def test_merge_mutator_tweets(tweets): t1, t2, t3 = map(Tweet, tweets) result = [] sink = to_list(result) start = DT(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) def mutator(i, f): delta = i.orig_created_at - f.orig_created_at i.created_at = start + delta return i def S(source): return lambda target: consume_iterable( consumers.mutate( target, mutator=mutator, ), source, ) pipes = (S([t1, t2]), sink), (S([t3]), sink) merge( pipes, provider=lambda current: current.created_at, ) assert result == [t1, t3, t2] assert [t.created_at for t in result] == [ DT(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0), DT(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0), DT(2000, 1, 13, 17, 40, 37), ]
def test_spot_checks(self): # Spot checks from_time = DT( 200, 2, 2, 0, 12, 12, 0, None) # 12 minutes, 12 seconds past midnight on Feb 2 200AD to_time = DT(1981, 3, 31, 7, 31, 0, 0, None) # 7:31 am, March 31, 1981 assert dtw( from_time, to_time ) == "17 centuries, 8 decades, 1 year, 1 month, 29 days, 7 hours, 18 minutes and 48 seconds" assert dtw( from_time, to_time, granularity="hour" ) == "17 centuries, 8 decades, 1 year, 1 month, 29 days and 7 hours" assert dtw( from_time, to_time, granularity="hour", round=True ) == "17 centuries, 8 decades, 1 year, 1 month, 29 days and 7 hours" assert dtw(from_time, to_time, granularity="month" ) == "17 centuries, 8 decades, 1 year and 1 month" assert dtw( from_time, to_time, granularity="month", round=True) == "17 centuries, 8 decades, 1 year and 2 months" from_time = DT(200, 2, 2, 12, 30, 30, 0, None) # 12:30:30, Feb 2, 200AD to_time = DT(220, 3, 2, 12, 30, 31, 0, None) # 12:30:31, Mar 2, 220AD assert dtw(from_time, to_time) == "2 decades, 1 month and 1 second"
def __init__(self, hicoPtr, **kwargs): filterwarnings('error', category=UserWarning) gps_time = DT(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0) sec_per_count = 1.117460459e-6 secOffset = TDel(seconds=15) self.__subSeconds2Seconds = 16.72e-6 self.__timeWrapAround = 65536 self.__time0Factor = 0.05 self.__time1Factor = 62.5e-9 do_nav_time_correction = kwargs.pop('doNavTimeCorrection', False) self.beginTime = self.paramsDict = {} self.paramsDict['d_tisspvq'] = kwargs.pop('delta_tisspvq', 0) self.paramsDict['d_ticugps'] = kwargs.pop('delta_ticugps', 0) self.paramsDict['orientation'] = hicoPtr.params['issOrientation'] self.paramsDict['gps_secs_090101'] = (DT(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) + secOffset - gps_time).total_seconds() self.paramsDict['trigger_pulse_width'] = 0.860e-3 self.paramsDict['start_date_time'] = ConvLst2DT(['start_date'],['start_time']) self.paramsDict['end_date_time'] = ConvLst2DT(['end_date'],['end_time']) self.paramsDict['start_date_time'] -= secOffset self.paramsDict['end_date_time'] += secOffset self.paramsDict['thetas'] =['ScenePointingAngle'] self.paramsDict['nls'] =['n_image'] ffpps_all = hicoPtr.L0.header['FFpps'] +\ hicoPtr.L0.header['FFppsSub'] * self.__subSeconds2Seconds lfpps_all = hicoPtr.L0.header['LFpps'] +\ hicoPtr.L0.header['LFppsSub'] * self.__subSeconds2Seconds if ffpps_all > lfpps_all: ffpps_all += self.__timeWrapAround self.paramsDict['ffpps_all'] = ffpps_all self.paramsDict['lfpps_all'] = lfpps_all self.paramsDict[ 'exptimes'] = hicoPtr.L0.header['TriggerCount'] * sec_per_count self.paramsDict['odrc_time_offset'] = self.__GetODRCTimeOffset( hicoPtr.inpDict['hdrFile']) self.paramsDict['nav_time_offset'] = 0 self.paramsDict['jday_end'] = Time(self.paramsDict['end_date_time']).jd self.paramsDict['jday_start'] = Time( self.paramsDict['start_date_time']).jd self.paramsDict[ 'exptimes'] = hicoPtr.L0.header['TriggerCount'] * sec_per_count self.paramsDict['cexp'] = '_expDEF' rootName = os.path.basename(hicoPtr.inpDict['l0File']).split('.bil')[0] self.paramsDict['pvqFileName'] = kwargs.pop( 'outputFileName', '%s_pos_vel_quat.csv' % rootName) self.paramsDict['anglFileName'] = '%s_LonLatViewAngles.bil' % rootName self.paramsDict['csvName'] = hicoPtr.inpDict['csvFile'] self.paramsDict['n_pixels'] =['ns'] self.__ReadCSVFile() if do_nav_time_correction: self.__GetNavOffsetTimeCorrection(rootName) self.__FillPoVeQuDF() self.finishTime = self.__WriteHeader2CSV() self.__WriteData2CSV()
