Пример #1
class WorkerTlsCert(Model):
    """TLS certs for untrusted workers."""
    # The name of the project.
    project_name = ndb.StringProperty()

    # The contents of the TLS cert.
    cert_contents = ndb.BlobProperty()

    # The contents of the private key.
    key_contents = ndb.BlobProperty()
Пример #2
class ReportMetadata(Model):
    """Metadata associated with a crash report."""
    # Job type from testcase.
    job_type = ndb.StringProperty()

    # Revision of build from report.
    crash_revision = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=-1)

    # Has this report been successfully uploaded?
    is_uploaded = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)

    # Product.
    product = ndb.StringProperty(default='')

    # Version.
    version = ndb.StringProperty(default='', indexed=False)

    # Key to minidump previously written to blobstore.
    minidump_key = ndb.StringProperty(default='', indexed=False)

    # Processed crash bytes.
    serialized_crash_stack_frames = ndb.BlobProperty(default='', indexed=False)

    # Id of the associated testcase.
    testcase_id = ndb.StringProperty(default='')

    # Id of the associated bot.
    bot_id = ndb.StringProperty(default='', indexed=False)

    # Optional upload params, stored as a JSON object.
    optional_params = ndb.TextProperty(indexed=False)

    # Report id from crash/.
    crash_report_id = ndb.StringProperty()