def get(self): ''' the import handle ''' try: webData = self.request.body #print "WxShowHandler Get webdata is ", webData"WxShowHandler Get webdata is %s" % (webData)) id = self.get_argument('id', '') showidstr = self.get_argument('showid', '') if len(id) == 0 or len(showidstr) == 0: self.write('parameter error!') # get sign ticket for weixin jsapisdk ticket = DataCenter().get_jsapi_ticket() urlall = self.request.uri #print self.request.path /wx/show #print self.request.uri /wx/show?id=oLN9QxI-YpdNJkSIXQkppJDHuvZM&showid=15 sign = Sign(ticket, test_urlhead + urlall) sign_data = sign.sign() #print 'weixin_JSAPI_ticket: ' #print sign_data'weixin_JSAPI_ticket: %s'%(sign_data)) timestamp = sign_data['timestamp'] nonceStr = sign_data['nonceStr'] signature = sign_data['signature'] # get_param id showid = long(showidstr) userdata = DataCenter().get_data_by_id(showid) if len(userdata) == 0: self.write("no data") return data_dict = userdata[0] #print data_dict log.debug(data_dict) title_info = data_dict['title'] sub_info = data_dict['aidata'].split(test_split_str) all_info = data_dict['originaldata'].split(test_split_str) createtime = data_dict['createtime'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') author = '' authorinfo = data_dict['author'] datasource = data_dict['datasource'] _userid = data_dict['userid'] if authorinfo == '': author = datasource elif datasource == '': author = authorinfo else : author = authorinfo + ' | ' + datasource self.render("index.html", title=title_info, allinfo=all_info, subjects=sub_info, author=author, \ createtime=createtime, appid=test_weixin_appid, timestamp=timestamp, nonceStr=nonceStr, \ userid=_userid, signature=signature) except Exception, Argument: log.error(Argument) self.write(Argument)
def run_sql_proc(self, body, funcname): try: content = {'code': 0} if funcname == 'notread': if (body.has_key('userid')): userid = body['userid'] res_list = DataCenter().get_not_read_id_from_xdata(userid) list_dict = [] for i in range(len(res_list)): tmp = {} tmp['id'] = res_list[i]['id'] list_dict.append(tmp) content['collections'] = list_dict else: content['code'] = -1 content['error'] = 'userid is needed.' elif funcname == 'content': if (body.has_key('userid') and body.has_key('id')): userid = body['userid'] id = body['id'] res_list = DataCenter().get_content_from_xdata(userid, id) content['id'] = res_list[0]['id'] content['title'] = res_list[0]['title'] content['author'] = res_list[0]['author'] content['source'] = res_list[0]['datasource'] content['subject'] = res_list[0]['aidata'].split( lingx_split_str) content['original'] = res_list[0]['originaldata'].split( lingx_split_str) #修改accesstime #DataCenter().update_xdata(id, 'accesstime','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: content['code'] = -1 content['error'] = 'userid and id are needed.' elif funcname == 'status': if (body.has_key('article_list')): for item in body['article_list']: #修改accesstime DataCenter().update_xdata( item['id'], 'accesstime','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: content['code'] = -1 content['error'] = 'article_list is empty.' else: pass #print content log.debug(content) self.write(tornado.escape.json_encode(content)) self.finish() except Exception, Argument: log.error(Argument) self.finish(Argument)
def get_access_token(self): appId = "appId" appSecret = "appSecret" postUrl = ("" "client_credential&appid=%s&secret=%s" % (appId, appSecret)) urlResp = urllib.urlopen(postUrl) urlResp = json.loads( if urlResp.has_key('access_token'): self.__accessToken = urlResp['access_token'] self.__leftTime = urlResp['expires_in'] #get jsapi_ticket postUrl = ("" % (self.__accessToken)) urlResp = urllib.urlopen(postUrl) urlResp = json.loads( if urlResp.has_key('ticket') and urlResp['errcode']==0: self.__jsapi_ticket = urlResp['ticket'] # restore in datacenter self.__data_global_obj.set_access_token(self.__accessToken) self.__data_global_obj.set_jsapi_ticket(self.__jsapi_ticket) #print "access_token: %s" % self.__accessToken #print "saved access_token: %s" % DataCenter().get_access_token() #print "expires_in: %s" % self.__leftTime"access_token: %s"%(self.__accessToken))"saved access_token: %s"%(DataCenter().get_access_token()))"expires_in: %s"%(self.__leftTime))
