Пример #1
def autosmooth(x_array, y_array, var_y=None):
    if var_y is not None:
        error = np.sqrt(var_y)
        new_y_init = df.gsmooth(x_array, y_array, var_y, .001)
        SNR = np.mean(y_array / error)
        # SNR = np.mean(new_y_init / error)
        var_y = np.ones(len(x_array))
        new_y_init = df.gsmooth(x_array, y_array, var_y, .002)
        error = np.absolute(y_array - new_y_init)
        sm_error = df.gsmooth(x_array, error, var_y, .008)
        SNR = np.median(new_y_init / sm_error)

    if SNR < 5:
        vexp_auto = .0045 #temp value, need to fine tune using SNR in excel spreadsheet
    elif 5 <= SNR < 20:
        vexp_auto = .004
    elif 20 <= SNR < 40:
        vexp_auto = .003
    elif 40 <= SNR < 60:
        vexp_auto = .002
    elif 60 <= SNR < 100:
        vexp_auto = .0015
        vexp_auto = .001

    return vexp_auto, SNR
Пример #2
def find_vexp(x_array, y_array, var_y=None):
    if var_y is not None:
        error = np.sqrt(var_y)
        new_y_init = df.gsmooth(x_array, y_array, var_y, .002)
        SNR = np.median(new_y_init / error)
        new_y_init = df.gsmooth(x_array, y_array, var_y, .002) #this smoothing should get in right ballpark
        error = np.absolute(y_array - new_y_init)
        sm_error = df.gsmooth(x_array, error, var_y, .008)
        SNR = np.median(new_y_init / sm_error)

    #TODO: interpolate a function of SNR
    # vexp_line = np.polyfit([2.5, 80], [.0045, .001], 1)
    # coeff_0 = vexp_line[0]
    # coeff_1 = vexp_line[1]
    # results from above:
    coeff_0 = -4.51612903e-05
    coeff_1 = 4.61290323e-03
    vexp_auto = coeff_0*SNR + coeff_1

    if SNR < 2.5:
        vexp_auto = .0045
    if SNR > 80:
        vexp_auto = .001

    return vexp_auto, SNR
Пример #3
def clip(wave, flux, ivar):
    # Create an array of all ones
    var = np.ones(len(flux), float)

    # Create 2 smoothed fluxes, of varying vexp
    sflux = df.gsmooth(wave, flux, var, 0.002)

    # Take the difference of the two fluxes and smooth
    err = abs(flux - sflux)
    serr = df.gsmooth(wave, err, var, 0.008)

    # Find the wavelengths that need to be clipped (omitting 5800-6000 region)
    index = np.where(((err / serr > 5.5) & (wave < 5800.0))
                     | ((err / serr > 5.5) & (wave > 6000.0)))
    index_na = np.where((err / serr > 10.5)
                        & ((wave > 5800.0) & (wave < 6000.0)))
    bad_wave = wave[index]
    bad_wave_na = wave[index_na]

    # Find indices for general clipping
    # bad = np.array([], int)
    bad_ranges = []  # if don't need it to be a numpy array (A.S.)

    for i in range(len(bad_wave)):
        # bad = np.append(bad, np.where(abs(wave - bad_wave[i]) < 8))
            (bad_wave[i] - 8, bad_wave[i] +
             8))  # instead save each point as tuple of desired range (A.S.)

    for i in range(len(bad_wave_na)):
        # bad = np.append(bad, np.where(abs(wave - bad_wave[i]) < 8))
        bad_ranges.append((bad_wave_na[i] - 8, bad_wave_na[i] + 8))

    # Set ivar to 0 for those points and return

#    ivar[bad] = 0
#    return ivar

    plt.plot(wave, flux)
    for wave_tuple in bad_ranges:
        #        print wave_tuple
        clip_points = np.where((wave > wave_tuple[0]) & (wave < wave_tuple[1]))
        #make sure not at edge of spectrum
        flux[clip_points] = np.interp(
            wave[clip_points], [wave_tuple[0], wave_tuple[1]],
            [flux[clip_points[0][0] - 1], flux[clip_points[0][-1] + 1]])
        #deweight data (but not to 0), somewhat arbitrary
        ivar[clip_points] = np.interp(
            wave[clip_points], [wave_tuple[0], wave_tuple[1]],
            [ivar[clip_points[0][0] - 1], ivar[clip_points[0][-1] + 1]])

