def insert_user_data(userId, gasNum, userNum, year, month, day, hour): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql = 'INSERT INTO data.userdata (user_id, gasNum, userNum, year, month, day, hour) ' \ 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);' mysqlserver.exe(sql, (userId, gasNum, userNum, year, month, day, hour)) mysqlserver.commit() mysqlserver.closeSQL()
def delete_user(id): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql0 = 'delete from userdata where user_id = %s' sql = "DELETE FROM `data`.`user` WHERE `id` = %s" res = [True, ''] try: mysqlserver.exe(sql0, (int(id), )) mysqlserver.exe(sql, (int(id), )) mysqlserver.commit() except Exception as e: res = [False, "数据库错误" + str(e)] finally: mysqlserver.closeSQL() return res
def insert_weather(date, maxTemperature, minTemperature, avgTemperature): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql = 'INSERT INTO (date, max, min, ord) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);' mysqlserver.exe(sql, (date, maxTemperature, minTemperature, avgTemperature)) mysqlserver.commit() mysqlserver.closeSQL()
def update_user_data(user_data_id, gas_num, user_num, year, month, day, hour): mysql_server = Mysql() sql = 'UPDATE userdata SET gasNum = %s, userNum = %s, year = %s, month = %s, day = %s, hour = %s ' \ 'WHERE = %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (gas_num, user_num, year, month, day, hour, user_data_id)) mysql_server.commit() mysql_server.closeSQL()
def get_many_year_user_number(user_id, year): sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.userNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and u.year <= %s' params = (user_id, year) mysql_server = Mysql() mysql_server.exe(sql, params) results = {} for row in mysql_server.results(): if row[0] in results: if row[1] in results[row[0]]: if row[2] in results[row[0]][row[1]]: if row[3] in results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]]: pass else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]][row[3]] = row[4] else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]] = {row[3]: row[4]} else: results[row[0]][row[1]] = {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4]}} else: results[row[0]] = {row[1]: {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4]}}} time_gas = results year_dict = {} for y in time_gas.keys(): all = 0 if y in time_gas: mts = time_gas[y] mts_keys = mts.keys() if 0 in mts_keys: all = mts[0][0][0] else: for m in mts_keys: days = mts[m] days_keys = days.keys() if 0 in days_keys: all = days[0][0] else: for d in days_keys: hours = days[d] hours_keys = hours.keys() if 0 in hours_keys: all = hours[0] else: for h in hours_keys: all = hours[h] year_dict[y] = all return year_dict
def get_gas_index(user_id, index_type, year, month): mysql_server = Mysql() # sql = 'SELECT timeType FROM user WHERE id = %s' # mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_id, )) # for row in mysql_server.results(): # time_type = row[0] # if time_type == 5: # return -1 if index_type == '年': sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum, u.userNum FROM userdata u WHERE u.user_id = %s and u.year = %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_id, year)) else: # if time_type == 1: # return -2 sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum, u.userNum FROM userdata u WHERE user_id = %s and u.year = %s and u.month = %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_id, year, month)) results = {} for row in mysql_server.results(): if row[0] in results: if row[1] in results[row[0]]: if row[2] in results[row[0]][row[1]]: if row[3] in results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]]: pass else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]][ row[3]] = row[4] / row[5] else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]] = {row[3]: row[4] / row[5]} else: results[row[0]][row[1]] = {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4] / row[5]}} else: results[row[0]] = {row[1]: {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4] / row[5]}}} return results
