Пример #1
 def fallback():
     fallback method to use, if reading from cache data is not possible
     tsa = self.load_tsa_raw(datestring, timedelta)
     tsa.dump_split(cachedir) # save full data
     # read the data afterwards to make sure there is no problem,
     if validate is True:
         tsa = TimeseriesArrayLazy.load_split(cachedir, self.__index_keynames, filterkeys=filterkeys, index_pattern=index_pattern, datatypes=self.__datatypes)
     # also generate TSASTATS and dump to cache directory
     tsastats = TimeseriesArrayStats(tsa) # generate full Stats
     tsastats.dump(cachedir) # save
     # and at last but not least quantile
     qantile = QuantileArray(tsa, tsastats)
     cachefilename = os.path.join(cachedir, "quantile.json")
     qantile.dump(open(cachefilename, "wb"))
     # finally return tsa
     return tsa
Пример #2
    def load_tsa(self, datestring, filterkeys=None, index_pattern=None, timedelta=0, cleancache=False, validate=False):
        caching version to load_tsa_raw
        if never called, get ts from load_tsa_raw, and afterwards dump_tsa
        on every consecutive call read from cached version
        use cleancache to remove caches

        datestring <str>
        filterkeys <tuple> or None default None
        index_pattern <str> or None default None
        timedelta <int> default 0
        cleancache <bool> default False
        validate <bool> if data is read from raw, dump it after initail read,
            and reread it afterwards to make sure the stored tsa is OK
            thats an performance issue

        <TimeseriesArrayLazy> object read from cachefile or from raw data
            assert not_today(datestring)
        except AssertionError:
            raise DataLoggerLiveDataError("Reading from live data is not allowed")
        cachedir = self.__get_cachedir(datestring)
        cachefilename = os.path.join(cachedir, TimeseriesArrayLazy.get_dumpfilename(self.__index_keynames))
        def fallback():
            fallback method to use, if reading from cache data is not possible
            tsa = self.load_tsa_raw(datestring, timedelta)
            tsa.dump_split(cachedir) # save full data
            # read the data afterwards to make sure there is no problem,
            if validate is True:
                tsa = TimeseriesArrayLazy.load_split(cachedir, self.__index_keynames, filterkeys=filterkeys, index_pattern=index_pattern, datatypes=self.__datatypes)
            # also generate TSASTATS and dump to cache directory
            tsastats = TimeseriesArrayStats(tsa) # generate full Stats
            tsastats.dump(cachedir) # save
            # and at last but not least quantile
            qantile = QuantileArray(tsa, tsastats)
            cachefilename = os.path.join(cachedir, "quantile.json")
            qantile.dump(open(cachefilename, "wb"))
            # finally return tsa
            return tsa
        if not os.path.isfile(cachefilename):
            logging.info("cachefile %s does not exist, fallback read from raw data file", cachefilename)
            return fallback()
        if (os.path.isfile(cachefilename)) and (cleancache == True):
            logging.info("deleting cachefile %s and read from raw data file", cachefilename)
            return fallback()
        logging.debug("loading stored TimeseriesArrayLazy object file %s", cachefilename)
            tsa = TimeseriesArrayLazy.load_split(cachedir, self.__index_keynames, filterkeys=filterkeys, index_pattern=index_pattern, datatypes=self.__datatypes)
            return tsa
        except IOError:
            logging.error("IOError while reading from %s, using fallback", cachefilename)
            return fallback()
        except EOFError:
            logging.error("EOFError while reading from %s, using fallback", cachefilename)
            return fallback()