def test_validate_table(self):
     """Test that an instance of DataTransformations is blocked when the table parameter is invalid
     with self.assertRaises(LookupError):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         DatasetTransformations({"dimensions": True})
Пример #2
def metadata_main() -> None:
    Main function for handling metadata.
    """"Commencing metadata transformation service.")

    with FileReader(args.filename) as fr:
        file_data = fr.load_json()
    if args.metadata_format.lower() == 'c':
        uuids_metadata = cantabular_metadata(file_data)
    elif args.metadata_format.lower() == 'o':
        uuids_metadata = ons_metadata(file_data)
        raise ValueError("Unrecognised metadata format.")

    if len(uuids_metadata) > 0:
        variable_metadata_requests = DatasetTransformations.variable_metadata_request(
        with NomisMetadataApiConnector(
                config.get_client('nomis_metadata')) as metadata_connector:
            uuids = metadata_connector.add_new_metadata(
                variable_metadata_requests, return_uuids=True)
            f"Metadata was created for entities with the following UUIDS: {uuids}"

    else:"No metadata appended.")
Пример #3
def handle_variables(connector: NomisApiConnector,
                     transformations: DatasetTransformations,
                     variables: List[str]) -> None:
    Handle variable transmission/manipulation.

    :param connector: An open, initialised instance of `NomisApiConnector`.
    :param transformations: An initialised instance of `DatasetTransformations` with a valid table attribute.
    :param variables: A list of variables to be assigned to the dataset.

    logger.debug("\n-----VARIABLE CREATION-----")

    # Create the variable creation and category request bodies
    variable_request_body = transformations.variable_creation()
    type_request_body = transformations.type_creation()
    type_ids = get_type_ids(type_request_body)
    category_request_body = transformations.category_creation(type_ids)

    for variable in variables:

        # Check to see variables already exist for the given dimensions; IF the variable does NOT exist then create it
        if not connector.get_variable(variable, return_bool=True):

            # Create variable
            for request in variable_request_body:
                if request["name"] == variable:
                    connector.create_variable(variable, request)

            # Create variable type
            requests = []
            for request in type_request_body:
                if request["reference"] == variable:
            connector.create_variable_type(variable, requests)

            # Create the categories for this new variable
            requests = []
            for category in transformations.table["dimension"][variable][
                for request in category_request_body:
                    if category == request["code"] and transformations \
                            .table["dimension"][variable]["category"]["label"][category] == request["title"]:

            connector.create_variable_category(variable, requests)
Пример #4
def create_dataset(connector: NomisApiConnector,
                   transformations: DatasetTransformations) -> None:
    Initialise a dataset using the jsonstat table either read in or retrieved from Cantabular.

    :param connector: An open, initialised instance of `NomisApiConnector`.
    :param transformations: An initialised instance of `DatasetTransformations` with a valid table attribute.
        transformations.dataset_creation(args.dataset_id, args.dataset_title))
Пример #5
def dataset_transformations(connector: NomisApiConnector, exists: bool,
                            data: Tuple[pyjstat.Dataset, List[str]]) -> None:
    Function containing the dataset transformation operations.

    :param connector: An open, initialised instance of `NomisApiConnector`.
    :param exists: A bool indicating whether or not the dataset currently exists; if `True`, then the function will
        handle for updating an existing dataset. Conversely, the function will create a new dataset if exists is
    :param data: A tuple containing the required data. That is, a pyjstat dataset corresponding with the query made to
        cantabular, and the list of variables to be assigned to the dataset.
    """"Commencing dataset transformations.")

    table, variables = data

    # Check variables against known geographies. If geography then remove from list and make key.
    geography_variables = config.get_geography()

    key = None
    geography_flag = False
    table_geography = None
    for variable in variables:
        if variable in geography_variables:
            geography_flag = True
            key = variable
            table_geography = copy.deepcopy(table)
            del table["dimension"][variable]

    # If no variables are geography then make first variable key
    if geography_flag is False:
        key = variables[0]

    transformations = DatasetTransformations(table, geography_flag,

    # Create the dataset if it doesn't exist, otherwise retrieve the non-assigned variables
    if not exists:
        non_assigned_variables = variables
        create_dataset(connector, transformations)
        handle_variables(connector, transformations, non_assigned_variables)
        are_dimensions_same = check_dataset_dimensions(connector, variables)
        if are_dimensions_same is False:
            raise KeyError(
                "ERROR: Dimensions are not the same as existing dataset.")

    handle_dimensions(connector, transformations, key)
    handle_observations(connector, transformations)
Пример #6
def handle_observations(
    connector: NomisApiConnector,
    transformations: DatasetTransformations,
) -> None:
    Append/overwrite observations to the dataset.

