Пример #1
def compute( dsconf, community, start, end ):
    """Compute community reciprocities with 'seconds' resolution."""
    c.log( 'Starting' )
    reciprocities = collections.defaultdict(float)

    # Get all messages and replies for 'users'
    messages = ds.get_messages(dsconf, start, end, community)
    messages = common.build_msgmap(messages, ds.field('messages','user_id'))
    replies = common.build_replies(messages, ds.fields('messages'))

    # Get requested users reciprocities
    c.log( 'Computing reciprocities ...' )
    for (user,user_messages) in messages.iteritems():
        # Calculate the sum of reply delays
        delays_sum = dt.timedelta( 0 )
        for reply in replies[user]:
            if reply[2].total_seconds() >= 0: # Ignore negative delay replies
                delays_sum += reply[2] # txy component

        # Calculate reciprocity
        if not replies[user]:
            reciprocities[user] = float('inf')
            reciprocities[user] = delays_sum.total_seconds() * 1.0 / \
                                          len( replies[user] )

    # Return users reciprocities
    c.log( 'Finished' )
    return reciprocities
Пример #2
def get_communities(dsname):
    """Use datasource get_communities() facility."""
    c.log( 'Starting' )

    # Build the datasource configuration
    dsconfig = ds.build_conf( dsname, DATASOURCES_CONF )

    # Get the cache directory
    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
    dsconfig['cache_dir'] = config.get('paths','cache_dir')

    communities = ds.get_communities( dsconfig )
    fields = ds.fields('communities')
    for community in communities:
        id = community[fields['id']]
        title = (community[fields['title']], '(no title)')\
                [community[fields['title']] is None]
        start_date = (community[fields['start_date']], '(no start date)')\
                [community[fields['start_date']] is None]
        end_date = (community[fields['end_date']], '(no end date)')\
                [community[fields['end_date']] is None]
        print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}'.format( id, title.encode('UTF-8'),
                                           start_date, end_date )
    c.log( 'Finished' )
Пример #3
def compute( dsconf, community, start, end ):
    """Compute community popularities."""
    c.log( 'Starting' )
    popularities = collections.defaultdict(float)

    # Get all messages and replies for the community
    messages = ds.get_messages(dsconf, start, end, community)
    messages = common.build_msgmap(messages, ds.field('messages','user_id'))
    replies = common.build_replies(messages, ds.fields('messages'))

    # Get requested users popularities
    c.log( 'Computing users popularities ...' )
    for (user,user_messages) in messages.iteritems():
        popularities[user] = len( replies[user] ) * 1.0 / \
                                    len( user_messages )

    # Return users popularities
    c.log( 'Finished' )
    return popularities