Пример #1
def list_users(short_name, optional):
    query = "SELECT user.id, user.email, user.name, user.username, user.isAnonymous, user.about FROM user " \
        "WHERE user.email IN (SELECT DISTINCT user FROM post WHERE forum = %s)"
    if "since_id" in optional:
        query += " AND user.id >= " + str(optional["since_id"])
    if "order" in optional:
        query += " ORDER BY user.name " + optional["order"]
    if "limit" in optional:
        query += " LIMIT " + str(optional["limit"])

    con = sql.connect()
    cursor = con.cursor(sql.db.cursors.DictCursor)
    cursor.execute(query, (short_name, ))
    users_tuple = [i for i in cursor.fetchall()]

    for user_sql in users_tuple:
        cursor.execute("""SELECT `thread` FROM `subscription` WHERE `user` = %s;""", (user_sql['email'], ))
        sub = [i['thread'] for i in cursor.fetchall()]

        followers = follower.list_followers(cursor, user_sql['email'])
        following = follower.list_following(cursor, user_sql['email'])

        user_sql.update({'following': following, 'followers': followers, 'subscriptions': sub})
    return users_tuple
Пример #2
def create(date, thread, message, user, forum, optional):
        query = "INSERT INTO post (message, user, forum, thread, date"
        values = "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s"
        parameters = [message, user, forum, thread, date]

        for param in optional:
            query += ", " + param
            values += ", %s"
    except Exception as e:
         print e.message
    query += ") VALUES " + values + ")"
    update_thread_posts = "UPDATE thread SET posts = posts + 1 WHERE id = %s"
    con = sql.connect()
    with con:
        cursor = con.cursor()
        cursor.execute(update_thread_posts, (thread, ))
        cursor.execute(query, parameters)
        post_id = cursor.lastrowid

    post = post_query(post_id)
    del post["dislikes"]
    del post["likes"]
    del post["parent"]
    del post["points"]
    return post