def get_all_user_info(): mysqlserver = Mysql() # timeType2Int = {"年": 1, "月": 2, "日": 3, "小时": 4} # year_sql = "select u.userType, u.userName, sum(d.gasNum / d.userNum),d.year, u.gasUnit, u.userUnit from user u, userdata d " \ # "where = d.user_id and u.timeType >= %s and d.year >= %s and d.year <= %s group by d.user_id, d.year;" # month_sql = "select u.userType, u.userName, sum(d.gasNum / d.userNum),(d.year *100 + d.month), u.gasUnit, u.userUnit from user u, userdata d " \ # "where = d.user_id and u.timeType >= %s and (d.year, d.month) >= (%s, %s) and (d.year, d.month) <= (%s, %s) group by d.user_id, d.month, d.year;" # if timeType == "年": # sql = year_sql # params = (timeType2Int[timeType], int(start_time), int(stop_time)) # elif timeType == "月": # sql = month_sql # params = (timeType2Int[timeType], int(start_time[:5]), int(start_time[5:]), int(stop_time[:5]), int(stop_time[5:])) # else: # raise ValueError("不应该的时间指标类型") sql = "SELECT id, userType, userName, gasUnit, userUnit FROM data.user;" mysqlserver.exe(sql) info = [] for row in mysqlserver.results(): index = {} index["id"] = row[0] index["userType"] = row[1] index["userName"] = row[2] index["unit"] = "%s / %s" % (row[3], row[4]) info.append(index) mysqlserver.closeSQL() return info
def get_all_userType(): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql = "SELECT distinct userType FROM data.user;" mysqlserver.exe(sql) userTypes = [] for row in mysqlserver.results(): userTypes.append(row[0]) mysqlserver.closeSQL() return userTypes
def check_admin(username, password): mysql_server = Mysql() sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM administrator WHERE = %s and administrator.password = %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (username, password)) for row in mysql_server.results(): if row[0] == 1: return True return False mysql_server.closeSQL()
def insert_user(userType, userName, gasUnit, userUnit, remark=''): mysqlserver = Mysql() # mysqlserver.openSQL() sql = "INSERT INTO `data`.`user` (`userType`, `userName`, `gasUnit`, `userUnit`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);" res = [True, ''] try: mysqlserver.exe(sql, (userType, userName, gasUnit, userUnit)) mysqlserver.commit() except Exception as e: res = [False, "数据库错误" + str(e)] finally: mysqlserver.closeSQL() return res
def get_weather_in_times(index_type, start_year, start_month, start_day, end_year, end_month, end_day): mysql_server = Mysql() weather_list = [] weather_dict = {} if index_type == '年': for i in range(start_year, end_year + 1): weather_list.append([str(i)]) sql = 'SELECT YEAR(date), AVG(max), AVG(min), AVG(ord) FROM weather ' \ 'WHERE YEAR(date) >= %s and YEAR(date) <= %s GROUP BY YEAR(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date)' mysql_server.exe(sql, (start_year, end_year)) elif index_type == '月': for i in range(start_year * 12 + start_month, end_year * 12 + end_month + 1): weather_list.append([str(i // 12) + '/' + str((i - 1) % 12 + 1)]) sql = 'SELECT YEAR(date), MONTH(date), AVG(max), AVG(min), AVG(ord) FROM weather ' \ 'WHERE (YEAR(date), MONTH(date)) >= (%s, %s) and (YEAR(date), MONTH(date)) <= (%s, %s) ' \ 'GROUP BY YEAR(date), MONTH(date) order by YEAR(date), MONTH(date)' mysql_server.exe(sql, (start_year, start_month, end_year, end_month)) elif index_type == '日' or index_type == '周' or index_type == '小时': # dayfrom = datetime.datetime.strptime("%d-%d-%d" % (start_year, start_month, start_day), '%Y-%m-%d').date() # dayto = datetime.datetime.strptime("%d-%d-%d" % (end_year, end_month, end_day), '%Y-%m-%d').date() # dayscount = (dayto - dayfrom).days # for i in range(dayscount): # d = dayfrom + datetime.timedelta(days=i) # weather_dict["%d/%d/%d" % (d.year, d.month,] = [] sql = 'SELECT YEAR(date), MONTH(date), DAY(date), AVG(max), AVG(min), AVG(ord) FROM weather ' \ 'WHERE (YEAR(date), MONTH(date), DAY(date)) >= (%s, %s, %s) and (YEAR(date), MONTH(date), DAY(date)) <= (%s, %s, %s) ' \ 'GROUP BY YEAR(date), MONTH(date), DAY(date) order by YEAR(date), MONTH(date), DAY(date)' mysql_server.exe( sql, (start_year, start_month, start_day, end_year, end_month, end_day)) for row in mysql_server.results(): if index_type == '年': weather_list[row[0] - start_year].extend([row[1], row[2], row[3]]) elif index_type == '月': weather_list[(row[0] * 12 + row[1]) - (start_year * 12 + start_month)].extend( [row[2], row[3], row[4]]) elif index_type == '日' or index_type == '周' or index_type == '小时': # weather_dict["%d/%d/%d" % (row[0], row[1], row[2])] = [row[3], row[4], row[5]] weather_list.append([ "%d/%d/%d" % (row[0], row[1], row[2]), row[3], row[4], row[5] ]) return weather_list
