Пример #1
def get_triples(dcids, limit=utils._MAX_LIMIT):
    """ Returns all triples associated with the given :code:`dcids`.

  A knowledge graph can be described as a collection of `triples` which are
  3-tuples that take the form `(s, p, o)`. Here `s` and `o` are nodes in the
  graph called the *subject* and *object* respectively while `p` is the property
  label of a directed edge from `s` to `o` (sometimes also called the

    dcids (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A list of dcids to get triples for.
    limit (:obj:`int`, optional): The maximum total number of triples to get.

    A :obj:`dict` mapping dcids to a :obj:`list` of triples `(s, p, o)` where
    `s`, `p`, and `o` are instances of :obj:`str` and either the subject
    or object is the mapped dcid.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get five triples associated with
    `California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06>`_

    >>> get_triples(["geoId/06"], limit=5)
      "geoId/06": [
        ("geoId/06", "name", "California"),
        ("geoId/06", "typeOf", "State"),
        ("geoId/06", "geoId", "06"),
        ("geoId/0687056", "containedInPlace", "geoId/06"),
        ("geoId/0686440", "containedInPlace", "geoId/06")
    # Generate the GetTriple query and send the request.
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_triples']
    payload = utils._send_request(url,
                                      'dcids': dcids,
                                      'limit': limit

    # Create a map from dcid to list of triples.
    results = defaultdict(list)
    for dcid in dcids:
        # Make sure each dcid is mapped to an empty list.

        # Add triples as appropriate
        for t in payload[dcid]:
            if 'objectId' in t:
                    (t['subjectId'], t['predicate'], t['objectId']))
            elif 'objectValue' in t:
                    (t['subjectId'], t['predicate'], t['objectValue']))
    return dict(results)
Пример #2
def get_stat_value(place,
    """Returns a value for `place` based on the `stat_var`.

      place (`str`): The dcid of Place to query for.
      stat_var (`str`): The dcid of the StatisticalVariable.
      date (`str`): Optional, the preferred date of observation
        in ISO 8601 format. If not specified, returns the latest observation.
      measurement_method (`str`): Optional, the dcid of the preferred
        `measurementMethod` value.
      observation_period (`str`): Optional, the preferred
        `observationPeriod` value.
      unit (`str`): Optional, the dcid of the preferred `unit` value.
      scaling_factor (`int`): Optional, the preferred `scalingFactor` value.
      A `float` the value of `stat_var` for `place`, filtered
      by optional args.

      ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

      >>> get_stat_value("geoId/05", "Count_Person")
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_stat_value']
    url += '?place={}&stat_var={}'.format(place, stat_var)
    if date:
        url += '&date={}'.format(date)
    if measurement_method:
        url += '&measurement_method={}'.format(measurement_method)
    if observation_period:
        url += '&observation_period={}'.format(observation_period)
    if unit:
        url += '&unit={}'.format(unit)
    if scaling_factor:
        url += '&scaling_factor={}'.format(scaling_factor)

        res_json = utils._send_request(url, post=False, use_payload=False)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('No data in response.')
    return res_json['value']
Пример #3
def get_places_in(dcids, place_type):
    """ Returns :obj:`Place`s contained in :code:`dcids` of type

    dcids (:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`str`): Dcids to get contained in places.
    place_type (:obj:`str`): The type of places contained in the given dcids to
    filter by.

    The returned :obj:`Place`'s are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given
    dcid to a list of places identified by dcids of the given `place_type`.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get all Counties contained in
    `California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06>`_. Specifying
    the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`list` result in the following.

    >>> get_places_in(["geoId/06"], "County")
      'geoId/06': [
        # and 53 more
    dcids = filter(lambda v: v == v, dcids)  # Filter out NaN values
    dcids = list(dcids)
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_places_in']
    payload = utils._send_request(url,
                                      'dcids': dcids,
                                      'place_type': place_type,

    # Create the results and format it appropriately
    result = utils._format_expand_payload(payload, 'place', must_exist=dcids)
    return result
Пример #4
def get_stat_series(place,
    """Returns a `dict` mapping dates to value of `stat_var` for `place`.

      place (`str`): The dcid of Place to query for.
      stat_var (`str`): The dcid of the StatisticalVariable.
      measurement_method (`str`): Optional, the dcid of the preferred
        `measurementMethod` value.
      observation_period (`str`): Optional, the preferred
        `observationPeriod` value.
      unit (`str`): Optional, the dcid of the preferred `unit` value.
      scaling_factor (`int`): Optional, the preferred `scalingFactor` value.
      A `dict` mapping dates to value of `stat_var` for `place`,
      filtered by optional args.

      ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

      >>> get_stat_series("geoId/05", "Count_Person")
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_stat_series']
    url += '?place={}&stat_var={}'.format(place, stat_var)
    if measurement_method:
        url += '&measurement_method={}'.format(measurement_method)
    if observation_period:
        url += '&observation_period={}'.format(observation_period)
    if unit:
        url += '&unit={}'.format(unit)
    if scaling_factor:
        url += '&scaling_factor={}'.format(scaling_factor)

    res_json = utils._send_request(url, post=False, use_payload=False)

    if 'series' not in res_json:
        raise ValueError('No data in response.')
    return res_json['series']
Пример #5
def get_property_labels(dcids, out=True):
    """ Returns the labels of properties defined for the given :code:`dcids`.

    dcids (:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`str`): A list of nodes identified by their
    out (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether or not the property points away from
      the given list of nodes.

    A :obj:`dict` mapping dcids to lists of property labels. If `out` is `True`,
    then property labels correspond to edges directed away from given nodes.
    Otherwise, they correspond to edges directed towards the given nodes.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    To get all outgoing property labels for
    `California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06>`_ and
    `Colorado <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/08>`_, we can write
    the following.

    >>> get_property_labels(['geoId/06', 'geoId/08'])
      "geoId/06": [
      "geoId/08",: [

    We can also get incoming property labels by setting `out=False`.

    >>> get_property_labels(['geoId/06', 'geoId/08'], out=False)
      "geoId/06": [
      "geoId/08",: [
    # Generate the GetProperty query and send the request
    dcids = filter(lambda v: v == v, dcids)  # Filter out NaN values
    dcids = list(dcids)
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_property_labels']
    payload = utils._send_request(url, req_json={'dcids': dcids})

    # Return the results based on the orientation
    results = {}
    for dcid in dcids:
        if out:
            results[dcid] = payload[dcid]['outLabels']
            results[dcid] = payload[dcid]['inLabels']
    return results
Пример #6
def get_property_values(dcids,
    """ Returns property values of given :code:`dcids` along the given property.

    dcids (:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`str`): dcids to get property values for.
    prop (:obj:`str`): The property to get property values for.
    out (:obj:`bool`, optional): A flag that indicates the property is directed
      away from the given nodes when set to true.
    value_type (:obj:`str`, optional): A type to filter returned property values
    limit (:obj:`int`, optional): The maximum number of property values returned
      aggregated over all given nodes.

    Returned property values are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given dcid
    to a list of its property values.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get the `name` of a list of states specified by their dcid:
    `geoId/06 <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06>`_,
    `geoId/21 <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/21>`_, and
    `geoId/24 <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/24>`_

    First, let's try specifying the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`list` of

    >>> get_property_values(["geoId/06", "geoId/21", "geoId/24"], "name")
      "geoId/06": ["California"],
      "geoId/21": ["Kentucky"],
      "geoId/24": ["Maryland"],
    # Convert the dcids field and format the request to GetPropertyValue
    dcids = filter(lambda v: v == v, dcids)  # Filter out NaN values
    dcids = list(dcids)
    if out:
        direction = 'out'
        direction = 'in'

    req_json = {
        'dcids': dcids,
        'property': prop,
        'limit': limit,
        'direction': direction
    if value_type:
        req_json['value_type'] = value_type

    # Send the request
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_property_values']
    payload = utils._send_request(url, req_json=req_json)

    # Create the result format for when dcids is provided as a list.
    unique_results = defaultdict(set)
    for dcid in dcids:
        # Get the list of nodes based on the direction given.
        nodes = []
        if out:
            if dcid in payload and 'out' in payload[dcid]:
                nodes = payload[dcid]['out']
            if dcid in payload and 'in' in payload[dcid]:
                nodes = payload[dcid]['in']

        # Add nodes to unique_results if it is not empty
        for node in nodes:
            if 'dcid' in node:
            elif 'value' in node:

    # Make sure each dcid is in the results dict, and convert all sets to lists.
    results = {dcid: sorted(list(unique_results[dcid])) for dcid in dcids}

    return results
Пример #7
def get_related_places(dcids,
    """ Returns :obj:`Place`s related to :code:`dcids` for the given constraints.

    dcids (:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`str`): Dcids to get related places.
    population_type (:obj:`str`): The type of statistical population.
    constraining_properties (:obj:`map` from :obj:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional):
      A map from constraining property to the value that the
      :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` should be constrained by.
    measured_property (:obj:`str`): The measured property.
    stat_type (:obj:`str`): The statistical type for the observation.
    within_place(:obj:`str`): Optional, the DCID of the place that all the
      related places are contained in.
    per_capita(:obj:`bool`): Optional, whether to take into account
      `PerCapita` when compute the relatedness.
    same_place_type(:obj:`bool`): Optional, whether to require all the
      related places under the same place type.

    The returned :obj:`Place`'s are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given
    dcid to a list of related places for the given constraints.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get all related places of
    `Santa Clara county <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06085>`
    Specifying the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`list` result in the following.

