def denormalize_and_convert_to_euler( data, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot ): """ Denormalizes data and converts to Euler angles (all losses are computed on Euler angles). Args data: dictionary with human poses. data_mean: d-long vector with the mean of the training data. data_std: d-long vector with the standard deviation of the training data. dim_to_ignore: dimensions to ignore because the std is too small or for other reasons. actions: list of strings with the actions in the data dictionary. one_hot: whether the data comes with one-hot encoding. Returns all_denormed: a list with nbatch entries. Each entry is an n-by-d matrix that corresponds to a denormalized sequence in Euler angles """ all_denormed = [] # expmap -> rotmat -> euler for i in np.arange( data.shape[0] ): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(data[i,:,:], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot ) for j in np.arange( denormed.shape[0] ): for k in np.arange(3,115,3): denormed[j,k:k+3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat( denormed[j,k:k+3] )) all_denormed.append( denormed ) return all_denormed
def compute_test_error(self, action, pred_pose, srnn_gts_expmap, srnn_gts_euler, one_hot, samples_fname): """ Compute the test error """ pred_pose = np.squeeze(pred_pose) predict_expmap = data_utils_cmu.revert_output_format(pred_pose, self.data_mean, self.data_std, self.dim_to_ignore, self.actions, one_hot) mean_errors = np.zeros((len(predict_expmap), predict_expmap[0].shape[0])) for i in np.arange(8): eulerchannels_pred = np.copy(predict_expmap[i]) for j in np.arange(eulerchannels_pred.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(0, 115, 3): idx = [k, k + 1, k + 2] eulerchannels_pred[j, idx] = data_utils_cmu.rotmat2euler( data_utils_cmu.expmap2rotmat(predict_expmap[i][j, idx])) eulerchannels_pred[:, 0:6] = 0 srnn_gts_euler[action][i][:, 0:6] = 0 idx_to_use = np.where(np.std(srnn_gts_euler[action][i], 0) > 1e-4)[0] euc_error = np.power(srnn_gts_euler[action][i][50:, idx_to_use] - eulerchannels_pred[:, idx_to_use], 2) euc_error = np.sum(euc_error, 1) euc_error = np.sqrt(euc_error) mean_errors[i, :] = euc_error mean_mean_errors = np.mean(mean_errors, 0) print() print(action) print() print("{0: <16} |".format("milliseconds"), end="") for ms in [80, 160, 320, 400, 560, 1000]: print(" {0:5d} |".format(ms), end="") print() print("{0: <16} |".format(action), end="") for ms in [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 24]: if self.seq_length_out >= ms + 1: print(" {0:.3f} |".format(mean_mean_errors[ms]), end="") else: print(" n/a |", end="") print() with h5py.File(samples_fname, 'a') as hf: for i in np.arange(8): node_name = 'expmap/gt/{1}_{0}'.format(i, action) hf.create_dataset(node_name, data=srnn_gts_expmap[action][i]) node_name = 'expmap/preds/{1}_{0}'.format(i, action) hf.create_dataset(node_name, data=predict_expmap[i]) node_name = 'mean_{0}_error'.format(action) hf.create_dataset(node_name, data=mean_mean_errors)
def get_srnn_gts(actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, one_hot, to_euler=True): """ Get the ground truths for srnn's sequences, and convert to Euler angles. (the error is always computed in Euler angles). Args actions: a list of actions to get ground truths for. model: training model we are using (we only use the "get_batch" method). test_set: dictionary with normalized training data. data_mean: d-long vector with the mean of the training data. data_std: d-long vector with the standard deviation of the training data. dim_to_ignore: dimensions that we are not using to train/predict. one_hot: whether the data comes with one-hot encoding indicating action. to_euler: whether to convert the angles to Euler format or keep thm in exponential map Returns srnn_gts_euler: a dictionary where the keys are actions, and the values are the ground_truth, denormalized expected outputs of srnns's seeds. """ srnn_gts_euler = {} for action in actions: srnn_gt_euler = [] _, _, srnn_expmap = model.get_batch_srnn(test_set, action) # print(srnn_expmap.shape) # expmap -> rotmat -> euler for i in np.arange(srnn_expmap.shape[0]): denormed = data_utils.unNormalizeData(srnn_expmap[i, :, :], data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, one_hot) if to_euler: for j in np.arange(denormed.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3, 115, 3): denormed[j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat(denormed[j, k:k + 3])) srnn_gt_euler.append(denormed) # Put back in the dictionary srnn_gts_euler[action] = srnn_gt_euler return srnn_gts_euler