def test_datetime_duration_ops(self): self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/31 + 1 day').datetime, DT(2015, 8, 1)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/31 + 2 days').datetime, DT(2015, 8, 2)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/02/28 + 1 day').datetime, DT(2015, 3, 1)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/05/04 + 3 hours, 10 seconds').datetime, DT(2015, 5, 4, 3, 0, 10)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/05/04 + 3 hours + 10 seconds').datetime, DT(2015, 5, 4, 3, 0, 10)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string( '2015/05/04 10:45 + 3 hours + 10 seconds').datetime, DT(2015, 5, 4, 13, 45, 10)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string( '2015/05/04 10:45 - 3 hours + 10 seconds').datetime, DT(2015, 5, 4, 7, 45, 10)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/01/31 + 2 months').datetime, DT(2015, 3, 31)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/04/29 + 2 months').datetime, DT(2015, 6, 29))
def episode(mocker): ep = mocker.MagicMock(spec=Episode) ep.TYPE = 'episode' = '' ep.title = '' ep.grandparentTitle = 'Dexter' ep.ratingKey = 1337 ep._server = '' ep.title = 'Dexter' ep.index = 1 ep.parentIndex = 1 ep.grandparentRatingKey = 1337 ep.grandparentTheme = '' ep.duration = 60 * 60 * 1000 # 1h in ms ep.updatedAt = DT(1970, 1, 1) def _prettyfilename(): return 'Dexter.s01.e01' def iterParts(): yield os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'dexter_s03e01_intro.mkv') ep._prettyfilename = _prettyfilename return ep
def populate_full_water_temperature(request): obj = SoapCalls() DataFormat = 'json' sensors = obj.GetSensors(DataFormat) sDate = DT(2016, 1, 1) eDate = sDate + datetime.timedelta(days=9) stationNumbers = get_station_num(sensors, 'WT') temperature_data = None count = 0 while eDate < count = count + 1 print("**** Writing batch: %s" % count) sDate = eDate + datetime.timedelta(days=1) eDate = eDate + datetime.timedelta(days=10) for x in stationNumbers: temperature_x = obj.GetTimeSeriesData(x, ['WT'], sDate.isoformat(), eDate.isoformat(), DataFormat) for x in temperature_x['TimeSeriesData']: wt_datetime = DT.strptime(x['TimeStamp'], '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p') try: wt = WT(station_id=x['StationID'], station_name=x['StationName'], timestamp=wt_datetime, value=x['Value']) except Exception: continue return HttpResponse('Written to database FULL')
def populate_full_discharge(request): obj = SoapCalls() DataFormat = 'json' sDate = DT(2016, 1, 1) temperature_data = None count = 0 data = np.random.uniform(0, 4, 115) data = np.around(data, 1) data = data.tolist() i = -1 while sDate < count = count + 1 print("**** Writing discharge batch: %s" % count) i = i + 1 date = sDate sDate = sDate + datetime.timedelta(days=1) print i vel = (0.2692 * data[i]) + 0.0984 try: dObj = DD(station_id='HY040', station_name='KROSNO CR', timestamp=date, value=data[i], velocity=vel) except Exception: continue return HttpResponse('Written to discharge database FULL')