    >>> get_related_places(["geoId/06"], "Person", {
    "age": "Years21To64",
    "gender": "Female"
    }, "count", "measured")
    'geoId/06085': [
    dcids = list(dcids)
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_related_places']
    pvs = []
    for p in constraining_properties:
        pvs.append({'property': p, 'value': constraining_properties[p]})
    req_json = {
        'dcids': dcids,
        'populationType': population_type,
        'pvs': pvs,
        'measuredProperty': measured_property,
        'statType': '',  # TODO: Set to stat_type when having it in BT data.
        'withinPlace': within_place,
        'perCapita': per_capita,
        'samePlaceType': same_place_type,
    payload = utils._send_request(url, req_json=req_json)
    return payload
Пример #8
def get_places_in(dcids, place_type):
  """ Returns :obj:`Place`s contained in :code:`dcids` of type

    dcids (Union[:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, :obj:`pandas.Series`]): Dcids to get
      contained in places.
    place_type (:obj:`str`): The type of places contained in the given dcids to
      filter by.

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`list`, the returned
    :obj:`Place`'s are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given dcid to a list of
    places identified by dcids of the given `place_type`.

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`pandas.Series`, the returned
    :obj:`Place`'s are formatted as a :obj:`pandas.Series` where the `i`-th
    entry corresponds to places contained in the place identified by the dcid
    in `i`-th cell if :code:`dcids`. The cells of the returned series will always
    contain a :obj:`list` of place dcids of the given `place_type`.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get all Counties contained in
    `California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06>`_. Specifying
    the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`list` result in the following.

    >>> get_places_in(["geoId/06"], "County")
      'geoId/06': [
        # and 53 more

    We can also specify the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`pandas.Series` like so.

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> dcids = pd.Series(["geoId/06"])
    >>> get_places_in(dcids, "County")
    0    [geoId/06041, geoId/06089, geoId/06015, geoId/...
    dtype: object

  # Convert the dcids field and format the request to GetPlacesIn
  dcids, req_dcids = utils._convert_dcids_type(dcids)
  url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_places_in']
  payload = utils._send_request(url, req_json={
    'dcids': req_dcids,
    'place_type': place_type,

  # Create the results and format it appropriately
  result = utils._format_expand_payload(payload, 'place', must_exist=dcids)
  if isinstance(dcids, pd.Series):
    return pd.Series([result[dcid] for dcid in dcids])
  return result
Пример #9
 def test_send_request_w_api_key(self, urlopen):
     """ Handles row-less response. """
     # Set the API key
     # Issue a dummy url that tells the mock to expect a key
     self.assertEqual(utils._send_request(_SEND_REQ_W_KEY), {})
Пример #10
def get_populations(dcids, population_type, constraining_properties={}):
    """ Returns :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`'s located at the given :code:`dcids`.

    dcids (Union[:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, :obj:`pandas.Series`]): Dcids
      identifying :obj:`Place`'s of populations to query for. These dcids are
      treated as the property value associated with returned :obj:`Population`'s
      by the property
      `location <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=location>`_
    population_type (:obj:`str`): The population type of the
    constraining_properties (:obj:`map` from :obj:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional):
      A map from constraining property to the value that the
      :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` should be constrained by.

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`list`, the returned
    :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given
    dcid to the unique :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` located at the dcid as
    specified by the `population_type` and `constraining_properties` *if such
    exists*. A given dcid will *NOT* be a member of the :obj:`dict` if such
    a population does not exist.

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`pandas.Series`, the returned
    :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` are formatted as a :obj:`pandas.Series` where
    the `i`-th entry corresponds to populations located at the given dcid
    specified by the `population_type` and `constraining_properties` *if such
    exists*. Otherwise, the cell is empty.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get

    - The `population of employed persons in California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd>`_
    - The `population of employed persons in Kentucky <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/p/fs929fynprzs>`_
    - The `population of employed persons in Maryland <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44>`_.

    These populations are specified as having a
    `population_type` as :obj:`Person` and the `constraining_properties`
    as `employment <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=employment>`_
    = BLS_Employed

    With a :obj:`list` of dcids for our states, we can get the populations we
    want as follows.

    >>> dcids = ["geoId/06", "geoId/21", "geoId/24"]
    >>> pvs = {'employment': 'BLS_Employed'}
    >>> dc.get_populations(dcids, 'Person', constraining_properties=pvs)
      "geoId/06": "dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd",
      "geoId/21": "dc/p/fs929fynprzs",
      "geoId/24": "dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44"

    We can also specify the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`pandas.Series` like so.

