Пример #1
def _prepare_spatial_weights_data(weights_file=WEIGHTS_FILE):
    Rescales the pix_cent_x colum values

    weights_file: str
        location of file used for weighting

    .. note:: unnecessary if we can standardize our input

    api = datafs.get_api()
    archive = api.get_archive(weights_file)

    with archive.open('r') as f:
        df = pd.read_csv(f)

    # Re-label out-of-bounds pixel centers
    df.set_value((df['pix_cent_x'] == 180.125), 'pix_cent_x', -179.875)

    #probably totally unnecessary
    df.index.names = ['reshape_index']

    df.rename(columns={'pix_cent_x': 'lon', 'pix_cent_y': 'lat'}, inplace=True)

    return df
Пример #2
def test_helper_configuration(manager_with_spec, tempdir, monkeypatch):
    Test writing an api with required user config to a config file and then
    running configure user_config with the flag --helper

    # Create an insufficiently specified API
    api = DataAPI(username='******')

    # Attach a manager which requires username, contact

    # Export the API to a file
    config_file = os.path.join(tempdir, '.datafs.yml')
    to_config_file(api=api, config_file=config_file, profile='conftest')

    assert 'contact' not in api.user_config

    runner = CliRunner()

    prefix = ['--config-file', config_file, '--profile', 'conftest']

    def get_user_email(*args, **kwargs):
        return "*****@*****.**"

    # override click.prompt
    monkeypatch.setattr('click.prompt', get_user_email)

    # Test the helper with the appropriate input stream
    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['configure', '--helper'])

    assert result.exit_code == 0

    api2 = get_api(config_file=config_file, profile='conftest')
    assert api2.user_config['contact'] == "*****@*****.**"
Пример #3
    def retrieve(cls, archive_name, api=None):

        if archive_name in cls._data:
            return cls._data[archive_name]

        if api is None:

            if cls._api is None:
                cls._api = datafs.get_api()

            api = cls._api

        archive = api.get_archive(archive_name)

        if archive_name.endswith('.csv'):
            with archive.open() as f:
                data = metacsv.read_csv(f)

        elif os.path.splitext(archive_name)[-1][:3] == '.nc':
            with archive.get_local_path() as fp:
                data = xr.open_dataset(fp).load()

            raise ValueError(
                'file type not recognized: "{}"'.format(archive_name))

        cls._data[archive_name] = data

        return data
Пример #4
def test_cli_search(test_config):

    profile, config_file = test_config

    api = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=config_file)

    runner = CliRunner()
    prefix = ['--config-file', config_file, '--profile', 'myapi']

    # Test the helper with the appropriate input stream
    result = runner.invoke(
        prefix + ['search', 'team2', 'var2', 'archive2']

    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert 'team2_archive2_var2' in result.output.strip().split('\n')[0]

    res = list(api.search('team2', 'var3', 'archive1'))

    assert 'team2_archive1_var3' in res

    # Test the helper with the appropriate input stream
    result = runner.invoke(
        prefix + ['search', 'var2', 'team2', 'archive2']

    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert 'team2_archive2_var2' in result.output.strip().split('\n')[0]
Пример #5
    def run(self):

        api = datafs.get_api()

        dataset_spec = ast.literal_eval(self.datasets)

        datasets = {}

        for var_name, arch_name in dataset_spec.items():
            archive = api.get_archive(arch_name)

            with archive.get_local_path() as f:
                with xr.open_dataset(f) as ds:
                    datasets[var_name] = ds.load()

        param_set = pd.read_csv(self.paramfile, header=None)

        for i in range(len(param_set)):
            parameters = param_set.iloc[i].values

            outputter = self.action(parameters=parameters, **datasets)

            dest = api.create('{}_{}.csv'.format(
                self.output_var, '_'.join(list(map(str, parameters)))),
                              metadata=dict(description='Example outputs'),

            with dest.open('wb+') as f:
Пример #6
def main(dry_run=False, recreate=False, cache=False):

    api = datafs.get_api()

