Пример #1
def build_confjour_dicts():
    author_journal_dict = dict(); author_conf_dict = dict() 
    print "building conf-jour dictionaries..."
    query1 = """ WITH AuthorJournalCounts AS (
            SELECT AuthorId, JournalId, Count(*) AS Count
            FROM PaperAuthor pa
            LEFT OUTER JOIN Paper p on pa.PaperId=p.Id
            GROUP BY AuthorId, JournalId) 
            select authorid, journalid, count 
            from AuthorJournalCounts"""
    ajcounts = data_io.run_query_db(query1)
    for aid, jid, count in ajcounts:
        if(author_journal_dict.get(aid) == None):
            author_journal_dict[aid] = dict()
    query2= """ with   AuthorConferenceCounts AS (
            SELECT AuthorId, ConferenceId, Count(*) AS Count
            FROM PaperAuthor pa
            LEFT OUTER JOIN Paper p on pa.PaperId=p.Id
            GROUP BY AuthorId, ConferenceId)
            select  authorid, conferenceid, count from AuthorConferenceCounts"""
    accounts = data_io.run_query_db(query2)
    for aid, cid, count in accounts:
        if(author_conf_dict.get(aid) ==  None):
            author_conf_dict[aid] = dict()  
        author_conf_dict.get(aid)[cid] = count
    return author_journal_dict, author_conf_dict
Пример #2
def build_confjour_dicts():
    author_journal_dict = dict()
    author_conf_dict = dict()

    print "building conf-jour dictionaries..."

    query1 = """ WITH AuthorJournalCounts AS (
            SELECT AuthorId, JournalId, Count(*) AS Count
            FROM PaperAuthor pa
            LEFT OUTER JOIN Paper p on pa.PaperId=p.Id
            GROUP BY AuthorId, JournalId) 
            select authorid, journalid, count 
            from AuthorJournalCounts"""
    ajcounts = data_io.run_query_db(query1)
    for aid, jid, count in ajcounts:
        if (author_journal_dict.get(aid) == None):
            author_journal_dict[aid] = dict()
        author_journal_dict.get(aid)[jid] = count

    query2 = """ with   AuthorConferenceCounts AS (
            SELECT AuthorId, ConferenceId, Count(*) AS Count
            FROM PaperAuthor pa
            LEFT OUTER JOIN Paper p on pa.PaperId=p.Id
            GROUP BY AuthorId, ConferenceId)
            select  authorid, conferenceid, count from AuthorConferenceCounts"""
    accounts = data_io.run_query_db(query2)
    for aid, cid, count in accounts:
        if (author_conf_dict.get(aid) == None):
            author_conf_dict[aid] = dict()
        author_conf_dict.get(aid)[cid] = count

    return author_journal_dict, author_conf_dict
Пример #3
def build_author_dup_dict():
    print "Building name dictonary for authors..."
    #add authors with same id to duplicates
    author_id_query = "select id from author order by id"
    authorid = data_io.run_query_db(author_id_query)
    for (aid, ) in authorid:
        i = int(aid)
        author_dup[i] = set()

    #add authors with same name to duplicates
    dup_same_name_query = "select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2 where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name) and a1.id!=a2.id and a1.name!='' order by a1.id"
    #dup_same_name_query = "select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2 where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name) and a1.id!=a2.id and lower(a1.affiliation)=lower(a2.affiliation) and a1.affiliation!=''  and a1.name!=''"
    #dup_same_name_query = "select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2 where same_words(a1.name, a2.name) and a1.id!=a2.id"
    dupids = data_io.run_query_db(dup_same_name_query)
    for id1, id2 in dupids:
        i1 = int(id1)
        i2 = int(id2)

    #remove incorrect ids

#    query = """ select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2
#                where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name)
#                and a1.id!=a2.id
#                and not ((lower(a1.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a2.affiliation)||'%') or (lower(a2.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a1.affiliation)||'%') )
#                and (a1.affiliation!='' or a2.affiliation!='')
#                and a1.name!=''
#                order by a1.id
#             """
    query = """with nauthor as (
select a.id as id, a.name as name, string_agg(pa.affiliation,'') as affiliation
from author a 
left outer join paperauthor pa on a.id = pa.authorid
where a.affiliation=''
group by a.id, a.name )
select a1.id, a2.id from nauthor a1, nauthor a2 
                where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name) 
                and a1.id!=a2.id 
                and not ((lower(a1.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a2.affiliation)||'%') or (lower(a2.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a1.affiliation)||'%') ) 
                and (a1.affiliation!='' or a2.affiliation!='')  
                and a1.name!='' 
                order by a1.id
    nondupids = data_io.run_query_db(query)
    for id1, id2 in nondupids:
        i1 = int(id1)
        i2 = int(id2)

    print "finished building author-dup dictionary."
Пример #4
def build_author_dup_dict():
    print "Building name dictonary for authors..."
    #add authors with same id to duplicates
    author_id_query = "select id from author order by id"
    authorid = data_io.run_query_db(author_id_query)
    for (aid,) in authorid:
        i = int(aid)
        author_dup[i] = set()