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> dcids = pd.Series(["geoId/06", "geoId/21", "geoId/24"])
    >>> pvs = {'employment': 'BLS_Employed'}
    >>> dc.get_populations(dcids, 'Person', constraining_properties=pvs)
    0    dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd
    1     dc/p/fs929fynprzs
    2    dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44
    dtype: object
    # Convert the dcids field and format the request to GetPopulations
    dcids, req_dcids = utils._convert_dcids_type(dcids)
    pv = [{
        'property': k,
        'value': v
    } for k, v in constraining_properties.items()]
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_populations']
    payload = utils._send_request(url,
                                      'dcids': req_dcids,
                                      'population_type': population_type,
                                      'pvs': pv,

    # Create the results and format it appropriately
    result = utils._format_expand_payload(payload,
    if isinstance(dcids, pd.Series):
        flattened = utils._flatten_results(result, default_value="")
        return pd.Series([flattened[dcid] for dcid in dcids],

    # Drop empty results while flattening
    return utils._flatten_results(result)
Пример #11
def get_stat_all(places, stat_vars):
    """Returns a nested `dict` of all time series for `places` and `stat_vars`.

      places (`Iterable` of `str`): The dcids of Places to query for.
      stat_vars (`Iterable` of `str`): The dcids of the StatisticalVariables.
      A nested `dict` mapping Places to StatisticalVariables and all available
      time series for each Place and StatisticalVariable pair.

      ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

      >>> get_stat_all(["geoId/05", "geoId/06"], ["Count_Person", "Count_Person_Male"])
        "geoId/05": {
          "Count_Person": {
            "sourceSeries": [
                "val": {
                  "2010": 1633,
                  "2011": 1509,
                  "2012": 1581,
                "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
                "importName": "Wikidata",
                "provenanceDomain": "wikidata.org"
                "val": {
                  "2010": 1333,
                  "2011": 1309,
                  "2012": 131,
                "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
                "importName": "CensusPEPSurvey",
                "provenanceDomain": "census.gov"
          "Count_Person_Male": {
            "sourceSeries": [
                "val": {
                  "2010": 1633,
                  "2011": 1509,
                  "2012": 1581,
                "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
                "importName": "CensusPEPSurvey",
                "provenanceDomain": "census.gov"
        "geoId/02": {
          "Count_Person": {},
          "Count_Person_Male": {
              "sourceSeries": [
                  "val": {
                    "2010": 13,
                    "2011": 13,
                    "2012": 322,
                  "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
                  "importName": "CensusPEPSurvey",
                  "provenanceDomain": "census.gov"
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_stat_all']
    # Cast iterable-like to list.
    places = list(places)
    stat_vars = list(stat_vars)

    # Aiming for _STAT_BATCH_SIZE entries total.
    # _STAT_BATCH_SIZE = num places x num stat_vars, so aim for
    # _STAT_BATCH_SIZE/len(stat_vars) places per batch.
    places_per_batch = _STAT_BATCH_SIZE // len(stat_vars)
    # Get number of batches via an arithmetic ceiling trick:
    # 11//10 rounds down to 1.
    # -11//10 rounds down to -2.
    # We can divide with, then remove the negative to get the ceiling.
    batches = -(-len(places) // places_per_batch)
    res = {}
    for i in range(batches):
        req_json = {
            'stat_vars': stat_vars,
            'places': places[i * places_per_batch:(i + 1) * places_per_batch]
        # Send the request
        res_json = utils._send_request(url,
        if 'placeData' not in res_json:
            # The REST API spec will always return a dictionary under
            # placeData, even if no places exist or have no
            # data. If no Places are provided, REST will return an
            # error, which will have been caught and passed on in
            # _send_request.
            raise ValueError("Unexpected response from REST stat/all API.")

        # Unnest the REST response for keys that have single-element values.
        place_statvar_series = collections.defaultdict(dict)
        for place_dcid, place in res_json['placeData'].items():
            stat_var_data = place.get('statVarData')
            if not stat_var_data:
                # The REST API spec will always return a dictionary under
                # statVarData, even if no StatVars exist or have no
                # data. If no StatVars are provided, REST will return an
                # error, which will have been caught and passed on in
                # _send_request.
                raise ValueError("Unexpected response from REST stat/all API.")
            for stat_var_dcid, stat_var in stat_var_data.items():
                place_statvar_series[place_dcid][stat_var_dcid] = stat_var

    return res
Пример #12
def get_populations(dcids, population_type, constraining_properties={}):
    """ Returns :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`'s located at the given :code:`dcids`.

    dcids (:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`str`): Dcids
      identifying :obj:`Place`'s of populations to query for. These dcids are
      treated as the property value associated with returned :obj:`Population`'s
      by the property
      `location <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=location>`_
    population_type (:obj:`str`): The population type of the
    constraining_properties (:obj:`map` from :obj:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional):
      A map from constraining property to the value that the
      :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` should be constrained by.

    The returned :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given
    dcid to the unique :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` located at the dcid as
    specified by the `population_type` and `constraining_properties` *if such
    exists*. A given dcid will *NOT* be a member of the :obj:`dict` if such
    a population does not exist.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get

    - The `population of employed persons in California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd>`_
    - The `population of employed persons in Kentucky <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/p/fs929fynprzs>`_
    - The `population of employed persons in Maryland <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44>`_.

    These populations are specified as having a
    `population_type` as :obj:`Person` and the `constraining_properties`
    as `employment <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=employment>`_
    = BLS_Employed

    With a :obj:`list` of dcids for our states, we can get the populations we
    want as follows.