def main(): # deal Ctrl-C signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) tornado.options.parse_command_line() http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) #启动单进程 http_server.listen(options.port) #启动多进程监听(进程个数为机器核心个数) #http_server.bind(options.port) #http_server.start(0) #print 'Development server is running at' % options.port #print 'Quit the server with Control-C''Development server is running at' % options.port)'Quit the server with Control-C') # nlpproc init nlp_global_obj = NlpProc() nlp_global_obj.init_nlpta() # datacenter init data_global_obj = DataCenter() data_global_obj.connect_db("", 'testdb', 'root', 'password') # log in iflytek ifly_tek = IflyTek() # start get access token timer get_access_token_instance = WeixinClient() get_access_token_instance.get_access_token() #get first time tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(get_access_token_instance.get_access_token, period).start() # start scheduler get_himalaya_access_token_ins = Himalaya() tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback( get_himalaya_access_token_ins.get_access_token, period).start() # test #tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(like_cron, 10000).start() # start scheduler # start tornado ioloop tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
def get(self): ticket = DataCenter().get_jsapi_ticket() sign = Sign(ticket, '') sign_str = sign.sign() #print 'weixin_JSAPI_ticket: ' #print sign_str'weixin_JSAPI_ticket: %s'%(sign_str)) self.write(sign_str)
def get(self): ''' lst = ["python","","*****@*****.**"] self.render("index.html", info=lst) ''' # get userid by id body = self.request.body print "============>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>start" print body print "============>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>end." res = DataCenter().get_data_by_id(int(body['id'])) _userid = res[0]['userid'] # get sign ticket for weixin jsapisdk ticket = DataCenter().get_jsapi_ticket() urlall = self.request.uri #print self.request.path /wx/show #print self.request.uri /wx/show?id=oLN9QxI-YpdNJkSIXQkppJDHuvZM&showid=15 sign = Sign(ticket, test_urlhead + urlall) sign_data = sign.sign() #print 'weixin_JSAPI_ticket: ' #print sign_data'weixin_JSAPI_ticket: %s'%(sign_data)) timestamp = sign_data['timestamp'] nonceStr = sign_data['nonceStr'] signature = sign_data['signature'] # get_param id title_info = '标题:人工智能的未来在哪里' all_info = ["先看一下这个情况,中国出口到全球,其中英国占中国出口的3%左右,但是退欧之后,我们看到整个的英镑是狂跌。", "另外大家现在寻求一个避险的港湾,避险的港湾在哪里呢?美元是第一,其次是日元,然后是黄金,最后就是美国的国债,其他一些资产有很大风险性。", "不过很多分析是有错误的,这么多专家、这么多经济学家、这么多非常能干的交易员,他们的分析判断在这个事件发生之前是不靠谱的。", "所以如果人工智能在未来的15年能帮助人类分析、判断,规避风险,我觉得这会是一个突破。", "我在美国的硕士学位就是和机器人有关的,我们学的是简单的控制,是你控制一个机器手,或者机器做的事情,和现在谈的人工智能概念差别还是很大的。", "另外一方面,我们现在看的人工智能,有人尖叫,有人担忧。其实还不到这个程度,因为我们现在看到的人工智能,无论是AlphaGo还是其他的人工智能,我觉得还是属于第一智能的状态。", "文章全文到此结束"] sub_info = ["主题1:人工智能的新时代即将到来", "主题2:人工智能到底能做什么", "主题3:人工智能的道路还很漫长"] self.render("index.html", title=title_info, allinfo=all_info, subjects=sub_info, author="", \ createtime="2017-03-01 00:00:00", appid=test_weixin_appid, timestamp=timestamp, nonceStr=nonceStr, signature=signature, userid=_userid)
def __init__(self): self.__data_global_obj = DataCenter() self.__accessToken = self.__data_global_obj.get_access_token() self.__jsapi_ticket = self.__data_global_obj.get_jsapi_ticket()
class WeixinClient: '''the client is used to send message to weixin platform and get information''' def __init__(self): self.__data_global_obj = DataCenter() self.__accessToken = self.__data_global_obj.get_access_token() self.__jsapi_ticket = self.__data_global_obj.get_jsapi_ticket() def _decode_list(data): rv = [] for item in data: if isinstance(item, unicode): item = item.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(item, list): item = _decode_list(item) elif isinstance(item, dict): item = _decode_dict(item) rv.append(item) return rv def _decode_dict(data): rv = {} for key, value in data.iteritems(): if isinstance(key, unicode): key = key.