def load_by_name(cls, last_name, first_name): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''SELECT person_id, person_type, school_id, rfid_num FROM persons WHERE UPPER(last_name) = %s AND UPPER(first_name) = %s;''', (last_name.upper(), first_name.upper())) person_id, person_type, school_id, rfid_num = cursor.fetchone() return cls(last_name=last_name, first_name=first_name, person_type=person_type, school_id=school_id, rfid_num=rfid_num, person_id=person_id)
def load_by_id(cls, person_id): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''SELECT last_name, first_name, person_type, school_id, rfid_num FROM persons WHERE person_id = %s''', (person_id,)) last_name, first_name, person_type, school_id, rfid_num = cursor.fetchone() return cls(last_name=last_name, first_name=first_name, person_type=person_type, school_id=school_id, rfid_num=rfid_num, person_id=person_id)
def load_by_name(cls, item_name): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''SELECT item_id, category, item_type, brand, remarks, added_on FROM inventory.items WHERE item_name = %s;''', (item_name,)) item_id, category, item_type, brand, remarks, added_on = cursor.fetchone() return cls(item_name=item_name, category=category, item_type=item_type, brand=brand, remarks=remarks, added_on=added_on, item_id=item_id)
def update_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''UPDATE inventory.unit_person SET person_id = %s, unit_id = %s, borrow_date = %s, borrow_type = %s, borrow_remarks = %s, expected_return = %s, return_by_person_id = %s, date_return = %s, return_remarks = %s, verified = %s, room = %s WHERE borrow_id = %s;''', (self.person_id, self.unit_id, self.borrow_date, self.borrow_type, self.borrow_remarks, self.expected_return, self.return_by, self.date_return, self.return_remarks, self.verified, self.borrow_id,
def load_by_id(cls, unit_id): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''SELECT item_id, date_purchased, add_remarks, serial, sequence, supplier_id, date_removed, remove_remarks, removed_by_person_id WHERE unit_id = %s;''', (unit_id,)) item_id, date_purchased, add_remarks, ser, seq, supplier_id, date_re, removed_re, removed_by = cursor.fetchone()[0] return cls(item_id=item_id, date_purchased=date_purchased, add_remarks=add_remarks, serial=ser, sequence=seq, supplier_id=supplier_id, date_removed=date_re, remove_remarks=removed_re, removed_by_person_id=removed_by, unit_id=unit_id)
def update_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''UPDATE inventory.units SET item_id = %s, date_purchased = %s, add_remarks = %s, serial = %s, sequence = %s, supplier_id = %s, date_removed = %s, remove_remarks = %s, removed_by_person_id = %s WHERE unit_id = %s''', (self.item_id, self.date_purchased, self.add_remarks, self.serial, self.sequence, self.supplier_id, self.date_removed, self.remove_remarks, self.removed_by_person_id, self.unit_id))
def load_by_name(cls, supplier_name): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''SELECT supplier_id, contact_person, contact_number,contact_email FROM inventory.suppliers WHERE supplier_name = %s;''', (supplier_name,)) supplier_id, contact_person, contact_number, contact_email = cursor.fetchone() return cls(name=supplier_name, contact=contact_person, number=contact_number, email=contact_email, supplier_id=supplier_id)
def load_by_id(cls, borrow_id): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''SELECT person_id, unit_id, borrow_date, borrow_type, borrow_remarks, expected_return, return_by_person_id, date_return, return_remarks, verified, room FROM inventory.unit_person WHERE borrow_id = %s;''', (borrow_id,)) person_id, unit_id, bor_date, bor_type, bor_rem, expected_ret, ret_by, date_ret, ret_remarks, verified, room = cursor.fetchone() return cls(person_id=person_id, unit_id=unit_id, borrow_date=bor_date, borrow_type=bor_type, borrow_remarks=bor_rem, expected_return=expected_ret, return_by=ret_by, date_return=date_ret, return_remarks=ret_remarks, borrow_id=borrow_id, verified=verified, room=room)
def add_to_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO persons(last_name, first_name, person_type, school_id, rfid_num) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING person_id;''', (self.last_name, self.first_name, self.person_type, self.school_id, self.rfid_num)) self.person_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] if self.username and self.password: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO login_permission(inventory_login, username, password, person_id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s);''', (self.inventory_login, self.username, self.password, self.person_id))
def save_to_db(self): # Method to Insert data into users table in postgres database # Args: # email (text): New user email, first name, last name # Open cursor insert command and close cursor with ConnectionPool() as cursor: # Execute SQL command to insert data into users table(id is running in sequence and is not needed) cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO users (email, first_name, last_name) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', (, self.first_name, self.last_name))