Пример #7
def test_update_metadata(test_config, monkeypatch):
    Update archive metadata with a description from the CLI

    profile, temp_file = test_config

    api = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=temp_file)

    runner = CliRunner()

    prefix = ['--config-file', '{}'.format(temp_file), '--profile', 'myapi']

    arch1 = api.create('my_next_archive')

    with runner.isolated_filesystem():

        with open('my_new_test_file.txt', 'w+') as to_update:
            to_update.write(u'test test test')

        def get_input_file(*args, **kwargs):
            return 'my_new_test_file.txt'

        # override click.prompt
        monkeypatch.setattr('click.prompt', get_input_file)

        result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['update', 'my_next_archive'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'update_metadata', 'my_next_archive', '--description',
        assert result.exit_code == 0
        assert arch1.get_metadata() == {'description': 'some_description'}


        result = runner.invoke(cli,
                               prefix +
                               ['update', 'my_next_archive', '--string'],
                               input='my new contents\ncan be piped in')

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['cat', 'my_next_archive'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        assert 'my new contents' in result.output.strip().split('\n')
        assert 'can be piped in' in result.output.strip().split('\n')

Пример #8
def test_versioned_logging(preloaded_config):
    Test logging cli features

    profile, temp_file = preloaded_config

    # Create a requirements file and

    runner = CliRunner()

    prefix = ['--config-file', '{}'.format(temp_file), '--profile', 'myapi']

    with runner.isolated_filesystem():

        # Download req_1 with version from requirements file

        result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['log', '/req/arch1'])

    if result.exit_code != 0:
        raise OSError('Errors encountered during execution')

    log = result.output.strip()

    verstr_matcher = r'(version [0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){1,2} \(md5 \w+\))'

    versions = re.finditer((r'(?P<ver>' + verstr_matcher + r'\n([^\n]*(\n(?!' +
                            verstr_matcher + r'))?)+)'), log)

    api = get_api(config_file=temp_file, profile='myapi')

    arch = api.get_archive('/req/arch1')

    hist = arch.get_history()

    for i, vermatch in enumerate(reversed(list(versions))):
        verstr = vermatch.group('ver')
        verhist = hist[i]

        assert verhist['checksum'] in verstr
        assert verhist['message'] in verstr

        for attr, val in verhist['user_config'].items():
            assert attr in verstr
            assert val in verstr
Пример #9
def population_weighted_mean(ds,
    if pop is None and api is None:
        api = datafs.get_api()

    if pop is None:
        pop = _prep_pop_data(api)

    if dim != 'fips':
        pop = pop.rename({'fips': dim})

    return (((ds * pop[str(year)]).groupby(level).sum(dim=dim)) /
Пример #10
def setup_runner_resource(config_file, table_name):

    # setup

    runner = CliRunner()

    api = get_api(config_file=config_file)

    prefix = ['--config-file', config_file]

    except KeyError:


    # yield fixture

    yield runner, api, config_file, prefix

    # teardown

Пример #11
def preloaded_config(test_config):
    Prepare a manager/auth config with 3 archives, each having 3 versions

    .. note::

        To save on test runtime, scope == module. Tests should not modify
        these archives.


    profile, temp_file = test_config

    api = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=temp_file)

    # Set up a couple archives with multiple versions

    arch1 = api.create('req_1')
    arch2 = api.create('req_2')
    arch3 = api.create('req_3')

    with arch1.open('w+', bumpversion='minor') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_1 version 0.1')

    with arch1.open('w+', bumpversion='major') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_1 version 1.0')

    with arch1.open('w+', bumpversion='minor') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_1 version 1.1')

    arch1_versions = arch1.get_versions()
    assert '0.1' in arch1_versions
    assert '1.0' in arch1_versions
    assert '1.1' in arch1_versions

    with arch2.open('w+', prerelease='alpha') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_2 version 0.0.1a1')

    with arch2.open('w+', prerelease='alpha') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_2 version 0.0.1a2')

    with arch2.open('w+', bumpversion='patch') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_2 version 0.0.1')

    arch2_versions = arch2.get_versions()
    assert '0.0.1a1' in arch2_versions
    assert '0.0.1a2' in arch2_versions
    assert '0.0.1' in arch2_versions

    with arch3.open('w+', bumpversion='major') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_3 version 1.0')

