Пример #1
def test_do_all():
    operations = [
        'swap position 4 with position 0', 'swap letter d with letter b',
        'reverse positions 0 through 4', 'rotate left 1 step',
        'move position 1 to position 4', 'move position 3 to position 0',
        'rotate based on pposition of letter b',
        'rotate based on position of letter d'
    assert Scrambler.do_all(operations, 'abcde') == 'decab'
    assert Scrambler.do_all(operations, 'decab', reverse=True) == 'abcde'
Пример #2
from day21.scrambler import Scrambler

with open('input.txt') as f:
    operations = [line[:-1] for line in f.readlines() if len(line) > 0]
    print(Scrambler.do_all(operations, 'abcdefgh'))
    print(Scrambler.do_all(operations, 'fbgdceah', reverse=True))