    :param connector: An open, initialised instance of `NomisApiConnector`.
    :param transformations: An initialised instance of `DatasetTransformations` with a valid table attribute.

    logger.debug("\n-----APPENDING OBSERVATIONS-----")
        args.dataset_id, transformations.observations(args.dataset_id))
Пример #7
def handle_dimensions(
    connector: NomisApiConnector,
    transformations: DatasetTransformations,
    key: Union[str, None],
) -> None:
    Assign dimensions to the dataset.

    :param connector: An open, initialised instance of `NomisApiConnector`.
    :param transformations: An initialised instance of `DatasetTransformations` with a valid table attribute.
    :param key: Key value for dimensions.

    logger.debug("\n-----ASSIGNING DIMENSIONS-----")
        args.dataset_id, transformations.assign_dimensions(key))
    def test_dataset_creation(self) -> None:
        """Test the dataset_creation() method of the DatasetTransformations class by asserting that expected exceptions
        are raised on invalid parameters, and that on valid calls all returned values and types are as expected. Also 
        ensure that the method works as a staticmethod, i.e. is callable without creating an instance of the class.
        # Ensure expected exceptions are raised upon invalid parameters
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.valid_dataset_transformations.dataset_creation(VALID_ID, 42)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                "", VALID_TITLE)

        # Retrieve a dataset using valid strings as the dataset title and id
        ds = self.valid_dataset_transformations.dataset_creation(
            VALID_ID, VALID_TITLE)

        # Ensure use as a staticmethod works in the same way
            ds, DatasetTransformations.dataset_creation(VALID_ID, VALID_TITLE))

        # Value & Type check
        self.assertIsInstance(ds, dict)
        self.assertEqual(ds["id"], VALID_ID)
        self.assertEqual(ds["title"], VALID_TITLE)
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     """Set up a valid instance of DatasetTransformation."""
     self.valid_dataset_transformations = DatasetTransformations(
class TestDatasetTransformations(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        """Set up a valid instance of DatasetTransformation."""
        self.valid_dataset_transformations = DatasetTransformations(

    def test_validate_table(self):
        """Test that an instance of DataTransformations is blocked when the table parameter is invalid
        with self.assertRaises(LookupError):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            DatasetTransformations({"dimensions": True})

    def test_dataset_creation(self) -> None:
        """Test the dataset_creation() method of the DatasetTransformations class by asserting that expected exceptions
        are raised on invalid parameters, and that on valid calls all returned values and types are as expected. Also 
        ensure that the method works as a staticmethod, i.e. is callable without creating an instance of the class.
        # Ensure expected exceptions are raised upon invalid parameters
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.valid_dataset_transformations.dataset_creation(VALID_ID, 42)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                "", VALID_TITLE)

        # Retrieve a dataset using valid strings as the dataset title and id
        ds = self.valid_dataset_transformations.dataset_creation(
            VALID_ID, VALID_TITLE)

        # Ensure use as a staticmethod works in the same way
            ds, DatasetTransformations.dataset_creation(VALID_ID, VALID_TITLE))

        # Value & Type check
        self.assertIsInstance(ds, dict)
        self.assertEqual(ds["id"], VALID_ID)
        self.assertEqual(ds["title"], VALID_TITLE)

    def test_variable_creation(self) -> None:
        """Test the variable_creation() method of the DatasetTransformations class by assuring that on the valid
        instances all types and values are as expected
        # Retrieve variables using the valid pyjstat table and assert types/values are as expected
        varis = self.valid_dataset_transformations.variable_creation()
        self.assertIsInstance(varis, list)
        for var in varis:
            self.assertIsInstance(var, dict)
            self.assertTrue(var["name"] in self.valid_dataset_transformations.

    def test_category_creation(self) -> None:
        """Test the category_creation() method
        # Check valid attempts
        cats = self.valid_dataset_transformations.category_creation(["10000"])
        self.assertIsInstance(cats, list)
        for cat in cats:
            self.assertIsInstance(cat, dict)

    def test_assign_dimensions(self) -> None:
        """Test the assign_dimensions() method
        dims = self.valid_dataset_transformations.assign_dimensions("SEX")
        self.assertIsInstance(dims, list)
        for dim in dims:
            self.assertIsInstance(dim, dict)

    def test_observations(self) -> None:
        """Test the observations() method
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        obs = self.valid_dataset_transformations.observations(VALID_ID)
        self.assertIsInstance(obs, dict)
        self.assertEqual(obs["dataset"], VALID_ID)

    def test_variable_metadata_request(self):
        """Test the variable_metadata_request() method
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        mds = self.valid_dataset_transformations.variable_metadata_request(
        self.assertIsInstance(mds, list)
        for md in mds:
            self.assertIsInstance(md, dict)
            self.assertEqual(md['belongsTo'], VALID_UUID_MD.uuid)