def open_deck(id, deck_name): column = "question" frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='violet', bd=4), relwidth=0.9, relx=0.5, rely=0.1, anchor='n') label = tk.Label(frame, font=50, bg=background, fg=foreground), relheight=0.7) label.config(font=(fontype, cardfontsize)) try: temp = id.pop() number = list(map(int, temp)) label['text'] = database.fetch(number, column) except: define_deck(deck_name, 0) button = tk.Button(frame, text="Show Answer", font=40, bg=background, fg=foreground, command=lambda: nexttab(number, deck_name)), rely=0.75, relwidth=0.3, relheight=0.2) bt = tk.Button(frame, text="Back", font=20, bg=bannerred, fg="black", command=lambda: maindeck()), rely=0.85, relwidth=0.16, relheight=0.1) root.mainloop()
def doc(id): conn = db.connect() post = db.fetch(conn, id) return render_template('doc.html',, TITLE=post.title, TEXT=post.body)
def route_revisions(title, rev): title = title.replace('_', ' ') if not database.init(): return error(app.config['db_err_title'], app.config['db_err_msg']), 503 if not database.fetch('SELECT 1 from articles WHERE title = ?', [title]): return redirect('/%s' % title) if rev == "list": revisions = database.fetch_all('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE title = ?', [title]) return render_template('revision.html', rev="list", title=title, revisions=revisions) elif rev != 0: article = database.fetch('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE title = ? AND revision = ?', [title, rev]) return render_template('revision.html', rev=rev, title=title, content=article['content']) else: return redirect('/%s' % title)
def route_random(): database.init() row = database.fetch("SELECT title FROM articles WHERE title!='Main Page' ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1") database.close() if row != None: title = row['title'].replace(' ', '_') return redirect('/' + title) else: return redirect('/')
def ratio_labels(react_type, user_attrs, times): if user_attrs: sql_attrs = ' AND ' + ' AND '.join(['users.%s="%s"' % x for x in user_attrs]) else: sql_attrs = '' ratios = [] for start, end in times: query = COUNT_QUERY % (react_type.split(":")[0] + ":Agree", sql_attrs, start, end) num_agrees = database.fetch(query)[0][0] query = COUNT_QUERY % (react_type.split(":")[0] + ":Disagree", sql_attrs, start, end) num_disagrees = database.fetch(query)[0][0] if num_disagrees == 0: ratios.append(num_agrees) else: ratios.append(num_agrees / num_disagrees) median = np.median(ratios) return [1 if x > median else 0 for x in ratios]
def route_article(title): title = title.replace('_', ' ') if not database.init(): return error(app.config['db_err_title'], app.config['db_err_msg']), 503 article = database.fetch('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE title = ? AND revision = 0', [title]) database.close() if article != None: return render_template('article.html', title=title, content=article['content']) else: return render_template('article.html', title=title, content='There is currently no text on this page')
def route_edit(title): title = title.replace('_', ' ') if not database.init(): return error(app.config['s_db_title'], app.config['s_db_msg']), 503 article = database.fetch('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE title = ?', [escape(title)]) database.close() if article != None: return render_template('edit.html', title=article['title'], id=article['id'], content=article['content']) else: return render_template('edit.html', title=title, id=0, content='')
def svmlite_lines(react_type, user_attrs, label_fn, times, feats_list): if user_attrs: sql_attrs = ' AND ' + ' AND '.join(['users.%s="%s"' % x for x in user_attrs]) else: sql_attrs = '' for (start, end), feats in zip(times, feats_list): if react_type == "all": query = COUNT_QUERY_ALL % (sql_attrs, start, end) else: query = COUNT_QUERY % (react_type, sql_attrs, start, end) num_reacts = database.fetch(query)[0][0] feat_str = ' '.join(["%s:%s" % (idx, feat) for idx, feat in feats + [('100', str((strptime(end, '%H:%M:%S') - strptime(start, '%H:%M:%S')).seconds))]]) yield "%s %s\n" % (label_fn(num_reacts), feat_str)
def edit(): id = request.form.get('id', None) if id == '': return render_template('editor.html', error_msg='please enter an ID') conn = db.connect() post = db.fetch(conn, id) try: return render_template('editor.html', title=post.title, body=post.body, tags=post.tags) except AttributeError: return render_template('editor.html', error_msg=f'no post found with ID {id}')
def counts_per_turn(react_type, user_attrs, per_second=True, curr_speaker=True): speakers = {'0': 'Moderator', '1': 'Romney', '2': 'Obama'} if user_attrs: user_attr_sql = ' AND ' + ' AND '.join(['users.%s="%s"' % x for x in user_attrs]) else: user_attr_sql = '' with open(DEBATE_DATA_FNAME) as debate_data: reader = csv.reader(debate_data, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') react_counts = [] for row in reader: query = BARE_COUNT_QUERY % (row[2], row[3]) query += user_attr_sql if curr_speaker: print row query += ' AND reactions.reaction="%s:%s"' % (speakers[row[1]], react_type) react_count = database.fetch(query)[0][0] react_counts.append(react_count) return react_counts
def binned_labels(react_type, user_attrs, times): if user_attrs: sql_attrs = ' AND ' + ' AND '.join(['users.%s="%s"' % x for x in user_attrs]) else: sql_attrs = '' react_counts = [] for start, end in times: if react_type == "all": query = COUNT_QUERY_ALL % (sql_attrs, start, end) else: query = COUNT_QUERY % (react_type.split(":")[0] + ":Agree", sql_attrs, start, end) #print query st = strptime(start, '%H:%M:%S') nd = strptime(end, '%H:%M:%S') turn_time = (nd - st).seconds + 1 num_reacts = database.fetch(query)[0][0] #print num_reacts react_counts.append(num_reacts / turn_time) median = np.median(react_counts) return [1 if x > median else 0 for x in react_counts]
def nexttab(number, deck_name): column = "answer" frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='purple', bd=4), relwidth=0.9, relx=0.5, rely=0.1, anchor='n') label = tk.Label(frame, font=50, bg=foreground, fg=background), relheight=0.7) label.config(font=(fontype, cardfontsize)) label['text'] = database.fetch(number, column) button = tk.Button(frame, text="Very Easy", font=40, bg=bannergreen, fg='black', command=lambda: complete(number, 0, deck_name)), rely=0.75, relwidth=0.20, relheight=0.2) button = tk.Button(frame, text="Easy", font=40, bg=bannerblue, fg='black', command=lambda: complete(number, 1, deck_name)), rely=0.75, relwidth=0.20, relheight=0.2) button = tk.Button(frame, text="Medium", font=40, bg=banneryellow, fg='black', command=lambda: complete(number, 2, deck_name)), rely=0.75, relwidth=0.20, relheight=0.2) button = tk.Button(frame, text="Hard", font=40, bg=bannerred, fg='black', command=lambda: complete(number, 3, deck_name)), rely=0.75, relwidth=0.20, relheight=0.2)
def get(key): return database.fetch('select * from settings where key = "' + key + '"')[0]
def _fetch(self, query, parameters=None): if parameters is None: return database.fetch(query) else: return database.fetch(query, parameters)
def get_all_ids(): return database.fetch('select id from torrents')
def get_ids_for_artist(artist): return database.fetch('select id from torrents where artist = "' + artist + '"')
def exists(id, artist, album): query = 'select id from torrents where id = "' + str( id) + '" or artist = "' + artist + '" and album = "' + album + '"' return database.fetch(query) != []