    #add authors with same name to duplicates
    dup_same_name_query = "select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2 where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name) and a1.id!=a2.id and a1.name!='' order by a1.id"
    #dup_same_name_query = "select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2 where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name) and a1.id!=a2.id and lower(a1.affiliation)=lower(a2.affiliation) and a1.affiliation!=''  and a1.name!=''"
    #dup_same_name_query = "select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2 where same_words(a1.name, a2.name) and a1.id!=a2.id"
    dupids = data_io.run_query_db(dup_same_name_query)
    for id1, id2 in dupids:
        i1 = int(id1); i2 = int(id2)
    #remove incorrect ids
#    query = """ select a1.id, a2.id from author a1, author a2 
#                where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name) 
#                and a1.id!=a2.id 
#                and not ((lower(a1.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a2.affiliation)||'%') or (lower(a2.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a1.affiliation)||'%') ) 
#                and (a1.affiliation!='' or a2.affiliation!='')  
#                and a1.name!='' 
#                order by a1.id
#             """
    query = """with nauthor as (
select a.id as id, a.name as name, string_agg(pa.affiliation,'') as affiliation
from author a 
left outer join paperauthor pa on a.id = pa.authorid
where a.affiliation=''
group by a.id, a.name )
select a1.id, a2.id from nauthor a1, nauthor a2 
                where lower(a1.name)=lower(a2.name) 
                and a1.id!=a2.id 
                and not ((lower(a1.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a2.affiliation)||'%') or (lower(a2.affiliation) like '%'||lower(a1.affiliation)||'%') ) 
                and (a1.affiliation!='' or a2.affiliation!='')  
                and a1.name!='' 
                order by a1.id
    nondupids = data_io.run_query_db(query)
    for id1, id2 in nondupids:
        i1 = int(id1); i2 = int(id2)
    print "finished building author-dup dictionary."
Пример #5
def build_affiliations_dict():

    print "Building affiliations dict..."
    #    delim = "|", ";" , ","
    #    regexP= '|'.join(map(re.escape, delim))
    author_affs = dict()
    query = """ select id, affiliation from author"""
    aaff = data_io.run_query_db(query)
    for aid, aff in aaff:
        if (author_affs.get(aid) == None):
            author_affs[aid] = set()
#        if(aff!=None or aff!=''):
#            words = re.split(regexP, aff)
#            for w in words:
#                if(len(w) > 2):
#                    author_affs.get(aid).add(w)
#        else:
#            author_affs.get(aid).add(aff)

#    query = """ select a.id, pa.affiliation from author a
#                left outer join paperauthor pa on a.id=pa.authorid
#                where a.affiliation='' and pa.affiliation!='' """
#    aaff = data_io.run_query_db(query)
#    for aid, aff in aaff:
#        if(aff!=None or aff!=''):
#            words = re.split(regexP, aff)
#            for w in words:
#                if(len(w) > 2):
#                    author_affs.get(aid).add(w)
#        else:
#            author_affs.get(aid).add(aff)