    >>> dcids = ["geoId/06", "geoId/21", "geoId/24"]
    >>> pvs = {'employment': 'BLS_Employed'}
    >>> dc.get_populations(dcids, 'Person', constraining_properties=pvs)
      "geoId/06": "dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd",
      "geoId/21": "dc/p/fs929fynprzs",
      "geoId/24": "dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44"
    # Convert the dcids field and format the request to GetPopulations
    dcids = filter(lambda v: v == v, dcids)  # Filter out NaN values
    dcids = list(dcids)
    pv = [{
        'property': k,
        'value': v
    } for k, v in constraining_properties.items()]
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_populations']
    payload = utils._send_request(url,
                                      'dcids': dcids,
                                      'population_type': population_type,
                                      'pvs': pv,

    # Create the results and format it appropriately
    result = utils._format_expand_payload(payload,

    # Drop empty results while flattening
    return _flatten_results(result)
Пример #13
def get_stats(dcids,
    """ Returns :obj:`TimeSeries` for :code:`dcids` \
    based on the :code:`stats_var`.

    dcids (:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`str`): Dcids of places to query for.
    stats_var (:obj:`str`): The dcid of the :obj:StatisticalVariable.
    obs_dates (:obj:`str` or :obj:`iterable` of :obj:`str`):
      Which observation to return.
      Can be 'latest', 'all', or an iterable of dates in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
    measurement_method (:obj:`str`): Optional, the dcid of the preferred
      `measurementMethod` value.
    unit (:obj:`str`): Optional, the dcid of the preferred `unit` value.
    obs_period (:obj:`str`): Optional, the dcid of the preferred
      `observationPeriod` value.
    A :obj:`dict` mapping the :obj:`Place` identified by the given :code:`dcid`
    to its place name and the :obj:`TimeSeries` associated with the
    :obj:`StatisticalVariable` identified by the given :code:`stats_var`
    and filtered by :code:`obs_dates` and optional args.
    See example below for more detail about how the returned :obj:`dict` is

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get the :obj:`TimeSeries` of the number of males
    at least 25 years old that attended 12th grade but did not receive
    a high school diploma
    (`dc/0hyp6tkn18vcb <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/0hyp6tkn18vcb>`_)
    in `Arkansas <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/05>`_
    and `California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06>`_.

    >>> get_stats(["geoId/05", "geoId/06"], "dc/0hyp6tkn18vcb")
      'geoId/05': {
        'place_name': 'Arkansas'
        'data': {
      'geoId/05': {
        'place_name': 'California'
        'data': {
    dcids = filter(lambda v: v == v, dcids)  # Filter out NaN values
    dcids = list(dcids)
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_stats']
    batches = -(-len(dcids) // utils._QUERY_BATCH_SIZE
                )  # Ceil to get # of batches.
    res = {}
    for i in range(batches):
        req_json = {
            dcids[i * utils._QUERY_BATCH_SIZE:(i + 1) *
        if measurement_method:
            req_json['measurement_method'] = measurement_method
        if unit:
            req_json['unit'] = unit
        if obs_period:
            req_json['observation_period'] = obs_period
        payload = utils._send_request(url, req_json)
        if obs_dates == 'all':
        elif obs_dates == 'latest':
            for geo, stats in payload.items():
                if not stats:
                time_series = stats.get('data')
                if not time_series: continue
                max_date = max(time_series)
                max_date_stat = time_series[max_date]
                time_series[max_date] = max_date_stat
                res[geo] = stats
        elif obs_dates:
            obs_dates = set(obs_dates)
            for geo, stats in payload.items():
                if not stats:
                time_series = stats.get('data')
                if not time_series: continue
                for date in list(time_series):
                    if date not in obs_dates:
                res[geo] = stats
    return res
Пример #14
def get_property_values(dcids,
    """ Returns property values of given :code:`dcids` along the given property.

    dcids (Union[:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, :obj:`pandas.Series`]): dcids to get
      property values for.
    prop (:obj:`str`): The property to get property values for.
    out (:obj:`bool`, optional): A flag that indicates the property is directed
      away from the given nodes when set to true.
    value_type (:obj:`str`, optional): A type to filter returned property values
    limit (:obj:`int`, optional): The maximum number of property values returned
      aggregated over all given nodes.

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`list`, the returned property
    values are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given dcid to a list of its
    property values.

