class TrackerSiamRPN(Tracker): def __init__(self, net_path=None, **kargs): super(TrackerSiamRPN, self).__init__(name='SiamRPN', is_deterministic=True) # setup GPU device if available # self.cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() # self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if self.cuda else 'cpu') '''setup model''' = SiameseRPN() = if net_path is not None: torch.load(net_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) # = def init(self, image, box): """ dataloader """ self.data_loader = TrainDataLoader(image, box) = box def update(self, image): ret = self.data_loader.__get__(image) template = ret['template_tensor'] #.cuda() detection = ret['detection_tensor'] #.cuda() cout, rout =, detection) #[1, 10, 17, 17], [1, 20, 17, 17] cout = cout.reshape(-1, 2) rout = rout.reshape(-1, 4) cout = cout.cpu().detach().numpy() score = 1 / (1 + np.exp(cout[:, 1] - cout[:, 0])) diff = rout.cpu().detach().numpy() #1445 num_proposals = 1 score_64_index = np.argsort(score)[::-1][:num_proposals] score64 = score[score_64_index] diffs64 = diff[score_64_index, :] anchors64 = ret['anchors'][score_64_index] proposals_x = (anchors64[:, 0] + anchors64[:, 2] * diffs64[:, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_y = (anchors64[:, 1] + anchors64[:, 3] * diffs64[:, 1]).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_w = (anchors64[:, 2] * np.exp(diffs64[:, 2])).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_h = (anchors64[:, 3] * np.exp(diffs64[:, 3])).reshape(-1, 1) proposals = np.hstack( (proposals_x, proposals_y, proposals_w, proposals_h)) box = proposals #print('', #print('box', box) return box
def __init__(self, params, net_path=None, **kargs): super(TrackerSiamRPNBIG, self).__init__(name='SiamRPN', is_deterministic=True) '''setup model''' = SiamRPN() self.data_loader = TrainDataLoader(, params) '''setup GPU device if available''' self.cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if self.cuda else 'cpu') if self.cuda: if net_path is not None: torch.load(net_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
def test(args): if args.load_var: test_utterances, test_labels, word_dict = read_data( load_var=args.load_var, input_=None, mode='test') else: test_utterances, test_labels, word_dict = read_data(load_var=args.load_var, \ input_=os.path.join(constant.data_path, "entangled_{}.json".format(args.mode)), mode='test') if args.save_input: utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, "{}".format(args.mode)), \ rw='w', input_obj=test_utterances) utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, "{}".format(args.mode)), \ rw='w', input_obj=test_labels) current_time = re.findall('.*model_(.+?)/.*', args.model_path)[0] step_cnt = re.findall('.step_(.+?)\.pkl', args.model_path)[0] test_dataloader = TrainDataLoader(test_utterances, test_labels, word_dict, name='test', batch_size=4) ensemble_model = EnsembleModel(word_dict, word_emb=None, bidirectional=False) if torch.cuda.is_available(): ensemble_model.cuda() supervised_trainer = SupervisedTrainer(args, ensemble_model, current_time=current_time) supervised_trainer.test(test_dataloader, args.model_path, step_cnt=step_cnt)
def train(): data_loader = TrainDataLoader() net = Net(student_n, exer_n, knowledge_n) net = optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.002) print('training model...') loss_function = nn.NLLLoss() for epoch in range(epoch_n): data_loader.reset() running_loss = 0.0 batch_count = 0 while not data_loader.is_end(): batch_count += 1 input_stu_ids, input_exer_ids, input_knowledge_embs, labels = data_loader.next_batch( ) input_stu_ids, input_exer_ids, input_knowledge_embs, labels = device),, device), optimizer.zero_grad() output_1 = net.forward(input_stu_ids, input_exer_ids, input_knowledge_embs) output_0 = torch.ones(output_1.size()).to(device) - output_1 output =, output_1), 1) # grad_penalty = 0 loss = loss_function(torch.log(output), labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() net.apply_clipper() running_loss += loss.item() if batch_count % 200 == 199: print('[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, batch_count + 1, running_loss / 200)) running_loss = 0.0 # validate and save current model every epoch rmse, auc = validate(net, epoch) save_snapshot(net, 'model/model_epoch' + str(epoch + 1))
def init(self, image, box): """ dataloader """ self.data_loader = TrainDataLoader(image, box) = box
def main(): args = parser.parse_args() """ train dataloader """ data_loader = TrainDataLoader("C:\\Users\\sport\\Desktop\\SiamMask-Pytorch\\DAVIS-4\\JPEGImages\\480p") print('-') """ compute max_batches """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.train_path): for dirname in dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(root, dirname) args.max_batches += len(os.listdir(dir_path)) # Setup Model cfg = load_config(args) from experiments.siammask.custom import Custom model = Custom(anchors=cfg['anchors']) if args.resume: assert isfile(args.resume), '{} is not a valid file'.format(args.resume) model = load_pretrain(model, args.resume) use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") model.eval().to(device) cudnn.benchmark = True """ loss and optimizer """ criterion = MultiBoxLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay = args.weight_decay) """ train phase """ closses, rlosses, tlosses = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() steps = 0 start = 0 for epoch in range(start, args.max_epoches): cur_lr = adjust_learning_rate(, optimizer, epoch, gamma=0.1) index_list = range(data_loader.__len__()) for example in range(args.max_batches): ret = data_loader.__get__(random.choice(index_list)) template = ret['template_tensor'].to(device) detection= ret['detection_tensor'].to(device) mask_target = ret['mask_template_tensor'].to(device) pos_neg_diff = ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'].to(device) cout, rout, mask = model(template, detection) predictions, targets = (cout, rout, mask), pos_neg_diff closs, rloss, mloss, loss, reg_pred, reg_target, pos_index, neg_index = criterion(predictions, targets, mask_target) closs_ = closs.cpu().item() if np.isnan(closs_): sys.exit(0) closses.update(closs.cpu().item()) rlosses.update(rloss.cpu().item()) tlosses.update(loss.cpu().item()) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() steps += 1 cout = cout.cpu().detach().numpy() # score = 1/(1 + np.exp(cout[:,0]-cout[:,1])) print("Epoch:{:04d}\texample:{:06d}/{:06d}({:.2f})%\tsteps:{:010d}\tlr:{:.7f}\tcloss:ss:{:.4f}\ttloss:{:.4f}".format(epoch, example+1, args.max_batches, 100*(example+1)/args.max_batches, steps, cur_lr, closses.avg, rlosses.avg, tlosses.avg )) if epoch % 5 == 0 : file_path = os.path.join(args.weight_dir, 'epoch_{:04d}_weights.pth.tar'.format(epoch)) state = { 'epoch' :epoch+1, 'state_dict' :model.state_dict(), 'optimizer' : optimizer.state_dict(), }, file_path)
def main(): """ train dataloader """ args = parser.parse_args() data_loader = TrainDataLoader(args.train_path, check = args.debug) if not os.path.exists(args.weight_dir): os.makedirs(args.weight_dir) """ compute max_batches """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.train_path): for dirname in dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(root, dirname) args.max_batches += len(os.listdir(dir_path)) print('max_batches: {}'.format(args.max_batches)) """ Model on gpu """ model = SiameseRPN() model = model.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True """ loss and optimizer """ criterion = MultiBoxLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay = args.weight_decay) """ load weights """ init_weights(model) if not args.checkpoint_path == None: assert os.path.isfile(args.checkpoint_path), '{} is not valid checkpoint_path'.format(args.checkpoint_path) try: checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint_path) start = checkpoint['epoch'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) except: start = 0 init_weights(model) else: start = 0 """ train phase """ closses, rlosses, tlosses = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() steps = 0 #print('data_loader length: {}'.format(len(data_loader))) for epoch in range(start, args.max_epoches): cur_lr = adjust_learning_rate(, optimizer, epoch, gamma=0.1) index_list = range(data_loader.__len__()) example_index = 0 for example in range(args.max_batches): ret = data_loader.