Пример #1
def _get(cfg, scope, name):
    value = cfg.get_from_source(scope, name) \
        if scope else cfg.get(
            # pull a default from the config definitions
            # if we have no value, but a key (i.e. in dump mode)
            cfg_defs.get(name, {}).get('default', None))
    return dict(
Пример #2
def _dump(cfg, name):
    value = cfg.get(
        # pull a default from the config definitions
        # if we have no value, but a key
        cfg_defs.get(name, {}).get('default', None))

    res = dict(
    if name in cfg_defs:
        ui_def = cfg_defs[name].get('ui', [None, {}])[1]
        for s, key in ((ui_def.get('title'), 'purpose'), (ui_def.get('text'),
            if s:
                res[key] = s
    return res
Пример #3
    def obtain(self,
        Convenience method to obtain settings interactively, if needed

        A UI will be used to ask for user input in interactive sessions.
        Questions to ask, and additional explanations can be passed directly
        as arguments, or retrieved from a list of pre-configured items.

        Additionally, this method allows for type conversion and storage
        of obtained settings. Both aspects can also be pre-configured.

        var : str
          Variable name including any section like `git config` expects them,
          e.g. 'core.editor'
        default : any type
          In interactive sessions and if `store` is True, this default value
          will be presented to the user for confirmation (or modification).
          In all other cases, this value will be silently assigned unless
          there is an existing configuration setting.
        dialog_type : {'question', 'yesno', None}
          Which dialog type to use in interactive sessions. If `None`,
          pre-configured UI options are used.
        store : bool
          Whether to store the obtained value (or default)
          Additional arguments for the UI function call, such as a question
        # do local import, as this module is import prominently and the
        # could theroetically import all kind of weired things for type
        # conversion
        from datalad.interface.common_cfg import definitions as cfg_defs
        # fetch what we know about this variable
        cdef = cfg_defs.get(var, {})
        # type conversion setup
        if valtype is None and 'type' in cdef:
            valtype = cdef['type']
        if valtype is None:
            valtype = lambda x: x

        # any default?
        if default is None and 'default' in cdef:
            default = cdef['default']

        _value = None
        if var in self:
            # nothing needs to be obtained, it is all here already
            _value = self[var]
        elif store is False and default is not None:
            # nothing will be stored, and we have a default -> no user confirmation
            # we cannot use logging, because we want to use the config to confiugre
            # the logging
            #lgr.debug('using default {} for config setting {}'.format(default, var))
            _value = default

        if _value is not None:
            # we got everything we need and can exit early
                return valtype(_value)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    "value '{}' of existing configuration for '{}' cannot be "
                    "converted to the desired type '{}' ({})".format(
                        _value, var, valtype, exc_str(e)))

        # now we need to try to obtain something from the user
        from datalad.ui import ui

        # configure UI
        dialog_opts = kwargs
        if dialog_type is None:  # no override
            # check for common knowledge on how to obtain a value
            if 'ui' in cdef:
                dialog_type = cdef['ui'][0]
                # pull standard dialog settings
                dialog_opts = cdef['ui'][1]
                # update with input

        if (not ui.is_interactive or dialog_type is None) and default is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "cannot obtain value for configuration item '{}', "
                "not preconfigured, no default, no UI available".format(var))

        if not hasattr(ui, dialog_type):
            raise ValueError(
                "UI '{}' does not support dialog type '{}'".format(
                    ui, dialog_type))

        # configure storage destination, if needed
        if store:
            if where is None and 'destination' in cdef:
                where = cdef['destination']
            if where is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "request to store configuration item '{}', but no "
                    "storage destination specified".format(var))

        # obtain via UI
        dialog = getattr(ui, dialog_type)
        _value = dialog(default=default, **dialog_opts)

        if _value is None:
            # we got nothing
            if default is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "could not obtain value for configuration item '{}', "
                    "not preconfigured, no default".format(var))
            # XXX maybe we should return default here, even it was returned
            # from the UI -- if that is even possible

        # execute type conversion before storing to check that we got
        # something that looks like what we want
            value = valtype(_value)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "cannot convert user input `{}` to desired type ({})".format(
                    _value, exc_str(e)))
            # XXX we could consider "looping" until we have a value of proper
            # type in case of a user typo...

