Пример #1
def datastore_upsert(context, data_dict):
    '''Updates or inserts into a table in the datastore

    The datastore_upsert API action allows a user to add or edit records to
    an existing dataStore resource. In order for the *upsert* and *update*
    methods to work, a unique key has to be defined via the datastore_create
    action. The available methods are:

        Update if record with same key already exists, otherwise insert.
        Requires unique key.
        Insert only. This method is faster that upsert, but will fail if any
        inserted record matches an existing one. Does *not* require a unique
        Update only. An exception will occur if the key that should be updated
        does not exist. Requires unique key.

    :param resource_id: resource id that the data is going to be stored under.
    :type resource_id: string
    :param records: the data, eg: [{"dob": "2005", "some_stuff": ["a","b"]}]
    :type records: list of dictionaries
    :param method: the method to use to put the data into the datastore.
                   Possible options are: upsert (default), insert, update
    :type method: string

    :returns: the newly created data object.
    :rtype: dictionary

    # res_id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'resource_id')

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']

    # data_dict['connection_url'] = pylons.config['ckan.datastore.write_url']

    resources_sql = sqlalchemy.text(u'''SELECT 1 FROM "_table_metadata"
                                        WHERE name = :id AND alias_of IS NULL''')
    results = db._get_engine(None, data_dict).execute(resources_sql, id=res_id)
    res_exists = results.rowcount > 0

    if not res_exists:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(p.toolkit._(
            'Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)

    # p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_upsert', context, data_dict)

    result = db.upsert(context, data_dict)
    if 'id' in result:

    return result
Пример #2
def datastore_delete(context, data_dict):
    '''Deletes a table or a set of records from the datastore.

    :param resource_id: resource id that the data will be deleted from.
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: filters to apply before deleting (eg {"name": "fred"}).
                   If missing delete whole table and all dependent views.
    :type filters: dictionary

    :returns: original filters sent.
    :rtype: dictionary

    # res_id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'resource_id')

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']

    # data_dict['connection_url'] = pylons.config['ckan.datastore.write_url']

    resources_sql = sqlalchemy.text(u'''SELECT 1 FROM "_table_metadata"
                                        WHERE name = :id AND alias_of IS NULL''')
    results = db._get_engine(None, data_dict).execute(resources_sql, id=res_id)
    res_exists = results.rowcount > 0

    # if not res_exists:
    #    raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(p.toolkit._(
    #        'Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)
    #    ))

    # p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_delete', context, data_dict)

    result = db.delete(context, data_dict)

    if 'id' in result:

    return result
Пример #3
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a datastore table.

    The datastore_search action allows a user to search data in a resource.

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against.
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query
    :type q: string
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query (default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return (default: 100)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return (default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string


    The result of this action is a dict with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: query limit value
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: list of dictionaries

    # res_id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'resource_id')
    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']

    # data_dict['connection_url'] = pylons.config.get('ckan.datastore.read_url',
    #        pylons.config['ckan.datastore.write_url'])

    resources_sql = sqlalchemy.text(
        u'SELECT 1 FROM "_table_metadata" WHERE name = :id')
    results = db._get_engine(None, data_dict).execute(resources_sql, id=res_id)
    res_exists = results.rowcount > 0

    # if not res_exists:
    #    raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(p.toolkit._(
    #        'Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)
    #    ))

    # p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = db.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    return result