    plt.plot(wave, flux)
    return wave, flux, ivar  # return bad_ranges instead of setting ivar[bad] = 0 (A.S.)
Пример #4
def measure_weak_si_velocity(wavelength, flux, varflux=None, plot=True):
    if varflux == None:
        varflux = np.zeros(len(wavelength), float)

    varflux = np.zeros(len(wavelength), float)
    sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, .001)
    si_range = np.where((wavelength > 5560.) & (wavelength < 5820.))
    si_wave = wavelength[si_range]
    si_flux = sm_flux[si_range]
    si_min = np.amin(si_flux)
    si_min_index = np.where(si_flux == si_min)
    si_min_wave = si_wave[si_min_index][0]

    c = 299792. # km/s
    si_rest_wave = 5979. #Angstroms

    v = c*((si_rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2. - 1)/(1+((si_rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2.))
    # if plot:
    #   plt.plot(wavelength, flux)
    #   plt.plot(wavelength, sm_flux)
    #   plt.plot(si_min_wave, si_min, 'o')
    #   plt.xlim([5000.,7000.])
    #   plt.ylim([0.,.6])
    #   plt.show()
    return v, si_min_wave
Пример #5
def measure_ca_ratio(wavelength,flux, varflux = None, wave1 = 3550., wave2=3680.):
    if varflux == None:
        varflux = np.zeros(len(wavelength), float)

    sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, .001)

    # ca_range_1 = np.where((wavelength > 3550.) & (wavelength < 3680.))
    ca_range_1 = np.where((wavelength > wave1) & (wavelength < wave2))
    ca_range_2 = np.where((wavelength > 3890.) & (wavelength < 3970.))

    ca_wave_1 = wavelength[ca_range_1]
    ca_wave_2 = wavelength[ca_range_2]

    ca_flux_1 = sm_flux[ca_range_1]
    ca_flux_2 = sm_flux[ca_range_2]

    ca_max_1 = np.amax(ca_flux_1)
    ca_max_2 = np.amax(ca_flux_2)

    ca_max_index_1 = np.where(sm_flux == ca_max_1)
    ca_max_index_2 = np.where(sm_flux == ca_max_2)

    ca_max_wave_1 = wavelength[ca_max_index_1][0]
    ca_max_wave_2 = wavelength[ca_max_index_2][0]

    print ca_max_2/ca_max_1

    plt.plot(wavelength[ca_max_index_1], sm_flux[ca_max_index_1], 'o', color='orange')
    plt.plot(wavelength[ca_max_index_2], sm_flux[ca_max_index_2], 'o', color='orange')

    return ca_max_2/ca_max_1
Пример #6
def find_vexp_ryan(x_array, y_array, var_y=None):
    if var_y is not None:
        error = np.sqrt(var_y)
        new_y_init = df.gsmooth(x_array, y_array, var_y, .002)
        SNR = np.median(new_y_init / error)
        new_y_init = df.gsmooth(x_array, y_array, var_y, .002) #this smoothing should get in right ballpark
        error = np.absolute(y_array - new_y_init)
        sm_error = df.gsmooth(x_array, error, var_y, .008)
        SNR = np.median(new_y_init / sm_error)

    vexp = 0.000205115 + 0.00699404*(SNR + 0.642253)**(-0.446162)

    if SNR > 150:
        vexp = .001

    return vexp, SNR
Пример #7
def measure_velocity(wavelength, flux, wave1, wave2, vexp=.001, clip=True, rest_wave=6355., varflux=None, plot=False, error=False):

    sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, vexp)

    # sigclip_region = np.where((np.absolute(flux-sm_flux)> 3.*np.sqrt(varflux)))[0]
    old_wave = copy.deepcopy(wavelength)
    old_flux = copy.deepcopy(flux)
    # if clip:
    #     wavelength = np.delete(wavelength, sigclip_region)
    #     flux = np.delete(flux, sigclip_region)
    #     varflux = np.delete(varflux, sigclip_region)
    #     sm_flux = np.delete(sm_flux, sigclip_region)

    si_range = np.where((wavelength > wave1) & (wavelength < wave2))
    si_wave = wavelength[si_range]
    if len(si_wave) == 0:
        return np.nan, np.nan
    si_flux = sm_flux[si_range]
    si_min = np.amin(si_flux)
    si_min_index = np.where(si_flux == si_min)

    if len(si_min_index[0]) > 0. and (wavelength[-1] > wave2):
        si_min_wave = si_wave[si_min_index][0]

        c = 299792.458 # km/s
        # rest_wave = 6355. #Angstroms

        v = c*((rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2. - 1)/(1+((rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2.))
        if error:
            sigma = measure_verror(wavelength, flux, varflux, wave1, wave2)

