def fetch_locations(self): """ This method is responsible for delivering the list of locations for which we have expert created data. This currently grabs a csv file containing information from the Digital Library. It parses that file and then looks through the location data in the Data Warehouse. If it can't find a match it hides that result from the user. NOTE: During the last Digital Library outage we moved the file into the adapter itself. :returns: Dictionary containing location information where the keys are the location indexes """ # TODO: Raise exceptions instead of returning -1 try: if self.model_id == 1: csv = self.EMOD_buffer elif self.model_id == 2: csv = self.OM_buffer # csv = urllib2.urlopen(self.csv_url, timeout=30) # Creates a "file-like" object containing the csv information except urllib2.URLError: print "There has been an error retrieving the csv from the meta data catalog" return -1 # Skip the first line, as it contains header information contents = csv.readline() contents ='\n') # If self.location_dict exists, wipe it out self.locations_dict.clear() for line in contents: elements = line.split(',') if line == '': continue # Find locations and get location id loc_filter = DimLocation.objects.filter( Q(admin3=elements[1]) | Q(admin2=elements[1]) | Q(admin1=elements[1]) | Q(admin0=elements[1]) ) if loc_filter.exists(): # Takes the first one it finds location = loc_filter[0] else: loc_filter = GisBaseTable.objects.filter(s_name=elements[1]) if not loc_filter.exists(): #Not in our database, so it shouldn't be presented to the tools continue contains = GisBaseTable.objects.filter(geom__contains=loc_filter[0].geom) geo_dict = { -1: None, 0: None, 1: None, 2: None, 3: None } for geo in contains: geodict[geo.admin_level] = geo.s_name location = DimLocation( admin007=geo_dict[-1], admin0=geo_dict[0], admin1=geo_dict[1], admin2=geo_dict[2], admin3=geo_dict[3], geom_key_id=loc_filter[0].id ) if elements[3] == 'NA': start_date = '' end_date = '' else: start = elements[3].split('-')[0] end = elements[3].split('-')[1] start_date = '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(start[0:4], start[4:6], start[6:8]) end_date = '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(end[0:4], end[4:6], end[6:8]) # Fill the location dictionary self.locations_dict[] = { "country": elements[0], "place": elements[1], "resolution": elements[2], "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, "link": self.library_url + elements[4] } return self.locations_dict
def locationMap(self, obj, row, cols): """This method is used to map the location key. Due to the complicated nature of gis data, a custom method was necessary to handle location fields. This method is responsible for ingesting location data into the database. It relies on Django's raw query capabilities. :return: A DimLocation object. """ tmpdict = {} # if lattitude and longitude were given, use a stored procedure to find the location # containing the given lat/lon. Return the corresponding location, creating it if necessary. if 'lattitude' in obj and 'longitude' in obj: # Note this hasn't been tested yet (no test cases are available for ingestor) return DimLocation.vecnet_fill_location_from_point(row[cols[obj['lattitude']]], row[cols[obj['longitude']]]) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # Query below (SELECT vecnet_fill_location_from_point) will no longer works after removing # partition on gis_base_table. Stored procedure vecnet_fill_location_from_point assumes that # gis_adm_007, gis_adm_0lev and other tables exist. # This query can be replaced with # SELECT * FROM gis_base_table WHERE ST_CONTAINS(geom, ST_GeomFromText('point(%s %s)', 4326)); # There are no test cases for ingester yet to update the code # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # conn = connections['default'] # cursor = conn.cursor() # cursor.execute("SELECT vecnet_fill_location_from_point(%s, %s);", [row[cols[obj['lattitude']]], row[cols[obj['longitude']]]]) # tmp = cursor.fetchone() # tmpstr = tmp[0][2:][:-1] # tmplist = tmpstr.split(',') # tmpdict['geom_key'] = tmplist[0] # tmpdict['admin007'] = tmplist[1] # tmpdict['admin0'] = tmplist[2] # tmpdict['admin1'] = tmplist[3] # tmpdict['admin2'] = tmplist[4] # model, created = DimLocation.objects.get_or_create(**tmpdict) # conn.close() # return model # if lat/lon wasn't given, use the admin levels to determine the location. Create a # location object if necessary, and return the location object. else: if 'admin2' in obj: # Could be replaced with # GisBaseTable.object.get(s_name=row[obj['admin2']], admin_level = 2) # Double-check admin_level though gisobj = GisBaseTable.objects.get(s_name=row[cols[obj['admin2']]], admin_level=2) tmpdict['geom_key'] = tmpdict['admin2'] = gisobj.s_name elif 'admin1' in obj: gisobj = GisBaseTable.objects.get(s_name=row[cols[obj['admin1']]], admin_level=1) tmpdict['geom_key'] = tmpdict['admin1'] = gisobj.s_name elif 'admin0' in obj: gisobj = GisBaseTable.objects.get(s_name=row[cols[obj['admin0']]], admin_level=0) tmpdict['geom_key'] = tmpdict['admin0'] = gisobj.s_name elif 'admin007' in obj: gisobj = GisBaseTable.objects.get(s_name=row[cols[obj['admin007']]], admin_level=-1) tmpdict['geom_key'] = tmpdict['admin007'] = gisobj.s_name model, created = DimLocation.objects.get_or_create(**tmpdict) return model