Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.logger = get_logger(__name__)
     self.conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection()
     self.module_store = ModulesStore()
     self.package_store = PackageStore()
     self.update_store = UpdateStore()
     self.content_set_to_db_id = self._prepare_content_set_map()
Пример #2
class RepositoryStore:
    Class providing interface for listing repositories stored in DB and storing repositories one by one.
    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = get_logger(__name__)
        self.conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection()
        self.module_store = ModulesStore()
        self.package_store = PackageStore()
        self.update_store = UpdateStore()
        self.content_set_to_db_id = self._prepare_content_set_map()

    def _prepare_content_set_map(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""select id, label from content_set""")
        content_sets = {}
        for cs_id, cs_label in cur.fetchall():
            content_sets[cs_label] = cs_id
        return content_sets

    def list_repositories(self):
        """List repositories stored in DB. Dictionary with repository label as key is returned."""
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""select cs.label, a.name, r.releasever, r.id, r.url, r.revision, cs.id,
                              c.name, c.ca_cert, c.cert, c.key
                       from repo r
                       left join arch a on r.basearch_id = a.id
                       left join certificate c on r.certificate_id = c.id
                       left join content_set cs on r.content_set_id = cs.id""")
        repos = {}
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            # (content_set_label, repo_arch, repo_releasever) -> repo_id, repo_url, repo_revision...
            repos[(row[0], row[1], row[2])] = {"id": row[3], "url": row[4], "revision": row[5],
                                               "content_set_id": row[6], "cert_name": row[7], "ca_cert": row[8],
                                               "cert": row[9], "key": row[10]}
        return repos

    def _import_basearch(self, basearch):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("select id from arch where name = %s", (basearch,))
            arch_id = cur.fetchone()
            if not arch_id:
                cur.execute("insert into arch (name) values(%s) returning id", (basearch,))
                arch_id = cur.fetchone()
        except Exception:
            self.logger.exception("Failed to import basearch.")
        return arch_id[0]

    def _import_certificate(self, cert_name, ca_cert, cert, key):
        if not key:
            key = None
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("select id from certificate where name = %s", (cert_name,))
            cert_id = cur.fetchone()
            if not cert_id:
                cur.execute("""insert into certificate (name, ca_cert, cert, key)
                            values (%s, %s, %s, %s) returning id""", (cert_name, ca_cert, cert, key,))
                cert_id = cur.fetchone()
                cur.execute("update certificate set ca_cert = %s, cert = %s, key = %s where name = %s",
                            (ca_cert, cert, key, cert_name,))
        except Exception:
            self.logger.exception("Failed to import certificate.")
        return cert_id[0]

    def cleanup_unused_data(self):
        Deletes packages and errata not associated with any repo etc.
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("""select p.id from package p where not exists (
                             select 1 from pkg_repo pr where pr.pkg_id = p.id
                           ) and p.source_package_id is not null
            packages_to_delete = cur.fetchall()

            cur.execute("""select e.id from errata e where not exists (
                             select 1 from errata_repo er where er.errata_id = e.id
            updates_to_delete = cur.fetchall()

            if packages_to_delete:
                cur.execute("""delete from pkg_errata pe where pe.pkg_id in %s""", (tuple(packages_to_delete),))
                cur.execute("""delete from module_rpm_artifact mra where mra.pkg_id in %s""",
                cur.execute("""delete from package p where p.id in %s""", (tuple(packages_to_delete),))

            if updates_to_delete:
                cur.execute("""delete from pkg_errata pe where pe.errata_id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))
                cur.execute("""delete from errata_cve ec where ec.errata_id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))
                cur.execute("""delete from errata_refs er where er.errata_id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))
                cur.execute("""delete from errata e where e.id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))
        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
            self.logger.exception("Failed to clean up unused data.")