def get_userNames_by_userType(userType): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql = "SELECT userName, id FROM data.user WHERE userType=%s;" mysqlserver.exe(sql, (userType, )) userNames = [] userName2id = {} for row in mysqlserver.results(): userNames.append(row[0]) userName2id[row[0]] = row[1] mysqlserver.closeSQL() return userNames, userName2id
def get_user(userType, userName): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql = "SELECT gasUnit, userUnit FROM data.user where userType=%s and userName=%s;" mysqlserver.exe(sql, (userType, userName)) user = {} for row in mysqlserver.results(): user['gasUnit'] = row[0] user['userUnit'] = row[1] user["userType"] = userType user["userName"] = userName mysqlserver.closeSQL() return user
def get_user_data_by_date(user_id, year, month, day, hour): user_data = {} mysql_server = Mysql() sql = 'SELECT id, gasNum, userNum FROM userdata WHERE user_id = %s and year = %s and month = %s and day = %s and ' \ 'hour = %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_id, year, month, day, hour)) for row in mysql_server.results(): user_data['id'] = row[0] user_data['gasNum'] = row[1] user_data['userNum'] = row[2] mysql_server.closeSQL() return user_data
def get_user_by_id(id): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql = "SELECT userType, userName, gasUnit, userUnit, timeType FROM data.user WHERE id=%s;" mysqlserver.exe(sql, (id, )) user = {} for row in mysqlserver.results(): user["userType"] = row[0] user["userName"] = row[1] user["gasUnit"] = row[2] user["userUnit"] = row[3] user["timeType"] = int(row[4]) mysqlserver.closeSQL() return user
def update_user(id, userType, userName, gasUnit, userUnit): mysqlserver = Mysql() sql = "UPDATE `data`.`user` t SET t.`userType` = %s, t.`userName` = %s, t.`gasUnit` = %s, t.`userUnit` = %s WHERE t.`id` = %s" res = [True, ''] try: mysqlserver.exe(sql, ( userType, userName, gasUnit, userUnit, id, )) mysqlserver.commit() except Exception as e: res = [False, "数据库错误" + str(e)] finally: mysqlserver.closeSQL() return res
def get_user_date(user_id): date_dict = {} mysql_server = Mysql() sql = 'SELECT year, month, day, hour FROM userdata WHERE user_id = %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_id, )) for row in mysql_server.results(): year = row[0] month = row[1] day = row[2] hour = row[3] if year not in date_dict.keys(): date_dict[year] = {} if month not in date_dict[year].keys(): date_dict[year][month] = {} if day not in date_dict[year][month].keys(): date_dict[year][month][day] = set() if hour not in date_dict[year][month][day]: date_dict[year][month][day].add(hour) mysql_server.closeSQL() return date_dict
def get_avg_gas(user_id, time_type, search_time, results=None): year = 2000 month = 0 day = 0 hour = 0 dayfrom = None dayto = None if time_type == "年": year = int(search_time[:4]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and u.year = %s' params = (user_id, year) # print(sql % (user_id, year)) elif time_type == "月": year = int(search_time[:4]) month = int(search_time[4:6]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and (u.year, u.month) = (%s, %s)' params = (user_id, year, month) elif time_type == "日": year = int(search_time[:4]) month = int(search_time[4:6]) day = int(search_time[6:8]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and (u.year, u.month, = (%s, %s, %s)' params = (user_id, year, month, day) elif time_type == "周": vdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(search_time.replace(" ", "0"), '%Y%m%d').date() dayscount = datetime.timedelta(days=vdate.isoweekday()) dayfrom = vdate - dayscount + datetime.timedelta(days=1) dayto = vdate - dayscount + datetime.timedelta(days=7) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and (u.year, u.month, >= (%s, %s, %s) and (u.year, u.month, <= (%s, %s, %s)' params = (user_id, dayfrom.year, dayfrom.month,, dayto.year, dayto.month, elif time_type == "小时": year = int(search_time[:4]) month = int(search_time[4:6]) day = int(search_time[6:8]) hour = int(search_time[8:10]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and (u.year, u.month,, u.hour) = (%s, %s, %s, %s)' params = (user_id, year, month, day, hour) if not results: mysql_server = Mysql() mysql_server.exe(sql, params) results = {} for