Пример #1
class StatsHelper():
    def __init__(self):
        self.database = Database()
        print("Stats Helping initialising!")

    def select_all_employee(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM employeedata")
        return result

    def select_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM dayroutine")
        return result

    def join_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT * FROM dayroutine as a left join employeedata b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id"
        return result

    # HINT: You can define more queries here, along with some python logic to calculate!
    def calculate_avg(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT AVG(work_time) AS workavg, AVG(sleep_time) AS sleepavg, AVG(exercise_time) AS exerciseavg, AVG(social_interaction_time) AS socialavg, AVG(a.employee_id) AS employeeid FROM dayroutine as a left join employeedata b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id GROUP BY a.employee_id"
        return result
Пример #2
class StatsHelper():

    def __init__(self):
        self.database = Database()
        print("Stats Helping initialising!")

    def select_all_users(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM user")
        return result

    def select_all_problems(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM problem")
        return result

    # HINT: You can define more queries here, along with some python logic to calculate!
    def calculate_another_stat(self):
      # all_rows = self.database.fetch_all("")
      return None
class StatsHelper():
    def __init__(self):
        self.database = Database()
        print("Stats Helping initialising!")

    def select_all_employee(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM employeedata")
        return result

    def select_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM dayroutine limit 0,7")
        return result

    def join_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT * FROM dayroutine as a left join employeedata b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id"
        return result

    # return each employee with their joined dayroutines in order
    def per_employee(self, employee_id):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"""
                                            SELECT * FROM dayroutine AS a WHERE EXISTS (
	                                            SELECT 1 FROM dayroutine
                                                WHERE a.employee_id = {employee_id}
        return result

    # return the median sleep, exercise and work times for all employees
    def median_survey(self):
        columns = [
            "exercise_time", "social_interaction_time", "work_time",
        medians = {}
        for col in columns:
            self.database.fetch_all("SET @rowindex_ex := -1")
            med = self.database.fetch_all(f"""    
                                        CAST(AVG(g.{col}) AS DOUBLE)
                                        (SELECT @rowindex_ex:=@rowindex_ex + 1 AS rowindex_ex,
                                                dayroutine.{col} AS {col}
                                            FROM dayroutine
                                            ORDER BY dayroutine.{col}) AS g
                                        g.rowindex_ex IN (FLOOR(@rowindex_ex / 2) , CEIL(@rowindex_ex / 2))
            median = med[0][f"CAST(AVG(g.{col}) AS DOUBLE)"]
                col: median,
        return medians
Пример #4
class StatsHelper():
    def __init__(self):
        self.database = Database()
        print("Stats Helping initialising!")

    #Used for content table
    def select_all_employee(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM employeedata")
        return result

    #Used for Total Exercise Hours
    # def select_all_hours(self):

    #Most Active Month!

    def select_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT b.employee_name, FORMAT(SUM(a.exercise_time)/60, 2) AS totalExerciseTime, FORMAT(SUM(a.sleep_time)/60, 2) AS totalSleep, FORMAT(SUM(a.social_interaction_time)/60, 2) AS totalSocialTime, FORMAT(SUM(a.work_time)/60, 2) AS totalWork FROM dayroutine as a join employeedata b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id GROUP BY b.employee_name"
        return result

    def join_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT * FROM dayroutine as a left join employeedata b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id"
        return result

    def calculate_total_exercise(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT FORMAT(SUM(exercise_time)/60,2) as totalExerciseTime FROM dayroutine"
        return result

    def highest_month(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT month, SUM(exercise_time) as totalExerciseTime FROM dayroutine GROUP BY month ORDER BY totalExerciseTime LIMIT 0,1"
        return result

    def totalStaff(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT COUNT(employee_name) FROM employeedata")
        return result

    def avgEmployeeAge(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT FORMAT(SUM(age)/COUNT(employee_name),2) FROM employeedata")
        return result

    # HINT: You can define more queries here, along with some python logic to calculate!
    def calculate_another_stat(self):
        # all_rows = self.database.fetch_all("")
        return None
Пример #5
class StatsHelper():
    def __init__(self):
        self.database = Database()
        print("Stats Helping initialising!")

    def select_all_employee(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM employeedata")
        return result

    def select_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM dayroutine limit 0,7")
        return result

    def join_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(
            "SELECT * FROM dayroutine as a left join employeedata b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id"
        return result

    # HINT: You can define more queries here, along with some python logic to calculate!
    def calculate_another_stat(self):
        # all_rows = self.database.fetch_all("")
        return None
 def __init__(self):
     self.database = Database()
     print("Stats Helping initialising!")
class StatsHelper():

    def __init__(self):
        self.database = Database()
        print("Stats Helping initialising!")

    def select_all_employee(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM employeedata")
        return result

    def select_all_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def join_all(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM dayroutine as a left join employeedata b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id")
        return result

    def asc_exercise(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY exercise_time ASC")
        return result

    def desc_exercise_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY exercise_time DESC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def asc_exercise_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY exercise_time ASC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def desc_sleep_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY sleep_time DESC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def asc_sleep_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY sleep_time ASC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def desc_social_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY social_interaction_time DESC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def asc_social_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY social_interaction_time ASC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def desc_work_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY work_time DESC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def asc_work_pag(self, amount, page):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY work_time ASC LIMIT {amount} OFFSET {amount * page}")
        return result

    def desc_exercise(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all(f"SELECT * FROM dayroutine ORDER BY exercise_time DESC")
        return result


    def total_records(self):
        result = self.database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM dayroutine")
        return len(result)

    # HINT: You can define more queries here, along with some python logic to calculate!
    def calculate_another_stat(self):
      # all_rows = self.database.fetch_all("")
      return None