)

                        # clamp box to image size to make sure not outside extremes
                        seg_bbox = clamp_bbox(seg_bbox, eval_mask.shape)

                        # Create segmentation mask with bounding box
                        eval_mask[seg_bbox[1]:seg_bbox[3]+1, seg_bbox[0]:seg_bbox[2]+1] = True

                        # Below use seg_bbox for simplicity rather than trying to account for rounding in box
                        # (USED IN REBUTTAL)
                        # seg_bbox = generate_bounding_box_from_mask(seg_mask)
                        # eval_mask[seg_bbox[1]:seg_bbox[3]+1, seg_bbox[0]:seg_bbox[2]+1] = True


                # generate ground truth instances from the COCO annotation information
                # NOTE this will skip any annotation which has a bad segmentation mask (all zeros)
                yield [
                    for ann_idx in range(len(img_annotations)) if np.amax(seg_masks[ann_idx] > 0)