def getAttendanceByDate(self, info_dict): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() sql_select_query = '''select count(*) from attendance where course_id = %s and roll_number= %s and semester_year= %s and semester_type=%s and date_of_class=%s ''' cursor = conn.cursor() record_tuple = (info_dict['course_id'], info_dict['roll_number'], info_dict['semester_year'], info_dict['semester_type'], info_dict['date_of_class']) cursor.execute(sql_select_query, record_tuple) records = cursor.fetchall() ret_val = '' for row in records: if (row[0] >= 1): ret_val = 'True' break except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if (conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return ret_val
def markAttendance(self): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() insert_query = '''insert into attendance(course_id,roll_number, full_name,semester_year,semester_type,date_of_class,time_of_class, class_room) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''' cursor = conn.cursor() ##mysql date format is YYYYMMDD ##mysql time format is HH:MM:SS now = today_date = now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") today_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") record_tuple = (self.course_id, self.roll_number, self.full_name, self.semester_year, self.semester_type, today_date, today_time, self.class_room) cursor.execute(insert_query, record_tuple) conn.commit() print('Student ', self.full_name, ' Attendance Marked Successfully!') #conn.close() #cursor.close() except mysql.connector.Error as error: print("Failed to insert into MySQL table {}".format(error)) finally: if (conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close()
def register_course(self): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into course_reg(course_id,roll_number,Semester_type,Semester_year) values(%s,%s,%s,%s);",(self.course_id,self.roll_number,self.Semester_type,self.Semester_year)) conn.commit() print('student with roll_number',self.roll_number,'registered for Course ',self.course_id,'Successfully!') except mysql.connector.Error as error: print("Failed to insert into MySQL table {}".format(error)) finally: if(conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close()
def get_course_id(self, course_name): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "select course_id from courses where course_name=(%s)", (course_name, )) record = cursor.fetchone() except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if (conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return record[0]
def getSleepCount(self, roll_number, course_id): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() select_query = "select count(*) from drowsy_data where course_id=(%s) and roll_number=(%s)" record_tuple = (course_id, roll_number) cursor.execute(select_query, record_tuple) record = cursor.fetchone() except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if (conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return record[0]
def getNextRollNumber(self): try: mydb=MyDatabase() conn=mydb.get_connection() sql_select_query='''SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = %s AND TABLE_NAME = %s;''' record_tuple=('VAMS','students') cursor=conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_query,record_tuple) records = cursor.fetchone() ret_val=records[0] except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if(conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return ret_val
def add_course(self): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "insert into courses(course_id,course_name) values(%s,%s);", (self.course_id, self.course_name)) conn.commit() print('Course ', self.course_id, ' Added Successfully!') except mysql.connector.Error as error: print("Failed to insert into MySQL table {}".format(error)) finally: if (conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close()
def get_courseid(self,query_dict): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select course_id from course_reg where roll_number=(%s) and Semester_type=(%s) and Semester_year=(%s);",(query_dict['roll_number'],query_dict['Semester_type'],query_dict['Semester_year'])) res=cursor.fetchall() courses=[] for course in res: courses.append(course[0]) except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if(conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return courses
def getAllStudentRecord(self): try: roll_number=[] name=[] mydb=MyDatabase() conn=mydb.get_connection() sql_select_query='''select roll_number,full_name from students;''' cursor=conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_query) records = cursor.fetchall() for row in records: roll_number.append(row[0]) name.append(row[1]) except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if(conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return roll_number,name
def markStudentSleepy(self, roll_list, course_id): date ="%Y/%m/%d") if (len(roll_list) != 0): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() for roll_numb in roll_list: cursor.execute( "insert into drowsy_data(course_id,roll_number,date_of_class) values(%s,%s,%s);", (course_id, roll_numb, date)) conn.commit() #print('Successfully recorded the details of students found sleepy') except mysql.connector.Error as error: print("Failed to insert into MySQL table {}".format(error)) finally: if (conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close()
def getFacialFeatures(self,roll_number): try: mydb=MyDatabase() conn=mydb.get_connection() sql_select_query='''select facial_features from students where roll_number = %s''' cursor=conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_query,(roll_number,)) records = cursor.fetchall() for row in records: #print (row) ret_val=row[0] break except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if(conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return ret_val
def createStudent(self): try: mydb=MyDatabase() conn=mydb.get_connection() insert_query='''insert into students(full_name,facial_features) values (%s,%s)''' cursor = conn.cursor() record_tuple=(,self.facial_features) next_num=self.getNextRollNumber() cursor.execute(insert_query, record_tuple) conn.commit() print('Student ',,' Registered Successfully!') print(,' has roll number : ',next_num) conn.close() cursor.close() except mysql.connector.Error as error: print("Failed to insert into MySQL table {}".format(error)) finally: if(conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close()
def getAttendanceByMonth(self, info_dict): try: mydb = MyDatabase() conn = mydb.get_connection() sql_select_query = '''select count(*) from attendance where course_id = %s and roll_number= %s and semester_year= %s and semester_type=%s and MONTH(date_of_class)=%s ''' cursor = conn.cursor() record_tuple = (info_dict['course_id'], info_dict['roll_number'], info_dict['semester_year'], info_dict['semester_type'], info_dict['month']) cursor.execute(sql_select_query, record_tuple) records = cursor.fetchone() ats_count = 0 if (len(records) >= 1): ats_count = records[0] except Error as e: print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e) finally: if (conn.is_connected()): conn.close() cursor.close() return ats_count