def post(self): body = request.get_json() fields = ['picture_id', 'message'] if not fields_are_in(body, fields): return {'error': 'Missing a field'}, 400 if is_empy_or_none(body): return {'error': 'A field is empty or None'}, 400 # Get current requesting user user_id = get_jwt_identity() current_user = User.objects(id=user_id).first() if current_user is None: return { 'error': 'Header token is not good, please login again' }, 401 picture = Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).first() if picture is None: return {'error': 'Picture id does not exist in database'}, 401 comment = { 'user': current_user.username, 'message': body.get('message') } comment = Comment(**comment) Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).update_one( push__comments=comment) Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).update_one( nb_comments=picture.nb_comments + 1) return {'message': 'Comment successfully added to picture'}, 200
def pictureTestData(): newPic = Picture(picture_id = 1, file_name = "garden.jpg", thumbnail_name = "thumbnail_garden.png", project_id = 1) newPic1 = Picture(picture_id = 2, file_name = "corner.jpg", thumbnail_name = "thumbnail_corner.png", project_id = 1) newPic2 = Picture(picture_id = 3, file_name = "backyard.png", thumbnail_name = "thumbnail_backyard.png", project_id = 2) dbSession.add(newPic) dbSession.add(newPic1) dbSession.add(newPic2) dbSession.commit()
def post(self): body = request.get_json() fields = ['picture_id'] if not fields_are_in(body, fields): return {'error': 'Missing a field'}, 400 if is_empy_or_none(body): return {'error': 'A field is empty or None'}, 400 # Get current requesting user user_id = get_jwt_identity() current_user = User.objects(id=user_id).first() if current_user is None: return { 'error': 'Header token is not good, please login again' }, 401 picture = Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).first() if picture is None: return {'error': 'Picture id does not exist in database'}, 401 if current_user.username in picture.liked_by: Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).update_one( pull__liked_by=current_user.username) Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).update_one( nb_likes=picture.nb_likes - 1) return {'message': 'Successfully disliked picture'}, 200 Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).update_one( push__liked_by=current_user.username) Picture.objects(id=body.get('picture_id')).update_one( nb_likes=picture.nb_likes + 1) return {'message': 'Successfully liked picture'}, 200
def post(self): body = request.get_json() fields = ['link', 'message'] if not fields_are_in(body, fields): return {'error': 'Missing a field'}, 400 if is_empy_or_none( dict({ 'link': body.get('link'), 'message': body.get('message') })): return {'error': 'A field is empty or None'}, 400 # Get current requesting user user_id = get_jwt_identity() current_user = User.objects(id=user_id).first() if current_user is None: return { 'error': 'Header token is not good, please login again' }, 401 picture = { 'user': current_user.username, 'owner': current_user.username, 'link': body.get('link'), 'message': body.get('message'), 'date':, 'nb_likes': 0, 'nb_comments': 0, } picture = Picture(**picture) User.objects(id=user_id).update_one(push__image_queue=picture) User.objects(id=user_id).update_one(push__pictures=picture) User.objects(id=user_id).update_one( nb_pictures=current_user.nb_pictures + 1) User.objects(following__in=[current_user]).update_one( push__image_queue=picture) return { 'message': 'Picture successfully added to user {} '.format( current_user.username) }, 200
def return_picture(): exp = Experiment() if request.method == 'GET': db.session.add( Picture(id='2', name='2', category='animal', picture='')) db.session.commit() return 'success' if request.method == 'POST': pictures = db.session.query(Picture) # for picture in pictures: # return picture.picture # return jsonify(pictures[exp.choose_elem()].picture) return jsonify(pictures[1].picture)
def create_picture(img): filename = secure_filename(img.filename) content_type = img.content_type id = str(uuid.uuid4()) file_path = "{}/{}.png".format(DATA_DIR, id) picture = Picture(id, file_path) db_session.add(picture) db_session.commit() producer = KafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers=settings.KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS) data = str.encode( producer.send(settings.KAFKA_TOPIC, data) producer.flush() return picture
def get(self, username): # Get current requesting user user_id = get_jwt_identity() current_user = User.objects(id=user_id).first() if current_user is None: return {'error': 'Header token is not good, please login again'}, 401 user_info = User.objects(username=username).first() if user_info is None: return {'error': 'User {} does not exist'.format(username)}, 401 user_info = json.loads(user_info.to_json()) del user_info['password'] del user_info['image_queue'] del user_info['_id'] del user_info['nb_login'] del user_info['dates'] del user_info['following'] user_info['already_follow'] = False for user in user_info['followers']: if user['$oid'] == user_id: user_info['already_follow'] = True break del user_info['followers'] for pic in range(len(user_info['pictures'])): user_info['pictures'][pic] = json.loads(Picture.objects(id=user_info['pictures'][pic]['$oid']).first().to_json()) user_info['pictures'][pic]['id'] = user_info['pictures'][pic]['_id']['$oid'] del user_info['pictures'][pic]['_id'] del user_info['pictures'][pic]['date'] del user_info['pictures'][pic]['owner'] for com in range(len(user_info['pictures'][pic]['comments'])): user_info['pictures'][pic]['comments'][com] = json.loads(Comment.objects(id=user_info['pictures'][pic]['comments'][com]['$oid']).first().to_json()) del user_info['pictures'][pic]['comments'][com]['_id'] user_info['pictures'] = user_info['pictures'][::-1] return Response(json.dumps(user_info), mimetype="application/json", status=200)
def uploadPicture(): """ Saves the image and adds the picture name to a related project """ if request.method == 'POST': project_id = request.form['proj_id'] picture = request.files['picture'] # Parse file type and file name filename = secure_filename(picture.filename) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if filename != '': # Generate a unique file name to store the file filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) try: # Store filepath into the database newPicture = Picture(project_id=project_id, file_name=filename + file_extension, thumbnail_name=thumbnailPrefix + filename + thumbnailExt) dbSession.add(newPicture) # Save picture in the picture directory picturePath = os.path.join(app_root, pictureDir, filename + file_extension) # Create thumbnail of picture thumb = # Source: width, height = thumb.size if width > height: delta = width - height left = int(delta / 2) upper = 0 right = height + left lower = height else: delta = height - width left = 0 upper = int(delta / 2) right = width lower = width + upper thumb = thumb.crop((left, upper, right, lower)) thumb.thumbnail(thumbnailSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) # Save thumbnail in the thumbnail directory thumbnailPath = os.path.join( app_root, thumbnailDir, thumbnailPrefix + filename + thumbnailExt) thumb.close() # Commit and return ok status dbSession.commit() return created_request("Picture was uploaded") except: return bad_request( "Invalid project id or an error when saving the file has occured" ) return bad_request("No file provided")