Пример #1
    obj_lines_frame = dz.load_object_frame(FileFolder,
    #     obj_lines_frame_star    = dz.load_object_frame(FileFolder, CodeName, emission_log_st, chbeta_coef = cHbeta_type)
    Hbeta_Flux = obj_lines_frame['line_Flux']['H1_4861A']
    Hbeta_Int = obj_lines_frame['line_Int']['H1_4861A']

    #Generate object row of data
    data_keys = dz.header_dict.keys()
    Object_row = ['None'] * len(dz.header_dict)

    #Establish table format
    dz.latex_header(table_address=FileFolder + CodeName + Table_Name,
                    TitleColumn=['', '', 'HII Galaxy', CodeName, ''])

    #Loop through all the emission recordings
    objlines = obj_lines_frame.index.values
    for j in range(len(objlines)):

        if '_w' not in objlines[j]:
            #Loop through the columns and prepare the data to store
            for k in range(len(Object_row)):

                thekey = data_keys[k]

                if thekey == 'Emission':
                    format_index = where(
                        dz.LinesLogFormat_dict['0'] == objlines[j])[0][0]
                    wavelength = dz.format_for_table(
Пример #2
    CodeName, FileName, FileFolder  = dz.Analyze_Address(FilesList[i])
    #load object data
    cHbeta                  = dz.GetParameter_ObjLog(CodeName, FileFolder, cHbeta_type, Assumption='float')     
    obj_lines_frame         = dz.load_object_frame(FileFolder, CodeName, emission_log, chbeta_coef = cHbeta_type)    
#     obj_lines_frame_star    = dz.load_object_frame(FileFolder, CodeName, emission_log_st, chbeta_coef = cHbeta_type)    
    Hbeta_Flux              = obj_lines_frame['line_Flux']['H1_4861A']
    Hbeta_Int               = obj_lines_frame['line_Int']['H1_4861A']
    #Generate object row of data 
    data_keys   = dz.header_dict.keys()
    Object_row  = ['None'] * len(dz.header_dict)
    #Establish table format
    dz.latex_header(table_address = FileFolder + CodeName + Table_Name, TitleColumn = ['', '', 'HII Galaxy', CodeName, ''])
    #Loop through all the emission recordings
    objlines = obj_lines_frame.index.values
    for j in range(len(objlines)):
        if '_w' not in objlines[j]:
            #Loop through the columns and prepare the data to store
            for k in range(len(Object_row)):
                thekey = data_keys[k]
                if thekey == 'Emission':
                    format_index    = where(dz.LinesLogFormat_dict['0'] == objlines[j])[0][0]
                    wavelength      = dz.format_for_table(obj_lines_frame.iloc[j]['TheoWavelength'], rounddig = 4)
                    ion             = dz.LinesLogFormat_dict['3'][format_index]
Пример #3
# #Dictionary with the variables we want to compare 
variables_dict = OrderedDict()
# variables_dict['y_plus_inf']    = 'HeII_HII'
# variables_dict['Te_inf']        = 'TSIII'
# variables_dict['ne_inf']        = 'nSII'
# variables_dict['cHbeta_inf']    = 'cHBeta_stellar'

#Locate files on hard drive
FilesList = OrganizedObject_List() 

#Get the dictionary with the headers format and the data

#Generate object table (it also works as table type)
dz.latex_header(Catalogue_Dic['Data_Folder'] + Table_Name)

#Loop through the files 
for i in range(len(FilesList)):
    #Trick to analyse the folders in the order I want
    CurrentFile = Catalogue_Dic['Obj_Folder']  + FilesList[i] + '/' + FilesList[i] + emission_log
    #Declare file address and logs address
    CodeName, FileName, FileFolder  = dz.Analyze_Address(CurrentFile)

    #Load the lines log
    lineslog_frame = dz.load_object_frame(FileFolder, CodeName, emission_log, chbeta_coef = cHbeta_type)        
    #Load the data
    Ratios_dict, RatiosColor_dict = dz.load_Galaxy_Ratios(lineslog_frame, Atom_dict)