async def can_give(ctx, author, name, group=None): """Return idol id if the user can give, None otherwise.""" ## Find idol id name = name.strip() if group: group = group.strip() id_idol = None if group: id_idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_group_id(name, group) else: ids = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_ids(name) if ids: id_idol = ids[0] if not id_idol: msg = f'I searched everywhere for **{name}**' if group: msg += f' in the group *{group}*' msg += ' and I couldn\'t find anything.\nPlease check the command.' await ctx.send(msg) return None ## Check if idol belongs to author owner = DatabaseDeck.get().idol_belongs_to(, id_idol) if not owner or owner != await ctx.message.add_reaction(u"\u274C") await ctx.send( f'You don\'t own **{name}**{" from *" + group + "* " if group else ""}...' ) return None return id_idol
async def wishremove(self, ctx, name, group=None): name = name.strip() if group: group = group.strip() id_idol = None if group: id_idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_group_id(name, group) else: ids = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_ids(name) if ids: id_idol = ids[0] if not id_idol: await ctx.message.add_reaction(u"\u274C") await ctx.send( f'Idol **{name}**{" from *" + group + "* " if group else ""} not found.' ) return if DatabaseDeck.get().remove_from_wishlist(, id_idol, # Green mark await ctx.message.add_reaction(u"\u2705") else: # Red cross await ctx.message.add_reaction(u"\u274C") await ctx.send('You don\'t have this idol in your wish list.')
async def list(self, ctx, *, name): ids = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_ids(name) description = '' if ids else 'No idols found' for id_idol in ids: image_number = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information(id_idol, image_number) description += f'**{idol["name"]}** *{idol["group"]}*\n' embed = discord.Embed(title=f'{name} idols', description=description) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def wishlist(self, ctx): ids = DatabaseDeck.get().get_wishlist(, description = '' username = if is None else nb_wish = DatabaseDeck.get().get_nb_wish(, max_wish = DatabaseDeck.get().get_max_wish(, for id_idol in ids: current_image = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information( id_idol, current_image) id_owner = DatabaseDeck.get().idol_belongs_to(, id_idol) emoji = '' if id_owner: if id_owner == emoji = u"\u2705" else: emoji = u"\u274C" description += f'**{idol["name"]}** *{idol["group"]}* {emoji}\n' await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( title=f'Wish list of {username} ({nb_wish}/{max_wish})', description=description))
async def group(self, ctx, *, group_name): group = DatabaseIdol.get().get_group_members(group_name) if not group: ctx.send(f'No *{group_name}* group found.') return embed = discord.Embed(title=f'*{group["name"]}* group', description='\n'.join([f'**{member}**' for member in group['members']])) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def profile(self, ctx): user = if not ctx.message.mentions else ctx.message.mentions[ 0] ids_deck = DatabaseDeck.get().get_user_deck(, # TODO: handle long messages (>2000 letters) with pages description = '' for id_idol in ids_deck: current_image = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information( id_idol, current_image) description += f'**{idol["name"]}** *{idol["group"]}*\n' embed = discord.Embed( if user.nick is None else user.nick, description=description) embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def roll(self, ctx): minutes = min_until_next_roll(, if minutes != 0: await ctx.send( f'You cannot roll right now. The next roll reset is in {minutes} minutes.' ) return id_idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_random_idol_id() current_image = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information(id_idol, current_image) if not idol: ctx.send("An error occurred. If this message is exceptional, " "please try again. Otherwise, contact the administrator.") # Mention users if they wish for this idol id_members = DatabaseDeck.get().get_wished_by(, id_idol) wish_msg = '' for id_member in id_members: member = ctx.guild.get_member(id_member) # Could be None if the user left the server if member: wish_msg += f'{member.mention} ' if wish_msg: await ctx.send(f'Wished by {wish_msg}') # Update roll information in database DatabaseDeck.get().update_last_roll(, user_nb_rolls = DatabaseDeck.get().get_nb_rolls(, DatabaseDeck.get().set_nb_rolls(,, user_nb_rolls + 1) max_rolls = DatabaseDeck.get().get_rolls_per_hour( if max_rolls - user_nb_rolls - 1 == 2: await ctx.send( f'**{ if is None else}**, 2 uses left.' ) embed = discord.Embed(title=idol['name'], description=idol['group'], colour=secrets.randbelow(0xffffff)) embed.set_image(url=idol['image']) id_owner = DatabaseDeck.get().idol_belongs_to(, id_idol) if id_owner: owner = ctx.guild.get_member(id_owner) # Could be None if the user left the server if owner: embed.set_footer( icon_url=owner.avatar_url, text= f'Belongs to { if not owner.nick else owner.nick}' ) msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) # Cannot claim if idol already claim if id_owner: return emoji = '\N{TWO HEARTS}' await msg.add_reaction(emoji) def check(reaction, user): return user != and str( reaction.emoji) == emoji and == is_claimed_or_timeout = False claim_timeout = DatabaseDeck.get().get_server_configuration(["time_to_claim"] while not is_claimed_or_timeout: try: _, user = await'reaction_add', timeout=claim_timeout, check=check) username = if user.nick is None else user.nick except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.clear_reaction(emoji) is_claimed_or_timeout = True else: time_until_claim = min_until_next_claim(, is_claimed_or_timeout = time_until_claim == 0 if is_claimed_or_timeout: DatabaseDeck.get().add_to_deck(, idol['id'], await ctx.send(f'{username} claims {idol["name"]}!') embed.set_footer(icon_url=user.avatar_url, text=f'Belongs to {username}') await msg.edit(embed=embed) else: time = divmod(time_until_claim, 60) await ctx.send( f'{username}, you can\'t claim right now. ' + f'Please wait **' + (str(time[0]) + 'h ' if time[0] != 0 else '') + f'{str(time[1])} min**.')