__get__(random.choice(index_list)) template = ret['template_tensor'].cuda() detection= ret['detection_tensor'].cuda() pos_neg_diff = ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'].cuda() cout, rout = model(template, detection) predictions, targets = (cout, rout), pos_neg_diff closs, rloss, loss, reg_pred, reg_target, pos_index, neg_index = criterion(predictions, targets) closs_ = closs.cpu().item() if np.isnan(closs_): sys.exit(0) closses.update(closs.cpu().item()) rlosses.update(rloss.cpu().item()) tlosses.update(loss.cpu().item()) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() steps += 1 cout = cout.cpu().detach().numpy() score = 1/(1 + np.exp(cout[:,0]-cout[:,1])) # ++++++++++++ post process below just for debug ++++++++++++++++++++++++ # ++++++++++++++++++++ v1.0 add penalty +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if ret['pos_anchors'] is not None: penalty_k = 0.055 tx, ty, tw, th = ret['template_target_xywh'].copy() tw *= ret['template_cropprd_resized_ratio'] th *= ret['template_cropprd_resized_ratio'] anchors = ret['anchors'].copy() w = anchors[:,2] * np.exp(reg_pred[:, 2].cpu().detach().numpy()) h = anchors[:,3] * np.exp(reg_pred[:, 3].cpu().detach().numpy()) eps = 1e-2 change_w = np.maximum(w/(tw+eps), tw/(w+eps)) change_h = np.maximum(h/(th+eps), th/(h+eps)) penalty = np.exp(-(change_w + change_h - 1) * penalty_k) pscore = score * penalty else: pscore = score # +++++++++++++++++++ v1.0 add window default cosine ++++++++++++++++++++++ score_size = 17 window_influence = 0.42 window = (np.outer(np.hanning(score_size), np.hanning(score_size)).reshape(17,17,1) + np.zeros((1, 1, 5))).reshape(-1) pscore = pscore * (1 - window_influence) + window * window_influence score_old = score score = pscore #from 0.2 - 0.7 # ++++++++++++++++++++ debug for class ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if example_index%1000 == 0: print(score[pos_index]) # this should tend to be 1 print(score[neg_index]) # this should tend to be 0 # ++++++++++++++++++++ debug for reg ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tmp_dir = '/home/ly/chz/Siamese-RPN-pytorch/code_v1.0/tmp/visualization/7_check_train_phase_debug_pos_anchors' if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) detection = ret['detection_cropped_resized'].copy() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(detection) pos_anchors = ret['pos_anchors'].copy() if ret['pos_anchors'] is not None else None if pos_anchors is not None: # draw pos anchors x = pos_anchors[:, 0] y = pos_anchors[:, 1] w = pos_anchors[:, 2] h = pos_anchors[:, 3] x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s = x - w//2, y - h//2, x + w//2, y + h//2 for i in range(16): x1, y1, x2, y2 = x1s[i], y1s[i], x2s[i], y2s[i] draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='white') # pos anchor # pos anchor transform to red box after prediction x = pos_anchors[:,0] + pos_anchors[:, 2] * reg_pred[pos_index, 0].cpu().detach().numpy() y = pos_anchors[:,1] + pos_anchors[:, 3] * reg_pred[pos_index, 1].cpu().detach().numpy() w = pos_anchors[:,2] * np.exp(reg_pred[pos_index, 2].cpu().detach().numpy()) h = pos_anchors[:,3] * np.exp(reg_pred[pos_index, 3].cpu().detach().numpy()) x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s = x - w//2, y - h//2, x + w//2, y + h//2 for i in range(16): x1, y1, x2, y2 = x1s[i], y1s[i], x2s[i], y2s[i] draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red') # predict(white -> red) # pos anchor should be transformed to green gt box, if red and green is same, it is overfitting x = pos_anchors[:,0] + pos_anchors[:, 2] * reg_target[pos_index, 0].cpu().detach().numpy() y = pos_anchors[:,1] + pos_anchors[:, 3] * reg_target[pos_index, 1].cpu().detach().numpy() w = pos_anchors[:,2] * np.exp(reg_target[pos_index, 2].cpu().detach().numpy()) h = pos_anchors[:,3] * np.exp(reg_target[pos_index, 3].cpu().detach().numpy()) x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s = x - w//2, y-h//2, x + w//2, y + h//2 for i in range(16): x1, y1, x2, y2 = x1s[i], y1s[i], x2s[i], y2s[i] draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green') # gt (white -> green) x1, y1, x3, y3 = x1s[0], y1s[0], x2s[0], y2s[0] else: x1, y1, x3, y3 = 0, 0, 0, 0 # top1 proposal after nms (white) if example_index%1000 == 0: save_path = osp.join(tmp_dir, 'epoch_{:010d}_{:010d}_anchor_pred.jpg'.format(epoch, example)) example_index = example_index+1 # +++++++++++++++++++ v1.0 restore ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ratio = ret['detection_cropped_resized_ratio'] detection_cropped = ret['detection_cropped'].copy() detection_cropped_resized = ret['detection_cropped_resized'].copy() original =['detection_img_path']) x_, y_ = ret['detection_tlcords_of_original_image'] draw = ImageDraw.Draw(original) w, h = original.size """ un resized """ x1, y1, x3, y3 = x1/ratio, y1/ratio, y3/ratio, y3/ratio """ un cropped """ x1 = np.clip(x_ + x1, 0, w-1).astype(np.int32) # uncropped #target_of_original_img y1 = np.clip(y_ + y1, 0, h-1).astype(np.int32) x3 = np.clip(x_ + x3, 0, w-1).astype(np.int32) y3 = np.clip(y_ + y3, 0, h-1).astype(np.int32) draw.line([(x1, y1), (x3, y1), (x3, y3), (x1, y3), (x1, y1)], width=3, fill='yellow') #save_path = osp.join(tmp_dir, 'epoch_{:010d}_{:010d}_restore.jpg'.format(epoch, example)) print("Epoch:{:04d}\texample:{:06d}/{:06d}({:.2f})%\tsteps:{:010d}\tlr:{:.7f}\tcloss:{:.4f}\trloss:{:.4f}\ttloss:{:.4f}".format(epoch, example+1, args.max_batches, 100*(example+1)/args.max_batches, steps, cur_lr, closses.avg, rlosses.avg, tlosses.avg )) if steps % 1 == 0: file_path = os.path.join(args.weight_dir, 'weights-{:07d}.pth.tar'.format(steps)) state = { 'epoch' :epoch+1, 'state_dict' :model.state_dict(), 'optimizer' : optimizer.state_dict(), }, file_path)
def main(_): # Setting up tensorflow tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # Create preprocessor and data loader preprocessor = Preprocessor(feature_count=40, window_size_ms=20, window_stride_ms=10) dl = TrainDataLoader(FLAGS.data_dir, preprocessor) label_count = len(dl.classes) # Parse experiment settings settings = pd.read_csv(FLAGS.settings) # Create input and call models to create the output tensors fingerprint_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, preprocessor.fingerprint_size], name='fingerprint_input') fingerprint_input_4d = tf.reshape( fingerprint_input, [-1, preprocessor.feature_count, preprocessor.window_number, 1]) logits, dropout_prob = create_model(FLAGS.architecture, fingerprint_input_4d, {'label_count': label_count}, is_training=True) # Create following tensors ground_truth_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, label_count], name='groundtruth_input') # Cross entropy with summary with tf.name_scope('cross_entropy'): cross_entropy_mean = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=ground_truth_input, logits=logits)) tf.summary.scalar('cross_entropy', cross_entropy_mean) # Declare optimizer and learning rate learning_rate_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [], name='learning_rate_input') if FLAGS.optimizer == 'gd': train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate_input).minimize(cross_entropy_mean) elif FLAGS.optimizer == 'adam': train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate_input).minimize( cross_entropy_mean) else: raise Exception('Optimizer not recognized') predicted_indices = tf.argmax(logits, 1) expected_indices = tf.argmax(ground_truth_input, 1) correct_prediction = tf.equal(predicted_indices, expected_indices) confusion_matrix = tf.confusion_matrix(expected_indices, predicted_indices, num_classes=label_count) evaluation_step = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', evaluation_step) # Create global step global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() increment_global_step = tf.assign(global_step, global_step + 1) # Create saver to save model saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=40) # Merge summaries and write them to dir merged_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all() train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/' + FLAGS.log_alias + '_train', sess.graph) validation_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.summaries_dir + '/' + FLAGS.log_alias + '_validation') # Init global variables and start step tf.global_variables_initializer().run() start_step = 1 # Check if there is a checkpoint to restore if FLAGS.start_checkpoint: _saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) _saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.start_checkpoint) start_step = global_step.eval(session=sess)'Training from step: %d ', start_step) # Saving graph tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph_def, FLAGS.train_dir, FLAGS.architecture + '.pbtxt') # Total steps total_steps = np.sum(list(settings.steps)) for