row in mysql_server.results(): if row[0] in results: if row[1] in results[row[0]]: if row[2] in results[row[0]][row[1]]: if row[3] in results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]]: pass else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]][row[3]] = row[4] else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]] = {row[3]: row[4]} else: results[row[0]][row[1]] = {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4]}} else: results[row[0]] = {row[1]: {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4]}}} time_gas = results if time_type == "年": all_gas = get_gas_by_alltime(time_type, time_gas, search_time) # print(all_gas) days = 365 if year % 400 == 0 or (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0): days += 1 avg_gas = all_gas / days return avg_gas elif time_type == "月": all_gas = get_gas_by_alltime(time_type, time_gas, search_time) current_month = month current_year = year day_list = [] if current_month == 2: if current_year % 400 == 0 or (current_year % 4 == 0 and current_year % 100 != 0): day_list = day_dict['闰月'] else: day_list = day_dict['平月'] elif str(current_month) in month_dict['大月']: day_list = day_dict['大月'] elif str(current_month) in month_dict['小月']: day_list = day_dict['小月'] avg_gas = all_gas / len(day_list) return avg_gas elif time_type == "日": all_gas = get_gas_by_alltime(time_type, time_gas, search_time) avg_gas = all_gas / 24 return avg_gas elif time_type == "周": day_list = [] for d in range(7): day = dayfrom + datetime.timedelta(days=d) day_list.append("%4d%2d%2d" % (day.year, day.month, # print(day_list) all_gas = 0 for d in day_list: all_gas += get_gas_by_alltime("日", time_gas, d) avg_gas = all_gas / 7 return avg_gas elif time_type == "小时": return get_gas_by_alltime(time_type, time_gas, search_time)
def delete_user_data(user_data_id): mysql_server = Mysql() sql = 'DELETE FROM userdata WHERE id = %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_data_id, )) mysql_server.commit() mysql_server.closeSQL()
def get_many_avg_gas(user_id, time_type, start_time, stop_time): mysql_server = Mysql() if time_type == "年": start_year = int(start_time[:4]) stop_year = int(stop_time[:4]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where = %s and u.year >= %s and u.year <= %s' mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_id, start_year, stop_year)) elif time_type == "月": start_year = int(start_time[:4]) stop_year = int(stop_time[:4]) start_month = int(start_time[4:6]) stop_month = int(stop_time[4:6]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where = %s and (u.year, u.month) >= (%s, %s) and (u.year, u.month) <= (%s, %s)' mysql_server.exe( sql, (user_id, start_year, start_month, stop_year, stop_month)) elif time_type == "日" or time_type == "周": start_year = int(start_time[:4]) start_month = int(start_time[4:6]) start_day = int(start_time[6:8]) stop_year = int(stop_time[:4]) stop_month = int(stop_time[4:6]) stop_day = int(stop_time[6:8]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and (u.year, u.month, >= (%s, %s, %s) and (u.year, u.month, <= (%s, %s, %s)' mysql_server.exe(sql, (user_id, start_year, start_month, start_day, stop_year, stop_month, stop_day)) elif time_type == "小时": start_year = int(start_time[:4]) start_month = int(start_time[4:6]) start_day = int(start_time[6:8]) start_hour = int(start_time[8:10]) stop_year = int(stop_time[:4]) stop_month = int(stop_time[4:6]) stop_day = int(stop_time[6:8]) stop_hour = int(stop_time[8:10]) sql = 'SELECT u.year, u.month,, u.hour, u.gasNum From userdata u where u.user_id = %s and (u.year, u.month,, u.hour) >= (%s, %s, %s, %s) and (u.year, u.month,, u.hour) <= (%s, %s, %s, %s)' mysql_server.exe( sql, (user_id, start_year, start_month, start_day, start_hour, stop_year, stop_month, stop_day, stop_hour)) else: return results = {} for row in mysql_server.results(): if row[0] in results: if row[1] in results[row[0]]: if row[2] in results[row[0]][row[1]]: if row[3] in results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]]: pass else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]][row[3]] = row[4] else: results[row[0]][row[1]][row[2]] = {row[3]: row[4]} else: results[row[0]][row[1]] = {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4]}} else: results[row[0]] = {row[1]: {row[2]: {row[3]: row[4]}}} return results