def team_register(): if request.method == "GET": return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) else: team_name = request.form["team_name"].strip() team_elig = "team_eligibility" in request.form affiliation = request.form["affiliation"].strip() try: if (Team.get( == team_name)): flash("The team name has been used.") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) except Team.DoesNotExist: pass if len(team_name) > 50 or not team_name: flash("wrong team name format!") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) if not affiliation or len(affiliation) > 100: affiliation = "No affiliation" team_leader = User.get( == team = Team.create(name=team_name, eligible=team_elig, affiliation=affiliation, team_leader=team_leader) TeamMember.create(team=team,member=team_leader,member_confirmed=False) if not app.debug: UserAccess.create(user=g.user, ip=misc.get_ip(), session["team_id"] =" register a team.") flash("The request has send to admin.") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard'))
def add_team(): form = TeamForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): team = Team() team.sport_id = db.session.add(team) form.populate_obj(team) db.session.commit() flash("Added team") return redirect(url_for("index")) return render_template("errors.html", form = form)
def team_modify(): if request.method == "POST": team_name = request.form["team_name"].strip() team_elig = "team_eligibility" in request.form affiliation = request.form["affiliation"].strip() name_changed = (team_name! affi_changed = (affiliation! elig_changed = (team_elig! if not name_changed and not affi_changed and not elig_changed: flash("nothing changed!") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) if name_changed: try: if (Team.get( == team_name)): flash("The team name has been used.") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) except Team.DoesNotExist: pass if len(team_name) > 50 or not team_name: flash("wrong team name format!") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) if affi_changed: if not affiliation or len(affiliation) > 100: affiliation = "No affiliation" = team_name = affiliation = team_elig" modify team.") flash("change successfully.") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard'))
def admin_dashboard(): teams = solves =, Challenge).join(Challenge) adjustments = scoredata = utils.scoreboard.get_all_scores(teams, solves, adjustments) lastsolvedata = utils.scoreboard.get_last_solves(teams, solves) tickets = list( == True)) return render_template("admin/dashboard.html", teams=teams, scoredata=scoredata, lastsolvedata=lastsolvedata, tickets=tickets)
def admin_score_adjust(tid): value = int(request.form["value"]) reason = request.form["reason"] team = Team.get( == tid) ScoreAdjustment.create(team=team, value=value, reason=reason) flash("Score adjusted.") return redirect(url_for(".admin_show_team", tid=tid))
def oauth2_step2(): code = request.args.get('code') url = '' % ( CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, code, REDIRECT_URI) r = requests.get(url) response = json.loads(r.text) s = session() team = Team(name=response['team_name'], token=response['access_token'], id=response['team_id'], bot_id=response['bot']['bot_user_id'], bot_token=response['bot']['bot_access_token']) s.add(team) sc = SlackClient(response['access_token']) """ user_im_ids = {} im_list = sc.api_call('im.list') return str(im_list) for im in im_list['ims']: pass #user_im_ids[im['user']] = im['id'] """ user_list = sc.api_call("users.list")['members'] for user_object in user_list: if user_object['deleted'] or not user_object['is_bot']: continue user_id = user_object['id'] user_profile = user_object['profile'] #im_id = user_im_ids[user_id] #user = User(id=user_id, team=team, im_id=im_id) user = User(id=user_id, team=team) s.add(user) s.commit() os.system("nohup python bot/ %s &" % response['bot']['bot_access_token']) return jsonify(r.json())
def user_regiter(): body = request.get_json(force=True) try: user = User.create(email=body['email'], password=body['password'], name=body['name'], token=b64encode( body['email'].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8'), team=Team.get_random_team()) except IntegrityError: return error(404, "User not found") return jsonify({'token': user.token})
def register(): if not config.registration: if "admin" in session and session["admin"]: pass else: return "Registration is currently disabled. Email [email protected] to create an account." if request.method == "GET": return render_template("register.html") elif request.method == "POST": error, message = captcha.verify_captcha() if error: flash(message) return render_template("register.html") team_name = request.form["team_name"].strip() team_email = request.form["team_email"].strip() team_elig = "team_eligibility" in request.form affiliation = request.form["affiliation"].strip() if len(team_name) > 50 or not team_name: flash("You must have a team name!") return render_template("register.html") if not (team_email and "." in team_email and "@" in team_email): flash("You must have a valid team email!") return render_template("register.html") if not affiliation or len(affiliation) > 100: affiliation = "No affiliation" if not email.is_valid_email(team_email): flash("You're lying") return render_template("register.html") team_key = misc.generate_team_key() confirmation_key = misc.generate_confirmation_key() team = Team.create(name=team_name, email=team_email, eligible=team_elig, affiliation=affiliation, key=team_key, email_confirmation_key=confirmation_key) TeamAccess.create(team=team, ip=misc.get_ip(), email.send_confirmation_email(team_email, confirmation_key, team_key) session["team_id"] = flash("Team created.") return redirect(url_for('dashboard'))