def add_to_db(self): if self.return_remarks is None or self.date_return is None or self.return_by is None: with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO inventory.unit_person (person_id, unit_id, borrow_date, borrow_type, borrow_remarks, expected_return, verified, room) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING borrow_id;''', (self.person_id, self.unit_id, self.borrow_date, self.borrow_type, self.borrow_remarks, self.expected_return, self.verified, self.borrow_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] else: raise ValueError('You are adding a borrow transaction where either removed_date, remove_remarks, ' 'or removed_by is not null')
def attempt_login(cls, username, password): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT password, person_id FROM login_permission WHERE UPPER(username) = %s', (str(username).upper(),)) data = cursor.fetchone() if data: db_password, person_id = data if db_password == password: return cls.load_by_id(person_id) else: return False else: return False
def add_to_db(self): if self.date_removed is None or self.remove_remarks is None or self.removed_by_person_id is None: with ConnectionPool() as cursor: if self.sequence is None: cursor.execute('''SELECT MAX(sequence) FROM inventory.units WHERE item_id = %s;''', (self.item_id,)) data = cursor.fetchone() if data: self.sequence = data[0] + 1 else: self.sequence = 1 cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO inventory.units(item_id, date_purchased, add_remarks, serial, sequence, supplier_id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING unit_id''', (self.item_id, self.date_purchased, self.add_remarks, self.serial, self.sequence, self.supplier_id)) self.unit_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] else: raise ValueError('You are adding a unit where either removed_date, remove_remarks, ' 'or removed_by is not null')
def load_from_db_by_email(cls, email): # Use current bound class == User # Method to retrieve data from users table in postgres database # Args: # email (text): Email associated with data to retrieve # Get cursor from pool execute command and close cursor and return connection to pool with ConnectionPool() as cursor: # Open cursor, execute command, close cursor # Execute SQL command to insert data into users table(id is running in sequence and is not needed) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s', (email, )) # Email must be set in a tuple # Fetch the unique email user_data = cursor.fetchone() # Return email data # Populate new object parameters from table data # Commit data(write data to disk) return cls(email=user_data[1], first_name=user_data[2], last_name=user_data[3], id=user_data[0])
def add_to_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO rooms (room_name, room_number, floor, in_charge) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING room_id;''', (self.room_name, self.room_number, self.floor, self.in_charge)) self.room_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def get_table_info(): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''SELECT last_name, first_name, item_name, borrow_date, expected_return, borrow_remarks FROM inventory.unit_person WHERE ''')
def update_login(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''UPDATE login_permission SET inventory_login = %s, username = %s, password = %s WHERE person_id = %s''', (self.inventory_login, self.username, self.password, self.person_id))
def add_to_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO inventory.items(item_name, category, item_type, brand, remarks, added_on) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING item_id;''', (self.item_name, self.category, self.item_type, self.brand, self.remarks, self.added_on)) self.item_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def update_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''UPDATE inventory.suppliers SET supplier_name = %s, contact_person = %s, contact_number = %s, contact_email = %s WHERE supplier_id = %s''', (self.supplier_name, self.contact_person, self.contact_number, self.contact_email, self.supplier_id))
def add_to_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO inventory.suppliers(supplier_name, contact_person, contact_number, contact_email) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING supplier_id;''', (self.supplier_name, self.contact_person, self.contact_number, self.contact_email)) self.supplier_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def load_by_number(cls, room_number): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT room_id, room_name, floor, in_charge FROM rooms WHERE room_number = %s', (room_number,)) room_id, room_name, floor, in_charge = cursor.fetchone() return cls(room_name=room_name, room_number=room_number, floor=floor, in_charge=in_charge, room_id=room_id)
def update_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''UPDATE persons SET last_name = %s, first_name = %s, person_type = %s, school_id = %s, rfid_num = %s WHERE person_id = %s''', (self.last_name, self.first_name, self.person_type, self.school_id, self.rfid_num, self.person_id))
def update_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''UPDATE inventory.items SET item_name = %s, category = %s, item_type = %s, brand = %s, remarks = %s, added_on = %s WHERE item_id = %s''', self.item_name, self.category, self.item_type, self.brand, self.remarks, self.added_on, self.item_id)
def update_db(self): with ConnectionPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('''UPDATE rooms SET room_name = %s, room_number = %s, floor = %s, in_charge = %s WHERE room_id = %s;''', (self.room_name, self.room_number, self.floor, self.in_charge, self.room_id))