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`pandas.Series`, the returned
    property values are formatted as a :obj:`pandas.Series` where the `i`-th
    entry corresponds to property values associated with the `i`-th given dcid.
    The cells of the returned series will always contain a :obj:`list` of
    property values.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get the `name` of a list of states specified by their dcid:
    `geoId/06 <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06>`_,
    `geoId/21 <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/21>`_, and
    `geoId/24 <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/24>`_

    First, let's try specifying the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`list` of

    >>> get_property_values(["geoId/06", "geoId/21", "geoId/24"], "name")
      "geoId/06": ["California"],
      "geoId/21": ["Kentucky"],
      "geoId/24": ["Maryland"],

    Next, we specify :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`pandas.Series`

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> dcids = pd.Series(["geoId/06", "geoId/21", "geoId/24"])
    >>> get_property_values(dcids, "name")
    0    [California]
    1      [Kentucky]
    2      [Maryland]
    dtype: object
    # Convert the dcids field and format the request to GetPropertyValue
    dcids, req_dcids = utils._convert_dcids_type(dcids)
    req_json = {'dcids': req_dcids, 'property': prop, 'limit': limit}
    if value_type:
        req_json['value_type'] = value_type

    # Send the request
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_property_values']
    payload = utils._send_request(url, req_json=req_json)

    # Create the result format for when dcids is provided as a list.
    unique_results = defaultdict(set)
    for dcid in dcids:
        # Get the list of nodes based on the direction given.
        nodes = []
        if dcid in payload and out:
            nodes = payload[dcid]['out']
        elif dcid in payload and not out:
            nodes = payload[dcid]['in']

        # Add nodes to unique_results if it is not empty
        for node in nodes:
            if 'dcid' in node:
            elif 'value' in node:

    # Make sure each dcid is in the results dict, and convert all sets to lists.
    results = {dcid: sorted(list(unique_results[dcid])) for dcid in dcids}

    # Format the results as a Series if a Pandas Series is provided.
    if isinstance(dcids, pd.Series):
        return pd.Series([results[dcid] for dcid in dcids], index=dcids.index)
    return results
Пример #15
def get_observations(dcids,
    """ Returns values of :obj:`Observation`'s observing the given :code:`dcids`.

    dcids (Union[:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, :obj:`pandas.Series`]): Dcids
      identifying nodes that returning :obj:`Observation`'s observe. These dcids
      are treated as the property value associated with returned
      :obj:`Observation`'s by the property
      `observedNode <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=observedNode>`_
    measured_property (:obj:`str`): The measured property.
    stats_type (:obj:`str`): The statistical type for the observation.
    observation_date (:obj:`str`): The associated observation date in ISO8601
    observation_period (:obj:`str`, optional): An optional parameter specifying
      the observation period.
    measurement_method (:obj:`str`, optional): An optional parameter specifying
      the measurement method.

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`list`, the returned
    :obj:`Observation`'s are formatted as a :obj:`dict` from a given dcid to the
    unique :obj:`Observation` observing the dcid where the observation is
    specified by what is given in the other parameters *if such exists*. A given
    dcid will *NOT* be a member of the :obj:`dict` if such an observation does
    not exist.

    When :code:`dcids` is an instance of :obj:`pandas.Series`, the returned
    :obj:`Observation`'s are formatted as a :obj:`pandas.Series` where the
    `i`-th entry corresponds to observation observing the given dcid as specified
    by the other parameters *if such exists*. Otherwise, the cell holds NaN.

    We would like to get the following for December, 2018:

    - The `total count of employed persons in California <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/o/wetnm9026gf73>`_
    - The `total count of employed persons in Kentucky <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/o/4nklvdnkfq835>`_
    - The `total count of employed persons in Maryland <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=dc/o/nkntbc4vpshn9>`_.

    The observations we want are observations of the populations representing
    employed individuals in each state (to get these, see
    :any:module-datacommons.populations.get_populations). With a list of these
    population dcids, we can get the observations like so.

    >>> dcids = [
    ...   "dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd",   # Employed individuals in California
    ...   "dc/p/fs929fynprzs",    # Employed individuals in Kentucky
    ...   "dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44"    # Employed individuals in Maryland
    ... ]
    >>> get_observations(dcids, 'count', 'measuredValue', '2018-12',
    ...   observation_period='P1M',
    ...   measurement_method='BLSSeasonallyAdjusted'
    ... )
      "dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd": 18704962.0,
      "dc/p/fs929fynprzs": 1973955.0,
      "dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44": 3075662.0

    We can also specify the :code:`dcids` as a :obj:`pandas.Series` like so.

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> dcids = pd.Series(["dc/p/x6t44d8jd95rd", "dc/p/fs929fynprzs", "dc/p/lr52m1yr46r44"])
    >>> get_observations(dcids, 'count', 'measuredValue', '2018-12',
    ...   observation_period='P1M',
    ...   measurement_method='BLSSeasonallyAdjusted'
    ... )
    0    18704962.0
    1     1973955.0
    2     3075662.0
    dtype: float64
    # Convert the dcids field and format the request to GetObservation
    dcids, req_dcids = utils._convert_dcids_type(dcids)
    req_json = {
        'dcids': req_dcids,
        'measured_property': measured_property,
        'stats_type': stats_type,
        'observation_date': observation_date,
    if observation_period:
        req_json['observation_period'] = observation_period
    if measurement_method:
        req_json['measurement_method'] = measurement_method

    # Issue the request to GetObservation
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_observations']
    payload = utils._send_request(url, req_json=req_json)

    # Create the results and format it appropriately
    result = utils._format_expand_payload(payload,
    if isinstance(dcids, pd.Series):
        flattened = utils._flatten_results(result, default_value="")
        series = pd.Series([flattened[dcid] for dcid in dcids],
        return series.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

    # Drop empty results by calling _flatten_results without default_value, then
    # coerce the type to float if possible.
    typed_results = {}
    for k, v in utils._flatten_results(result).items():
            typed_results[k] = float(v)
        except ValueError:
            typed_results[k] = v
    return typed_results
Пример #16
def get_pop_obs(dcid):
    """ Returns all :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` and :obj:`Observation` \
      of a :obj:`Thing`.

    dcid (:obj:`str`): Dcid of the thing.