        if plot:
            f, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[7,7])
            zoom = (wavelength>5500) & (wavelength < 6500)
            # zoom_old_sig = (old_wave[sigclip_region]>5500) & (old_wave[sigclip_region] < 6500)
            zoom_old = (old_wave>5500) & (old_wave < 6500)
            norm = 1./np.amax(flux)
            plt.plot(old_wave[zoom_old], norm*old_flux[zoom_old], color='red')
            plt.plot(wavelength[zoom], norm*flux[zoom])
            plt.plot(wavelength[zoom], norm*sm_flux[zoom])
            plt.plot(si_min_wave, norm*si_min, 'o', color='orange')
            # plt.xlim([5500.,6500.])
            # plt.ylim([np.median(flux[zoom])-.2,np.median(flux[zoom])+.2])
        v = np.nan
        si_min_wave = np.nan
        sigma = np.nan

    if error:
        return (-1.*v)/1000., si_min_wave, sigma
        return (-1.*v)/1000., si_min_wave, np.nan
Пример #8
def ew_stat_error(wavelength, flux, ivar, w1, w2, w3, roi, vexp=.001, num=100):
    sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength[roi], flux[roi], 1/ivar[roi], vexp)
    err = np.sqrt((1./ivar[roi]))
    # err = np.absolute(flux[roi] - sm_flux)
    sig = np.median(err)
    ews = []
    for i in range(0, num):
        new_flux = copy.deepcopy(sm_flux)
        delta_flux = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sig, size=len(new_flux))
        new_flux = new_flux + delta_flux
        ew, roi_ignore = measure_EW(wavelength[roi], new_flux, w1, w2, w3, vexp=vexp, plot=False)
    stat_err = np.std(ews)

    return stat_err
Пример #9
def max_wave(wavelength, flux, w1, w2, w3, vexp=.001, sys_error=False):
    sm_flux= df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, None, vexp)

    wave_domain_1 = (wavelength > w1) & (wavelength < w2)
    elem_flux_1 = np.argmax(sm_flux[wave_domain_1]) #find minimum value within these flux vales to locate "dip
    max_wave_1 = wavelength[wave_domain_1][elem_flux_1] #find the corresponding wavelength
    wave_domain_2 = (wavelength > w2) & (wavelength < w3)
    elem_flux_2 = np.argmax(sm_flux[wave_domain_2]) #find minimum value within these flux vales to locate "dip
    max_wave_2 = wavelength[wave_domain_2][elem_flux_2] #find the corresponding wavelength

    if sys_error:
        #change continuum locations by a random even integer (at most 100 Angstroms)
        max_wave_1 = max_wave_1 + random.randint(-50, 50)*2.
        max_wave_2 = max_wave_2 + random.randint(-50, 50)*2.

    return max_wave_1, max_wave_2, wave_domain_1, wave_domain_2, elem_flux_1, elem_flux_2, sm_flux
Пример #10
def measure_C_velocity_from_raw(wavelength,flux,z, varflux=None):
    # varflux = 1./SN.ivar[SN.x1:SN.x2]
    # plt.plot(wavelength,flux)
    if varflux == None:
        varflux = np.zeros(len(wavelength), float)
    wavelength = wavelength/(1.+z)
    sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, .001)
    C_range = np.where((wavelength > 6200.) & (wavelength < 6320.))
    C_wave = wavelength[C_range]
    C_flux = sm_flux[C_range]
    C_min = np.amin(C_flux)
    C_min_index = np.where(C_flux == C_min)
    C_min_wave = C_wave[C_min_index][0]

    c = 299792. # km/s
    C_rest_wave = 6580. #Angstroms
    v = c*((C_rest_wave/C_min_wave)**2. - 1)/(1+((C_rest_wave/C_min_wave)**2.))
    # v = c*(si_min_wave - si_rest_wave)/si_rest_wave
    # plt.plot(wavelength, flux)
    # plt.plot(wavelength, sm_flux)
    # plt.plot(C_min_wave, C_min, 'o', color='orange')
    # plt.show()
    return v, C_min_wave
Пример #11
def measure_velocity(wavelength, flux, wave1, wave2, vexp=.001, rest_wave=6355., varflux=None, plot=False, error=False):

    sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, vexp)
    si_range = np.where((wavelength > wave1) & (wavelength < wave2))
    si_wave = wavelength[si_range]
    if len(si_wave) == 0:
        return np.nan, np.nan
    si_flux = sm_flux[si_range]
    si_min = np.amin(si_flux)
    si_min_index = np.where(si_flux == si_min)