    return author_affs
Пример #6
def build_keywords_feature():    
    global all_features 
    all_features = [] 
    for datatable in tables:
        print "building keyword features for "+datatable+"..."
        query = "select authorid, paperid, keyword from "+datatable+" left outer join paper on id=paperid order by authorid, paperid"
        apkeywords = data_io.run_query_db(query)
        features = []
        for aid, pid, keywords in apkeywords:
            #titles_set = get_title_set(int(aid))
            words = set()
            #keywords += title
            if(keywords!=None or keywords!=""):           
                w = re.split(regexPattern, keywords) #array of keywords
                for ww in w:
            #now build feature for this author-paper example:  authorid, paperid, numofkeywordsofthispaper, numofkeywordsofauthor, numofcommonkeywords
            numofkeywordsofthispaper = len(words)
            numofkeywordsofauthor = len(author_keywords.get(aid))
            numofcommonkeywords = 0
            for pw in words:
                if pw in author_keywords.get(aid).keys():
#            print aid, " ", pid, " ", numofkeywordsofthispaper, numofkeywordsofauthor, numofcommonkeywords
            features.append((aid, pid, numofkeywordsofthispaper, numofkeywordsofauthor, numofcommonkeywords))
Пример #7
def build_coa_features():
    author_journal_dict, author_conf_dict = build_confjour_dicts()
#    author_yearpaper_dict = build_author_yearpaper_dict()
    author_affs = build_affiliations_dict()
    global all_features, author_keywords 
    for i, datatable in enumerate(tables):
        print "building coauthor features for ", datatable, "..."
        query = """ with coauthortable as (select paperid, array_agg(authorid) as coauthors from paperauthor group by paperid) 
                select t.authorid, t.paperid, p.conferenceid, p.journalid, ct.coauthors from  """+datatable +""" t 
                left outer join coauthortable ct on ct.paperid=t.paperid 
                left outer join paper p on p.id = t.paperid
               order by t.authorid, t.paperid"""
        coauths = data_io.run_query_db(query)
        feats = []
        for aid, pid, cid, jid, coas in coauths:
            totalkeywords = 0; commonkeywords=0; sameconfs = 0 ; samejours = 0; totalpapers=0; sameaffs = 0#papersinsameyear=0
            for coa in coas:
                sameconfs+=author_conf_dict.get(coa).get(cid) if author_conf_dict.get(coa).get(cid) != None else 0
                samejours+=author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(jid) if author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(jid)!= None else 0
#                papersinsameyear += author_yearpaper_dict.get(coa).get(year) if author_yearpaper_dict.get(coa).get(year) != None else 0
                for word in author_keywords.get(coa).keys():
                    if(word in author_keywords.get(aid)):
                for cid in author_journal_dict.get(coa).keys():
                    totalpapers += author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(cid) if author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(cid) != None else 0
                for aff in author_affs.get(aid):
                    if(author_affs.get(coa) != None):
                        if aff in author_affs.get(coa):
            feats.append((aid, pid, totalkeywords, commonkeywords, sameconfs, samejours, totalpapers, sameaffs))
        this_table_feats = all_features[i]
        for ii, t in enumerate(feats):
            this_table_feats[ii] += t[2:]
Пример #8
def build_keywords_feature():
    global all_features
    all_features = []
    for datatable in tables:
        print "building keyword features for " + datatable + "..."
        query = "select authorid, paperid, keyword from " + datatable + " left outer join paper on id=paperid order by authorid, paperid"
        apkeywords = data_io.run_query_db(query)
        features = []
        for aid, pid, keywords in apkeywords:
            #titles_set = get_title_set(int(aid))
            words = set()
            #keywords += title
            if (keywords != None or keywords != ""):
                w = re.split(regexPattern, keywords)  #array of keywords
                for ww in w:
                    if (ww == ""):
            #now build feature for this author-paper example:  authorid, paperid, numofkeywordsofthispaper, numofkeywordsofauthor, numofcommonkeywords
            numofkeywordsofthispaper = len(words)
            numofkeywordsofauthor = len(author_keywords.get(aid))
            numofcommonkeywords = 0
            for pw in words:
                if pw in author_keywords.get(aid).keys():
                    numofcommonkeywords += author_keywords.get(aid).get(pw)

