Пример #1
def test_no_annex(path):
    ds = create(path)
                {'code': {
                    'inannex': 'content',
                    'notinannex': 'othercontent'
    # add two files, pre and post configuration
    ds.add(opj('code', 'inannex'))
    plugin(['no_annex', 'pattern=code/**'], dataset=ds)
    ds.add(opj('code', 'notinannex'))
    # one is annex'ed, the other is not, despite no change in add call
    # importantly, also .gitattribute is not annexed
    eq_([opj('code', 'inannex')], ds.repo.get_annexed_files())
Пример #2
def test_wtf(path):
    # smoke test for now
    with swallow_outputs() as cmo:
        plugin(['wtf'], dataset=path)
        assert_not_in('Dataset information', cmo.out)
        assert_in('Configuration', cmo.out)
    with chpwd(path):
        with swallow_outputs() as cmo:
            assert_not_in('Dataset information', cmo.out)
            assert_in('Configuration', cmo.out)
    # now with a dataset
    ds = create(path)
    with swallow_outputs() as cmo:
        plugin(['wtf'], dataset=ds.path)
        assert_in('Configuration', cmo.out)
        assert_in('Dataset information', cmo.out)
        assert_in('path: {}'.format(ds.path), cmo.out)
Пример #3
def test_plugin_call(path, dspath):
    # make plugins
            'dlplugin_dummy.py': dummy_plugin,
            'dlplugin_nodocs.py': nodocs_plugin,
            'dlplugin_broken.py': broken_plugin,
    fake_dummy_spec = {
        'dummy': {'file': opj(path, 'dlplugin_dummy.py')},
        'nodocs': {'file': opj(path, 'dlplugin_nodocs.py')},
        'broken': {'file': opj(path, 'dlplugin_broken.py')},

    with patch('datalad.plugin._get_plugins', return_value=fake_dummy_spec):
        with swallow_outputs() as cmo:
            # hyphen spacing depends on the longest plugin name!
            # sorted
            # summary list generation doesn't actually load plugins for speed,
            # hence broken is not known to be broken here
                "broken [no synopsis] ({})\ndummy  - real dummy ({})\nnodocs [no synopsis] ({})\n".format(
        with swallow_outputs() as cmo:
            plugin(['dummy'], showpluginhelp=True)
            eq_(cmo.out.rstrip(), "Usage: dummy(dataset, noval, withval='test')\n\nmydocstring")
        with swallow_outputs() as cmo:
            plugin(['nodocs'], showpluginhelp=True)
            eq_(cmo.out.rstrip(), "Usage: nodocs()\n\nThis plugin has no documentation")
        # loading fails, no docs
        assert_raises(ValueError, plugin, ['broken'], showpluginhelp=True)

    # assume this most obscure plugin name is not used
    assert_raises(ValueError, plugin, '32sdfhvz984--^^')

    # broken plugin argument, must match Python keyword arg
    # specs
    assert_raises(ValueError, plugin, ['dummy', '1245'])

    def fake_is_installed(*args, **kwargs):
        return True
    with patch('datalad.plugin._get_plugins', return_value=fake_dummy_spec), \
        patch('datalad.distribution.dataset.Dataset.is_installed', return_value=True):
        # does not trip over unsupported argument, they get filtered out, because
        # we carry all kinds of stuff
        with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.WARNING) as cml:
            res = list(plugin(['dummy', 'noval=one', 'obscure=some']))
            assert_status('ok', res)
                msg=".*Ignoring plugin argument\\(s\\).*obscure.*, not supported by plugin.*",
                regex=True, level='WARNING')
        # fails on missing positional arg
        assert_raises(TypeError, plugin, ['dummy'])
        # positional and kwargs actually make it into the plugin
        res = list(plugin(['dummy', 'noval=one', 'withval=two']))[0]
        eq_('one', res['args']['noval'])
        eq_('two', res['args']['withval'])
        # kwarg defaults are preserved
        res = list(plugin(['dummy', 'noval=one']))[0]
        eq_('test', res['args']['withval'])
        # repeated specification yields list input
        res = list(plugin(['dummy', 'noval=one', 'noval=two']))[0]
        eq_(['one', 'two'], res['args']['noval'])
        # can do the same thing  while bypassing argument parsing for calls
        # from within python, and even preserve native python dtypes
        res = list(plugin(['dummy', ('noval', 1), ('noval', 'two')]))[0]
        eq_([1, 'two'], res['args']['noval'])
        # and we can further simplify in this case by passing lists right
        # away
        res = list(plugin(['dummy', ('noval', [1, 'two'])]))[0]
        eq_([1, 'two'], res['args']['noval'])

    # dataset arg handling
    # run plugin that needs a dataset where there is none
    with patch('datalad.plugin._get_plugins', return_value=fake_dummy_spec):
        ds = None
        with chpwd(dspath):
            assert_raises(ValueError, plugin, ['dummy', 'noval=one'])
            # create a dataset here, fixes the error
            ds = create()
            res = list(plugin(['dummy', 'noval=one']))[0]
            # gives dataset instance
            eq_(ds, res['args']['dataset'])
        # no do again, giving the dataset path
        # but careful, `dataset` is a proper argument
        res = list(plugin(['dummy', 'noval=one'], dataset=dspath))[0]
        eq_(ds, res['args']['dataset'])
        # however, if passed alongside the plugins args it also works
        res = list(plugin(['dummy', 'dataset={}'.format(dspath), 'noval=one']))[0]
        eq_(ds, res['args']['dataset'])
        # but if both are given, the proper args takes precedence
        assert_raises(ValueError, plugin, ['dummy', 'dataset={}'.format(dspath), 'noval=one'],