    if len(si_min_index[0]) > 0. and (wavelength[-1] > wave2):
        si_min_wave = si_wave[si_min_index][0]

        c = 299792.458 # km/s
        # rest_wave = 6355. #Angstroms

        v = c*((rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2. - 1)/(1+((rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2.))
        if error:
            sigma = measure_verror(wavelength, flux, varflux)

        if plot:
            norm = 1./np.amax(flux)
            plt.plot(wavelength, norm*flux)
            plt.plot(wavelength, norm*sm_flux)
            plt.plot(si_min_wave, norm*si_min, 'o', color='orange')
        v = np.nan
        si_min_wave = np.nan

    if error:
        return (-1.*v)/1000., si_min_wave, sigma
        return (-1.*v)/1000., si_min_wave
Пример #12
def measure_si_velocity_from_raw(wavelength,flux,z, varflux=None):
    # varflux = 1./SN.ivar[SN.x1:SN.x2]
    # plt.plot(wavelength,flux)
    if varflux == None:
        varflux = np.zeros(len(wavelength), float)

    wavelength = wavelength/(1.+z)
    sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, .001)
    si_range = np.where((wavelength > 5830.) & (wavelength < 6230.))
    si_wave = wavelength[si_range]
    si_flux = sm_flux[si_range]
    si_min = np.amin(si_flux)
    si_min_index = np.where(si_flux == si_min)
    si_min_wave = si_wave[si_min_index][0]

    c = 299792.458 # km/s
    si_rest_wave = 6355. #Angstroms
    v = c*((si_rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2. - 1)/(1+((si_rest_wave/si_min_wave)**2.))
    # v = c*(si_min_wave - si_rest_wave)/si_rest_wave
    # plt.plot(wavelength, flux)
    # plt.plot(wavelength, sm_flux)
    # plt.plot(si_min_wave, si_min, 'o', color='orange')
    # plt.show()
    return v, si_min_wave
Пример #13
def measure_si_ratio(wavelength,flux, varflux = None, vexp=.002, smooth=True, dm15 = None, plot=True):
    # if varflux == None:
    #   varflux = np.zeros(len(wavelength), float)
    if smooth:
        sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, vexp)
        sm_flux = flux

    maxima = find_extrema(wavelength,sm_flux)
    max_waves = wavelength[maxima]
    max_fluxes = sm_flux[maxima]

    si_range_1 = np.where((wavelength > 5500.) & (wavelength < 5700.))
    si_range_2 = np.where((wavelength > 5700.) & (wavelength < 6000.))
    si_range_3 = np.where((wavelength > 6000.) & (wavelength < 6500.))

    # si_wave_1 = wavelength[si_range_1]
    # si_wave_2 = wavelength[si_range_2]
    # si_wave_3 = wavelength[si_range_3]

    # si_flux_1 = sm_flux[si_range_1]
    # si_flux_2 = sm_flux[si_range_2]
    # si_flux_3 = sm_flux[si_range_3]

    # si_max_1 = np.amax(si_flux_1)
    # si_max_2 = np.amax(si_flux_2)
    # si_max_3 = np.amax(si_flux_3)

    # si_max_index_1 = np.where(si_flux_1 == si_max_1)
    # si_max_index_2 = np.where(si_flux_2 == si_max_2)  
    # si_max_index_3 = np.where(si_flux_3 == si_max_3)

    # si_max_wave_1 = si_wave_1[si_max_index_1][0]
    # si_max_wave_2 = si_wave_2[si_max_index_2][0]
    # si_max_wave_3 = si_wave_3[si_max_index_3][0]

    m1s = []
    m2s = []
    m3s = []
    for m in maxima:
        if m in si_range_1[0]:
        if m in si_range_2[0]:
        if m in si_range_3[0]:

    if len(m1s) == 0 or len(m2s) == 0 or len(m3s) == 0:
        m1s = []
        m2s = []
        m3s = []
        sm_flux = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, varflux, vexp= vexp+.001)
        maxima = find_extrema(wavelength,sm_flux)
        for m in maxima:
            if m in si_range_1[0]:
            if m in si_range_2[0]:
            if m in si_range_3[0]:
    if len(m1s) == 0 or len(m2s) == 0 or len(m3s) == 0:
        print "Could not find maximum in a specified range!"
        return np.nan

    f1s = sm_flux[m1s]
    f2s = sm_flux[m2s]
    f3s = sm_flux[m3s]
    m1 = m1s[-1]
    m2 = m2s[-1]
    m3 = m3s[np.argmax(f3s)]