def show(self, dt_val, timezone=True): if not dt_val: self.entry.clear() else: date = time.strptime(dt_val[:8], HM_FORMAT) if rpc.session.context.get('tz', False) and timezone: try: lzone = pytz.timezone(rpc.session.context['tz']) szone = pytz.timezone(rpc.session.timezone) dt = DT(date[0], date[1], date[2], date[3], date[4], date[5], date[6]) sdt = szone.localize(dt, is_dst=True) ldt = sdt.astimezone(lzone) date = ldt.timetuple() except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: # Timezones are sometimes invalid under Windows # and hard to figure out, so as a low-risk fix # in stable branch we will simply ignore the # exception and consider client in server TZ # (and sorry about the code duplication as well, # this is fixed properly in trunk) pass t = time.strftime(self.format, date) if len(t) > self.entry.get_width_chars(): self.entry.set_width_chars(len(t)) self.entry.set_text(t) return True
def cal_open(self, widget, event, model=None, window=None): if self.readonly: common.message(_('This widget is readonly !')) return True win = gtk.Dialog(_('OpenERP - Date selection'), window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Hour:')), expand=False, fill=False) hour = gtk.SpinButton(gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 23, 1, 5), 1, 0) hbox.pack_start(hour, expand=True, fill=True) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Minute:')), expand=False, fill=False) minute = gtk.SpinButton(gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 59, 1, 10), 1, 0) hbox.pack_start(minute, expand=True, fill=True) win.vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False, fill=True) cal = gtk.Calendar() cal.display_options(gtk.CALENDAR_SHOW_HEADING | gtk.CALENDAR_SHOW_DAY_NAMES | gtk.CALENDAR_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS) cal.connect('day-selected-double-click', lambda *x: win.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) win.vbox.pack_start(cal, expand=True, fill=True) win.show_all() try: val = self.get_value(model, timezone=False) if val: hour.set_value(int(val[11:13])) minute.set_value(int(val[-5:-3])) cal.select_month(int(val[5:7]) - 1, int(val[0:4])) cal.select_day(int(val[8:10])) else: hour.set_value(time.localtime()[3]) minute.set_value(time.localtime()[4]) except ValueError: pass response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: hr = int(hour.get_value()) mi = int(minute.get_value()) dt = cal.get_date() month = int(dt[1]) + 1 day = int(dt[2]) date = DT(dt[0], month, day, hr, mi) try: value = date.strftime(DHM_FORMAT) except ValueError: common.message( _('Invalid datetime value! Year must be greater than 1899 !' )) else:, timezone=False) self._focus_out() win.destroy()
def _get_datetime_from_key(self, key): (date_str, time_str) = key.split('_')[1].split('-') (year, month, day) = [int(date_str[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)]) for i in range(3)] year += 2000 (hour, minute, second) = [int(time_str[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)]) for i in range(3)] dt = DT(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) return dt
def __SetPeriods(self): '''Formatting time for writing to nc file''' datefmt = '%Y%m%d' timefmt = '%H%M%S' gnc_epoch = DT(1980, 1, 6) start_delta = TDel(0, self.L0.header['FFgncSec']) end_delta = TDel(0, self.L0.header['LFgncSec']) firstFrameDT = start_delta + gnc_epoch lastFrameDT = end_delta + gnc_epoch self.params['begin_date'] = DT.strftime(firstFrameDT, datefmt) self.params['end_date'] = DT.strftime(lastFrameDT, datefmt) self.params['begin_time'] = DT.strftime(firstFrameDT, timefmt) self.params['end_time'] = DT.strftime(lastFrameDT, timefmt)
class TestFormerDocTests(object): start = DT(2008, 3, 21, 16, 34) end = DT(2008, 2, 6, 9, 45) def test1(self): assert dtw(86399, round=True, granularity="day") == "1 day" def test2(self): assert dtw(86399, granularity='day') == "less than 1 day" def test3(self): assert dtw(86399) == "23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds" def test4(self): b = "1 month, 15 days, 6 hours and 49 minutes" assert dtw(self.start, self.end) == b def test5(self): b = "less than 1 decade" assert dtw(self.start, self.end, granularity="decade") == b def test6(self): b = "1 month, 15 days, 6 hours and 49 minutes" assert dtw(self.start, self.end, granularity="second") == b