async def list_groups(self, ctx): groups = DatabaseIdol.get().get_all_groups() if not groups: await ctx.send(f'No group found. This is probably an error.') return current_page = 1 nb_per_page = 20 max_page = math.ceil(len(groups) / float(nb_per_page)) embed = discord.Embed( title=f'All groups', description='\n'.join([ f'**{group}**' for group in groups[(current_page - 1) * nb_per_page:current_page * nb_per_page] ])) embed.set_footer(text=f'{current_page} \\ {max_page}') msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) if max_page > 1: # Page handler left_emoji = '\U00002B05' right_emoji = '\U000027A1' await msg.add_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.add_reaction(right_emoji) def check(reaction, user): return user != and (str(reaction.emoji) == left_emoji or str(reaction.emoji) == right_emoji) \ and == timeout = False while not timeout: try: reaction, user = await'reaction_add', timeout=10, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.clear_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.clear_reaction(right_emoji) timeout = True else: old_page = current_page if reaction.emoji == left_emoji: current_page = current_page - 1 if current_page > 1 else max_page if reaction.emoji == right_emoji: current_page = current_page + 1 if current_page < max_page else 1 await msg.remove_reaction(reaction.emoji, user) # Refresh embed message with the new text if old_page != current_page: embed = discord.Embed( title=f'All groups', description='\n'.join([ f'**{group}**' for group in groups[(current_page - 1) * nb_per_page:current_page * nb_per_page] ])) embed.set_footer(text=f'{current_page} \\ {max_page}') await msg.edit(embed=embed)
async def information(self, ctx, name, group=None): # TODO: add more information to the card (all groups...) name = name.strip() if group: group = group.strip() id_idol = None if group: id_idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_group_id(name, group) else: ids = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_ids(name) if ids: id_idol = ids[0] if not id_idol: msg = f'I searched everywhere for **{name}**' if group: msg += f' in the group *{group}*' msg += ' and I couldn\'t find anything.\nPlease check the command.' await ctx.send(msg) return current_image = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information(id_idol, current_image) embed = discord.Embed(title=idol['name'], description=idol['group'], colour=secrets.randbelow(0xffffff)) id_owner = DatabaseDeck.get().idol_belongs_to(, id_idol) # Counter variables total_images = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_images_count(id_idol) current_image = parse_int(DatabaseDeck().get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol)) + 1 # Footer have always the picture counter, and eventually the owner info text = f'{current_image} \\ {total_images} \n' if id_owner: owner = ctx.guild.get_member(id_owner) if owner: text = f'{text}Belongs to { if not owner.nick else owner.nick}' embed.set_footer(icon_url=owner.avatar_url, text=text) else: embed.set_footer(text=text) embed.set_image(url=idol['image']) msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) left_emoji = '\U00002B05' right_emoji = '\U000027A1' await msg.add_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.add_reaction(right_emoji) def check(reaction, user): return user != and (str(reaction.emoji) == left_emoji or str(reaction.emoji) == right_emoji) \ and == timeout = False while not timeout: try: reaction, user = await'reaction_add', timeout=10, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.clear_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.clear_reaction(right_emoji) timeout = True else: old_image = current_image if reaction.emoji == left_emoji: DatabaseDeck.get().decrement_idol_current_image(, id_idol) if reaction.emoji == right_emoji: DatabaseDeck.get().increment_idol_current_image(, id_idol) current_image = parse_int( DatabaseDeck().get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol)) + 1 await msg.remove_reaction(reaction.emoji, user) # Refresh embed message with the new picture if changed if old_image != current_image: # Redo the query because image link changed image_number = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information( id_idol, image_number) embed.set_image(url=idol['image']) text = f'{current_image} \\ {total_images} \n' if id_owner and owner: text = f'{text}Belongs to { if not owner.nick else owner.nick}' embed.set_footer(icon_url=owner.avatar_url, text=text) else: embed.set_footer(text=text) await msg.edit(embed=embed)