    with arch3.open('w+', bumpversion='minor', prerelease='alpha') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_3 version 1.1a1')

    with arch3.open('w+', bumpversion='minor') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive req_3 version 1.1')

    arch3_versions = arch3.get_versions()
    assert '1.0' in arch3_versions
    assert '1.1a1' in arch3_versions
    assert '1.1' in arch3_versions


        yield profile, temp_file


Пример #12
def test_dependency_parsing(test_config):
    Update archive dependencies across versions from the CLI

    profile, temp_file = test_config

    api = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=temp_file)

    runner = CliRunner()

    prefix = ['--config-file', '{}'.format(temp_file), '--profile', 'myapi']

    arch1 = api.create('dep_archive')

    with runner.isolated_filesystem():

        with open('my_new_test_file.txt', 'w+') as to_update:
            to_update.write(u'test test test')

        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'update', 'dep_archive', 'my_new_test_file.txt',
                '--bumpversion', 'minor', '--dependency', 'arch1==0.1.0',
                '--dependency', 'arch2'
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        assert arch1.get_latest_version() == '0.1.0'
        with arch1.open('r') as f:
            assert f.read() == u'test test test'

        assert arch1.get_dependencies(version='0.1.0') == {
            'arch1': '0.1.0',
            'arch2': None

        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'set_dependencies', 'dep_archive', '--dependency',
                'arch1==0.2.0', '--dependency', 'arch2==0.0.1'

        assert result.exit_code == 0
        assert arch1.get_dependencies(version='0.1.0') == {
            'arch1': '0.2.0',
            'arch2': '0.0.1'

        with open('my_new_test_file.txt', 'w+') as to_update:
            to_update.write(u'test test test two three four')

        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'update', 'dep_archive', 'my_new_test_file.txt',
                '--bumpversion', 'minor', '--dependency', 'arch1==0.2.0',
                '--dependency', 'arch2==0.0.1'

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        assert arch1.get_dependencies(version='0.1.0') == {
            'arch1': '0.2.0',
            'arch2': '0.0.1'

        result = runner.invoke(cli,
                               prefix + ['get_dependencies', 'dep_archive'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        assert 'arch1==0.2.0' in result.output
        assert 'arch2==0.0.1' in result.output

        result = runner.invoke(
            prefix + ['get_dependencies', 'dep_archive', '--version', '0.1'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        assert 'arch1==0.2.0' in result.output
        assert 'arch2==0.0.1' in result.output

        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'set_dependencies', 'dep_archive', '--dependency',
                'arch1==0.2.0', '--dependency', 'arch2'

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        result = runner.invoke(cli,
                               prefix + ['get_dependencies', 'dep_archive'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        assert 'arch1==0.2.0' in result.output
        assert 'arch2' in result.output
        assert 'arch2==' not in result.output


Пример #13
def test_cli_unversioned(test_config):

    profile, temp_file = test_config

    prefix = ['--config-file', temp_file, '--profile', 'myapi']

    api2 = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=temp_file)

    runner = CliRunner()

    # test for configure and create archive
    result = runner.invoke(
        cli, prefix + ['create', 'unversioned', '--not-versioned'])

    assert result.exit_code == 0
    res = 'created archive <DataArchive local://unversioned>'
    assert result.output.strip() == res

    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['filter'])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert ['unversioned'] == [result.output.strip()]

    # test the actual creation of the object from the api side
    assert len(list(api2.filter())) == 1
    archive = api2.get_archive('unversioned')
    assert archive.archive_name == 'unversioned'

    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
        with open('hello.txt', 'w') as f:
            f.write('un-versioned data')

        # update using CLI
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'update', 'unversioned', 'hello.txt', '--dependency', 'arch1',
                '--dependency', 'arch2'

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        # assert that we get update feedback
        expected = 'uploaded data to <DataArchive local://unversioned>.'
        assert expected == result.output.strip()

        # Try re-upload
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + ['update', 'unversioned', '--string', 'new content'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        # assert that we get update feedback
        intended_output = 'uploaded data to <DataArchive local://unversioned>.'

        assert intended_output == result.output.strip()

    with runner.isolated_filesystem():