def scoreboard_variables(): var = dict(config=config) var["user_teamed"] = False #user_teamed用户属于某个队伍 var["user_requested"] = False #user_requested用户申请加入某个队伍 var["team_requested"] = False #team_requested用户申请创建某个队伍 if "user_id" in session: var["logged_in"] = True var["user"] = g.user try: if (TeamMember.get(TeamMember.member == var["user_teamed"] = True except: var["user_teamed"] = False try: if (not TeamMember.get(TeamMember.member == var["user_requested"] = True except: var["user_requested"] = False try: if (not Team.get(Team.team_leader == var["team_requested"] = True except: var["team_requested"] = False else: var["logged_in"] = False var["notifications"] = [] if "team_id" in session: = Team.get( == session["team_id"]) var["team"] = if ( == var["user_leader"] = True #用户是队长 else: var["user_leader"] = False var["notifications"] = == else: var["notifications"] = [] return var
def teamconfirm(): if utils.misc.get_ip() in config.confirm_ip: team_name = request.form["team_name"].strip() team_key = request.form["team_key"].strip() try: team = Team.get( == team_name) except Team.DoesNotExist: return "invalid", 403 if team.key == team_key: return "ok", 200 else: return "invalid", 403 else: return "unauthorized", 401
def login(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template("login.html") elif request.method == "POST": team_key = request.form["team_key"] try: team = Team.get(Team.key == team_key) TeamAccess.create(team=team, ip=misc.get_ip(), session["team_id"] = flash("Login successful.") return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) except Team.DoesNotExist: flash("Couldn't find your team. Check your team key.", "error") return render_template("login.html")
def team_join(): if request.method == "POST": team_name = request.form["team_name"].strip() try: team=Team.get( == team_name) if not team.team_confirmed: flash("The team has not be agreed by admin.Please wait,or join another team!") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) else: TeamMember.create(," want to join "+team_name) flash("The request has sent to leader!") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard')) except Team.DoesNotExist: flash("team name do not exist!") return redirect(url_for('team_dashboard'))
def calculate_scores(): solves =, Challenge).join(Challenge) adjustments = teams = team_solves = { [] for team in teams} team_mapping = { team for team in teams} scores = { 0 for team in teams} for solve in solves: scores[solve.team_id] += solve.challenge.points team_solves[solve.team_id].append(solve) for adjustment in adjustments: scores[adjustment.team_id] += adjustment.value most_recent_solve = {tid: max([i.time for i in team_solves[tid]]) for tid in team_solves if team_solves[tid]} scores = {i: j for i, j in scores.items() if i in most_recent_solve} # eligible, teamid, teamname, affiliation, score return [(team_mapping[i[0]].eligible, i[0], team_mapping[i[0]].name, team_mapping[i[0]].affiliation, i[1]) for idx, i in enumerate(sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda k: (-k[1], most_recent_solve[k[0]])))]
def team_search(name_search, limit=3, **kwargs): """Search database for a team by team name. Args: session (Session): Database session object. name_search (str): Team name to search for. threshold (int, optional): Levenshtein ratio cutoff. Defaults to 80. Returns: Team object from database that matches the name. Raises: SearchError: If no match above 'threshold' is found. """ ## Query database or use provided team list session = None team_list = None if "team_list" in kwargs: team_list = kwargs['team_list'] elif "session" in kwargs: session = kwargs['session'] team_list = Team.from_db(session) else: raise TypeError('Must provided either session=' + 'or team_list= parameters') ## Look for matches for the team choices = [ for team in team_list] matches = process.extract(name_search, choices, limit=limit) ## Get corresponding Team object for the results search_results = [] for match in matches: for team in team_list: if == match[0]: search_results.append((team, match[1])) ## Sort results search_results.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return search_results
def dashboard(): ad_matches = db.ad_matches() #./dashboard #---------------OPERATIONS-------------------------------- if request.method == 'POST': if request.form.get('operation') == 'schedule_match': team1 = request.form.get('team1_id') team2 = request.form.get('team2_id') date = request.form.get('date') match = Match(team1_id=team1, team2_id=team2, date=date) db.addMatch(match) return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) elif request.form.get('operation') == 'delete_match': match_id = request.form.get('match_id') match = Match(match_id=match_id) db.deleteMatch(match) return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) elif request.form.get('operation') == 'add_team': name = request.form.get('team_name') captain = request.form.get('captain_name') team = Team(name=name, captain=captain) db.addTeam(team) return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) elif request.form.get('operation') == 'delete_team': id = request.form.get('team_id') team = Team(id=id) db.deleteTeam(team) return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) elif request.form.get('operation') == 'add_player': name = request.form.get('player_name') team_id = request.form.get('team_id') player = Player(name=name, team_id=team_id) db.addPlayer(player) return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) elif request.form.get('operation') == 'delete_player': id = request.form.get('player_id') team_id = request.form.get('team_id') player = Player(id=id, team_id=team_id) db.deletePlayer(player) return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) return render_template("./admin/dashboard.html",title="Dash Board", matches=ad_matches)
def make_info_available(): if "user_id" in session: g.user = User.get( == session["user_id"]) if "team_id" in session: = Team.get( == session["team_id"]) g.team_restricts =",")
def make_info_available(): if "team_id" in session: = Team.get( == session["team_id"]) g.team_restricts =",")
def admin_toggle_eligibility_lock(tid): team = Team.get( == tid) team.eligibility_locked = not team.eligibility_locked flash("Eligibility lock set to {}".format(team.eligibility_locked)) return redirect(url_for(".admin_show_team", tid=tid))
def admin_show_team(tid): team = Team.get( == tid) return render_template("admin/team.html", team=team)