def generate_score(self):

        # for item in data:
        #     print Bmat_to_pos_quat(item)

        num = np.ones([len(self.goals), 1])
        reference_options = ['head']
        reference = np.zeros([len(self.goals), 1])

        print 'Starting to convert data!'
        run_data = DataReader(subject=self.subject, model=self.model, task=self.task)
        run_data.receive_input_data(self.goals, num, reference_options, reference)
        run_data.generate_score(viz_rviz=True, visualize=self.visualize, plot=False)
    def load_goals(self, task, model):
        print 'Reading in raw data from the task.'
        read_task_data = DataReader_Task(task, model)
        raw_data, raw_num, raw_reference, self.raw_reference_options = read_task_data.reset_goals()
        read_data = DataReader(subject=subject, data_start=data_start, reference_options=self.raw_reference_options,
                               data_finish=data_finish, model=model, task=task)

        # raw_data = read_data.get_raw_data()
        print 'Raw data is ready!'
        self.goal_data = read_data.generate_output_goals(test_goals=raw_data, test_number=raw_num, test_reference=raw_reference)
        # print 'Setting up openrave'
        # self.setup_openrave()
        # print 'I will now pick base locations to evaluate. They will share the same reachability score, but will have' \
        #       ' differing manipulability scores.'
        # print 'before sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.scores = np.array(sorted(self.scores, key=lambda t: (t[1][1], t[1][2]), reverse=True))
        # print 'after sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.best_base = self.scores[0]
        if self.best_base[1][1] == 0:
            print 'There are no base locations with reachable goals. Something went wrong in the scoring or the setup'
        print 'The best base location is: \n', self.best_base
        visualize_best = True
        if visualize_best:
            self.visualize_base_config(self.best_base, self.goal_data, self.raw_reference_options)
    def __init__(self, visualize=False, subject='any_subject', task='yogurt', model='chair', tf_listener=None):

        self.model = model
        self.task = task
        self.subject = subject

        baselink_B_liftlink = createBMatrix([-0.05, 0.0, 0.8897], [0, 0, 0, 1])

        goals = [[0.301033944729, 0.461276517595, 0.196885866571,
                  0.553557277528, 0.336724229346, -0.075691681684, 0.757932650828],
                 [0.377839595079, 0.11569018662, 0.0419789999723,
                  0.66106069088, 0.337429642677, -0.519856214523, 0.422953367233],
                 [0.2741387011303321, 0.005522571699560719, -0.011919598309888757,
                 -0.023580897114171894, 0.7483633417869068, 0.662774596931439, 0.011228696415565394],
                 [0.13608632401364894, 0.003540318703608347, 0.00607600258150498,
                  -0.015224467044577382, 0.7345761465214938, 0.6783020152473445, -0.008513323454022942]]
        liftlink_B_goal = createBMatrix([0.5309877259429142, 0.4976163448816489, 0.16719537682372823],
                                        [0.7765742993649133, -0.37100605554316285, -0.27784851903166524,
        data = np.array([baselink_B_liftlink*createBMatrix(goals[0][0:3], goals[0][3:]),  # In reference to base link
                         baselink_B_liftlink*createBMatrix(goals[1][0:3], goals[1][3:]),  # In reference to base link
                         createBMatrix(goals[2][0:3], goals[2][3:]),
                         createBMatrix(goals[3][0:3], goals[3][3:])])  # This one is in reference to the head

        for item in data:
            print Bmat_to_pos_quat(item)

        # For my information, these are the [xyz] and quaternion [x,y,z,w] for the PoseStamped messages for the goal
        # positions. The first two have parent tf /base_link. The third has parent link /head
        # (array([ 0.48098773,  0.49761634,  0.91837238]), array([ 0.7765743 , -0.37100606, -0.27784852,  0.42671661]))
        # (array([ 0.4598544 ,  0.8806009 ,  0.65371782]), array([ 0.45253993,  0.53399713, -0.17283745,  0.69295158]))
        # (array([ 0.2741387 ,  0.05522572, -0.0119196 ]), array([-0.0235809 ,  0.74836334,  0.6627746 ,  0.0112287 ]))

        num = np.ones([len(data), 1])
        reference_options = ['head', 'base_link']
        reference = np.array([[1], [1], [0], [0]])

        print 'Starting to convert data!'
        runData = DataReader(subject=self.subject, model=self.model, task=self.task)

        runData.receive_input_data(data, num, reference_options, reference)
        runData.generate_score(viz_rviz=True, visualize=False, plot=False)
Пример #4
    def generate_score(self):

