def get_uniswap_pools() -> Union[None, list]: result: list try: # first request to get first id query = gql("""{ pairs(first: 1, where: {volumeUSD_gt: 10000, reserveUSD_gt: 100000}) { id volumeUSD reserveUSD } }""") result = uniswap_client.execute(query)['pairs'] response = list(range(1000)) while len(response) == 1000: query = gql("""{ pairs(first: 1000, where: {id_gt: \"""" + str(result[-1]['id']) + """\", volumeUSD_gt: 10000, reserveUSD_gt: 100000}) { id volumeUSD reserveUSD } }""") response = uniswap_client.execute(query)['pairs'] result.extend(response) return result except Exception as e: print_red("Unsucessful call in graphcalls.get_uniswap_pools()") print(e) return None
def get_uniswap_daily_pools(date: int) -> Union[None, list]: """date: unix timestamp""" result: list try: # first request to get first id query = gql("""{ pairDayDatas(first: 1, where: {date_gte: """ + str(date - 86400) + """, date_lt: """ + str(date) + """, dailyVolumeUSD_gt: 0}) { id dailyVolumeUSD reserveUSD } }""") result = uniswap_client.execute(query)['pairDayDatas'] response = list(range(1000)) while len(response) == 1000: query = gql("""{ pairDayDatas(first: 1000, where: {date_gte: """ + str(date - 86400) + """, date_lt: """ + str(date) + """, id_gt: \"""" + str(result[-1]['id']) + """\", dailyVolumeUSD_gt: 0, reserveUSD_gt: 100000}) { id dailyVolumeUSD reserveUSD } }""") response = uniswap_client.execute(query)['pairDayDatas'] result.extend(response) return result except Exception as e: print_red("Unsucessful call in graphcalls.get_uniswap_daily_pools()") print(e) return None
def get_eth_gas_json() -> Union[None, dict]: """""" try: return retrieve_json("") except Exception: print_red( "Unsucessful call to" ) return None
def get_all_pools() -> Union[None, dict]: try: pools = retrieve_json("") if pools['success'] == 'false': print_red(pools) except Exception: print_red(Exception) return None return pools
def get_latest_blocks() -> Union[None, list]: """""" try: return retrieve_json( "") except Exception: print_red( f"Unsucessful call to" ) return None
def get_uniswap_tvl() -> Union[None, float]: try: query = gql("""{ uniswapFactories(first: 1) { totalLiquidityUSD } }""") result = uniswap_client.execute(query) return float(result['uniswapFactories'][0]['totalLiquidityUSD']) except Exception as e: print_red("Unsucessful call in graphcalls.get_uniswap_tvl()") print(e) return None
def get_average_eth_like_gas(network: str, since: datetime, till: datetime =, interval: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=5)): intervals = get_intervals(since, till, interval) query_str = "{{ethereum(network: {} ) {{".format(network) interval_keys = [f"t{i}" for i in range(len(intervals) - 1)] for i, key in enumerate(interval_keys): query_str += "{}: transactions(time: {{ since: \"{}\", till: \"{}\" }}) {{ gasPrice }}\n".format( key, intervals[i].isoformat(), intervals[i + 1].isoformat()) query_str += "}}" try: query = gql(query_str) result = bitquery_client.execute(query)['ethereum'] return { str(intervals[i + 1]): int(transactions_data[0]['gasPrice']) for i, transactions_data in enumerate(result.values()) } except Exception as e: print_red("Unsucessful call in graphcalls.get_average_eth_like_gas()") print(e) return None