    # m1 = m1s[0]
    # m2 = m2s[-1]
    # m3 = m3s[-1]
    if dm15 != None and dm15 > 1.7:
        m1 = m1s[0]
        m2 = m2s[np.argmax(f2s)]

    si_max_wave_1 = wavelength[m1]
    si_max_wave_2 = wavelength[m2]
    si_max_wave_3 = wavelength[m3]

    si_max_1 = sm_flux[m1]
    si_max_2 = sm_flux[m2]
    si_max_3 = sm_flux[m3]

    weak_si_trough = np.where((wavelength >= si_max_wave_1) & (wavelength < si_max_wave_2))[0]
    strong_si_trough = np.where((wavelength >= si_max_wave_2) & (wavelength < si_max_wave_3))[0]

    interp_flux = copy.copy(flux)
    interp_flux[weak_si_trough] = np.interp(wavelength[weak_si_trough], [si_max_wave_1, si_max_wave_2], [si_max_1, si_max_2])
    interp_flux[strong_si_trough] = np.interp(wavelength[strong_si_trough], [si_max_wave_2, si_max_wave_3], [si_max_2, si_max_3])

    # v_strong, si_min_wave = measure_velocity(wavelength,flux, 5900., 6300.)
    # v_weak, si_weak_min_wave = measure_weak_si_velocity(wavelength,flux)

    # si_min_index = np.where(wavelength == si_min_wave)
    # si_weak_min_index = np.where(wavelength == si_weak_min_wave)

    #find max of diffs instead of finding minimum
    strong_line_diffs = interp_flux[strong_si_trough] - sm_flux[strong_si_trough]
    weak_line_diffs = interp_flux[weak_si_trough] - sm_flux[weak_si_trough]

    #Line ratio with fractional depths
    # strong_line = (interp_flux[si_min_index] - sm_flux[si_min_index])/interp_flux[si_min_index]
    # weak_line = (interp_flux[si_weak_min_index] - sm_flux[si_weak_min_index])/interp_flux[si_weak_min_index]

    # strong_line = (interp_flux[si_min_index] - sm_flux[si_min_index])
    # weak_line = (interp_flux[si_weak_min_index] - sm_flux[si_weak_min_index])

    strong_line = np.amax(strong_line_diffs)
    weak_line = np.amax(weak_line_diffs)
    strong_ind = np.where(strong_line_diffs == strong_line)
    weak_ind = np.where(weak_line_diffs == weak_line)

    ratio = weak_line/strong_line
    # ratio = ratio[0]

    # if ratio > .5:
    if plot:
        plt.plot(wavelength, interp_flux)
        plt.plot(max_waves, max_fluxes, 'o', color='cyan')
        plt.plot(wavelength[strong_si_trough][strong_ind], interp_flux[strong_si_trough][strong_ind], 'o', color='orange')
        plt.plot(wavelength[strong_si_trough][strong_ind], sm_flux[strong_si_trough][strong_ind], 'o', color='orange')
        plt.plot(wavelength[weak_si_trough][weak_ind], interp_flux[weak_si_trough][weak_ind], 'o', color='orange')
        plt.plot(wavelength[weak_si_trough][weak_ind], sm_flux[weak_si_trough][weak_ind], 'o', color='orange')

    # plt.plot(wavelength,flux)
    # plt.plot(wavelength,sm_flux)
    # plt.plot(wavelength, interp_flux)
    # plt.plot(wavelength[si_min_index], interp_flux[si_min_index], 'o', color='orange')
    # plt.plot(wavelength[si_min_index], sm_flux[si_min_index], 'o', color='orange')
    # plt.plot(wavelength[si_weak_min_index], interp_flux[si_weak_min_index], 'o', color='orange')
    # plt.plot(wavelength[si_weak_min_index], sm_flux[si_weak_min_index], 'o', color='orange')
    # plt.xlim([5000.,7000.])
    # plt.show()

    return ratio
Пример #14
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datafidelity as df

# Import Supernova data to work with

wavelength = SN[:,0]
flux = SN[:,1]

    variance = SN[:,2]
except IndexError:
    variance = df.genvar(wavelength, flux)

# Clip flux file
new_flux1, clipped = df.clip(flux)

# Smooth curve
new_flux2 = df.gsmooth(wavelength, flux, error, vexp = 0.004)

variance = df.update_variance(wavelength, new_flux1, variance)

plt.plot(wavelength, new_flux2, 'b')
plt.plot(wavelength, variance)