Пример #1
def get_emails():
    messages = []

        already_read_ids = get_ids()
        mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(SMTP_SERVER)
        mail.login(EMAIL, PWD)
        state, data = mail.search(None, 'ALL')
        mail_ids = data[0]
        id_list = mail_ids.split()

        for id in id_list:
            if id in already_read_ids:
            state, data = mail.fetch(id, '(RFC822)')

            for response_part in data:
                if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
                    msg = email.message_from_string(response_part[1])
                    msgstr = str(msg)
                    if 'ebay' in msg['from']:
                        if 'question' in msg['subject']:
                            messages.append({'id': id, 'msg': msg['subject']})

    except Exception, e:
        print str(e)
def randomise(db, group, appointments, init=110, increase=5):
    '''Assigns each appoitments into a randomly available slot'''

    timetable = {}
    slots_taken = {}

    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        timetable[person] = [0 for x in range(init)] #Fills their ids with 0's

    #Loop over who needs a schedule
    for person in appointments:
        #Initialise slots taken keys.
        slots_taken[person] = []

        #Loop over appointments
        for relationships in appointments[person]:

            #Get the available slots we can place the appointment in
            ava_slots = [slot for slot, value in enumerate(timetable[relationships]) if value == 0 and slot not in slots_taken[person]]

            #If there are no available slots, extend the list and re-check the slots.
            while len(ava_slots) == 0:
                ava_slots = [slot for slot, value in enumerate(timetable[relationships]) if value == 0 and slot not in slots_taken[person]]

            #Select a random slot
            slot = choice(ava_slots)

            timetable[relationships][slot] = person

    return remove_excess(timetable)
def first_fit(db, group, appointments, init=50, increase = 5):
    '''First fit algorithm. The opposite appointment data needs to be provided. Can be done to teachers or pupils'''

    #Initialising where the timetable will be stored
    timetable = {}

    #Creating keys with the people's ids and filling their list with 0's
    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        timetable[person] = [0 for x in range(init)] #Fills their ids with 0's

    #Loop over the people that need to be assigned appointments
    for person in appointments:
        slots_taken = []

        #Loop over who they need to see.
        for relationships in appointments[person]:
            slot = 0

            #Find available slot
            while True:

                #Check if the list is long enough
                if len(timetable[relationships]) <= slot:
                    timetable[relationships].extend([0,] * increase)

                #Checking if the slot is available
                if timetable[relationships][slot] == 0 and slot not in slots_taken:
                    timetable[relationships][slot] = person

                    slot += 1

    return remove_excess(timetable)
def variable_first_fit(db, group, appointments, init=50, increase = 5):
    '''First fit starting at random positions'''
    timetable = {}

    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        timetable[person] = [0 for x in range(init)] #Fills their ids with 0's

    for person in appointments:
        slots_taken = []

        #Start at a random position
        init = randint(0, len(appointments[person]))

        for relationships in appointments[person]:
            slot = init

            if slot >= len(timetable[relationships]):
                slot = len(timetable[relationships])
                init = slot

            while True:

                if len(timetable[relationships]) <= slot:
                    timetable[relationships].extend([0,] * increase)

                if timetable[relationships][slot] == 0 and slot not in slots_taken:
                    timetable[relationships][slot] = person

                    slot += 1

    return remove_excess(timetable)
def shake_first_fit(db, group, appointments, init=50, increase = 5):
    '''First fit but assign forward, then backwards'''

    timetable = {}

    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        timetable[person] = [0 for x in range(init)] #Fills their ids with 0's

    num = 0
    for person in appointments:
        slots_taken = []
        num += 1

        for relationships in appointments[person]:
            #If person is even-numbered
            if num % 2 == 0:
                slot = 0

                while True:
                    if slot >= len(timetable[relationships]):
                    if timetable[relationships][slot] == 0 and slot not in slots_taken:
                        timetable[relationships][slot] = person

                        slot += 1

            #If person is off numbered
                #slot becomes the last index of the list.
                slot = len(timetable[relationships])-1
                while True:
                    if slot < 0:
                        slot = len(timetable[relationships])-1
                    if timetable[relationships][slot] == 0 and slot not in slots_taken:
                        timetable[relationships][slot] = person