#            print aid, " ", pid, " ", numofkeywordsofthispaper, numofkeywordsofauthor, numofcommonkeywords
            features.append((aid, pid, numofkeywordsofthispaper,
                             numofkeywordsofauthor, numofcommonkeywords))
Пример #9
def build_affiliations_dict():
    print "Building affiliations dict..."
#    delim = "|", ";" , ","
#    regexP= '|'.join(map(re.escape, delim))
    author_affs = dict()
    query = """ select id, affiliation from author"""
    aaff = data_io.run_query_db(query)
    for aid, aff in aaff:
        if(author_affs.get(aid) ==  None):
            author_affs[aid] = set()
#        if(aff!=None or aff!=''):
#            words = re.split(regexP, aff)
#            for w in words:
#                if(len(w) > 2):
#                    author_affs.get(aid).add(w)
#        else:
#            author_affs.get(aid).add(aff)
#    query = """ select a.id, pa.affiliation from author a 
#                left outer join paperauthor pa on a.id=pa.authorid 
#                where a.affiliation='' and pa.affiliation!='' """
#    aaff = data_io.run_query_db(query)
#    for aid, aff in aaff:
#        if(aff!=None or aff!=''):
#            words = re.split(regexP, aff)
#            for w in words:
#                if(len(w) > 2):
#                    author_affs.get(aid).add(w)
#        else:
#            author_affs.get(aid).add(aff)
    return author_affs
Пример #10
def build_author_name_dict():
    print "Building name dictonary for authors..."
    author_name_query = "select id, name from author"
    authorname = data_io.run_query_db(author_name_query)
    for aid, name in authorname:
        words = set()
        if(name == None or name==""):
            author_name.append((aid, words))
        w = re.split(regexPattern, name) 
        for ww in w:
        author_name.append((aid, words))
    print "finished building author-name dictionary."
    return author_name
Пример #11
def build_author_name_dict():
    print "Building name dictonary for authors..."
    author_name_query = "select id, name from author"
    authorname = data_io.run_query_db(author_name_query)
    for aid, name in authorname:
        words = set()
        if (name == None or name == ""):
            author_name.append((aid, words))
        w = re.split(regexPattern, name)
        for ww in w:
            if (ww == ""):
        author_name.append((aid, words))
    print "finished building author-name dictionary."
    return author_name
Пример #12
def build_coa_features():
    author_journal_dict, author_conf_dict = build_confjour_dicts()
    #    author_yearpaper_dict = build_author_yearpaper_dict()
    author_affs = build_affiliations_dict()
    global all_features, author_keywords
    for i, datatable in enumerate(tables):
        print "building coauthor features for ", datatable, "..."
        query = """ with coauthortable as (select paperid, array_agg(authorid) as coauthors from paperauthor group by paperid) 
                select t.authorid, t.paperid, p.conferenceid, p.journalid, ct.coauthors from  """ + datatable + """ t 
                left outer join coauthortable ct on ct.paperid=t.paperid 
                left outer join paper p on p.id = t.paperid
               order by t.authorid, t.paperid"""
        coauths = data_io.run_query_db(query)
        feats = []
        for aid, pid, cid, jid, coas in coauths:
            totalkeywords = 0
            commonkeywords = 0
            sameconfs = 0
            samejours = 0
            totalpapers = 0
            sameaffs = 0  #papersinsameyear=0
            for coa in coas:
                totalkeywords += len(author_keywords.get(coa))
                sameconfs += author_conf_dict.get(coa).get(
                    cid) if author_conf_dict.get(coa).get(cid) != None else 0
                samejours += author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(
                ) if author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(jid) != None else 0
                #                papersinsameyear += author_yearpaper_dict.get(coa).get(year) if author_yearpaper_dict.get(coa).get(year) != None else 0
                for word in author_keywords.get(coa).keys():
                    if (word in author_keywords.get(aid)):
                        commonkeywords += 1
                for cid in author_journal_dict.get(coa).keys():
                    totalpapers += author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(
                    ) if author_journal_dict.get(coa).get(cid) != None else 0
                for aff in author_affs.get(aid):
                    if (author_affs.get(coa) != None):
                        if aff in author_affs.get(coa):
                            sameaffs += 1

            feats.append((aid, pid, totalkeywords, commonkeywords, sameconfs,
                          samejours, totalpapers, sameaffs))
        this_table_feats = all_features[i]
        for ii, t in enumerate(feats):
            this_table_feats[ii] += t[2:]
Пример #13
def build_titles_feature():
    global author_titles, all_features
    if all_features == None:
        all_features = []
    for i, datatable in enumerate(tables):
        print "building title features  for ", datatable
        author_title_query = "select t.authorid, t.paperid,  p.title from "+datatable+\
            " t  left outer join paper p on p.id=t.paperid order by t.authorid, t.paperid"
        authortitles = data_io.run_query_db(author_title_query)
        #build title dictionary for all authors
        for aid, pid, title in authortitles:
            if (author_titles.get(aid) == None):
                author_titles[aid] = dict()
            for word in re.split(regexPattern, title):
                word = word.strip()
                if (len(word) > 3):  #eleminate all 2 letter words
                    if (author_titles.get(aid).get(word) == None):
                        author_titles.get(aid)[word] = 1
                        author_titles.get(aid)[word] += 1

        title_feature = []
        for aid, pid, title in authortitles:
            totalauthorwords = len(author_titles.get(aid))
            totalpaperwords = len(re.split(regexPattern, title))
            commonwords = 0
            for word in re.split(regexPattern, title):
                key = word.strip()
                if key in author_titles.get(aid).keys():
                    commonwords += author_titles.get(aid).get(key)
                (aid, pid, totalauthorwords, totalpaperwords, commonwords))

        if (len(all_features) == len(tables)):
            this_table_feats = all_features[i]
            for ii, t in enumerate(title_feature):
                this_table_feats[ii] += t[2:]