        # test download
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + ['download', 'unversioned', 'here.txt'])
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        with open('here.txt', 'r') as downloaded:
            assert downloaded.read() == 'new content'

        # test download with 'latest' version argument'
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix +
            ['download', 'unversioned', 'here.txt', '--version', 'latest'])

        assert result.exit_code != 0

        # test download with incorrect version argument
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix +
            ['download', 'unversioned', 'here.txt', '--version', '0.0.1'])

        assert result.exit_code != 0


    # teardown
    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['delete', 'unversioned'])

    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['filter'])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert result.output.strip() == ''

    assert len(list(api2.filter())) == 0
Пример #14
def test_cli_local(test_config):

    profile, temp_file = test_config

    prefix = ['--config-file', temp_file, '--profile', 'myapi']

    api2 = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=temp_file)

    runner = CliRunner()

    # test for configure and create archive
    result = runner.invoke(
        cli, prefix + [
            'create', 'my_first_archive', '--description',
            'My test data archive'

    assert result.exit_code == 0
    res = 'created versioned archive <DataArchive local://my_first_archive>'
    assert result.output.strip() == res

    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['filter'])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert 'my_first_archive' in result.output.strip().split('\n')

    assert len(result.output.strip().split('\n')) == 1
    # test the actual creation of the object from the api side
    assert len(list(api2.filter())) == 1
    archive = api2.get_archive('my_first_archive')
    assert archive.archive_name == 'my_first_archive'

    # testing the `metadata` option
    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['metadata', 'my_first_archive'])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    metadata = ast.literal_eval(result.output)
    assert metadata['description'] == 'My test data archive'

    # test the api side of the operation
    assert u'My test data archive' == archive.get_metadata()['description']

    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
        with open('hello.txt', 'w') as f:
            f.write('Hoo Yah! Stay Stoked!')

        # update using CLI
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'update', 'my_first_archive', 'hello.txt', '--source',
                'Surfers Journal'

        assert result.exit_code == 0

        # assert that we get update feedback
        expected = 'uploaded data to <DataArchive local://my_first_archive>'
        assert expected in result.output

        # lets read the file to make sure it remains unchanged
        with open('hello.txt', 'r') as f:
            data = f.read()
            assert data == 'Hoo Yah! Stay Stoked!'

        # Try re-upload
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'update', 'my_first_archive', 'hello.txt', '--source',
                'Surfers Journal'

        assert result.exit_code == 0
        # assert that we get update feedback
        intended_output = ('uploaded data to <DataArchive '
                           'local://my_first_archive>. version remains 0.0.1.')

        assert intended_output == result.output.strip()

    # this is testing the feed through on the api
    with api2.get_archive(list(api2.filter())[0]).open('r') as f:
        data = f.read()
        assert data == 'Hoo Yah! Stay Stoked!'

    # lets check to make sure our metadata update also passed through
    assert 'Surfers Journal' == api2.get_archive(list(

    # test to assert metadata update
    # test to assert file content change

    with runner.isolated_filesystem():

        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix + [
                'update', 'my_first_archive', '--bumpversion', 'minor',
                '--string', 'new version data'
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['cat', 'my_first_archive'])
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        'new version data' in result.output

        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix +
            ['download', 'my_first_archive', 'here.txt', '--version', '0.0.1'])
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        'Hoo Yah! Stay Stoked!' in result.output

        # test download of previous version
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix +
            ['download', 'my_first_archive', 'here.txt', '--version', '0.0.1'])
        assert result.exit_code == 0

        with open('here.txt', 'r') as downloaded:
            assert downloaded.read() == 'Hoo Yah! Stay Stoked!'

        # test download of nonexistant version (should fail without overwriting
        # file)
        result = runner.invoke(
            cli, prefix +
            ['download', 'my_first_archive', 'here.txt', '--version', '3.0'])
        assert result.exit_code != 0

        with open('here.txt', 'r') as downloaded:
            assert downloaded.read() == 'Hoo Yah! Stay Stoked!'