    def delete_content_set(self, content_set_label):
        Deletes repositories and their content from DB.
        content_set_id = self.content_set_to_db_id[content_set_label]
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("""select id from repo where content_set_id = %s""", (content_set_id,))
            repo_ids = cur.fetchall()
            for repo_id in repo_ids:
                cur.execute("select id from module where repo_id = %s", (repo_id,))
                module_ids = cur.fetchall()
                if module_ids:
                    cur.execute("select id from module_stream where module_id in %s", (tuple(module_ids),))
                    module_stream_ids = cur.fetchall()
                    if module_stream_ids:
                        cur.execute("""delete from module_profile_pkg
                                        where profile_id in (select id from module_profile
                                                            where stream_id in %s)""", (tuple(module_stream_ids),))
                        cur.execute("delete from module_rpm_artifact where stream_id in %s",
                        cur.execute("delete from pkg_errata where module_stream_id in %s", (tuple(module_stream_ids),))
                        cur.execute("delete from module_profile where stream_id in %s", (tuple(module_stream_ids),))
                    cur.execute("delete from module_stream where module_id in %s", (tuple(module_ids),))
                cur.execute("delete from module where repo_id = %s", (repo_id,))
                cur.execute("delete from pkg_repo where repo_id = %s", (repo_id,))
                cur.execute("delete from errata_repo where repo_id = %s", (repo_id,))
                cur.execute("delete from repo where id = %s", (repo_id,))
            cur.execute("delete from content_set where id = %s", (content_set_id,))
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            self.logger.exception("Failed to delete content set.")

    def import_repository(self, repo):
        Imports or updates repository record in DB.
        if repo.ca_cert:
            # will raise exception if db error occurs
            cert_id = self._import_certificate(repo.cert_name, repo.ca_cert, repo.cert, repo.key)
            cert_id = None

        if repo.basearch:
            # will raise exception if db error occurs
            basearch_id = self._import_basearch(repo.basearch)
            basearch_id = None

        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            content_set_id = self.content_set_to_db_id[repo.content_set]
            cur.execute("""select id, revision from repo where content_set_id = %s
                           and ((%s is null and basearch_id is null) or basearch_id = %s)
                           and ((%s is null and releasever is null) or releasever = %s)
                        (content_set_id, basearch_id, basearch_id, repo.releasever, repo.releasever))
            db_repo = cur.fetchone()
            if not db_repo:
                cur.execute("""insert into repo (url, content_set_id, basearch_id, releasever,
                                                 revision, eol, certificate_id)
                            values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, false, %s) returning id, revision""",
                            (repo.repo_url, content_set_id, basearch_id, repo.releasever,
                             repo.get_revision(), cert_id,))
                db_repo = cur.fetchone()
                revision = repo.get_revision()
                # if revision in repo object is None, re-use current revision from DB (don't update)
                # this method is called from 2 different places with 2 different states of repo object
                if not revision:
                    revision = db_repo[1]
                cur.execute("""update repo set revision = %s, url = %s, certificate_id = %s where id = %s""",
                            (revision, repo.repo_url, cert_id, db_repo[0],))
            return db_repo[0]
        except Exception:
            self.logger.exception("Failed to import or update repository.")

    def store(self, repository):
        Store single repository content into DB.
        First, basic repository info is processed, then all packages, then all updates.
        Some steps may be skipped if given data doesn't exist or are already synced.
            repo_id = self.import_repository(repository)
            self.package_store.store(repo_id, repository.list_packages())
            self.module_store.store(repo_id, repository.list_modules())
            self.update_store.store(repo_id, repository.list_updates())
        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
            # exception already logged.
Пример #3
class RepositoryStore:
    Class providing interface for listing repositories stored in DB and storing repositories one by one.
    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = get_logger(__name__)
        self.conn = DatabaseHandler.get_connection()
        self.module_store = ModulesStore()
        self.package_store = PackageStore()
        self.update_store = UpdateStore()
        self.content_set_to_db_id = self._prepare_content_set_map()

    def _prepare_content_set_map(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""select id, label from content_set""")
        content_sets = {}
        for cs_id, cs_label in cur.fetchall():
            content_sets[cs_label] = cs_id
        return content_sets

    def list_repositories(self):
        """List repositories stored in DB. Dictionary with repository label as key is returned."""
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""select cs.label, a.name, r.releasever, r.id, r.url, r.revision, cs.id,
                              c.name, c.ca_cert, c.cert, c.key
                       from repo r
                       left join arch a on r.basearch_id = a.id
                       left join certificate c on r.certificate_id = c.id
                       left join content_set cs on r.content_set_id = cs.id""")
        repos = {}
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            # (content_set_label, repo_arch, repo_releasever) -> repo_id, repo_url, repo_revision...
            repos[(row[0], row[1], row[2])] = {"id": row[3], "url": row[4], "revision": row[5],
                                               "content_set_id": row[6], "cert_name": row[7], "ca_cert": row[8],
                                               "cert": row[9], "key": row[10]}
        return repos

