Пример #1
    def clean(self, force=False):
        # would interfere with tests
        # if os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_TEMP_KEEP'):
        #     lgr.info("As instructed, not cleaning up the cache under %s"
        #              % self._path)
        #     return

        for path, name in [(self._path, 'cache'),
                           (self.stamp_path, 'stamp file')]:
            if exists(path):
                if (not self._persistent) or force:
                    lgr.debug("Cleaning up the %s for %s under %s", name,
                              self._archive, path)
                    # TODO:  we must be careful here -- to not modify permissions of files
                    #        only of directories
                    (rmtree if isdir(path) else unlink)(path)
Пример #2
    def _get_normalized_archive_path(self, archive):
        """Return full path to archive

        So we have consistent operation from different subdirs,
        while referencing archives from the topdir

        TODO: why do we need it???
        if not isabs(archive) and self._toppath:
            out = normpath(opj(self._toppath, archive))
            if relpath(out, self._toppath).startswith(pardir):
                raise RuntimeError("%s points outside of the topdir %s" %
                                   (archive, self._toppath))
            if isdir(out):
                raise RuntimeError("got a directory here... bleh")
            return out
        return archive
    def __call__(dataset,
        import os
        import tarfile
        import zipfile
        from unittest.mock import patch
        from os.path import join as opj, dirname, normpath, isabs
        import os.path as op

        from datalad.distribution.dataset import require_dataset
        from datalad.utils import file_basename
        from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo

        import logging
        lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.local.export_archive')

        dataset = require_dataset(dataset,
                                  purpose='export archive')

        repo = dataset.repo
        committed_date = repo.get_commit_date()

        # could be used later on to filter files by some criterion
        def _filter_tarinfo(ti):
            # Reset the date to match the one of the last commit, not from the
            # filesystem since git doesn't track those at all
            # TODO: use the date of the last commit when any particular
            # file was changed -- would be the most kosher yoh thinks to the
            # degree of our abilities
            ti.mtime = committed_date
            return ti

        tar_args = dict(recursive=False, filter=_filter_tarinfo)

        file_extension = '.{}{}'.format(
            archivetype, '{}{}'.format('.' if compression else '', compression)
            if archivetype == 'tar' else '')

        default_filename = "datalad_{.id}".format(dataset)
        if filename is None:
            filename = default_filename  # in current directory
        elif path.exists(filename) and path.isdir(filename):
            filename = path.join(filename,
                                 default_filename)  # under given directory
        if not filename.endswith(file_extension):
            filename += file_extension

        root = dataset.path
        # use dir inside matching the output filename
        # TODO: could be an option to the export plugin allowing empty value
        # for no leading dir
        leading_dir = file_basename(filename)

        # workaround for inability to pass down the time stamp
        with patch('time.time', return_value=committed_date), \
                tarfile.open(filename, "w:{}".format(compression)) \
                if archivetype == 'tar' \
                else zipfile.ZipFile(
                    filename, 'w',
                    zipfile.ZIP_STORED if not compression else zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) \
                as archive:
            add_method = archive.add if archivetype == 'tar' else archive.write
            repo_files = sorted(repo.get_indexed_files())
            if isinstance(repo, AnnexRepo):
                annexed = repo.is_under_annex(repo_files,
                # remember: returns False for files in Git!
                has_content = repo.file_has_content(repo_files,
                annexed = [False] * len(repo_files)
                has_content = [True] * len(repo_files)
            for i, rpath in enumerate(repo_files):
                fpath = opj(root, rpath)
                if annexed[i]:
                    if not has_content[i]:
                        if missing_content in ('ignore', 'continue'):
                             if missing_content == 'continue' else lgr.debug)(
                                 'File %s has no content available, skipped',
                            raise IOError('File %s has no content available' %

                    # resolve to possible link target
                    if op.islink(fpath):
                        link_target = os.readlink(fpath)
                        if not isabs(link_target):
                            link_target = normpath(
                                opj(dirname(fpath), link_target))
                        fpath = link_target
                # name in the archive
                aname = normpath(opj(leading_dir, rpath))
                           **(tar_args if archivetype == 'tar' else {}))

        if not isabs(filename):
            filename = opj(os.getcwd(), filename)

        yield dict(status='ok',
Пример #4
    def __call__(dataset, filename=None, archivetype='tar', compression='gz',
        import os
        import tarfile
        import zipfile
        from mock import patch
        from os.path import join as opj, dirname, normpath, isabs
        import os.path as op

        from datalad.distribution.dataset import require_dataset
        from datalad.utils import file_basename
        from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo
        from datalad.dochelpers import exc_str

        import logging
        lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.plugin.export_archive')

        dataset = require_dataset(dataset, check_installed=True,
                                  purpose='export archive')

        repo = dataset.repo
        committed_date = repo.get_commit_date()

        # could be used later on to filter files by some criterion
        def _filter_tarinfo(ti):
            # Reset the date to match the one of the last commit, not from the
            # filesystem since git doesn't track those at all
            # TODO: use the date of the last commit when any particular
            # file was changed -- would be the most kosher yoh thinks to the
            # degree of our abilities
            ti.mtime = committed_date
            return ti
        tar_args = dict(recursive=False, filter=_filter_tarinfo)

        file_extension = '.{}{}'.format(
                '.' if compression else '',
                compression) if archivetype == 'tar' else '')

        default_filename = "datalad_{.id}".format(dataset)
        if filename is None:
            filename = default_filename  # in current directory
        elif path.exists(filename) and path.isdir(filename):
            filename = path.join(filename, default_filename) # under given directory
        if not filename.endswith(file_extension):
            filename += file_extension

        root = dataset.path
        # use dir inside matching the output filename
        # TODO: could be an option to the export plugin allowing empty value
        # for no leading dir
        leading_dir = file_basename(filename)

        # workaround for inability to pass down the time stamp
        with patch('time.time', return_value=committed_date), \
                tarfile.open(filename, "w:{}".format(compression)) \
                if archivetype == 'tar' \
                else zipfile.ZipFile(
                    filename, 'w',
                    zipfile.ZIP_STORED if not compression else zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) \
                as archive:
            add_method = archive.add if archivetype == 'tar' else archive.write
            repo_files = sorted(repo.get_indexed_files())
            if isinstance(repo, AnnexRepo):
                annexed = repo.is_under_annex(
                    repo_files, allow_quick=True, batch=True)
                # remember: returns False for files in Git!
                has_content = repo.file_has_content(
                    repo_files, allow_quick=True, batch=True)
                annexed = [False] * len(repo_files)
                has_content = [True] * len(repo_files)
            for i, rpath in enumerate(repo_files):
                fpath = opj(root, rpath)
                if annexed[i]:
                    if not has_content[i]:
                        if missing_content in ('ignore', 'continue'):
                            (lgr.warning if missing_content == 'continue' else lgr.debug)(
                                'File %s has no content available, skipped', fpath)
                            raise IOError('File %s has no content available' % fpath)

                    # resolve to possible link target
                    if op.islink(fpath):
                        link_target = os.readlink(fpath)
                        if not isabs(link_target):
                            link_target = normpath(opj(dirname(fpath), link_target))
                        fpath = link_target
                # name in the archive
                aname = normpath(opj(leading_dir, rpath))
                    **(tar_args if archivetype == 'tar' else {}))

        if not isabs(filename):
            filename = opj(os.getcwd(), filename)

        yield dict(