training_step in range(start_step, total_steps + 1): # Get the current learning rate training_steps_sum = 0 for i in range(len(list(settings.steps))): training_steps_sum += list(settings.steps)[i] if training_step <= training_steps_sum: # Get the settings current_settings = settings.iloc[i] break # Get the data samples, labels = dl.get_train_data( FLAGS.batch_size, unknown_percentage=0.1, silence_percentage=0.1, noise_volume=current_settings.background_volume, noise_frequency=current_settings.background_frequency_train, time_shift_samples=current_settings.time_shift_samples, time_shift_frequency=current_settings.time_shift_frequency_train) train_summary, train_accuracy, cross_entropy_value, _, _ = [ merged_summaries, evaluation_step, cross_entropy_mean, train_step, increment_global_step ], feed_dict={ fingerprint_input: samples, ground_truth_input: labels, learning_rate_input: current_settings.learning_rate, dropout_prob: 0.8 }) train_writer.add_summary(train_summary, training_step) 'Step #%d: rate %f, accuracy %.1f%%, cross entropy %f' % (training_step, current_settings.learning_rate, train_accuracy * 100, cross_entropy_value)) # Check if we need to check validation now is_last_step = (training_step == total_steps) if (training_step % FLAGS.evaluation_step == 0) or is_last_step: validation_size = dl.get_validation_size() total_accuracy = 0 total_conf_matrix = None for i in range(0, validation_size, FLAGS.batch_size): validation_samples, validation_labels = dl.get_validation_data( FLAGS.batch_size, i, unknown_percentage=0.1, silence_percentage=0.1, noise_volume=current_settings.background_volume, noise_frequency=current_settings. background_frequency_validation, time_shift_samples=current_settings.time_shift_samples, time_shift_frequency=current_settings. time_shift_frequency_validation) validation_summary, validation_accuracy, conf_matrix = [merged_summaries, evaluation_step, confusion_matrix], feed_dict={ fingerprint_input: validation_samples, ground_truth_input: validation_labels, dropout_prob: 1.0 }) validation_writer.add_summary(validation_summary, training_step) batch_size = min(FLAGS.batch_size, validation_size - i) total_accuracy += (validation_accuracy * batch_size) / validation_size if total_conf_matrix is None: total_conf_matrix = conf_matrix else: total_conf_matrix += conf_matrix'Confusion Matrix:\n %s' % (total_conf_matrix)) 'Step %d: Validation accuracy = %.1f%% (N=%d)' % (training_step, total_accuracy * 100, validation_size)) # Save the model checkpoint periodically. if (training_step % FLAGS.save_step_interval == 0 or training_step == total_steps): checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, FLAGS.architecture + '.ckpt')'Saving to "%s-%d"', checkpoint_path, training_step), checkpoint_path, global_step=training_step)
def main(): """ dataloader """ args = parser.parse_args() data_loader = TrainDataLoader(args.train_path, check=False) """ Model on gpu """ model = SiameseRPN() model = model.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True """ loss and optimizer """ criterion = MultiBoxLoss() """ load weights """ init_weights(model) if args.checkpoint_path == None: sys.exit('please input trained model') else: assert os.path.isfile( args.checkpoint_path), '{} is not valid checkpoint_path'.format( args.checkpoint_path) checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint_path) start = checkpoint['epoch'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) """ test phase """ index_list = range(data_loader.__len__()) for example in range(args.max_batches): ret = data_loader.__get__(random.choice(index_list)) template = ret['template_tensor'].cuda() detection = ret['detection_tensor'].cuda() pos_neg_diff = ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'].cuda() cout, rout = model(template, detection) #[1, 10, 17, 17], [1, 20, 17, 17] cout = cout.reshape(-1, 2) rout = rout.reshape(-1, 4) cout = cout.cpu().detach().numpy() print('cout size: {}'.format(cout.shape)) score = 1 / (1 + np.exp(cout[:, 1] - cout[:, 0])) print('score: {}, size: {}'.format(score, score.shape)) diff = rout.cpu().detach().numpy() #1445 num_proposals = 15 score_64_index = np.argsort(score)[::-1][:num_proposals] print('score_64_index: {}, size: {}'.format(score_64_index, score_64_index.shape)) score64 = score[score_64_index] print('score: {}'.format(score64)) diffs64 = diff[score_64_index, :] anchors64 = ret['anchors'][score_64_index] proposals_x = (anchors64[:, 0] + anchors64[:, 2] * diffs64[:, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_y = (anchors64[:, 1] + anchors64[:, 3] * diffs64[:, 1]).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_w = (anchors64[:, 2] * np.exp(diffs64[:, 2])).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_h = (anchors64[:, 3] * np.exp(diffs64[:, 3])).reshape(-1, 1) proposals = np.hstack( (proposals_x, proposals_y, proposals_w, proposals_h)) d = os.path.join(ret['tmp_dir'], '6_pred_proposals') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) detection = ret['detection_cropped_resized'] save_path = os.path.join(ret['tmp_dir'], '6_pred_proposals', '{:04d}_1_detection.jpg'.format(example)) template = ret['template_cropped_resized'] save_path = os.path.join(ret['tmp_dir'], '6_pred_proposals', '{:04d}_0_template.jpg'.format(example)) """ 可视化 """ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(detection) for i in range(num_proposals): x, y, w, h = proposals_x[i], proposals_y[i], proposals_w[ i], proposals_h[i] x1, y1, x2, y2 = x - w // 2, y - h // 2, x + w // 2, y + h // 2 draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red') """ save detection template proposals""" save_path = os.path.join(ret['tmp_dir'], '6_pred_proposals', '{:04d}_2_proposals.jpg'.format(example)) print('save at {}'.format(save_path)) # restore """
label_batch = np.reshape(label_batch, newshape=prediction.shape) sample_loss = loss_object(label_batch, prediction) sample_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor(sample_loss) # Get the gradients of the loss w.r.t to the sample batch. gradient = tape.gradient(sample_loss, sample_batch_tf, unconnected_gradients='zero') # Get the sign of the gradients to create the perturbation signed_grad = [tf.sign(gradient[0]), tf.sign(gradient[1])] # signed_grad = gradient return signed_grad, prediction train_data_loader = TrainDataLoader() sample_batch, label_batch = train_data_loader[0] perturbation, prediction = create_adversarial_pattern(sample_batch, label_batch) adv_sample_batch = [ sample_batch[0] + H.epsilon * perturbation[0], sample_batch[1] + H.epsilon * perturbation[1] ] adv_prediction = model.predict(adv_sample_batch) prediction = [0 if pred < 0.5 else 1 for pred in prediction] adv_prediction = [0 if pred < 0.5 else 1 for pred in adv_prediction] misclassification_rate = np.logical_xor( adv_prediction, prediction).sum() / sample_batch[0].shape[0] print("misclassification rate: {}".format(misclassification_rate))
def main(): """ dataloader """ args = parser.parse_args() data_loader = TrainDataLoader(args.test_path, out_feature=25, check=False) """ Model on gpu """ model = SiameseRPN() model = model.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True """ loss and optimizer """ criterion = MultiBoxLoss() """ load weights """ init_weights(model) if args.checkpoint_path == None: sys.exit('please input trained model') else: assert os.path.isfile( args.checkpoint_path), '{} is not valid checkpoint_path'.format( args.checkpoint_path) checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint_path) start = checkpoint['epoch'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) """ test phase """ index_list = range(data_loader.__len__()) threshold = 50 precision = [] precision_c = [] average_error = [] average_error_c = [] iou = [] iou_c = [] for example in range(args.max_batches): ret = data_loader.__get__(random.choice(index_list)) template = ret['template_tensor'].cuda() detection = ret['detection_tensor'].cuda() pos_neg_diff = ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'].cuda() cout, rout = model(template, detection) #[1, 10, 17, 17], [1, 20, 17, 17] template_img = ret['template_cropped_transformed'] detection_img = ret['detection_cropped_transformed'] cout = cout.reshape(-1, 2) rout = rout.reshape(-1, 4) cout = cout.cpu().detach().numpy() score = 1 / (1 + np.exp(cout[:, 0] - cout[:, 1])) diff = rout.cpu().detach().numpy() #1445 num_proposals = 1 score_64_index = np.argsort(score)[::-1][:num_proposals] score64 = score[score_64_index] diffs64 = diff[score_64_index, :] anchors64 = ret['anchors'][score_64_index] proposals_x = (anchors64[:, 0] + anchors64[:, 2] * diffs64[:, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_y = (anchors64[:, 1] + anchors64[:, 3] * diffs64[:, 1]).