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(value, list): value = _decode_list(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): value = _decode_dict(value) rv[key] = value return rv #### access token operation #### def get_access_token(self): appId = "appId" appSecret = "appSecret" postUrl = ("" "client_credential&appid=%s&secret=%s" % (appId, appSecret)) urlResp = urllib.urlopen(postUrl) urlResp = json.loads( if urlResp.has_key('access_token'): self.__accessToken = urlResp['access_token'] self.__leftTime = urlResp['expires_in'] #get jsapi_ticket postUrl = ("" % (self.__accessToken)) urlResp = urllib.urlopen(postUrl) urlResp = json.loads( if urlResp.has_key('ticket') and urlResp['errcode']==0: self.__jsapi_ticket = urlResp['ticket'] # restore in datacenter self.__data_global_obj.set_access_token(self.__accessToken) self.__data_global_obj.set_jsapi_ticket(self.__jsapi_ticket) #print "access_token: %s" % self.__accessToken #print "saved access_token: %s" % DataCenter().get_access_token() #print "expires_in: %s" % self.__leftTime"access_token: %s"%(self.__accessToken))"saved access_token: %s"%(DataCenter().get_access_token()))"expires_in: %s"%(self.__leftTime)) def check_access_token(self): if len(self.__accessToken) == 0: get_access_token() #### menu operation #### def create_menu(self, postData): postUrl = "" % self.__data_global_obj.get_access_token() if isinstance(postData, unicode): postData = postData.encode('utf-8') urlResp = urllib.urlopen(url=postUrl, data=postData) #print def query_menu(self): postUrl = "" % self.__data_global_obj.get_access_token() urlResp = urllib.urlopen(url=postUrl) #print def delete_menu(self): postUrl = "" % self.__data_global_obj.get_access_token() urlResp = urllib.urlopen(url=postUrl) #print #获取自定义菜单配置接口 def get_current_selfmenu_info(self): postUrl = "" % self.__data_global_obj.get_access_token() urlResp = urllib.urlopen(url=postUrl) #print #### user operation #### def get_user_info(self, openid): postUrl = " " \ % (self.__data_global_obj.get_access_token(), openid) urlResp = urllib.urlopen(postUrl) recJson = #read智能执行一次,之后就没有值了 #print recJson urlResp = json.loads(recJson) #return _decode_dict(urlResp) return urlResp
def post(self): try: webData = self.request.body #print "Handle Post webdata is ", webData log.debug("Handle Post webdata is %s" % (webData)) recMsg = receive.parse_xml(webData) if isinstance(recMsg, receive.Msg): toUser = recMsg.FromUserName fromUser = recMsg.ToUserName if recMsg.MsgType == 'text': content = recMsg.Content res = yield self.proc_weixin_text(toUser, fromUser, content) self.cb_proc_weixin_text(toUser, fromUser, res) elif recMsg.MsgType == 'voice': content = recMsg.Content replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content) #print "Handle post reply data is ", replyMsg.send() log.debug("Handle post reply data is %s"%(replyMsg.send())) self.write(replyMsg.send()) self.finish() elif recMsg.MsgType == 'image': mediaId = recMsg.MediaId replyMsg = reply.ImageMsg(toUser, fromUser, mediaId) #print "Handle post reply data is ", replyMsg.send() log.debug("Handle post reply data is %s" %(replyMsg.send())) self.write(replyMsg.send()) self.finish() else: #print "success or null" log.debug("success or null") self.write("success") self.finish() elif isinstance(recMsg, receive.EventMsg): toUser = recMsg.FromUserName fromUser = recMsg.ToUserName if recMsg.Event == 'CLICK': if recMsg.Eventkey == 'mpGuide': content = 'building............' replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content) #print "Handle post reply data is ", replyMsg.send() log.debug("Handle post reply data is %s"%(replyMsg.send())) self.write(replyMsg.send()) self.finish() elif recMsg.Event == 'subscribe': # send to weixin content = "Welcome to the test world.I'm the x,the special one.You can help us do a test.Please click this:" replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content) #print "Handle post reply data is ", replyMsg.send() log.debug("Handle post reply data is %s"%(replyMsg.send())) postData = replyMsg.send() if isinstance(postData, unicode): postData = postData.encode('utf-8') self.write(postData) self.finish() # get user info user_info = WeixinClient().get_user_info(recMsg.FromUserName) # add to db # unionid = user_info['unionid'] #主要用于各种不同公众号之前的绑定关系。