def bus_stops(bus): w_hnd = urlopen(web_site % bus) xml_text = w_hnd.readlines() root = ET.fromstring(''.join(xml_text)) for direction in root: for trip in direction: for stop in trip[4]: temp_time = stop[3].text.split('T')[1].split(':') stop_time = DT(2013, 7, 3, int(temp_time[0]), \ int(temp_time[1]), int(temp_time[2])) if start_1 <= stop_time <= stop_1 or \ start_2 <= stop_time <= stop_2: stop_ids.append((bus, stop[0].text, stop[1].text, \ stop_time))
def cal_open(self, widget, event, model=None, window=None): if self.readonly: common.message(_('This widget is readonly !')) return True if not window: window = service.LocalService('gui.main').window win = gtk.Dialog(_('OpenERP - Date selection'), window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) win.set_icon(common.OPENERP_ICON) cal = gtk.Calendar() cal.display_options(gtk.CALENDAR_SHOW_HEADING | gtk.CALENDAR_SHOW_DAY_NAMES | gtk.CALENDAR_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS) cal.connect('day-selected-double-click', lambda *x: win.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) win.vbox.pack_start(cal, expand=True, fill=True) win.show_all() try: val = self.get_value(model) if val: cal.select_month(int(val[5:7]) - 1, int(val[0:4])) cal.select_day(int(val[8:10])) except ValueError: pass response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: year, month, day = cal.get_date() dt = DT(year, month + 1, day) try: value = dt.strftime(LDFMT) except ValueError: common.message( _('Invalid date value! Year must be greater than 1899 !')) else: self.entry.set_text(value) self._focus_out() window.present() win.destroy()
def _get_time_difference(self, key): (date_str, time_str) = key.split('_')[1].split('-') (year, month, day) = [int(date_str[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)]) for i in range(3)] (hour, minute, second) = [int(time_str[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)]) for i in range(3)] dt = DT(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) uts = (dt - DT.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds() time_diff = 0 if self.current_time is None: self.current_time = uts else: time_diff = uts - self.current_time self.current_time += time_diff return time_diff
def plotRawUserTimeLine(self): fn = '{}{}/rawtime_{}.png'.format(FPATH,self.ref,self.ref) b = {} lgd = () zero = DT(2000,1,1) for j,sequence in enumerate(self.res): minseq = min(sequence[2]) lgd += (self._legend(j,sequence),) X = [i[1] for i in sequence[2]] #Y = [MDT.date2num(zero+(v[2]-minseq[2])) for v in sequence[2]] Y = [zero+(v[2]-minseq[2]) for v in sequence[2]] #xy = [(x,y) for x,y in zip(X,Y)] b[i] = PP.plot(self.offsetX(X),Y)#,color=self.colours[i]) PP.legend(([b[bi][0] for bi in b]),lgd,loc=2) PP.title('Raw Zoom Timing / Res({}), User({}{})'.format(WHstr,USERS,'p' if PARA else 's')) PP.xlabel('zoom level') PP.ylabel('time (h:m:s)') self._output(PP,fn) self.fig.clear()
def film(mocker): ep = mocker.MagicMock(spec=Movie) ep.TYPE = 'movie' = 'Random' ep.title = 'Random' ep.ratingKey = 7331 ep._server = '' ep.duration = 60 * 60 * 1000 # 1h in ms ep.updatedAt = DT(1970, 1, 1) def _prettyfilename(): return 'Random' p = mocker.MagicMock(spec=MediaPart) p.file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'dexter_s03e01_intro.mkv') def _iterParts(): yield p ep._prettyfilename = _prettyfilename ep.iterParts = _iterParts return ep