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_w = (anchors64[:, 2] * np.exp(diffs64[:, 2])).reshape(-1, 1) proposals_h = (anchors64[:, 3] * np.exp(diffs64[:, 3])).reshape(-1, 1) proposals = np.hstack( (proposals_x, proposals_y, proposals_w, proposals_h)) d = os.path.join(ret['tmp_dir'], '6_pred_proposals') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) template = ret['template_cropped_transformed'] save_path = os.path.join(ret['tmp_dir'], '6_pred_proposals', '{:04d}_0_template.jpg'.format(example)) """traditional correlation match method""" template_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(template_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) detection_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(detection_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) res = cv2.matchTemplate(detection_img, template_img, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(res) x1_c = max_loc[0] y1_c = max_loc[1] """ visualization """ ratio = ret['detection_cropped_resized_ratio'] original =['detection_img_path']) origin_w, origin_h = original.size x_, y_ = ret['detection_tlcords_of_original_image'] draw = ImageDraw.Draw(original) for i in range(num_proposals): x, y, w, h = proposals_x[i], proposals_y[i], proposals_w[ i], proposals_h[i] x1, y1, x3, y3 = x - w // 2, y - h // 2, x + w // 2, y + h // 2 """ un resized """ x1, y1, x3, y3 = x1 / ratio, y1 / ratio, x3 / ratio, y3 / ratio x1_c, y1_c = x1_c / ratio, y1_c / ratio """ un cropped """ x1_g, y1_g, w, h = ret['template_target_x1y1wh'] x3_g = x1_g + w y3_g = y1_g + h x1 = np.clip(x_ + x1, 0, origin_w - 1).astype( np.int32) # uncropped #target_of_original_img y1 = np.clip(y_ + y1, 0, origin_h - 1).astype(np.int32) x3 = np.clip(x_ + x3, 0, origin_w - 1).astype(np.int32) y3 = np.clip(y_ + y3, 0, origin_h - 1).astype(np.int32) x1_c = np.clip(x_ + x1_c, 0, origin_w - 1).astype(np.int32) y1_c = np.clip(y_ + y1_c, 0, origin_h - 1).astype(np.int32) x3_c = x1_c + ret['template_target_xywh'][2] y3_c = y1_c + ret['template_target_xywh'][3] draw.line([(x1, y1), (x3, y1), (x3, y3), (x1, y3), (x1, y1)], width=3, fill='yellow') draw.line([(x1_g, y1_g), (x3_g, y1_g), (x3_g, y3_g), (x1_g, y3_g), (x1_g, y1_g)], width=3, fill='blue') draw.line([(x1_c, y1_c), (x3_c, y1_c), (x3_c, y3_c), (x1_c, y3_c), (x1_c, y1_c)], width=3, fill='red') save_path = os.path.join(ret['tmp_dir'], '6_pred_proposals', '{:04d}_1_restore.jpg'.format(example)) print('save at {}'.format(save_path)) """compute iou""" s1 = np.array([x1, y1, x3, y1, x3, y3, x1, y3, x1, y1]) s2 = np.array( [x1_g, y1_g, x3_g, y1_g, x3_g, y3_g, x1_g, y3_g, x1_g, y1_g]) s3 = np.array( [x1_c, y1_c, x3_c, y1_c, x3_c, y3_c, x1_c, y3_c, x1_c, y1_c]) iou.append(intersection(s1, s2)) iou_c.append(intersection(s3, s2)) """compute average error""" cx = (x1 + x3) / 2 cy = (y1 + y3) / 2 cx_g = (x1_g + x3_g) / 2 cy_g = (y1_g + y3_g) / 2 cx_c = (x1_c + x3_c) / 2 cy_c = (y1_c + y3_c) / 2 error = math.sqrt(math.pow(cx - cx_g, 2) + math.pow(cy - cy_g, 2)) error_c = math.sqrt(math.pow(cx - cx_c, 2) + math.pow(cy - cy_c, 2)) average_error.append(error) average_error_c.append(error_c) if error <= threshold: precision.append(1) else: precision.append(0) if error_c <= threshold: precision_c.append(1) else: precision_c.append(0) iou_mean = np.mean(np.array(iou)) error_mean = np.mean(np.array(average_error)) iou_mean_c = np.mean(np.array(iou_c)) error_mean_c = np.mean(np.array(average_error_c)) precision = np.mean(np.array(precision)) precision_c = np.mean(np.array(precision_c)) print('average iou: {:.4f}'.format(iou_mean)) print('average error: {:.4f}'.format(error_mean)) print('average iou for traditional method: {:.4f}'.format(iou_mean_c)) print('average error for traditional method: {:.4f}'.format(error_mean_c)) print('precision: {:.4f} @ threshold {:02d}'.format(precision, threshold)) print('precision for traditional method: {:.4f} @ threshold {:02d}'.format( precision_c, threshold))
with tf.GradientTape() as tape: prediction = model(sample_batch_tf) label_batch = np.reshape(label_batch, newshape=prediction.shape) sample_loss = loss_object(label_batch, prediction) sample_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor(sample_loss) # Get the gradients of the loss w.r.t to the sample batch. gradient = tape.gradient(sample_loss, sample_batch_tf, unconnected_gradients='zero') # Get the sign of the gradients to create the perturbation signed_grad = [tf.sign(gradient[0]), tf.sign(gradient[1])] # signed_grad = gradient return signed_grad, prediction train_data_loader = TrainDataLoader() num_batches = train_data_loader.__len__() for i in range(num_batches): print("Training on batch: {}".format(i)) sample_batch, label_batch = train_data_loader[i] perturbation, prediction = create_adversarial_pattern(sample_batch, label_batch) adv_sample_batch = [sample_batch[0] + H.epsilon * perturbation[0], sample_batch[1] + H.epsilon * perturbation[1]] adv_model.train_on_batch(adv_sample_batch, label_batch) perturbation, prediction = create_adversarial_pattern(sample_batch, label_batch, model=adv_model) adv_sample_batch = [sample_batch[0] + H.epsilon * perturbation[0], sample_batch[1] + H.epsilon * perturbation[1]] adv_prediction = model.predict(adv_sample_batch) prediction = [0 if pred < 0.5 else 1 for pred in prediction] adv_prediction = [0 if pred < 0.5 else 1 for pred in adv_prediction]
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Path parameters parser.add_argument("--data_dir", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="The raw data dir.") parser.add_argument("--vocab_path", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="bert vocab path") parser.add_argument("--config_path", default=None, type=str, help="Bert config file path.") parser.add_argument( "--model_output_dir", default=None, type=str, required=True, help= "The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written." ) parser.add_argument( "--log_dir", default='', type=str, required=True, help="The output directory where the log will be written.") parser.add_argument("--model_recover_path", default=None, type=str, help="The param init of pretrain or finetune") parser.add_argument("--optim_recover_path", default=None, type=str, help="The file of pretraining optimizer.") # Data Process Parameters parser.add_argument( "--max_seq_length", default=128, type=int, help= "The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece tokenization. \n" "Sequences longer than this will be truncated, and sequences shorter \n" "than this will be padded.") parser.add_argument('--max_position_embeddings', type=int, default=None, help="max position embeddings") parser.add_argument( "--do_lower_case", action='store_true', help="Set this flag if you are using an uncased model.") parser.add_argument('--new_segment_ids', action='store_true', help="Use new segment ids for bi-uni-directional LM.") parser.add_argument('--new_pos_ids', action='store_true', help="Use new position ids for LMs.") parser.add_argument('--max_len_a', type=int, default=0, help="Truncate_config: maximum length of segment A.") parser.add_argument('--max_len_b', type=int, default=0, help="Truncate_config: maximum length of segment B.") parser.add_argument( '--trunc_seg', default='', help="Truncate_config: first truncate segment A/B (option: a, b).") parser.add_argument( '--always_truncate_tail', action='store_true', help="Truncate_config: Whether we should always truncate tail.") parser.add_argument( "--mask_prob", default=0.15, type=float, help= "Number of prediction is sometimes less than max_pred when sequence is short." ) parser.add_argument( "--mask_prob_eos", default=0, type=float, help= "Number of prediction is sometimes less than max_pred when sequence is short." ) parser.add_argument('--max_pred', type=int, default=20, help="Max tokens of prediction.") parser.add_argument('--mask_source_words', action='store_true', help="Whether to mask source words for training") parser.add_argument('--skipgram_prb', type=float, default=0.0, help='prob of ngram mask') parser.add_argument('--skipgram_size', type=int, default=1, help='the max size of ngram mask') parser.add_argument('--mask_whole_word', action='store_true', help="Whether masking a whole word.") parser.add_argument('--do_l2r_training', action='store_true', help="Whether to do left to right training") parser.add_argument( '--has_sentence_oracle', action='store_true', help="Whether to have sentence level oracle for training. " "Only useful for summary