                        slot -= 1

    return remove_excess(timetable)
def first_few(db, group, appointments, init=30, increment=5, increase=3):
    '''Selects the first x needed, then the next x...'''

    timetable = {}

    slots_taken = {x:[] for x in appointments}
    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        timetable[person] = [0 for x in range(init)]

    #While there are still appointments to assign
    while len(appointments) != 0:

        to_remove = []
        #For person that needs a schedule
        for person in appointments:

            #Get the appointments we need to look at.
            look = appointments[person][0:increment]

            #Loop over these appointments and try to assign them a slot
            for relationships in look:
                slot = 0

                while True:
                    if slot >= len(timetable[relationships]):
                    if timetable[relationships][slot] == 0 and slot not in slots_taken[person]:
                        timetable[relationships][slot] = person

                        slot += 1

            #Remove these appointments from the while list.
            del appointments[person][0:increment]

            #If the person we are looking at has no more appoinments to assign, then add the id to to_remove
            if len(appointments[person]) == 0:
        #If there is someone in to_remove, remove them from appointments.
        if len(to_remove) != 0:
            for i in to_remove:
                del appointments[i]    

    return remove_excess(timetable)
def skip_few(db, group, appointments, skip_amount=2, init=20, increase=5):
    '''First fit, but only considers every n places.'''

    timetable = {}

    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        timetable[person] = [0 for x in range(init)]
    num = 0

    #For person that needs a schedule
    for person in appointments:
        num += 1
        slots_taken = []

        #Set starting position
        start = num % skip_amount

        #Looping over whoever they need to see
        for relationships in appointments[person]:
            slot = start
            value = 1

            while True:

                #If slot is greater than the length of the list, go back and try the ones that were skipped
                if slot >= len(timetable[relationships]):
                    slot = (num + value) % skip_amount
                    value += 1

                    #If there is absolutely no space, then extend the list.
                    if slot == start:
                        timetable[relationships].extend([0,] * increase)

                if timetable[relationships][slot] == 0 and slot not in slots_taken:
                    timetable[relationships][slot] = person
                    #Go to the next slot we want to check
                    slot += skip_amount

    return remove_excess(timetable)
Пример #8
def submission(submission_id):
    """Function for serving and processing requests from submission page

    By default the function will serve submission.html page for the
    /submission/<submission_id> route, call run_prediction and create_data
    functions, but if the POST request was sent, the function will call
    update_info function and redirect to the thanks page"""
    if submission_id not in get_ids():
        return "404 whaaa?"
    if request.method == POST:
        corrected_result = int(request.form['corrected'])
        update_info(submission_id, expected_output=corrected_result)
        return redirect(url_for('thanks', s_id=submission_id))
    result = get_for_id(submission_id)
    return render_template("submission.html",
                               submission_id, 'png'),
def swap(db, timetable, group):
    '''Turns a timetable for teachers into a timetable for pupils or vice versa.
    timetable -- Dictionary\n
    group -- group to convert to
    new = {}

    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        new[person] = [0 for x in range(200)] #Fills their ids with 0's

    for original in timetable:
        slot = 0

        for other in timetable[original]:
            if other != 0:
                new[other][slot] = original
            slot += 1
    return remove_excess(new)
def minimum_gaps(db, group, appointments, init=200):
    '''Assumes infinite time'''

    slots_taken = {}
    timetable = {}

    for person in get_ids(db, group[0].lower()):
        timetable[person] = [0 for x in range(init)]

    for person in appointments:

        ava = find_available(appointments[person])

        for i in ava:
            temp = {}

            if i[1] - i[0] > len(appointments[person]):

                for k, other in enumerate(appointments[person]):

                    if slots_taken[other][i[0]+k] != 0:
                        while found := False:
Пример #11
def thanks(s_id):
    if s_id not in get_ids():
        return "404 Where are you trying to be?"
    """Function for serving thanks page"""
    return render_template("thanks.html")
Пример #12
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import time
    import database
    import verify_deletion
    from random import shuffle

    start_time = time.time()
    print("iniciando a coleta de ids... ")

    for i in range(7):
        print("Tentativa " + str(i))
        ids = database.get_ids()

        print("Coletados " + str(len(ids)) + " ids para checagem...")

        print("Checando se tweets foram removidos...")

        except Exception as E:

    end_time = time.time()
    print("Terminado em... ")
    print(end_time - start_time)