def sample(): """Sample predictions for srnn's seeds""" if FLAGS.load <= 0: raise (ValueError, "Must give an iteration to read parameters from") actions = define_actions(FLAGS.action) # Use the CPU if asked to device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.size)) sampling = True model = create_model(sess, actions, sampling) print("Model created") # Load all the data train_set, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, dim_to_use = read_all_data( actions, FLAGS.seq_length_in, FLAGS.seq_length_out, FLAGS.data_dir, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) # === Read and denormalize the gt with srnn's seeds, as we'll need them # many times for evaluation in Euler Angles === srnn_gts_expmap = get_srnn_gts_sample(actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot, to_euler=False) srnn_gts_euler = get_srnn_gts(actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) # Clean and create a new h5 file of samples SAMPLES_FNAME = 'samples.h5' try: os.remove(SAMPLES_FNAME) except OSError: pass # Predict and save for each action for action in actions: # Make prediction with srnn' seeds encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs = model.get_batch_srnn( test_set, action) forward_only = True srnn_seeds = True srnn_loss, srnn_poses, _, spatial_weight = model.step( sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, forward_only, srnn_seeds) # denormalizes too srnn_pred_expmap = data_utils.revert_output_format( srnn_poses, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) # Save the conditioning seeds # Save the samples with h5py.File(SAMPLES_FNAME, 'a') as hf: for i in np.arange(8): # Save conditioning ground truth node_name = 'expmap/gt/{1}_{0}'.format(i, action) hf.create_dataset(node_name, data=srnn_gts_expmap[action][i]) # Save prediction node_name = 'expmap/preds/{1}_{0}'.format(i, action) hf.create_dataset(node_name, data=srnn_pred_expmap[i]) # Compute and save the errors here mean_errors = np.zeros( (len(srnn_pred_expmap), srnn_pred_expmap[0].shape[0])) for i in np.arange(8): eulerchannels_pred = srnn_pred_expmap[i] for j in np.arange(eulerchannels_pred.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3, 115, 3): eulerchannels_pred[j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat( eulerchannels_pred[j, k:k + 3])) eulerchannels_pred[:, 0:6] = 0 # Pick only the dimensions with sufficient standard deviation. Others are ignored. idx_to_use = np.where(np.std(eulerchannels_pred, 0) > 1e-4)[0] euc_error = np.power( srnn_gts_euler[action][i][:, idx_to_use] - eulerchannels_pred[:, idx_to_use], 2) euc_error = np.sum(euc_error, 1) euc_error = np.sqrt(euc_error) mean_errors[i, :] = euc_error mean_mean_errors = np.mean(mean_errors, 0) print(action) print(','.join(map(str, mean_mean_errors.tolist()))) with h5py.File(SAMPLES_FNAME, 'a') as hf: node_name = 'mean_{0}_error'.format(action) hf.create_dataset(node_name, data=mean_mean_errors) return
def train(): """Train a seq2seq model on human motion""" actions = define_actions(FLAGS.action) number_of_actions = len(actions) train_set, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, dim_to_use = read_all_data( actions, FLAGS.seq_length_in, FLAGS.seq_length_out, FLAGS.data_dir, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) # Limit TF to take a fraction of the GPU memory gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=1) device_count = {"GPU": 0} if FLAGS.use_cpu else {"GPU": 1} with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, device_count=device_count)) as sess: # === Create the model === print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.size)) model = create_model(sess, actions) model.train_writer.add_graph(sess.graph) print("Model created") # === Read and denormalize the gt with srnn's seeds, as we'll need them # many times for evaluation in Euler Angles === srnn_gts_euler = get_srnn_gts(actions, model, test_set, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) #=== This is the training loop === step_time, loss, val_loss = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 current_step = 0 if FLAGS.load <= 0 else FLAGS.load + 1 previous_losses = [] step_time, loss = 0, 0 # Init Validation variable for the whole model minimized_error = 0.0 recorded_step = 0 for _ in xrange(FLAGS.iterations): start_time = time.time() # === Training step === encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs = model.get_batch( train_set, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) _, step_loss, loss_summary, lr_summary, main_loss = model.step( sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, False) model.train_writer.add_summary(loss_summary, current_step) model.train_writer.add_summary(lr_summary, current_step) if current_step % 10 == 0: print("step {0:04d}; step_loss: {1:.4f}".format( current_step, step_loss)) step_time += (time.time() - start_time) / FLAGS.test_every loss += step_loss / FLAGS.test_every current_step += 1 # === step decay === if current_step % FLAGS.learning_rate_step == 0: if current_step % FLAGS.loss_weight_step == 0: # Once in a while, we save checkpoint, print statistics, and run evals. if current_step % FLAGS.test_every == 0: # === Validation with randomly chosen seeds === forward_only = True encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs = model.get_batch( test_set, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) step_loss, loss_summary = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, forward_only) val_loss = step_loss # Loss book-keeping model.test_writer.add_summary(loss_summary, current_step) print() print("{0: <16} |".format("milliseconds"), end="") for ms in [80, 160, 320, 400, 1000]: print(" {0:5d} |".format(ms), end="") print() # Init the variable for accmulated error accumulated_error = 0.0 mean_mean_errors_avg = {} for i in range(0, 25): mean_mean_errors_avg[i] = 0 # === Validation with srnn's seeds === for action in actions: # Evaluate the model on the test batches encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs = model.get_batch_srnn( test_set, action) srnn_loss, srnn_poses, _ = model.step( sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, True, True) # Denormalize the output srnn_pred_expmap = data_utils.revert_output_format( srnn_poses, data_mean, data_std, dim_to_ignore, actions, not FLAGS.omit_one_hot) # Save the errors here mean_errors = np.zeros( (len(srnn_pred_expmap), srnn_pred_expmap[0].shape[0])) # Training is done in exponential map, but the error is reported in # Euler angles, as in previous work. # See N_SEQUENCE_TEST = 8 for i in np.arange(N_SEQUENCE_TEST): eulerchannels_pred = srnn_pred_expmap[i] # Convert from exponential map to Euler angles for j in np.arange(eulerchannels_pred.shape[0]): for k in np.arange(3, 115, 3): eulerchannels_pred[ j, k:k + 3] = data_utils.rotmat2euler( data_utils.expmap2rotmat( eulerchannels_pred[j, k:k + 3])) # The global translation (first 3 entries) and global rotation # (next 3 entries) are also not considered in the error, so the_key # are set to zero. # See gt_i = np.copy(srnn_gts_euler[action][i]) gt_i[:, 0:6] = 0 # Now compute the l2 error. idx_to_use = np.where(np.std(gt_i, 0) > 1e-4)[0] euc_error = np.power( gt_i[:, idx_to_use] - eulerchannels_pred[:, idx_to_use], 2) euc_error = np.sum(euc_error, 1) euc_error = np.sqrt(euc_error) mean_errors[i, :] = euc_error # This is simply the mean error over the N_SEQUENCE_TEST examples mean_mean_errors = np.mean(mean_errors, 0) accumulated_error += np.mean(mean_mean_errors) for ms in range(0, 25): mean_mean_errors_avg[ms] += mean_mean_errors[ms] # Pretty print of the results for 80, 160, 320, 400, 560 and 1000 ms print("{0: <16} |".format(action), end="") for ms in [1, 3, 7, 9, 24]: if FLAGS.seq_length_out >= ms + 1: print(" {0:.3f} |".format(mean_mean_errors[ms]), end="") # mean_mean_errors_avg[ms] += mean_mean_errors[ms] else: print(" n/a |", end="") print() for i in range(0, FLAGS.seq_length_out): mean_mean_errors_avg[ i] = mean_mean_errors_avg[i] / number_of_actions # Pretty print of the average results for 80, 160, 320, 400, 560 and 1000 ms print("{0: <16} |".format("average"), end="") for ms in [1, 3, 7, 9, 24]: if FLAGS.seq_length_out >= ms + 1: print(" {0:.3f} |".format(mean_mean_errors_avg[ms]), end="") else: print(" n/a |", end="") print() print() print("============================\n" "Global step: %d\n" "Learning rate: %.4f\n" "Step-time (ms): %.4f\n" "Train loss avg: %.4f\n" "--------------------------\n" "Val loss: %.4f\n" "srnn loss: %.4f\n" "============================" % (model.global_step.eval(), model.learning_rate.eval(), step_time * 1000, loss, val_loss, srnn_loss)) print() # Update minimized_error and recorded step if (accumulated_error < minimized_error) or (minimized_error == 0.0): minimized_error = accumulated_error recorded_step = model.global_step.eval() print("Updated Error:{0}, step:{1}".format( minimized_error, recorded_step)) # Save the model if current_step % FLAGS.save_every == 0: print("Saving the model...") start_time = time.time(), os.path.normpath( os.path.join( train_dir, 'checkpoint')), global_step=current_step) print("done in {0:.2f} ms".format( (time.time() - start_time) * 1000)) else: print("Error:{0}".format(accumulated_error)) previous_losses.append(loss) # Reset global time and loss step_time, loss = 0, 0 sys.stdout.flush() print() print("Minimized_error:{0}, on step:{1}".format( minimized_error, recorded_step)) return minimized_error, recorded_step