generation") parser.add_argument('--seg_emb', action='store_true', help="Using segment embedding for self-attention.") parser.add_argument( '--s2s_special_token', action='store_true', help="New special tokens ([S2S_SEP]/[S2S_CLS]) of S2S.") parser.add_argument('--s2s_add_segment', action='store_true', help="Additional segmental for the encoder of S2S.") parser.add_argument( '--s2s_share_segment', action='store_true', help= "Sharing segment embeddings for the encoder of S2S (used with --s2s_add_segment)." ) parser.add_argument('--pos_shift', action='store_true', help="Using position shift for fine-tuning.") parser.add_argument("--num_workers", default=0, type=int, help="Number of workers for the data loader.") # Model Paramters parser.add_argument("--sop", action='store_true', help="whether use sop task.") parser.add_argument("--train_batch_size", default=32, type=int, help="Total batch size for training.") parser.add_argument("--eval_batch_size", default=64, type=int, help="Total batch size for eval.") parser.add_argument("--hidden_dropout_prob", default=0.1, type=float, help="Dropout rate for hidden states.") parser.add_argument("--attention_probs_dropout_prob", default=0.1, type=float, help="Dropout rate for attention probabilities.") parser.add_argument('--relax_projection', action='store_true', help="Use different projection layers for tasks.") parser.add_argument('--ffn_type', default=0, type=int, help="0: default mlp; 1: W((Wx+b) elem_prod x);") parser.add_argument('--num_qkv', default=0, type=int, help="Number of different <Q,K,V>.") # Train Eval Test Paramters parser.add_argument("--checkpoint_steps", required=True, type=int, help="save model eyery checkpoint_steps") parser.add_argument("--total_steps", required=True, type=int, help="all steps of training model") parser.add_argument("--max_checkpoint", required=True, type=int, help="max saved model in model_output_dir") parser.add_argument( "--examples_size_once", type=int, default=1000, help="read how many examples every time in pretrain or finetune") parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int, default=-1, help="process rank in local") parser.add_argument("--local_debug", action='store_true', help="whether debug") parser.add_argument("--do_train", action='store_true', help="Whether to run training.") parser.add_argument("--fine_tune", action='store_true', help="Whether to run fine_tune.") parser.add_argument("--do_eval", action='store_true', help="Whether to run eval on the dev set.") parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", default=5e-5, type=float, help="The initial learning rate for Adam.") parser.add_argument("--label_smoothing", default=0, type=float, help="The initial learning rate for Adam.") parser.add_argument("--weight_decay", default=0.01, type=float, help="The weight decay rate for Adam.") parser.add_argument("--finetune_decay", action='store_true', help="Weight decay to the original weights.") parser.add_argument("--num_train_epochs", default=3.0, type=float, help="Total number of training epochs to perform.") parser.add_argument( "--warmup_proportion", default=0.1, type=float, help= "Proportion of training to perform linear learning rate warmup for. " "E.g., 0.1 = 10%% of training.") parser.add_argument("--no_cuda", action='store_true', help="Whether not to use CUDA when available") parser.add_argument( '--gradient_accumulation_steps', type=int, default=1, help= "Number of updates accumulate before performing a backward/update pass." ) parser.add_argument( '--fp16', action='store_true', help="Whether to use 16-bit float precision instead of 32-bit") parser.add_argument( '--fp32_embedding', action='store_true', help= "Whether to use 32-bit float precision instead of 16-bit for embeddings" ) parser.add_argument( '--loss_scale', type=str, default='dynamic', help= '(float or str, optional, default=None): Optional property override. ' 'If passed as a string,must be a string representing a number, e.g., "128.0", or the string "dynamic".' ) parser.add_argument( '--opt_level', type=str, default='O1', help= ' (str, optional, default="O1"): Pure or mixed precision optimization level. ' 'Accepted values are "O0", "O1", "O2", and "O3", explained in detail above.' ) parser.add_argument('--amp', action='store_true', help="Whether to use amp for fp16") parser.add_argument( '--from_scratch', action='store_true', help= "Initialize parameters with random values (i.e., training from scratch)." ) # Other Patameters parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=42, help="random seed for initialization") parser.add_argument('--rank', type=int, default=0, help="global rank of current process") parser.add_argument("--world_size", default=2, type=int, help="Number of process(显卡)") args = parser.parse_args() cur_env = os.environ args.rank = int(cur_env.get('RANK', -1)) args.world_size = int(cur_env.get('WORLD_SIZE', -1)) if args.gradient_accumulation_steps < 1: raise ValueError( "Invalid gradient_accumulation_steps parameter: {}, should be >= 1" .format(args.gradient_accumulation_steps)) args.train_batch_size = int(args.train_batch_size / args.gradient_accumulation_steps) assert args.train_batch_size >= 1, 'batch_size < 1 ' # 更新一次模型参数需要多少个样本 examples_per_update = args.world_size * args.train_batch_size * args.gradient_accumulation_steps args.examples_size_once = args.examples_size_once // examples_per_update * examples_per_update if args.fine_tune: args.examples_size_once = examples_per_update os.makedirs(args.model_output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(args.log_dir, exist_ok=True) json.dump(args.__dict__, open(os.path.join(args.model_output_dir, 'unilm_config.json'), 'w'), sort_keys=True, indent=2) if args.local_rank == -1 or args.no_cuda: device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and not args.no_cuda else "cpu") n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() else: torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) device = torch.device("cuda", args.local_rank) n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://', world_size=args.world_size, rank=args.rank) "world_size:{}, rank:{}, device: {} n_gpu: {}, distributed training: {}, 16-bits training: {}" .format(args.world_size, args.rank, device, n_gpu, bool(args.world_size > 1), args.fp16)) random.seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) if n_gpu > 0: torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) if not args.fine_tune and not args.do_train and not args.do_eval: raise ValueError( "At least one of `do_train` or `do_eval` must be True.") if args.local_rank not in (-1, 0): # Make sure only the first process in distributed training will download model & vocab dist.barrier() tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.vocab_path, do_lower_case=args.do_lower_case) if args.max_position_embeddings: tokenizer.max_len = args.max_position_embeddings if args.local_rank == 0: dist.barrier() bi_uni_pipeline = [ Preprocess4Seq2seq(args.max_pred, args.mask_prob, list(tokenizer.vocab.keys()), tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids, args.max_seq_length, new_segment_ids=args.new_segment_ids, truncate_config={ 'max_len_a': args.max_len_a, 'max_len_b': args.max_len_b, 'trunc_seg': args.trunc_seg, 'always_truncate_tail': args.always_truncate_tail }, mask_source_words=args.mask_source_words, skipgram_prb=args.skipgram_prb, skipgram_size=args.skipgram_size, mask_whole_word=args.mask_whole_word, mode="s2s", has_oracle=args.has_sentence_oracle, num_qkv=args.num_qkv, s2s_special_token=args.s2s_special_token, s2s_add_segment=args.s2s_add_segment, s2s_share_segment=args.s2s_share_segment, pos_shift=args.pos_shift, fine_tune=args.fine_tune) ] file_oracle = None if args.has_sentence_oracle: file_oracle = os.path.join(args.data_dir, '') # t_total表示模型参数更新的次数 # t_total = args.train_steps # Prepare model recover_step = _get_max_epoch_model(args.model_output_dir) cls_num_labels = 2 type_vocab_size = 6 + \ (1 if args.s2s_add_segment else 0) if args.new_segment_ids else 2 num_sentlvl_labels = 2 if args.has_sentence_oracle else 0 relax_projection = 4 if args.relax_projection else 0 if args.local_rank not in (-1, 0): # Make sure only the first process in distributed training will download model & vocab dist.barrier() if (recover_step is None) and (args.model_recover_path is None): # if _state_dict == {}, the parameters are randomly initialized # if _state_dict == None, the parameters are initialized with bert-init _state_dict = {} if args.from_scratch else None model = BertForPreTrainingLossMask.from_pretrained( args.bert_model, state_dict=_state_dict, num_labels=cls_num_labels, num_rel=0, type_vocab_size=type_vocab_size, config_path=args.config_path, task_idx=3, num_sentlvl_labels=num_sentlvl_labels, max_position_embeddings=args.max_position_embeddings, label_smoothing=args.label_smoothing, fp32_embedding=args.fp32_embedding, relax_projection=relax_projection, new_pos_ids=args.new_pos_ids, ffn_type=args.ffn_type, hidden_dropout_prob=args.