Пример #1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Set up resources to be shared within a test class"""
        #TODO: refactor into a pytest class fixtures and inject as necessary

        # update application's db config options so unittests
        # run against test databases
        suite = cls.__name__.lower()
        config = dataactcore.config.CONFIG_DB
        cls.num = randint(1, 9999)
        config['error_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_error_data'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['job_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_job_tracker'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['user_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_user_manager'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['validator_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_validator'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['staging_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_staging'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        dataactcore.config.CONFIG_DB = config

        app = createApp()
        app.config['TESTING'] = True
        cls.app = TestApp(app)

        # Allow us to augment default test failure msg w/ more detail
        cls.longMessage = True
        # Flag for each route call to launch a new thread
        cls.useThreads = False
        # Upload files to S3 (False = skip re-uploading on subsequent runs)
        cls.uploadFiles = True
        # Run tests for local broker or not
        cls.local = CONFIG_BROKER['local']
        # This needs to be set to the local directory for error reports if local is True
        cls.local_file_directory = CONFIG_SERVICES['error_report_path']

        # suppress INFO-level logging from Alembic migrations
        # drop and re-create test job db/tables
        # drop and re-create test error db/tables
        # drop and re-create test staging db
        # drop and re-create test vaidation db
        # reset logging defaults

        cls.interfaces = InterfaceHolder()
        cls.jobTracker = cls.interfaces.jobDb
        cls.stagingDb = cls.interfaces.stagingDb
        cls.errorInterface = cls.interfaces.errorDb
        cls.validationDb = cls.interfaces.validationDb
        cls.userId = 1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Set up resources to be shared within a test class"""
        #TODO: refactor into a pytest class fixtures and inject as necessary

        # update application's db config options so unittests
        # run against test databases
        suite = cls.__name__.lower()
        config = dataactcore.config.CONFIG_DB
        cls.num = randint(1, 9999)
        config['error_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_error_data'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['job_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_job_tracker'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['user_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_user_manager'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['validator_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_validator'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        config['staging_db_name'] = 'unittest{}_{}_staging'.format(
            cls.num, suite)
        dataactcore.config.CONFIG_DB = config

        app = createApp()
        app.config['TESTING'] = True
        cls.app = TestApp(app)

        # Allow us to augment default test failure msg w/ more detail
        cls.longMessage = True
        # Flag for each route call to launch a new thread
        cls.useThreads = False
        # Upload files to S3 (False = skip re-uploading on subsequent runs)
        cls.uploadFiles = True
        # Run tests for local broker or not
        cls.local = CONFIG_BROKER['local']
        # This needs to be set to the local directory for error reports if local is True
        cls.local_file_directory = CONFIG_SERVICES['error_report_path']

        # suppress INFO-level logging from Alembic migrations
        # drop and re-create test job db/tables
        # drop and re-create test error db/tables
        # drop and re-create test staging db
        # drop and re-create test vaidation db
        # reset logging defaults

        cls.interfaces = InterfaceHolder()
        cls.jobTracker = cls.interfaces.jobDb
        cls.stagingDb = cls.interfaces.stagingDb
        cls.errorInterface = cls.interfaces.errorDb
        cls.validationDb = cls.interfaces.validationDb
        cls.userId = 1
def setupDB():
Пример #4
def setupDB():