    def _import_basearch(self, basearch):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("select id from arch where name = %s", (basearch,))
        arch_id = cur.fetchone()
        if not arch_id:
            cur.execute("insert into arch (name) values(%s) returning id", (basearch,))
            arch_id = cur.fetchone()
        return arch_id[0]

    def _import_certificate(self, cert_name, ca_cert, cert, key):
        if not key:
            key = None
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("select id from certificate where name = %s", (cert_name,))
        cert_id = cur.fetchone()
        if not cert_id:
            cur.execute("""insert into certificate (name, ca_cert, cert, key)
                        values (%s, %s, %s, %s) returning id""", (cert_name, ca_cert, cert, key,))
            cert_id = cur.fetchone()
            cur.execute("update certificate set ca_cert = %s, cert = %s, key = %s where name = %s",
                        (ca_cert, cert, key, cert_name,))
        return cert_id[0]

    def cleanup_unused_data(self):
        Deletes packages and errata not associated with any repo etc.
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""select p.id from package p where not exists (
                         select 1 from pkg_repo pr where pr.pkg_id = p.id
        packages_to_delete = [pkg_id for pkg_id in cur.fetchall()]

        cur.execute("""select e.id from errata e where not exists (
                         select 1 from errata_repo er where er.errata_id = e.id
        updates_to_delete = [update_id for update_id in cur.fetchall()]

        if packages_to_delete:
            cur.execute("""delete from pkg_errata pe where pe.pkg_id in %s""", (tuple(packages_to_delete),))
            cur.execute("""delete from package p where p.id in %s""", (tuple(packages_to_delete),))

        if updates_to_delete:
            cur.execute("""delete from pkg_errata pe where pe.errata_id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))
            cur.execute("""delete from errata_cve ec where ec.errata_id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))
            cur.execute("""delete from errata_refs er where er.errata_id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))
            cur.execute("""delete from errata e where e.id in %s""", (tuple(updates_to_delete),))


    def delete_content_set(self, content_set_label):
        Deletes repositories and their content from DB.
        content_set_id = self.content_set_to_db_id[content_set_label]
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""select id from repo where content_set_id = %s""", (content_set_id,))
        repo_ids = [repo_id for repo_id in cur.fetchall()]
        for repo_id in repo_ids:
            cur.execute("delete from pkg_repo where repo_id = %s", (repo_id,))
            cur.execute("delete from errata_repo where repo_id = %s", (repo_id,))
            cur.execute("delete from repo where id = %s", (repo_id,))
        cur.execute("delete from content_set where id = %s", (content_set_id,))

    def import_repository(self, repo):
        Imports or updates repository record in DB.
        if repo.ca_cert:
            cert_id = self._import_certificate(repo.cert_name, repo.ca_cert, repo.cert, repo.key)
            cert_id = None

        if repo.basearch:
            basearch_id = self._import_basearch(repo.basearch)
            basearch_id = None
        content_set_id = self.content_set_to_db_id[repo.content_set]
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""select id from repo where content_set_id = %s
                       and ((%s is null and basearch_id is null) or basearch_id = %s)
                       and ((%s is null and releasever is null) or releasever = %s)
                    (content_set_id, basearch_id, basearch_id, repo.releasever, repo.releasever))
        repo_id = cur.fetchone()
        if not repo_id:
            cur.execute("""insert into repo (url, content_set_id, basearch_id, releasever,
                                             revision, eol, certificate_id)
                        values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, false, %s) returning id""",
                        (repo.repo_url, content_set_id, basearch_id, repo.releasever,
                         repo.get_revision(), cert_id,))
            repo_id = cur.fetchone()
            # Update repository timestamp
            cur.execute("""update repo set revision = %s, certificate_id = %s, content_set_id = %s,
                                           basearch_id = %s, releasever = %s
                        where id = %s""", (repo.get_revision(), cert_id, content_set_id, basearch_id,
                                           repo.releasever, repo_id[0],))
        return repo_id[0]

    def store(self, repository):
        Store single repository content into DB.
        First, basic repository info is processed, then all packages, then all updates.
        Some steps may be skipped if given data doesn't exist or are already synced.
        self.logger.info("Syncing repository: %s", ", ".join(filter(None, (repository.content_set, repository.basearch,
        repo_id = self.import_repository(repository)
        self.package_store.store(repo_id, repository.list_packages())
        self.module_store.store(repo_id, repository.list_modules())
        self.update_store.store(repo_id, repository.list_updates())