def test_sort_dates(self): '''test the sort_date_start/end values''' doc = json.load(open(DIR_FIXTURES + '/couchdb_doc.json')) sdoc = map_couch_to_solr_doc(doc) self.assertEqual(sdoc['sort_date_start'], DT(1885, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC)) self.assertEqual(sdoc['sort_date_end'], DT(1890, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC)) doc = json.load(open(DIR_FIXTURES + '/couchdb_no_pretty_id.json')) sdoc = map_couch_to_solr_doc(doc) self.assertEqual(sdoc['sort_date_start'], DT(2013, 9, 30, tzinfo=UTC)) self.assertEqual(sdoc['sort_date_end'], DT(2013, 9, 30, tzinfo=UTC)) doc = json.load(open(DIR_FIXTURES + '/couchdb_nocampus.json')) sdoc = map_couch_to_solr_doc(doc) self.assertNotIn('sort_date_start', sdoc) self.assertNotIn('sort_date_end', sdoc) doc = json.load(open(DIR_FIXTURES + '/couchdb_solr_date_map.json')) sdoc = map_couch_to_solr_doc(doc) self.assertEqual(sdoc['sort_date_start'], DT(1885, 7, 4, tzinfo=UTC)) self.assertEqual(sdoc['sort_date_end'], DT(1890, 8, 3, tzinfo=UTC))
def __SetL02L1BParams(self): """ Populates L02L1BParams hash (as a dict). In hico_L0_to_L1B_h5.bash this is equivalent to * filling out {basename}.raw_param """ offset = -300 ff_time = DT( self.L0.header['FFyearMSB'] * 100 + self.L0.header['FFyearLSB'], self.L0.header['FFmonth'], self.L0.header['FFday'], self.L0.header['FFhours'], self.L0.header['FFmin'], self.L0.header['FFsec']) timestamp = cal.timegm(ff_time.timetuple()) dark_time = DT.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp + offset) ff_temp = self.__GetCamTemp(self.inpDict["csvFile"], ff_time) dark_temp = self.__GetCamTemp(self.inpDict["csvFile"], dark_time) self.params['base_dir'] = "./" self.params['input_dir'] = "./" self.params['output_dir'] = "./" self.params['dark_temp'] = dark_temp self.params['ffTemp'] = ff_temp self.params['flip_cal'] = True self.params['cal_mult'] = 1.32 self.params['cal_shift'] = 0 self.params['outputInterleave'] = "bil" self.params['outputScaleFactor'] = 50 # out_scale self.params['frameTransferTime'] = 0.00111 self.params['exposureTime'] = 0.0137 self.params['validL0Pixels'] = 508 self.params['nb_read'] = 128 # nb self.params['nb_all'] = 170 # nbb self.params['ns'] = 512 self.params['nl_predark'] = 200 self.params['nl_postdark'] = 200 self.params['out_type'] = 'uint16' self.__MakeFWHM()
def test_merge_tweets(tweets): a = tweets[:1] * 3 b = tweets[1:2] * 4 result = [] sink = to_list(result) def S(source): t = lambda target: consume_iterable(consumers.to_tweet(target), source) return t pipes = (S(a), sink), (S(b), sink) merge(pipes, provider=lambda current: current.created_at) assert [t.created_at for t in result] == [ DT(2012, 4, 13, 13, 55, 2), DT(2012, 4, 13, 13, 55, 2), DT(2012, 4, 13, 13, 55, 2), DT(2012, 4, 26, 7, 35, 39), DT(2012, 4, 26, 7, 35, 39), DT(2012, 4, 26, 7, 35, 39), DT(2012, 4, 26, 7, 35, 39), ]
def GetDateTime(row): row = row.astype(int) year = row['ISSTIMECENTURY'] * 100 + row['ISSTIMEYEAR'] return DT(year, row['ISSTIMEMONTH'], row['ISSTIMEDAY'], row['ISSTIMEHOUR'], row['ISSTIMEMINUTE'], row['ISSTIMESECOND'])
from urllib import urlopen from datetime import datetime as DT import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Constants web_site = "" bus_list = ['11Y', '13F', '13G', '16X', '16Y', '31', '32', '34', '36', '37', \ '38B', '39', '3Y', '42', '43', '52', '53', '54', '5A', '63', \ '64', '70', '74 NOR', '74 SOU', '79', '7Y', '80', '96', 'A11', \ 'A42', 'A46', 'A48', 'A9', 'D1', 'D3', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'D8', \ 'G8', 'H1', 'L1', 'L2', 'N2', 'N3', 'N4', 'N6', 'P17', 'P19', \ 'P6', 'S1', 'S2', 'S4', 'S9', 'V5', 'V7', 'V8', 'V9', 'W13', 'X1', \ 'X2', 'X9'] start_1 = DT(2013, 7, 3, 7, 0, 0) stop_1 = DT(2013, 7, 3, 9, 30, 0) start_2 = DT(2013, 7, 3, 16, 0, 0) stop_2 = DT(2013, 7, 3, 18, 30, 0) # Functions def bus_stops(bus): w_hnd = urlopen(web_site % bus) xml_text = w_hnd.readlines() root = ET.fromstring(''.join(xml_text)) for direction in root: for trip in direction: for stop in trip[4]:
def splitfromdate(file, dal): output_file = file + "out" + ".txt" with open(file + ".txt") as f: size = sum(1 for _ in f) if dict_formato_caricato['separator'] != "": with open(output_file, 'w') as out: with open(file + ".txt") as filetxt: for line_number, line in tqdm(enumerate(filetxt, 1), total=size, unit="lines"): try: params = line.split(" ") dt = params[int(dict_formato_caricato['data_pos'])] try: fromdate = time.strptime(dal, "%d/%m/%Y") linedate = time.strptime(dt, "%d/%m/%Y") except ValueError: continue if linedate >= fromdate: out.write(line) except IndexError: print("\n Errore Linea non conforme") print("errore @: " + str(line_number)) print(line) continue print("job done: " + output_file + " per risultati") else: if len(dal) != 8 and len(dal) != 6: print("Questo Formato di data non e supportato") return else: with open(output_file, 'w') as out: with open(file + ".txt") as filetxt: for line_number, line in tqdm(enumerate(filetxt, 1), total=size, unit="lines"): try: dt = line[int(dict_formato_caricato['data_start']): int(dict_formato_caricato['data_end']) + 1] try: if len(dt) == 8: linedate = DT(int(dt[4:8]), int(dt[2:4]), int(dt[0:2])) fromdate = DT(int(dal[4:8]), int(dal[2:4]), int(dal[0:2])) elif len(dt) == 6: linedate = DT(int(dt[4:6]), int(dt[2:4]), int(dt[0:2])) fromdate = DT(int(dal[4:6]), int(dal[2:4]), int(dal[0:2])) except ValueError: continue if linedate >= fromdate: out.write(line) except IndexError: print("\n Errore Linea non conforme") print("errore @: " + str(line_number)) print(line) continue print("job done: " + output_file + " per risultati")
def test_datetimes(self): self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/09').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 9)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/10 00:00').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 10)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/11 01:45').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 11, 1, 45)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/09 14:30').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 9, 14, 30)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/09 14:30:26').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 9, 14, 30, 26)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/09 2:15pm').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 9, 14, 15)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/09 3am').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 9, 3)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/09 12am').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 9)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015/07/31 12pm').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 31, 12)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015-07-31').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 31)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015-07-31 01:23').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 31, 1, 23)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015-07-31 01:23:45').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 31, 1, 23, 45)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('2015-07-31T01:23:45').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 31, 1, 23, 45)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('20150731T0123').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 31, 1, 23)) self.assertEqual( compute_from_string('20150731T012345').datetime, DT(2015, 7, 31, 1, 23, 45)) self.assertDatetimesEqual( compute_from_string('now').datetime, self.assertDatetimesEqual( compute_from_string('today').datetime, DT.combine(, datetime.time())) self.assertEqual(compute_from_string('epoch').datetime, DT(1970, 1, 1))
