def __print_edge(edge: Edge):
     first_vertex_name, second_vertex_name = edge.get_vertex_names()
         EnvironmentUtils._EDGE_PREFIX + edge.get_edge_name() + EnvironmentUtils._SPACE_SEPARATOR + first_vertex_name
         + EnvironmentUtils._SPACE_SEPARATOR +
         second_vertex_name + EnvironmentUtils._SPACE_SEPARATOR + EnvironmentUtils._WEIGHT_PREFIX + str(
 def step_cost(self, parent_node: Vertex, action: Edge,
               new_node: Vertex) -> int:
     g_value = action.get_weight(
     )  # weights until g was calculated within get_next_vertex
     h_value = self.__heuristic_func.calc_estimation_from_goal(
         new_node.get_state(), None)
     return g_value + h_value
    def get_next_vertex(current_vertex: Vertex, edge_name: str, step_cost: Callable,
                        env_config: EnvironmentConfiguration) -> Vertex:

        :param current_vertex: the current state
        :param edge_name: edge name from current vertex to the next vertex
        :param step_cost: function that receives parent_vertex, action, new_node and returns the step cost.
        :param env_config: environment configuration
        :return: The new vertex
        current_state = current_vertex.get_state()
        current_vertex_name = current_vertex.get_vertex_name()
        edges_dict = env_config.get_edges()
        vertexes_dict = env_config.get_vertexes()
        if edge_name not in edges_dict:
            print("No operation for this agent")
                current_vertex.get_cost() + step_cost(current_vertex, Edge("", 0, ("", "")), current_vertex))
            return current_vertex  # No operation

        edge = edges_dict[edge_name]
        first_vertex, sec_vertex = edge.get_vertex_names()
        next_vertex_name = first_vertex if sec_vertex == current_vertex_name else sec_vertex
        next_vertex = vertexes_dict[next_vertex_name]
        next_state = State(next_vertex_name, copy.deepcopy(current_state.get_required_vertexes()))
        if next_vertex_name in current_state.get_required_vertexes():
        people_in_next_vertex = next_vertex.get_people_num()

        new_next_vertex = Vertex(people_in_next_vertex, next_state, next_vertex.get_edges(),
                                 current_vertex, edge.get_edge_name(), current_vertex.get_depth(),
                                 EnvironmentUtils.g(current_vertex, env_config) + step_cost(current_vertex, edge, next_vertex))
        return new_next_vertex
    def get_next_vertex(current_vertex: Vertex,
                        edge_name: str,
                        step_cost: Callable,
                        env_config: EnvironmentConfiguration,
                        is_max_player: bool = True) -> Vertex:

        :param current_vertex: the current state
        :param edge_name: edge name from current vertex to the next vertex
        :param step_cost: function that receives parent_vertex, action, new_node and returns the step cost.
        :param is_max_player: True if this is the max player, false otherwise
        :param env_config: environment configuration
        :return: The new vertex
        current_state = current_vertex.get_state()
        current_vertex_name = current_vertex.get_vertex_name()
        edges_dict = env_config.get_edges()
        vertexes_dict = env_config.get_vertexes()
        if edge_name not in edges_dict:
            print("edge_name= ", edge_name)
            print("No operation for this agent")
            current_vertex.set_cost(current_vertex.get_cost() + step_cost(
                current_vertex, Edge("", 0, ("", "")), current_vertex))
            return current_vertex  # No operation

        edge = edges_dict[edge_name]
        first_vertex, sec_vertex = edge.get_vertex_names()
        next_vertex_name = first_vertex if sec_vertex == current_vertex_name else sec_vertex
        next_vertex = vertexes_dict[next_vertex_name]
        scores_of_agents = current_state.get_scores_of_agents()
        if next_vertex_name in current_state.get_required_vertexes(
        ) and not current_state.get_required_vertexes()[next_vertex_name]:
            scores_of_agents = (scores_of_agents[0] +
                                scores_of_agents[1]) if is_max_player else (
                                    scores_of_agents[0], scores_of_agents[1] +

        next_state = State(
            next_vertex_name, scores_of_agents,
            current_state.get_cost() +
            step_cost(current_vertex, edge, next_vertex))

        if next_vertex_name in current_state.get_required_vertexes():
        people_in_next_vertex = next_vertex.get_people_num()
        new_next_vertex = Vertex(
            people_in_next_vertex, next_state, next_vertex.get_edges(),
            current_vertex, edge.get_edge_name(), current_vertex.get_depth(),
            EnvironmentUtils.g(current_vertex, env_config) +
            step_cost(current_vertex, edge, next_vertex))

        return new_next_vertex
    def step_cost(self, parent_node: Vertex, action: Edge, new_node: Vertex) -> int:
        operation = self.__operations[self.__operation_inx - 1]

        if operation == SaboteurAgent.NO_OPS:
            return 0  # does nothing
        if operation == SaboteurAgent.BLOCK:
            return 1  # takes 1 time unit
            # traverses a lowest-cost remaining edge
            return action.get_weight()
 def create_edge(input_line: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, Edge]]:
     parts = input_line.split(ConfigurationReader.SPACE_SEPARATOR)
     if len(parts) != 4:
             f'input line: {input_line} is invalid. Correct format: #E1 1 2 W1'
         return None
     name = parts[0].replace("#E", "")
     first_vertex = parts[1]
     second_vertex = parts[2]
     weight = int(parts[3].replace("W", ""))
     return name, Edge(name, weight, (first_vertex, second_vertex))
Пример #7
 def step_cost(self, parent_node: Vertex, action: Edge,
               new_node: Vertex) -> int:
     return action.get_weight()