Пример #1
class InvestorType(Enum):
    """Investor Type constants."""

    new_investor = Constant('New Investor',
    existing_investor = Constant('Existing Investor',
Пример #2
class Programme(Enum):
    """Programme constants."""

    great_branded = Constant('GREAT Branded',
    great_challenge_fund = Constant('GREAT Challenge Fund',
    grown_in_britain = Constant('Grown in Britain',
Пример #3
class Involvement(Enum):
    """Level of Involvemnet constants."""

    no_involvement = Constant('No Involvement',
    hq_and_post_only = Constant('HQ and Post Only',
    post_only = Constant('Post Only', '1a01c63b-26ad-46eb-b8aa-c925c2395ec9')
    hq_only = Constant('HQ Only', '9c22137d-648e-4ecb-8fe7-652ac6a4f53a')
Пример #4
class SpecificProgramme(Enum):
    """Specific Investment Programme constants."""

    innovation_gateway = Constant('Innovation Gateway',
    space = Constant('Space', '1c91dd94-cae4-4ea4-b37e-8ef88cb10e7f')
    advanced_engineering_supply_chain = Constant(
        'Advanced Engineering Supply Chain',
Пример #5
class InvestmentActivityType(Enum):
    """Investment Activity type constants."""

    change = Constant('Change', '931f96a9-bd15-49c0-b8ee-ab3ad7ff27b2')
    risk = Constant('Risk', '9810a38f-95f6-4cb4-87f4-369eef23d2ca')
    issue = Constant('Issue', '6aa82e79-bfab-4466-8d92-e108fd4c0b42')
    spi_interaction = Constant('SPI Interaction',
    internal_interaction = Constant('Internal Interaction',
Пример #6
class ProjectManagerRequestStatus(Enum):
    """Project manager request status constants."""

    requested = Constant('Requested', '1fcebb43-244f-47e7-81f8-97790afa6383')
    rejected = Constant('Rejected', 'ad60c3ba-03d5-47de-b31f-a9f5ad1bc220')
    assigned = Constant('Assigned', '9fc09623-f84f-450e-994b-3234c6d3248c')
    re_requested = Constant('Re-requested',
    self_assigned = Constant('Self assigned',
Пример #7
class AssetClassInterest(Enum):
    """Asset class interest constants."""

    biofuel = Constant(
    biomass = Constant(
Пример #8
class ProfileType(Enum):
    """Specific profile type constants."""

    large = Constant(
    growth = Constant(
Пример #9
class FDISICGrouping(Enum):
    """FDI SIC Grouping constants."""

    retail = Constant(
        'Retails & wholesale trade, repair of motor vehicles & motor',
    electric = Constant(
        'Electricity, Gas, Water and waste',
Пример #10
class LargeCapitalInvestmentTypes(Enum):
    """Investment types for large capital constants."""

    direct_investment_in_project_equity = Constant(
        'Direct Investment in Project Equity',
Пример #11
class DealTicketSize(Enum):
    """Deal ticket size constants."""

    up_to_forty_nine_million = Constant(
        'Up to £49 million',
Пример #12
class RequiredChecksConducted(Enum):
    """Required checks conducted constants."""

    cleared = Constant(
    issues_identified = Constant(
        'Issues identified',
    not_yet_checked = Constant(
        'Not yet checked',
    checks_not_required = Constant(
        'Checks not required',
Пример #13
class EventType(Enum):
    """Event type constants."""

    seminar = Constant('Seminar', '771f654d-e6b1-4fad-8a89-b6ac44147830')
    exhibition = Constant('Exhibition', '2fade471-e868-4ea9-b125-945eb90ae5d4')
Пример #14
class LocationType(Enum):
    """Location type constants."""

    hq = Constant('HQ', 'b71fa81c-0c22-44c6-ab6f-13b9e045dc10')
    post = Constant('Post', '6043fe88-9fc4-428e-8243-a20076e5c811')
Пример #15
class BusinessTypeConstant(Enum):
    Business type constants.

        These are automatically loaded to the database via a post_migrate signal receiver (which
        runs whenever the migrate command is run).
        The signal receiver only creates and updates business types; it does not delete them.
        See datahub.company.signals for the implementation.


    charity = Constant('Charity', '9dd14e94-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a')
    company = Constant('Company', '98d14e94-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a')
    government_dept_or_other_public_body = Constant(
        'Government department or other public body',
    intermediary = Constant('Intermediary',
    limited_partnership = Constant(
        'Limited partnership',
    limited_liability_partnership = Constant(
        'Limited liability partnership',
    partnership = Constant('Partnership',
    sole_trader = Constant('Sole Trader',
    private_limited_company = Constant(
        'Private limited company',
    public_limited_company = Constant(
        'Public limited company',
    # These are called UK establishments by Companies House and in law, but we are calling them
    # branches in the front end.
    uk_establishment = Constant(
        'UK branch of foreign company (BR)',
    community_interest_company = Constant(
        'Community interest company',