    # teardown
    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['delete', 'my_first_archive'])

    result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['filter'])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert result.output.strip() == ''

    assert len(list(api2.filter())) == 0
Пример #15
def test_cli_log_with_various_messages(sample_config):
    Test CLI command ``log`` stability

    Addresses :issue:`232` - log fails on versions with no message

    profile, temp_file = sample_config

    api = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=temp_file)

    runner = CliRunner()

    prefix = ['--config-file', '{}'.format(temp_file), '--profile', 'myapi']

    arch = api.create('test/archive1.txt')

    def run_test():
        # Test log on an empty archive
        result = runner.invoke(cli, prefix + ['log', 'test/archive1.txt'])

        if result.exit_code != 0:
            raise OSError('Errors encountered during execution')

        return result.output.strip()

        # Test log on an empty archive
        log = run_test()
        assert log == ''

        # Test log with no message -- should still have info

        with arch.open('w+') as f:
            f.write(u('hello 1'))

        log = run_test()
        assert len(log.split('\n')) > 0

        # Test log with message -- should appear in log

        with arch.open('w+', message='a message') as f:
            f.write(u('hello 2'))

        log = run_test()
        assert 'a message' in log

        # Test log with numeric message -- should appear in log

        with arch.open('w+', message=4.3) as f:
            f.write(u('hello 3'))

        log = run_test()
        assert '4.3' in log

        with arch.open('w+', message=lambda x: x**2) as f:
            f.write(u('hello 4'))

        log = run_test()
        assert 'lambda' in log

        # Test log with explicit None as message -- should not appear in log,
        # but the version should be present

        with arch.open('w+', message=None) as f:
            f.write(u('hello 5'))

        log = run_test()
        assert str(arch.get_latest_version()) in log
        assert 'None' not in log

Пример #16
def main(dry_run=False):

    api = datafs.get_api()

    upload_files(api, PATTERN, ADDITIONAL_METADATA, dry_run=dry_run)
Пример #17
def preloaded_config(sample_config):
    Prepare a manager/auth config with 3 archives, each having 3 versions

    .. note::

        To save on test runtime, scope == module. Tests should not modify
        these archives.


    profile, temp_file = sample_config

    api = get_api(profile=profile, config_file=temp_file)

    # Set up a couple archives with multiple versions

    arch1 = api.create('/req/arch1')
    arch2 = api.create('/req/arch2')
    arch3 = api.create('/req/arch3')

    with arch1.open('w+', bumpversion='minor', message='bumping to 0.1') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch1 version 0.1')

    with arch1.open('w+', bumpversion='major', message='bumping to 1.0') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch1 version 1.0')

    with arch1.open('w+', bumpversion='minor', message='bumping to 1.1') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch1 version 1.1')

    arch1_versions = arch1.get_versions()
    assert '0.1' in arch1_versions
    assert '1.0' in arch1_versions
    assert '1.1' in arch1_versions

    with arch2.open('w+', prerelease='alpha') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch2 version 0.0.1a1')

    with arch2.open('w+', prerelease='alpha') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch2 version 0.0.1a2')

    with arch2.open('w+', bumpversion='patch') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch2 version 0.0.1')

    arch2_versions = arch2.get_versions()
    assert '0.0.1a1' in arch2_versions
    assert '0.0.1a2' in arch2_versions
    assert '0.0.1' in arch2_versions

    with arch3.open('w+', bumpversion='major') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch3 version 1.0')

    with arch3.open('w+', bumpversion='minor', prerelease='alpha') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch3 version 1.1a1')

    with arch3.open('w+', bumpversion='minor') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive /req/arch3 version 1.1')

    arch3_versions = arch3.get_versions()
    assert '1.0' in arch3_versions
    assert '1.1a1' in arch3_versions
    assert '1.1' in arch3_versions

    # Set up an unversioned archive with multiple versions

    arch_uver = api.create('uver1', versioned=False)

    with arch_uver.open('w+', message='bumping to 0.1') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive uver1 version 0.1')

    with arch_uver.open('w+', message='bumping to 1.0') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive uver1 version 1.0')

    with arch_uver.open('w+', message='bumping to 1.1') as f:
        f.write(u'this is archive uver1 version 1.1')

    arch_uver_versions = arch_uver.get_history()
    assert len(arch_uver_versions) == 3


        yield profile, temp_file