        # for item in data:
        #     print Bmat_to_pos_quat(item)

        num = np.ones([len(self.goals), 1])
        reference_options = ['head']
        reference = np.zeros([len(self.goals), 1])

        print 'Starting to convert data!'
        run_data = DataReader(subject=self.subject,
        run_data.receive_input_data(self.goals, num, reference_options,
    def load_goals(self, task, model):
        print 'Reading in raw data from the task.'
        read_task_data = DataReader_Task(task, model)
        raw_data, raw_num, raw_reference, self.raw_reference_options = read_task_data.reset_goals(
        read_data = DataReader(subject=subject,

        # raw_data = read_data.get_raw_data()
        print 'Raw data is ready!'
        self.goal_data = read_data.generate_output_goals(
        # print 'Setting up openrave'
        # self.setup_openrave()
        # print 'I will now pick base locations to evaluate. They will share the same reachability score, but will have' \
        #       ' differing manipulability scores.'
        # print 'before sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.scores = np.array(
            sorted(self.scores, key=lambda t: (t[1][1], t[1][2]),
        # print 'after sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.best_base = self.scores[0]
        if self.best_base[1][1] == 0:
            print 'There are no base locations with reachable goals. Something went wrong in the scoring or the setup'
        print 'The best base location is: \n', self.best_base
        visualize_best = True
        if visualize_best:
            self.visualize_base_config(self.best_base, self.goal_data,
Пример #6
    def __init__(self,

        self.model = model
        self.task = task
        self.subject = subject

        baselink_B_liftlink = createBMatrix([-0.05, 0.0, 0.8897], [0, 0, 0, 1])

        goals = [[
            0.301033944729, 0.461276517595, 0.196885866571, 0.553557277528,
            0.336724229346, -0.075691681684, 0.757932650828
                     0.377839595079, 0.11569018662, 0.0419789999723,
                     0.66106069088, 0.337429642677, -0.519856214523,
                     0.2741387011303321, 0.005522571699560719,
                     -0.011919598309888757, -0.023580897114171894,
                     0.7483633417869068, 0.662774596931439,
                     0.13608632401364894, 0.003540318703608347,
                     0.00607600258150498, -0.015224467044577382,
                     0.7345761465214938, 0.6783020152473445,
        liftlink_B_goal = createBMatrix(
            [0.5309877259429142, 0.4976163448816489, 0.16719537682372823], [
                0.7765742993649133, -0.37100605554316285, -0.27784851903166524,
        data = np.array([
            baselink_B_liftlink * createBMatrix(
                goals[0][0:3], goals[0][3:]),  # In reference to base link
            baselink_B_liftlink * createBMatrix(
                goals[1][0:3], goals[1][3:]),  # In reference to base link
            createBMatrix(goals[2][0:3], goals[2][3:]),
            createBMatrix(goals[3][0:3], goals[3][3:])
        ])  # This one is in reference to the head

        for item in data:
            print Bmat_to_pos_quat(item)

        # For my information, these are the [xyz] and quaternion [x,y,z,w] for the PoseStamped messages for the goal
        # positions. The first two have parent tf /base_link. The third has parent link /head
        # (array([ 0.48098773,  0.49761634,  0.91837238]), array([ 0.7765743 , -0.37100606, -0.27784852,  0.42671661]))
        # (array([ 0.4598544 ,  0.8806009 ,  0.65371782]), array([ 0.45253993,  0.53399713, -0.17283745,  0.69295158]))
        # (array([ 0.2741387 ,  0.05522572, -0.0119196 ]), array([-0.0235809 ,  0.74836334,  0.6627746 ,  0.0112287 ]))

        num = np.ones([len(data), 1])
        reference_options = ['head', 'base_link']
        reference = np.array([[1], [1], [0], [0]])

        print 'Starting to convert data!'
        runData = DataReader(subject=self.subject,

        runData.receive_input_data(data, num, reference_options, reference)
        runData.generate_score(viz_rviz=True, visualize=False, plot=False)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, visualize_best=False, train_subj=6, test_subj=6):
        output_raw_scores = False

        # compare = True
        self.visualize_best = visualize_best

        self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
        self.train_subj = train_subj
        self.test_subj = test_subj
        print 'I will use data that was trained on subject ', self.train_subj
        print 'I will test on data from subject ', self.test_subj

        self.task = 'shaving'  # options are: bathing, brushing, feeding, shaving, scratching_upper_arm/forearm/thigh/chest/knee
        self.model = 'chair'  # options are: 'chair', 'bed', 'autobed'

        pos_clust = 2
        ori_clust = 2
        self.mc_simulation_number = None

        self.visualize = False
        data_start = 0
        data_finish = 'end '  # 2000  # 4000 #'end'