import traceback from constants import * from padherder_sync import * from datetime import datetime as DT from datetime import timedelta from datetime import tzinfo def first_sunday_on_or_after(dt): days_to_go = 6 - dt.weekday() if days_to_go: dt += timedelta(days_to_go) return dt DSTSTART_2007 = DT(1, 3, 8, 2) DSTEND_2007 = DT(1, 11, 1, 1) ZERO = timedelta(0) HOUR = timedelta(hours=1) class USTimeZone(tzinfo): def __init__(self, hours, reprname, stdname, dstname): self.stdoffset = timedelta(hours=hours) self.reprname = reprname self.stdname = stdname self.dstname = dstname def __repr__(self): return self.reprname
TableColumn(field='sym',title='Symbols',width=70), TableColumn(field='gmtstamp',title='GMT Timestamp',formatter=DateFormatter(format="%F %T"),width=180), TableColumn(field='date',title='Date',formatter=DateFormatter(format="%Y-%m-%d"),width=120), TableColumn(field='ret',title='Daily Return',formatter=NumberFormatter(format='0.00%',text_align='right'),width=80) ] searchResult = DataTable(source=searchResultTable,columns=searchResultColumns,width=2*ww,height=1000) lineSrc = ColumnDataSource(data={'t':[],'i':[]}) spanSrc = ColumnDataSource(data={'x':[]}) retPlotHover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('headline','@headline')]) retPlot = figure(plot_width=250,plot_height=100,tools=[retPlotHover],x_axis_type='datetime') solrButton = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["solr"], active=[0]) selBox1 = Select(title="Previous Categories:", value="", options=[""]) selBox2 = Select(title="Categories:", value="", options=[""]) if datePick1.value: date1 = datePick1.value dt1 = DT(date1.year,date1.month, - timedelta(days=20) retPlot.x_range.start=dt1 if datePick2.value: date2 = datePick2.value dt2 = DT(date2.year,date2.month, + timedelta(days=10) retPlot.x_range.end=dt2'gmtstamp',y='ret',size=7,fill_color='lightskyblue',source=searchResultTable) # actions def searchNews1(): errBox.text = 'Searching...' qwords = searchBox.value return searchNews(qwords,None) def searchNews2(): errBox.text = 'Searching for {}...'.format(searchBox.value) qwords = searchBox.value
subdirs = ['FC0days' , 'FC1days' , 'FC2days' , 'FC3days' , 'FC4days' , 'FC5days',\ 'PFC1days', 'PFC2days', 'PFC3days', 'PFC4days', 'PFC5days'] Cfields = ['RMSE_both_ice', 'Bias_both_ice', 'RMSE_either_ice', 'Bias_either_ice'] Ufields = ['Maximum_total_width', 'Mean_intersecting_width', 'Mean_total_width',\ 'Maximum_intersecting_width', 'Total_perimeter', 'Total_area'] Ofields = 1*Ufields Bfields = Ufields[1:3] akey = Ufields[-1] # area show = 0 if 0: # reduce period plotted dto_lims = [DT(2017,1,1),DT(2017,3,12)] Mstep = 1 else: # full period plotted dto_lims = [DT(2016,1,1),DT(2017,3,12)] Mstep = 2 M0 = dto_lims[0].month xlim = [] refdate = DT(2010,1,1) tfac = 1./(24*3600) # seconds to days for dto in dto_lims: xlim.append((dto-refdate).total_seconds()*tfac) for ng in range(2):
def DTS(*args, **kw): """ Returns a unix-timestamp-like time """ return dt_to_sec(DT(*args, **kw))
from datetime import datetime as DT dates = [DT(2012, 12, 15), DT(1987, 8, 20), DT(1965, 2, 28), DT(2012, 6, 27)] def is_2012(arg): return arg.year == 2012 dt_2012 = filter(is_2012, dates) print(next(dt_2012)) print(next(dt_2012))
from datetime import datetime as DT birthdays = [ DT(2012, 4, 29), DT(2006, 8, 9), DT(1978, 5, 16), DT(1981, 8, 15), DT(2001, 7, 4), DT(1999, 12, 30) ] def is_over_13(dt): '''Returns True or False if >= 4745 (days)''' today = return (today - dt).days >= 4745 def date_string(dt): '''Returns formatted datetime, as string''' return dt.strftime("%B %d") birth_dates = map(date_string, filter(is_over_13, birthdays)) print(list(birth_dates))