    print "finished building title features."
Пример #14
def build_titles_feature():
    global author_titles, all_features  
    if all_features==None:
        all_features = []
    for i, datatable in enumerate(tables):
        print "building title features  for ", datatable
        author_title_query = "select t.authorid, t.paperid,  p.title from "+datatable+\
            " t  left outer join paper p on p.id=t.paperid order by t.authorid, t.paperid"
        authortitles = data_io.run_query_db(author_title_query)
        #build title dictionary for all authors
        for aid, pid, title in authortitles :            
            if(author_titles.get(aid) == None):
                author_titles[aid] = dict()
            for word in re.split(regexPattern, title):
                word = word.strip()
                if(len(word) > 3):  #eleminate all 2 letter words
                    if(author_titles.get(aid).get(word) == None):
                        author_titles.get(aid)[word] = 1
                        author_titles.get(aid)[word] +=1
        title_feature = []
        for aid, pid, title in authortitles:
            totalauthorwords = len(author_titles.get(aid))
            totalpaperwords = len(re.split(regexPattern, title))
            commonwords = 0
            for word in re.split(regexPattern, title):
                key = word.strip()
                if key in author_titles.get(aid).keys():
                    commonwords +=author_titles.get(aid).get(key)
            title_feature.append((aid, pid, totalauthorwords, totalpaperwords, commonwords)) 
        if(len(all_features) == len(tables)) :   
            this_table_feats = all_features[i]
            for ii,t in enumerate(title_feature): 
                this_table_feats[ii] +=t[2:]
    print "finished building title features."
Пример #15
def build_keywords_dict():
    print "Building keywords dictonary for authors..."
    author_keywords_query = "select authorid, array_agg(keyword) from paperauthor left outer join paper on id=paperid group by authorid"
    authorkeywords = data_io.run_query_db(author_keywords_query)
    #for keywords
    for aid, keywords in authorkeywords :
        i = int(aid)
        if(author_keywords.get(i) ==  None):
            author_keywords[i] = dict()
        if(keywords == None):
        for kw in keywords:
            w = re.split(regexPattern, kw) 
            for ww in w:
                addtoauthorsdict(i, ww)
Пример #16
def build_keywords_dict():
    print "Building keywords dictonary for authors..."
    author_keywords_query = "select authorid, array_agg(keyword) from paperauthor left outer join paper on id=paperid group by authorid"
    authorkeywords = data_io.run_query_db(author_keywords_query)

    #for keywords
    for aid, keywords in authorkeywords:
        i = int(aid)
        if (author_keywords.get(i) == None):
            author_keywords[i] = dict()
        if (keywords == None):

        for kw in keywords:
            if (kw == None):
            w = re.split(regexPattern, kw)
            for ww in w:
                if (ww == ""):
                addtoauthorsdict(i, ww)
Пример #17
def build_confnJour_feature():
    global all_features
    for i, datatable in enumerate(tables):
        print "building conference and journal features for " + datatable + "..."
        query = """ with confpapers as (
                select conferenceid, count(id) as confpapercount 
                from paper 
                group by conferenceid),
            jourpapers as (
                select journalid, count(id) as jourpapercount 
                from paper 
                group by journalid)
            select t.authorid, t.paperid, confpapercount, jourpapercount 
            from """ + datatable + """ t 
                left outer join paper p on p.id=t.paperid, 
                confpapers c, 
                jourpapers j
            where c.conferenceid=p.conferenceid 
                and j.journalid=p.journalid 
            order by authorid, paperid"""
        conjourcounts = data_io.run_query_db(query)
        this_table_feats = all_features[i]
        for ii, t in enumerate(conjourcounts):
            this_table_feats[ii] += t[2:]
Пример #18
def build_confnJour_feature():
    global all_features
    for i, datatable in enumerate(tables):
        print "building conference and journal features for "+datatable+"..."
        query = """ with confpapers as (
                select conferenceid, count(id) as confpapercount 
                from paper 
                group by conferenceid),
            jourpapers as (
                select journalid, count(id) as jourpapercount 
                from paper 
                group by journalid)
            select t.authorid, t.paperid, confpapercount, jourpapercount 
            from """+datatable+""" t 
                left outer join paper p on p.id=t.paperid, 
                confpapers c, 
                jourpapers j
            where c.conferenceid=p.conferenceid 
                and j.journalid=p.journalid 
            order by authorid, paperid"""
        conjourcounts = data_io.run_query_db(query)
        this_table_feats = all_features[i]
        for ii,t in enumerate(conjourcounts): 
            this_table_feats[ii] +=t[2:]