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=args.attention_probs_dropout_prob, num_qkv=args.num_qkv, seg_emb=args.seg_emb, local_debug=args.local_debug) global_step = 0 else: if recover_step:"***** Recover model: %d *****", recover_step) model_recover = torch.load(os.path.join( args.output_model_dir, "model.{0}.bin".format(recover_step)), map_location='cpu') # recover_step == number of epochs global_step = math.floor(recover_step * args.checkpoint_step) # 预训练时模型的参数初始化,比如使用chinese-bert-base的模型参数进行初始化 elif args.model_recover_path:"***** Recover model: %s *****", args.model_recover_path) model_recover = torch.load(args.model_recover_path, map_location='cpu') global_step = 0 model = BertForPreTrainingLossMask.from_pretrained( state_dict=model_recover, num_labels=cls_num_labels, num_rel=0, type_vocab_size=type_vocab_size, config_path=args.config_path, task_idx=3, num_sentlvl_labels=num_sentlvl_labels, max_position_embeddings=args.max_position_embeddings, label_smoothing=args.label_smoothing, fp32_embedding=args.fp32_embedding, relax_projection=relax_projection, new_pos_ids=args.new_pos_ids, ffn_type=args.ffn_type, hidden_dropout_prob=args.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=args.attention_probs_dropout_prob, num_qkv=args.num_qkv, seg_emb=args.seg_emb, local_debug=args.local_debug) total_trainable_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)"模型参数: {}".format(total_trainable_params)) if args.local_rank == 0: dist.barrier() param_optimizer = list(model.named_parameters()) no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.bias', 'LayerNorm.weight'] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [{ 'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.01 }, { 'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0 }] optimizer = BertAdam(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=args.learning_rate, warmup=args.warmup_proportion, t_total=args.total_steps) if args.amp and args.fp16: from apex import amp model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level=args.opt_level, loss_scale=args.loss_scale) from apex.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP model = DDP(model) else: from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP model = DDP(model, device_ids=[args.local_rank], output_device=args.local_rank, find_unused_parameters=True) if recover_step:"** ** * Recover optimizer: %d * ** **", recover_step) optim_recover = torch.load(os.path.join( args.model_output_dir, "optim.{0}.bin".format(recover_step)), map_location='cpu') if hasattr(optim_recover, 'state_dict'): optim_recover = optim_recover.state_dict() optimizer.load_state_dict(optim_recover) if args.fp16 and args.amp: amp_recover = torch.load(os.path.join( args.model_output_dir, "amp.{0}.bin".format(recover_step)), map_location='cpu')"** ** * Recover amp: %d * ** **", recover_step) amp.load_state_dict(amp_recover)"** ** * CUDA.empty_cache() * ** **") torch.cuda.empty_cache() if args.rank == 0: writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=args.log_dir)"***** Running training *****")" Batch size = %d", args.train_batch_size)" Param Update Num = %d", args.total_steps) model.train() PRE = "rank{},local_rank {},".format(args.rank, args.local_rank) step = 1 start = time.time() train_data_loader = TrainDataLoader( bi_uni_pipline=bi_uni_pipeline, examples_size_once=args.examples_size_once, world_size=args.world_size, train_batch_size=args.train_batch_size, num_workers=args.num_workers, data_dir=args.data_dir, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_len=args.max_seq_length) best_result = -float('inf') for global_step, batch in enumerate(train_data_loader, start=global_step): batch = [ if t is not None else None for t in batch] if args.has_sentence_oracle: input_ids, segment_ids, input_mask, mask_qkv, lm_label_ids, masked_pos, masked_weights, task_idx, sop_label, oracle_pos, oracle_weights, oracle_labels = batch else: input_ids, segment_ids, input_mask, mask_qkv, lm_label_ids, masked_pos, masked_weights, task_idx, sop_label = batch oracle_pos, oracle_weights, oracle_labels = None, None, None if not args.sop: # 不使用sop训练任务 sop_label = None loss_tuple = model(input_ids, segment_ids, input_mask, masked_lm_labels=lm_label_ids, next_sentence_label=sop_label, masked_pos=masked_pos, masked_weights=masked_weights, task_idx=task_idx, masked_pos_2=oracle_pos, masked_weights_2=oracle_weights, masked_labels_2=oracle_labels, mask_qkv=mask_qkv) masked_lm_loss, next_sentence_loss = loss_tuple # mean() to average on multi-gpu. if n_gpu > 1: masked_lm_loss = masked_lm_loss.mean() next_sentence_loss = next_sentence_loss.mean() # ensure that accumlated gradients are normalized if args.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1: masked_lm_loss = masked_lm_loss / args.gradient_accumulation_steps next_sentence_loss = next_sentence_loss / args.gradient_accumulation_steps if not args.sop: loss = masked_lm_loss else: loss = masked_lm_loss + next_sentence_loss if args.fp16 and args.amp: with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scale_loss: scale_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() if (global_step + 1) % args.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: if args.rank == 0: writer.add_scalar('unilm/mlm_loss', masked_lm_loss, global_step) writer.add_scalar('unilm/sop_loss', next_sentence_loss, global_step) lr_this_step = args.learning_rate * warmup_linear( global_step / args.total_steps, args.warmup_proportion) if args.fp16: # modify learning rate with special warm up BERT uses for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr_this_step optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() #global_step += 1 #更新一次模型参数花费的时间,单位:秒 cost_time_per_update = time.time() - start # 更新完所有参数花费的时间,单位:小时 need_time = cost_time_per_update * (args.total_steps - global_step) / 3600.0 cost_time_per_chectpoint = cost_time_per_update * args.checkpoint_steps / 3600.0 start = time.time() if args.local_rank in [-1, 0]: INFO = PRE + '当前/chcklpoint_steps/total:{}/{}/{},loss{}/{},更新一次参数{}秒,checkpoint_steps {}小时,' \ '训练完成{}小时\n'.format(global_step, args.checkpoint_steps, args.total_steps, round(masked_lm_loss.item(), 5), round(next_sentence_loss.item(), 5), round(cost_time_per_update, 4), round(cost_time_per_chectpoint, 3), round(need_time, 3)) print(INFO) # Save a trained model if (global_step + 1) % args.checkpoint_steps == 0: checkpoint_index = (global_step + 1) % args.checkpoint_steps if args.rank >= 0: train_data_loader.train_sampler.set_epoch(checkpoint_index) # if args.eval: # # 如果是pretrain,验证MLM;如果微调,验证评价指标 # result = None #if best_result < result and _get_checkpont_num(args.model_output_num): if args.rank in [0, -1]:"** ** * Saving model and optimizer * ** **") model_to_save = model.module if hasattr( model, 'module') else model # Only save the model it-self output_model_file = os.path.join( args.model_output_dir, "model.{0}.bin".format(checkpoint_index)), output_model_file) output_optim_file = os.path.join( args.model_output_dir, "optim.{0}.bin".format(checkpoint_index)), output_optim_file) if args.fp16 and args.amp:"** ** * Saving amp state * ** **") output_amp_file = os.path.join( args.model_output_dir, "amp.{0}.bin".format(checkpoint_index)), output_amp_file)"***** CUDA.empty_cache() *****") torch.cuda.empty_cache() if args.rank == 0: writer.close() print('** ** * train finished * ** **')
