def mark_mid(self, base_mid): """ Mark mid been used :param base_mid: :return: """ mark_sql = f"UPDATE userinfo SET MARK=1 WHERE mid={base_mid}" MySQLDB.update(mark_sql)
def update_user_info(self, user_info): """ Update user's information to database :param user_info: :return: """ user_sql = "UPDATE userinfo SET name=%s, sex=%s, face=%s, regtime=%s, sign=%s, birthday=%s, place=%s, current_level=%s, fans=%s, friends=%s, attention=%s, archive_count=%s, article_count=%s, mark=1 where mid=%s;" MySQLDB.update(user_sql, user_info)
def aid_insert(aids, base_aid): """ Insert video's aid to aid table and mark the aid been used :return: """ aid_sql = "INSERT INTO aid(aid) VALUES ({});" MySQLDB.insert_many(aid_sql, aids) mark_sql = "UPDATE aid SET mark=1 where aid={};".format(base_aid) MySQLDB.update(mark_sql)