async def list(self, ctx, *, name): ids = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_ids(name) if not ids: await ctx.send(f'No *{name}* idol found') return idols_text = [] for id_idol in ids: image_number = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information( id_idol, image_number) if not idol: continue idols_text.append(f'**{idol["name"]}** *{idol["group"]}*') idols_text.sort() current_page = 1 nb_per_page = 20 max_page = math.ceil(len(idols_text) / float(nb_per_page)) embed = discord.Embed( title=f'*{name}* idols', description='\n'.join([ idol for idol in idols_text[(current_page - 1) * nb_per_page:current_page * nb_per_page] ])) embed.set_footer(text=f'{current_page} \\ {max_page}') msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) if max_page > 1: # Page handler left_emoji = '\U00002B05' right_emoji = '\U000027A1' await msg.add_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.add_reaction(right_emoji) def check(reaction, user): return user != and ( str(reaction.emoji) == left_emoji or str(reaction.emoji) == right_emoji) \ and == timeout = False while not timeout: try: reaction, user = await'reaction_add', timeout=60, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.clear_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.clear_reaction(right_emoji) timeout = True else: old_page = current_page if reaction.emoji == left_emoji: current_page = current_page - 1 if current_page > 1 else max_page if reaction.emoji == right_emoji: current_page = current_page + 1 if current_page < max_page else 1 await msg.remove_reaction(reaction.emoji, user) # Refresh embed message with the new text if old_page != current_page: embed = discord.Embed( title=f'*{name}* idols', description='\n'.join([ idol for idol in idols_text[ (current_page - 1) * nb_per_page:current_page * nb_per_page] ])) embed.set_footer(text=f'{current_page} \\ {max_page}') await msg.edit(embed=embed)
async def profile(self, ctx): user = if not ctx.message.mentions else ctx.message.mentions[ 0] ids_deck = DatabaseDeck.get().get_user_deck(, async def send_embed(desc): embed = discord.Embed( if user.nick is None else user.nick, description=desc) embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed) idols_text = [] description = '' for id_idol in ids_deck: current_image = DatabaseDeck.get().get_idol_current_image(, id_idol) idol = DatabaseIdol.get().get_idol_information( id_idol, current_image) idols_text.append(f'**{idol["name"]}** *{idol["group"]}*') idols_text.sort() current_page = 1 nb_per_page = 20 max_page = math.ceil(len(idols_text) / float(nb_per_page)) embed = discord.Embed( if user.nick is None else user.nick, description='\n'.join([ idol for idol in idols_text[(current_page - 1) * nb_per_page:current_page * nb_per_page] ])) embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text=f'{current_page} \\ {max_page}') msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) if max_page > 1: # Page handler left_emoji = '\U00002B05' right_emoji = '\U000027A1' await msg.add_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.add_reaction(right_emoji) def check(reaction, user): return user != and (str(reaction.emoji) == left_emoji or str(reaction.emoji) == right_emoji) \ and == timeout = False while not timeout: try: reaction, user = await'reaction_add', timeout=60, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.clear_reaction(left_emoji) await msg.clear_reaction(right_emoji) timeout = True else: old_page = current_page if reaction.emoji == left_emoji: current_page = current_page - 1 if current_page > 1 else max_page if reaction.emoji == right_emoji: current_page = current_page + 1 if current_page < max_page else 1 await msg.remove_reaction(reaction.emoji, user) # Refresh embed message with the new text if old_page != current_page: embed = discord.Embed( if user.nick is None else user.nick, description='\n'.join([ idol for idol in idols_text[ (current_page - 1) * nb_per_page:current_page * nb_per_page] ])) embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text=f'{current_page} \\ {max_page}') await msg.edit(embed=embed)