只有绑定开放平台之后才会有,先写'' unionid = '' DataCenter().add_user(user_info['openid'], user_info['subscribe'], \ user_info['nickname'], user_info['sex'], \ user_info['headimgurl'], unionid) elif recMsg.Event == 'unsubscribe': # send to weixin content = "I'm very sorry,see you later!" replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content) #print "Handle post reply data is ", replyMsg.send() log.debug("Handle post reply data is %s"%(replyMsg.send())) self.write(replyMsg.send()) self.finish() # delete from db DataCenter().del_user_by_openid(toUser) else: #print "success or null" log.debug("success or null") self.write("success") self.finish() else: #print "success or null" log.debug("success or null") self.write("success") self.finish() except Exception, Argment: #print "ERROR: throw exception: ", Argment log.error("ERROR: throw exception: %s" % (Argment.message)) self.write(Argment.message) self.finish()
def proc_weixin_text(self, toUser, fromUser, content): userdata = DataCenter().get_user(toUser) if 'http:' not in content and 'https:' not in content: if len(userdata) == 0: content = "Your user info is not in database.Please unsubscribe and subscribe again!" else: user_dict = userdata[0] #print user_dict log.debug(user_dict) if user_dict.has_key('id'): userid = user_dict['id'] func_str = content.split() if (len(func_str) > 1) and ('查询' in func_str[0]): res = DataCenter().search_data_by_title(func_str[1:], userid) if len(res): backmsg = ("%s\n%s?id=%s&showid=%d") %(res[0].title.encode("UTF-8"), test_show_urlhead, toUser, res[0].id) #print ("send back to weixin user:"******"send back to weixin user: %s"%(backmsg)) content = backmsg else: content = '太深奥了,X无可奉告' #content = 'Sorry, there is no data about your query. You could try other keyword.' elif content != "": #闲聊 answer = IflyTek().sch_text(content) if answer != None: #TODO content = answer else: #TODO #content = 'Sorry, i can\'t find any information about the key.' content = '太深奥了,X无可奉告' else: #content = 'Welcome to the test test. Please click this:' content = '太深奥了,X无可奉告' else: #userdata = DataCenter().get_user(toUser) if len(userdata) == 0: content = "Your user info is not in database.Please unsubscribe and subscribe again!" else: user_dict = userdata[0] #print user_dict log.debug(user_dict) if user_dict.has_key('id'): userid = user_dict['id'] #get info from NLPTA urlinfo = content[content.find('http'):] #取http后面的内容,避免前有特殊字符 #print "NLPTA process begin......""NLPTA process begin......url: %s" %(urlinfo)) nlprtn = NlpProc().retrieve_Info_From_URL(urlinfo) if nlprtn[0] != None and nlprtn[1] == 'NLP_TA_Success': #for test #with open(ai_data_file_name, "w") as f_output: #f_output.write(nlprtn[0]) #parse result #print "NLPTA process ok......""NLPTA process ok......") #nlpjson = json.loads(nlprtn[0], object_hook=_decode_dict) jsonstrtmp = nlprtn[0] #jsonstrtmp = jsonstrtmp.replace('%','%%') #很重要,将字符串%转义,否则在插入数据库会出错 nlpjson = json.loads(jsonstrtmp) #print nlpjson log.debug(nlpjson) #write to db, return new URL: title + URL datatmp = Xdata() datatmp.userid = userid datatmp.title = sql_trans(nlpjson['title'].encode("UTF-8")) datatmp.url = sql_trans(urlinfo) #url也有%等特殊字符 datatmp.datadesc = '' = sql_trans(nlpjson['author'].encode("UTF-8")) datatmp.datasource = sql_trans(nlpjson['source'].encode("UTF-8")) datatmp.createtime = nlpjson['date'].encode("UTF-8") datatmp.aidata = test_split_str.join(nlpjson['abstract']).encode("UTF-8") #nlprtn[0].encode("UTF-8") #直接存入智能处理的全部字符串,免得来回解析 datatmp.aidata = sql_trans(datatmp.aidata) datatmp.originaldata = test_split_str.join(nlpjson['content']).encode("UTF-8") datatmp.originaldata = sql_trans(datatmp.originaldata) datatmp.addtime = time_now() #datatmp.accesstime = time_now() #'0000-00-00 00:00:00' datatmp.accesstime = datatmp.addtime #'0000-00-00 00:00:00' datatmp.flag = 1 addrtn = DataCenter().add_data(datatmp) backmsg = ("%s\n%s?id=%s&showid=%d") %(datatmp.title, test_show_urlhead, toUser, addrtn) #print ("send back to weixin user:"******"send back to weixin user: %s" %(backmsg)) content = backmsg else: #nlp error, return #print "############NPLTA process error ", nlprtn[1] log.warning("############NPLTA process error %s"%(nlprtn[1])) content = nlprtn[1] return (content)