        if store:
            # store value as it was before any conversion, needs to be str
            # anyway
            # needs string conversion nevertheless, because default could come
            # in as something else
            self.add(var, '{}'.format(_value), where=where, reload=reload)
        return value
Пример #4
    def obtain(self, var, default=None, dialog_type=None, valtype=None,
               store=False, where=None, reload=True, **kwargs):
        Convenience method to obtain settings interactively, if needed

        A UI will be used to ask for user input in interactive sessions.
        Questions to ask, and additional explanations can be passed directly
        as arguments, or retrieved from a list of pre-configured items.

        Additionally, this method allows for type conversion and storage
        of obtained settings. Both aspects can also be pre-configured.

        var : str
          Variable name including any section like `git config` expects them,
          e.g. 'core.editor'
        default : any type
          In interactive sessions and if `store` is True, this default value
          will be presented to the user for confirmation (or modification).
          In all other cases, this value will be silently assigned unless
          there is an existing configuration setting.
        dialog_type : {'question', 'yesno', None}
          Which dialog type to use in interactive sessions. If `None`,
          pre-configured UI options are used.
        store : bool
          Whether to store the obtained value (or default)
          Additional arguments for the UI function call, such as a question
        # do local import, as this module is import prominently and the
        # could theroetically import all kind of weired things for type
        # conversion
        from datalad.interface.common_cfg import definitions as cfg_defs
        # fetch what we know about this variable
        cdef = cfg_defs.get(var, {})
        # type conversion setup
        if valtype is None and 'type' in cdef:
            valtype = cdef['type']
        if valtype is None:
            valtype = lambda x: x

        # any default?
        if default is None and 'default' in cdef:
            default = cdef['default']

        _value = None
        if var in self:
            # nothing needs to be obtained, it is all here already
            _value = self[var]
        elif store is False and default is not None:
            # nothing will be stored, and we have a default -> no user confirmation
            # we cannot use logging, because we want to use the config to confiugre
            # the logging
            #lgr.debug('using default {} for config setting {}'.format(default, var))
            _value = default

        if _value is not None:
            # we got everything we need and can exit early
                return valtype(_value)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    "value '{}' of existing configuration for '{}' cannot be "
                    "converted to the desired type '{}' ({})".format(
                        _value, var, valtype, exc_str(e)))

        # now we need to try to obtain something from the user
        from datalad.ui import ui

        # configure UI
        dialog_opts = kwargs
        if dialog_type is None:  # no override
            # check for common knowledge on how to obtain a value
            if 'ui' in cdef:
                dialog_type = cdef['ui'][0]
                # pull standard dialog settings
                dialog_opts = cdef['ui'][1]
                # update with input

        if (not ui.is_interactive or dialog_type is None) and default is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "cannot obtain value for configuration item '{}', "
                "not preconfigured, no default, no UI available".format(var))

        if not hasattr(ui, dialog_type):
            raise ValueError("UI '{}' does not support dialog type '{}'".format(
                ui, dialog_type))

        # configure storage destination, if needed
        if store:
            if where is None and 'destination' in cdef:
                where = cdef['destination']
            if where is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "request to store configuration item '{}', but no "
                    "storage destination specified".format(var))

        # obtain via UI
        dialog = getattr(ui, dialog_type)
        _value = dialog(default=default, **dialog_opts)

        if _value is None:
            # we got nothing
            if default is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "could not obtain value for configuration item '{}', "
                    "not preconfigured, no default".format(var))
            # XXX maybe we should return default here, even it was returned
            # from the UI -- if that is even possible

        # execute type conversion before storing to check that we got
        # something that looks like what we want
            value = valtype(_value)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "cannot convert user input `{}` to desired type ({})".format(
                    _value, exc_str(e)))
            # XXX we could consider "looping" until we have a value of proper
            # type in case of a user typo...

        if store:
            # store value as it was before any conversion, needs to be str
            # anyway
            # needs string conversion nevertheless, because default could come
            # in as something else
            self.add(var, '{}'.format(_value), where=where, reload=reload)
        return value