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
        self.pkg_path = rospack.get_path('hrl_base_selection')
        print 'Loading scores.'
        self.loaded_scores = self.load_task(self.task, self.model,
        if self.loaded_scores is None:
            print 'The scores do not exist. Must generate scores! This may take a long time...'
            self.generate_scores(data_start, data_finish, pos_clust, ori_clust)
            print 'Scores generated. I will now continue.'
            print 'Now loading the scores I just generated'
            self.loaded_scores = self.load_task(self.task, self.model,
        if self.loaded_scores is None:
            print 'The scores still do not exist. This is bad. Fixes needed in code.'
        headx = 0
        heady = 0
        self.scores = self.loaded_scores[headx, heady]
        if output_raw_scores:
        subject = ''.join(['sub', str(self.test_subj), '_shaver'])
        print 'Reading in raw data from the task.'
        read_task_data = DataReader_Task(self.task, self.model)
        raw_data, raw_num, raw_reference, self.raw_reference_options = read_task_data.reset_goals(
        read_data = DataReader(subject=subject,

        # raw_data = read_data.get_raw_data()
        print 'Raw data is ready!'
        self.goal_data = read_data.generate_output_goals(
        # print 'Setting up openrave'
        # self.setup_openrave()
        # print 'I will now pick base locations to evaluate. They will share the same reachability score, but will have' \
        #       ' differing manipulability scores.'
        # print 'before sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.scores = np.array(
            sorted(self.scores, key=lambda t: (t[1][1], t[1][2]),
        # print 'after sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.best_base = self.scores[0]
        if self.best_base[1][1] == 0:
            print 'There are no base locations with reachable goals. Something went wrong in the scoring or the setup'
        print 'The best base location is: \n', self.best_base

        if visualize_best:
            self.visualize_base_config(self.best_base, self.goal_data,
    def __init__(self, visualize_best=False, train_subj=6, test_subj=6):
        output_raw_scores = False

        # compare = True
        self.visualize_best = visualize_best

        self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
        self.train_subj = train_subj
        self.test_subj = test_subj
        print 'I will use data that was trained on subject ', self.train_subj
        print 'I will test on data from subject ', self.test_subj

        self.task = 'shaving' # options are: bathing, brushing, feeding, shaving, scratching_upper_arm/forearm/thigh/chest/knee
        self.model = 'chair'  # options are: 'chair', 'bed', 'autobed'

        pos_clust = 2
        ori_clust = 2
        self.mc_simulation_number = None

        self.visualize = False
        data_start = 0
        data_finish = 'end '  # 2000  # 4000 #'end'

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
        self.pkg_path = rospack.get_path('hrl_base_selection')
        print 'Loading scores.'
        self.loaded_scores = self.load_task(self.task, self.model, self.train_subj)
        if self.loaded_scores is None:
            print 'The scores do not exist. Must generate scores! This may take a long time...'
            self.generate_scores(data_start, data_finish, pos_clust, ori_clust)
            print 'Scores generated. I will now continue.'
            print 'Now loading the scores I just generated'
            self.loaded_scores = self.load_task(self.task, self.model, self.train_subj)
        if self.loaded_scores is None:
            print 'The scores still do not exist. This is bad. Fixes needed in code.'
        headx = 0
        heady = 0
        self.scores = self.loaded_scores[headx, heady]
        if output_raw_scores:
        subject = ''.join(['sub', str(self.test_subj), '_shaver'])
        print 'Reading in raw data from the task.'
        read_task_data = DataReader_Task(self.task, self.model)
        raw_data, raw_num, raw_reference, self.raw_reference_options = read_task_data.reset_goals()
        read_data = DataReader(subject=subject, data_start=data_start, reference_options=self.raw_reference_options,
                               data_finish=data_finish, model=self.model, task=self.task, tf_listener=self.tf_listener)

        # raw_data = read_data.get_raw_data()
        print 'Raw data is ready!'
        self.goal_data = read_data.generate_output_goals(test_goals=raw_data, test_number=raw_num, test_reference=raw_reference)
        # print 'Setting up openrave'
        # self.setup_openrave()
        # print 'I will now pick base locations to evaluate. They will share the same reachability score, but will have' \
        #       ' differing manipulability scores.'
        # print 'before sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.scores = np.array(sorted(self.scores, key=lambda t: (t[1][1], t[1][2]), reverse=True))
        # print 'after sorting:'
        # for i in xrange(10):
        #     print self.scores[i]
        self.best_base = self.scores[0]
        if self.best_base[1][1] == 0:
            print 'There are no base locations with reachable goals. Something went wrong in the scoring or the setup'
        print 'The best base location is: \n', self.best_base

        if visualize_best:
            self.visualize_base_config(self.best_base, self.goal_data, self.raw_reference_options)