def train(method): seed = 0 client_list = [0, 1] Nets = [] random.seed(seed) path = 'data/' for client in client_list: torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) data_loader = TrainDataLoader(client, path) val_loader = ValTestDataLoader(client, path) net = Net(data_loader.student_n, data_loader.exer_n, data_loader.knowledge_n) net = Nets.append([ client, data_loader, net, copy.deepcopy(net.state_dict()), val_loader ]) global_model1 = Nets[0][3] loss_function = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean') Gauc = 0 for i in range(Epoch): AUC = [] ACC = [] for index in range(len(Nets)): school = Nets[index][0] net = Nets[index][2] data_loader = Nets[index][1] val_loader = Nets[index][4] optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.001) print('training model...' + str(school)) best = 0 best_epoch = 0 best_knowauc = None best_indice = 0 for epoch in range(epoch_n): metric, _, _, know_auc, know_acc = validate( net, epoch, school, path, val_loader) auc = metric[1] rmse = metric[0] indice = metric[1] if auc > best: best = auc best_knowauc = know_auc best_indice = indice best_epoch = epoch best_knowacc = know_acc Nets[index][3] = copy.deepcopy(net.state_dict()) if epoch - best_epoch >= 5: break data_loader.reset() running_loss = 0.0 batch_count = 0 know_distribution = torch.zeros((data_loader.knowledge_n)) while not data_loader.is_end(): batch_count += 1 input_stu_ids, input_exer_ids, input_knowledge_embs, labels = data_loader.next_batch( ) know_distribution += torch.sum(input_knowledge_embs, 0) input_stu_ids, input_exer_ids, input_knowledge_embs, labels = device), device), device), optimizer.zero_grad() output = net.forward(input_stu_ids, input_exer_ids, input_knowledge_embs) loss = loss_function(output, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() net.load_state_dict(Nets[index][3]) Nets[index][2] = net distribution = know_distribution * best_knowacc distribution[distribution == 0] = 0.001 Nets[index].append(distribution.unsqueeze(1).to(device)) print('Best AUC:', best) AUC.append([best_indice, best_knowacc]) ACC.append(best_indice) l_school = [item[0] for item in Nets] l_weights = [len(item[1].data) for item in Nets] l_know = [item[5] for item in Nets] l_net = [item[3] for item in Nets] metric0 = [] metric1 = [] metric2 = [] global_model2, student_group, question_group, _ = Fedknow( l_net, l_weights, l_know, AUC, method) print('global test ===========') for k in range(len(Nets)): metric2.append( validate(Nets[k][2], i, l_school[k], path, Nets[k][4])) globalauc = total(metric2) for k in range(len(Nets)): Apply(copy.deepcopy(global_model2), Nets[k][2], AUC[k], student_group, question_group, method)
def train(args): utils.make_all_dirs(current_time) if args.load_var: all_utterances, labels, word_dict = read_data(load_var=args.load_var, input_=None, mode='train') dev_utterances, dev_labels, _ = read_data(load_var=args.load_var, input_=None, mode='dev') else: all_utterances, labels, word_dict = read_data(load_var=args.load_var, \ input_=os.path.join(constant.data_path, "entangled_train.json"), mode='train') dev_utterances, dev_labels, _ = read_data(load_var=args.load_var, \ input_=os.path.join(constant.data_path, "entangled_dev.json"), mode='dev') word_emb = build_embedding_matrix(word_dict, glove_loc=args.glove_loc, \ emb_loc=os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, ""), load_emb=False) if args.save_input: utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, ""), \ rw='w', input_obj=all_utterances) utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, ""), \ rw='w', input_obj=labels) utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, ""), \ rw='w', input_obj=word_dict) utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, ""), \ rw='w', input_obj=word_emb) utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, ""), \ rw='w', input_obj=dev_utterances) utils.save_or_read_input(os.path.join(constant.save_input_path, ""), \ rw='w', input_obj=dev_labels) train_dataloader = TrainDataLoader(all_utterances, labels, word_dict) if args.add_noise: noise_train_dataloader = TrainDataLoader(all_utterances, labels, word_dict, add_noise=True) else: noise_train_dataloader = None dev_dataloader = TrainDataLoader(dev_utterances, dev_labels, word_dict, name='dev') logger_name = os.path.join(constant.log_path, "{}.txt".format(current_time)) LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=LOG_FORMAT, level=logging.INFO, filename=logger_name, filemode='w') logger = logging.getLogger() global log_head log_head = log_head + "Training Model: {}; ".format(args.model) if args.add_noise: log_head += "Add Noise: True; " if args.model == 'T': ensemble_model_bidirectional = EnsembleModel(word_dict, word_emb=word_emb, bidirectional=True) elif args.model == 'TS': ensemble_model_bidirectional = EnsembleModel(word_dict, word_emb=None, bidirectional=True) else: ensemble_model_bidirectional = None if args.model == 'TS': ensemble_model_bidirectional.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.model_path)) ensemble_model = EnsembleModel(word_dict, word_emb=word_emb, bidirectional=False) if torch.cuda.is_available(): ensemble_model.cuda() if args.model == 'T' or args.model == 'TS': ensemble_model_bidirectional.cuda() supervised_trainer = SupervisedTrainer(args, ensemble_model, teacher_model=ensemble_model_bidirectional, \ logger=logger, current_time=current_time) supervised_trainer.train(train_dataloader, noise_train_dataloader, dev_dataloader)
def main(): """ train dataloader """ args = parser.parse_args() data_loader = TrainDataLoader(args.train_path, check=True) if not os.path.exists(args.weight_dir): os.makedirs(args.weight_dir) """ compute max_batches """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.train_path): for dirname in dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(root, dirname) args.max_batches += len(os.listdir(dir_path)) inter = args.max_batches // 10 print('Max batches:{} in one epoch '.format(args.max_batches)) """ Model on gpu """ model = SiameseRPN() model = model.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True """ loss and optimizer """ criterion = MultiBoxLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) """ load weights """ init_weights(model) if not args.checkpoint_path == None: assert os.path.isfile( args.checkpoint_path), '{} is not valid checkpoint_path'.format( args.checkpoint_path) try: checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint_path) start = checkpoint['epoch'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) except: start = 0 init_weights(model) else: start = 0 """ train phase """ closses, rlosses, tlosses = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() for epoch in range(start, args.max_epoches): cur_lr = adjust_learning_rate(, optimizer, epoch, gamma=0.1) index_list = range(data_loader.__len__()) #for example in range(args.max_batches): for example in range(900): ret = data_loader.__get__(random.choice(index_list)) template = ret['template_tensor'].cuda() detection = ret['detection_tensor'].cuda() pos_neg_diff = ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'].cuda( ) if ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'] is not None else None cout, rout = model(template, detection) predictions = (cout, rout) targets = pos_neg_diff area = ret['area_target_in_resized_detection'] num_pos = len(np.where(pos_neg_diff == 1)[0]) if area == 0 or num_pos == 0 or pos_neg_diff is None: continue closs, rloss, loss, reg_pred, reg_target, pos_index, neg_index = criterion( predictions, targets) # debug for class cout = cout.squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, 2) cout = cout.cpu().detach().numpy() print(cout.shape) score = 1 / (1 + np.exp(cout[:, 0] - cout[:, 1])) print(score[pos_index]) print(score[neg_index]) #time.sleep(1) # debug for reg tmp_dir = '/home/song/srpn/tmp/visualization/7_train_debug_pos_anchors' if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) detection = ret['detection_cropped_resized'].copy() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(detection) pos_anchors = ret['pos_anchors'].copy() # pos anchor的回归情况 x = pos_anchors[:, 0] + pos_anchors[:, 2] * reg_pred[ pos_index, 0].cpu().detach().numpy() y = pos_anchors[:, 1] + pos_anchors[:, 3] * reg_pred[ pos_index, 1].cpu().detach().numpy() w = pos_anchors[:, 2] * np.exp(reg_pred[pos_index, 2].cpu().detach().numpy()) h = pos_anchors[:, 3] * np.exp(reg_pred[pos_index, 3].cpu().detach().numpy()) x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s = x - w // 2, y - h // 2, x + w // 2, y + h // 2 for i in range(2): x1, y1, x2, y2 = x1s[i], y1s[i], x2s[i], y2s[i] draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red') #predict # 应当的gt x = pos_anchors[:, 0] + pos_anchors[:, 2] * reg_target[ pos_index, 0].cpu().detach().numpy() y = pos_anchors[:, 1] + pos_anchors[:, 3] * reg_target[ pos_index, 1].cpu().detach().numpy() w = pos_anchors[:, 2] * np.exp( reg_target[pos_index, 2].cpu().detach().numpy()) h = pos_anchors[:, 3] * np.exp( reg_target[pos_index, 3].cpu().detach().numpy()) x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s = x - w // 2, y - h // 2, x + w // 2, y + h // 2 for i in range(2): x1, y1, x2, y2 = x1s[i], y1s[i], x2s[i], y2s[i] draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green') #gt # 找分数zui da de, m_indexs = np.argsort(score)[::-1][:5] for m_index in m_indexs: diff = reg_pred[m_index].cpu().detach().numpy() anc = ret['anchors'][m_index] x = anc[0] + anc[0] * diff[0] y = anc[1] + anc[1] * diff[1] w = anc[2] * np.exp(diff[2]) h = anc[3] * np.exp(diff[3]) x1, y1, x2, y2 = x - w // 2, y - h // 2, x + w // 2, y + h // 2 draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=2, fill='black') save_path = osp.join( tmp_dir, 'epoch_{:04d}_{:04d}_{:02d}.jpg'.format(epoch, example, i)) closs_ = closs.cpu().item() if np.isnan(closs_): sys.exit(0) #loss = closs + rloss closses.update(closs.cpu().item()) rlosses.update(rloss.cpu().item()) tlosses.update(loss.cpu().item()) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() #time.sleep(1) print( "Epoch:{:04d}\texample:{:08d}/{:08d}({:.2f})\tlr:{:.7f}\tcloss:{:.4f}\trloss:{:.4f}\ttloss:{:.4f}" .format(epoch, example + 1, args.max_batches, 100 * (example + 1) / args.max_batches, cur_lr, closses.avg, rlosses.avg, tlosses.avg)) if epoch % 5 == 0: file_path = os.path.join( args.weight_dir, 'epoch_{:04d}_weights.pth.tar'.format(epoch)) state = { 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), }, file_path)