    A :obj:`dict` of :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` and :obj:`Observation` that
    are associated to the thing identified by the given :code:`dcid`. The given
    dcid is linked to the returned :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`,
    which are the :obj:`observedNode` of the returned :obj:`Observation`.
    See example below for more detail about how the returned :obj:`dict` is

    ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

    We would like to get all :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` and
    :obj:`Observations` of
    `Santa Clara <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=geoId/06085>`_.

    >>> get_pop_obs("geoId/06085")
      'name': 'Santa Clara',
      'placeType': 'County',
      'populations': {
        'dc/p/zzlmxxtp1el87': {
          'popType': 'Household',
          'numConstraints': 3,
          'propertyValues': {
            'householderAge': 'Years45To64',
            'householderRace': 'USC_AsianAlone',
            'income': 'USDollar35000To39999'
          'observations': [
              'marginOfError': 274,
              'measuredProp': 'count',
              'measuredValue': 1352,
              'measurementMethod': 'CensusACS5yrSurvey',
              'observationDate': '2017'
              'marginOfError': 226,
              'measuredProp': 'count',
              'measuredValue': 1388,
              'measurementMethod': 'CensusACS5yrSurvey',
              'observationDate': '2013'
      'observations': [
          'meanValue': 4.1583,
          'measuredProp': 'particulateMatter25',
          'measurementMethod': 'CDCHealthTracking',
          'observationDate': '2014-04-04',
          'observedNode': 'geoId/06085'
          'meanValue': 9.4461,
          'measuredProp': 'particulateMatter25',
          'measurementMethod': 'CDCHealthTracking',
          'observationDate': '2014-03-20',
          'observedNode': 'geoId/06085'

    Notice that the return value is a multi-level :obj:`dict`. The top level
    contains the following keys.

    - :code:`name` and :code:`placeType` provides the name and type of the
      :obj:`Place` identified by the given :code:`dcid`.
    - :code:`populations` maps to a :obj:`dict` containing all
      :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` that have the given :code:`dcid` as its
    - :code:`observations` maps to a :obj:`list` containing all
      :obj:`Observation` that have the given :code:`dcid` as its

    The :code:`populations` dictionary is keyed by the dcid of each
    :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`. The mapped dictionary contains the following

    - :code:`popType` which gives the population type of the
      :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` identified by the key.
    - :code:`numConstraints` which gives the number of constraining properties
      defined for the identified :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`.
    - :code:`propertyValues` which gives a :obj:`dict` mapping a constraining
      property to its value for the identified :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`.
    - :code:`observations` which gives a list of all :obj:`Observation`'s that
      have the identified :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` as their

    Each :obj:`Observation` is represented by a :code:`dict` that have the keys:

    - :code:`measuredProp`: The property measured by the :obj:`Observation`.
    - :code:`observationDate`: The date when the :obj:`Observation` was made.
    - :code:`observationPeriod` (optional): The period over which the
      :obj:`Observation` was made.
    - :code:`measurementMethod` (optional): A field providing additional
      information on how the :obj:`Observation` was collected.
    - Additional fields that denote values measured by the :obj:`Observation`.
      These may include the following: :code:`measuredValue`, :code:`meanValue`,
      :code:`medianValue`, :code:`maxValue`, :code:`minValue`, :code:`sumValue`,
      :code:`marginOfError`, :code:`stdError`, :code:`meanStdError`, and others.
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS[
        'get_pop_obs'] + '?dcid={}'.format(dcid)
    return utils._send_request(url, compress=True, post=False)
Пример #17
def get_stat_all(places, stat_vars):
    """Returns a nested `dict` of all time series for `places` and `stat_vars`.

      places (`Iterable` of `str`): The dcids of Places to query for.
      stat_vars (`Iterable` of `str`): The dcids of the StatisticalVariables.
      A nested `dict` mapping Places to StatisticalVariables and all available
      time series for each Place and StatisticalVariable pair.