def main(): """parameter initialization""" args = parser.parse_args() exp_name_dir = experiment_name_dir(args.experiment_name) """Load the parameters from json file""" json_path = os.path.join(exp_name_dir, 'parameters.json') assert os.path.isfile(json_path), ( "No json configuration file found at {}".format(json_path)) with open(json_path) as data_file: params = json.load(data_file) """ train dataloader """ data_loader = TrainDataLoader(args.train_path) """ compute max_batches """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.train_path): for dirname in dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(root, dirname) args.max_batches += len(os.listdir(dir_path)) """ Model on gpu """ model = TrackerSiamRPN(params) #model = model.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True """ load weights """ init_weights(model) if not args.checkpoint_path == None: assert os.path.isfile( args.checkpoint_path), '{} is not valid checkpoint_path'.format( args.checkpoint_path) try: checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint_path) start = checkpoint['epoch'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) except: start = 0 init_weights(model) else: start = 0 """ train phase """ closses, rlosses, tlosses = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() steps = 0 for epoch in range(start, args.max_epoches): #cur_lr = adjust_learning_rate(params["lr"], optimizer, epoch, gamma=0.1) index_list = range(data_loader.__len__()) for example in tqdm(range(1000)): # args.max_batches ret = data_loader.__get__(random.choice(index_list)) closs, rloss, loss, reg_pred, reg_target, pos_index, neg_index, cur_lr = model.step( ret, epoch, backward=True) closs_ = closs.cpu().item() if np.isnan(closs_): sys.exit(0) closses.update(closs.cpu().item()) rlosses.update(rloss.cpu().item()) tlosses.update(loss.cpu().item()) steps += 1 if example % 1000 == 0: print( "Epoch:{:04d}\texample:{:06d}/{:06d}({:.2f})%\tlr:{:.7f}\tcloss:{:.4f}\trloss:{:.4f}\ttloss:{:.4f}" .format((epoch + 1), steps, args.max_batches, 100 * (steps) / args.max_batches, cur_lr, closses.avg, rlosses.avg, tlosses.avg)) """save model""" model_save_dir_pth = '{}/model'.format(exp_name_dir) if not os.path.exists(model_save_dir_pth): os.makedirs(model_save_dir_pth) net_path = os.path.join(model_save_dir_pth, 'model_e%d.pth' % (epoch + 1)), net_path)
class TrackerSiamRPNBIG(Tracker): def __init__(self, params, net_path=None, **kargs): super(TrackerSiamRPNBIG, self).__init__(name='SiamRPN', is_deterministic=True) '''setup model''' = SiamRPN() self.data_loader = TrainDataLoader(, params) '''setup GPU device if available''' self.cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if self.cuda else 'cpu') if self.cuda: if net_path is not None: torch.load(net_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) def init(self, target_img, target_box): = target_box target_imgX = target_img target_img = np.asarray(target_img) target_centor, target_size = util.x1y1_wh_to_xy_wh( target_box) # x1y1wh -> xywh # convert to bauding box centor self.state = dict() p = TrackerConfig() self.state['target_img_h'] = target_img.shape[0] self.state['target_img_w'] = target_img.shape[1] if ((target_size[0] * target_size[1]) / float(self.state['target_img_h'] * self.state['target_img_w'])) < 0.004: p.detection_size = 287 # small object big search region p.score_size = int((p.detection_size - p.target_size) / p.total_stride + 1) p.anchor = util.generate_anchor(p.total_stride, p.scales, p.ratios, p.score_size) avg_chans = np.mean(target_img, axis=(0, 1)) wc_z = target_size[0] + p.context_amount * sum(target_size) hc_z = target_size[1] + p.context_amount * sum(target_size) s_z = round(np.sqrt(wc_z * hc_z)) # initialize the exemplar z_crop = util.get_subwindow_tracking(target_img, target_centor, p.target_size, s_z, avg_chans) ret = self.data_loader.get_template(target_imgX, z = Variable(z_crop.unsqueeze(0)) self.kernel_reg, self.kernel_cls = ret['template_tensor'].cuda()) #self.kernel_reg, self.kernel_cls = if p.windowing == 'cosine': window = np.outer(np.hanning(p.score_size), np.hanning(p.score_size)) elif p.windowing == 'uniform': window = np.ones((p.score_size, p.score_size)) window = np.tile(window.flatten(), p.anchor_num) self.state['p'] = p self.state['avg_chans'] = avg_chans self.state['window'] = window self.state['target_centor'] = target_centor self.state['target_size'] = target_size def update(self, im, iter=0): ret = self.data_loader.__get__(im, self.detection_tensor = ret['detection_tensor'] im = np.asarray(im) p = self.state['p'] avg_chans = self.state['avg_chans'] window = self.state['window'] target_pos = self.state['target_centor'] target_sz = self.state['target_size'] wc_z = target_sz[1] + p.context_amount * sum(target_sz) hc_z = target_sz[0] + p.context_amount * sum(target_sz) s_z = np.sqrt(wc_z * hc_z) scale_z = p.target_size / s_z # target_size d_search = (p.detection_size - p.target_size) / 2 # detection_size pad = d_search / scale_z s_x = s_z + 2 * pad # extract scaled crops for search region x at previous target position x_crop = Variable( util.get_subwindow_tracking(im, target_pos, p.detection_size, round(s_x), avg_chans).unsqueeze(0)) #target_pos, target_sz, score = self.tracker_eval(, x_crop.cuda(), target_pos, target_sz * scale_z, window, scale_z, p) target_pos, target_sz, score = self.tracker_eval(, x_crop, target_pos, target_sz * scale_z, window, scale_z, p) target_pos[0] = max(0, min(self.state['target_img_w'], target_pos[0])) target_pos[1] = max(0, min(self.state['target_img_h'], target_pos[1])) target_sz[0] = max(10, min(self.state['target_img_w'], target_sz[0])) target_sz[1] = max(10, min(self.state['target_img_h'], target_sz[1])) #self.state['target_centor'] = target_pos #self.state['target_size'] = target_sz #self.state['score'] = score #res = cxy_wh_2_rect(self.state['target_centor'], self.state['target_size']) res = util.cxy_wh_2_rect(target_pos, target_sz) = res return res def tracker_eval(self, net, x_crop, target_pos, target_sz, window, scale_z, p): delta, score = net.inference(self.detection_tensor.cuda(), self.kernel_reg, self.kernel_cls) #delta, score = net.inference(x_crop, self.kernel_reg, self.kernel_cls) delta = delta.permute(1, 2, 3, 0).contiguous().view(4, -1).data.cpu().numpy() score = F.softmax(score.permute(1, 2, 3, 0).contiguous().view(2, -1), dim=0).data[1, :].cpu().numpy() delta[0, :] = delta[0, :] * p.anchor[:, 2] + p.anchor[:, 0] delta[1, :] = delta[1, :] * p.anchor[:, 3] + p.anchor[:, 1] delta[2, :] = np.exp(delta[2, :]) * p.anchor[:, 2] delta[3, :] = np.exp(delta[3, :]) * p.anchor[:, 3] def change(r): return np.maximum(r, 1. / r) def sz(w, h): pad = (w + h) * 0.5 sz2 = (w + pad) * (h + pad) return np.sqrt(sz2) def sz_wh(wh): pad = (wh[0] + wh[1]) * 0.5 sz2 = (wh[0] + pad) * (wh[1] + pad) return np.sqrt(sz2) # size penalty s_c = change(sz(delta[2, :], delta[3, :]) / (sz_wh(target_sz))) # scale penalty r_c = change((target_sz[0] / target_sz[1]) / (delta[2, :] / delta[3, :])) # ratio penalty penalty = np.exp(-(r_c * s_c - 1.) * p.penalty_k) pscore = penalty * score # window float pscore = pscore * (1 - p.window_influence) + window * p.window_influence best_pscore_id = np.argmax(pscore) target = delta[:, best_pscore_id] / scale_z target_sz = target_sz / scale_z lr = penalty[best_pscore_id] * score[best_pscore_id] * res_x = target[0] + target_pos[0] res_y = target[1] + target_pos[1] res_w = target_sz[0] * (1 - lr) + target[2] * lr res_h = target_sz[1] * (1 - lr) + target[3] * lr target_pos = np.array([res_x, res_y]) target_sz = np.array([res_w, res_h]) return target_pos, target_sz, score[best_pscore_id]