      ValueError: If the payload returned by the Data Commons REST API is

      >>> get_stat_all(["geoId/05", "geoId/06"], ["Count_Person", "Count_Person_Male"])
        "geoId/05": {
          "Count_Person": [
              "val": {
                "2010": 1633,
                "2011": 1509,
                "2012": 1581,
              "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
              "importName": "Wikidata",
              "provenanceDomain": "wikidata.org"
              "val": {
                "2010": 1333,
                "2011": 1309,
                "2012": 131,
              "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
              "importName": "CensusPEPSurvey",
              "provenanceDomain": "census.gov"
          "Count_Person_Male": [
              "val": {
                "2010": 1633,
                "2011": 1509,
                "2012": 1581,
              "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
              "importName": "CensusPEPSurvey",
              "provenanceDomain": "census.gov"
        "geoId/02": {
          "Count_Person": [],
          "Count_Person_Male": [
              "val": {
                "2010": 13,
                "2011": 13,
                "2012": 322,
              "observationPeriod": "P1Y",
              "importName": "CensusPEPSurvey",
              "provenanceDomain": "census.gov"
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_stat_all']
    req_json = {'stat_vars': stat_vars, 'places': places}

    # Send the request
    res_json = utils._send_request(url, req_json=req_json, use_payload=False)

    if 'placeData' not in res_json:
        raise ValueError('No data in response.')

    # Unnest the REST response for keys that have single-element values.
    place_statvar_series = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for place_dcid, place in res_json['placeData'].items():
        for stat_var_dcid, stat_var in place['statVarData'].items():
            place_statvar_series[place_dcid][stat_var_dcid] = stat_var
    return dict(place_statvar_series)
Пример #18
def get_place_obs(place_type,
    """ Returns all :obj:`Observation`'s for all places given the place type,
  observation date and the :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` constraints.

    place_type (:obj:`str`): The type of places to query
      :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`'s and :obj:`Observation`'s for.
    observation_date (:obj:`str`): The observation date in ISO-8601 format.
    population_type (:obj:`str`): The population type of the
    constraining_properties (:obj:`map` from :obj:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional):
      A map from constraining property to the value that the
      :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` should be constrained by.

    A list of dictionaries, with each dictionary containng *all*
    :obj:`Observation`'s of a place that conform to the :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`
    constraints. See examples for more details on how the format of the
    return value is structured.

    ValueError: If the payload is malformed.

    We would like to get all :obj:`StatisticalPopulation` and
    :obj:`Observations` for all places of type :obj:`City` in year 2017 where
    the populations have a population type of :obj:`Person` is specified by the
    following constraining properties.

    - Persons should have `age <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=age>`_
      with value `Years5To17 <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=Years5To17>`_
    - Persons should have `placeOfBirth <https://browser.datacommons.org/kg?dcid=placeOfBirth>`_
      with value BornInOtherStateInTheUnitedStates.

    >>> props = {
    ...   'age': 'Years5To17',
    ...   'placeOfBirth': 'BornInOtherStateInTheUnitedStates'
    ... }
    >>> get_place_obs('City', '2017', Person', constraining_properties=props)
        'name': 'Marcus Hook borough',
        'place': 'geoId/4247344',
        'populations': {
          'dc/p/pq6frs32sfvk': {
            'observations': [
                'marginOfError': 39,
                'measuredProp': 'count',
                'measuredValue': 67,
                'type': 'Observation'
              # More observations...
      # Entries for more cities...

    The value returned by :code:`get_place_obs` is a :obj:`list` of
    :obj:`dict`'s. Each dictionary corresponds to a :obj:`StatisticalPopulation`
    matching the given :code:`population_type` and
    :code:`constraining_properties` for a single place of the given
    :code:`place_type`. The dictionary contains the following keys.

    - :code:`name`: The name of the place being described.
    - :code:`place`: The dcid associated with the place being described.
    - :code:`populations`: A :obj:`dict` mapping :code:`StatisticalPopulation`
      dcids to a a :obj:`dict` with a list of :code:`observations`.

    Each :obj:`Observation` is represented by a :obj:`dict` with the following
    - :code:`measuredProp`: The property measured by the :obj:`Observation`.
    - :code:`measurementMethod` (optional): A field identifying how the
      :obj:`Observation` was made
    - Additional fields that denote values measured by the :obj:`Observation`.
      These may include the following: :code:`measuredValue`, :code:`meanValue`,
      :code:`medianValue`, :code:`maxValue`, :code:`minValue`, :code:`sumValue`,
      :code:`marginOfError`, :code:`stdError`, :code:`meanStdError`, and others.
    # Create the json payload and send it to the REST API.
    pv = [{
        'property': k,
        'value': v
    } for k, v in constraining_properties.items()]
    url = utils._API_ROOT + utils._API_ENDPOINTS['get_place_obs']
    payload = utils._send_request(url,
                                      'place_type': place_type,
                                      'observation_date': observation_date,
                                      'population_type': population_type,
                                      'pvs': pv,
    return payload['places']
Пример #19
 def test_send_request_no_api_key(self, urlopen):
     del os.environ[utils._ENV_VAR_API_KEY]
     # Issue a dummy url that tells the mock to not expect a key
         utils._send_request(_SEND_REQ_NO_KEY, {'foo': ['bar']}), {})