Пример #1
def mark_recommandation(form):
    - Retrieve the marks of the user and the mark of other users on the same recipes
    - compare them to determine the distance between the user and other users
    - find the recipes that the user is interested in (according to the ingredients)
      and order them in function of the opinions of "close distance" users
    @param form form informations
    @return a list of ids sorted thanks to the "opinions"
    # retrieve the opinions of the users
    request = """
        SELECT DISTINCT recipes.id
        FROM recipes
        INNER JOIN recipe_has_ingredients as ingr
        ON recipes.id LIKE ingr.idRecipe
        WHERE recipes.type_id LIKE \"{0}\"
    for _ingr in form['ingr_dislike']:
        request += "AND ingr.idIngr NOT LIKE \"{}\"".format(_ingr)
    request += "AND (ingr.idIngr LIKE \"{}\"".format(form['ingr_like'].pop())
    for _ingr in form['ingr_like']:
        request += "OR ingr.idIngr LIKE \"{}\"".format(_ingr)
    request += ");"

    recipe_id = db_execute_out(request)
    recipe_list = format_recipes(recipe_id)
Пример #2
def create_opinions(user_id):
    retrieve the recipes the user visited and didn't comment,
    format them then return them in a form intended to be in the left part
    @param user_id the id of the user
    @return string containing all the opinion forms
    search_rows = db_execute_out("""
        SELECT DISTINCT recipe_id
        FROM search
        WHERE user_id LIKE {0}
        AND recipe_id NOT NULL
        AND recipe_id NOT IN (
            SELECT DISTINCT recipe_id
            FROM opinions
            WHERE author LIKE {0}

    if search_rows == [] or search_rows is None:
        return parse(
            <h4>How did you find theese recipes ?</h4><p>No recipe to comment</p>
        """, 'lxml').prettify(formatter='html')
    opinion_list = format_recipes([x[0] for x in search_rows])
    # constructing the web page part
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    with open(config.get('html', 'opinion_form_path')) as _fd:
        search_panel = _fd.read()
    soup = parse('<h4>How did you find theese recipes ?</h4><div></div>',
    form_group = soup.div
    form_group['class'] = 'container-fluid'
    # creating a form for each recipe
    for recipe in opinion_list:
        form = parse(search_panel, 'lxml')
        # hidden info
        r_id = form.select('input#$recipe_info')[0]
        r_id['id'] = 'recipe_info_{}'.format(str(recipe['id']))
        r_id['value'] = str(recipe['id'])

        u_id = form.select('input#$user_info')[0]
        u_id['id'] = 'user_info_{}'.format(str(recipe['id']))
        u_id['value'] = str(user_id)

        # the form
        head = form.select('form#$id_form')[0]
        head['id'] = '{}_{}_form_head'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        # the button
        button = form.select('button#$id_button')[0]
        button['id'] = '{}_{}_form'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        # the img
        img = form.select('img')[0]
        img['src'] = recipe['img']
        # the fav button
        fav_button = form.select('button#$fav_id')[0]
        fav_button['id'] = 'fav_{}_{}'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
    return soup.prettify(formatter='html')
Пример #3
def add_options_to_form(table_name, form, tag_id):
    Add in the form having the id tag_id the content of the two first rows
    of the table_name given (id and name typically)
    @param table_name the name of the table
    @param form       an option in the config file containing the path to an html file
    @param tag_id     the tag id in the form (exemple : select#type)
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    # adding types to the search form
    types = db_execute_out("SELECT * FROM "+ table_name +" ORDER BY name;")
    form_path = config.get('html', form)
    _fd = open(form_path)
    soup = parse(_fd.read(), "lxml")

    soup.select(tag_id)[0].string = ''
    for row in types:
        opt = soup.new_tag('option')
        opt.string = row[1]
        opt['value'] = row[0]

    # writing the html file
    html = soup.prettify(formatter='html')
    with open(form_path, "wb") as _fd:
Пример #4
def add_options_to_form(table_name, form, tag_id):
    Add in the form having the id tag_id the content of the two first rows
    of the table_name given (id and name typically)
    @param table_name the name of the table
    @param form       an option in the config file containing the path to an html file
    @param tag_id     the tag id in the form (exemple : select#type)
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    # adding types to the search form
    types = db_execute_out("SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " ORDER BY name;")
    form_path = config.get('html', form)
    _fd = open(form_path)
    soup = parse(_fd.read(), "lxml")

    soup.select(tag_id)[0].string = ''
    for row in types:
        opt = soup.new_tag('option')
        opt.string = row[1]
        opt['value'] = row[0]

    # writing the html file
    html = soup.prettify(formatter='html')
    with open(form_path, "wb") as _fd:
Пример #5
def mark_recommandation(form):
    - Retrieve the marks of the user and the mark of other users on the same recipes
    - compare them to determine the distance between the user and other users
    - find the recipes that the user is interested in (according to the ingredients)
      and order them in function of the opinions of "close distance" users
    @param form form informations
    @return a list of ids sorted thanks to the "opinions"
    # retrieve the opinions of the users
    request = """
        SELECT DISTINCT recipes.id
        FROM recipes
        INNER JOIN recipe_has_ingredients as ingr
        ON recipes.id LIKE ingr.idRecipe
        WHERE recipes.type_id LIKE \"{0}\"
    for _ingr in form['ingr_dislike']:
        request += "AND ingr.idIngr NOT LIKE \"{}\"".format(_ingr)
    request += "AND (ingr.idIngr LIKE \"{}\"".format(form['ingr_like'].pop())
    for _ingr in form['ingr_like']:
        request += "OR ingr.idIngr LIKE \"{}\"".format(_ingr)
    request += ");"

    recipe_id = db_execute_out(request)
    recipe_list = format_recipes(recipe_id)
Пример #6
def create_opinions(user_id):
    retrieve the recipes the user visited and didn't comment,
    format them then return them in a form intended to be in the left part
    @param user_id the id of the user
    @return string containing all the opinion forms
    search_rows = db_execute_out("""
        SELECT DISTINCT recipe_id
        FROM search
        WHERE user_id LIKE {0}
        AND recipe_id NOT NULL
        AND recipe_id NOT IN (
            SELECT DISTINCT recipe_id
            FROM opinions
            WHERE author LIKE {0}

    if search_rows == [] or search_rows is None:
        return parse("""
            <h4>How did you find theese recipes ?</h4><p>No recipe to comment</p>
        """, 'lxml').prettify(formatter='html')
    opinion_list = format_recipes([x[0] for x in search_rows])
    # constructing the web page part
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    with open(config.get('html', 'opinion_form_path')) as _fd:
        search_panel = _fd.read()
    soup = parse('<h4>How did you find theese recipes ?</h4><div></div>', 'lxml')
    form_group = soup.div
    form_group['class'] = 'container-fluid'
    # creating a form for each recipe
    for recipe in opinion_list:
        form = parse(search_panel, 'lxml')
        # hidden info
        r_id = form.select('input#$recipe_info')[0]
        r_id['id'] = 'recipe_info_{}'.format(str(recipe['id']))
        r_id['value'] = str(recipe['id'])

        u_id = form.select('input#$user_info')[0]
        u_id['id'] = 'user_info_{}'.format(str(recipe['id']))
        u_id['value'] = str(user_id)

        # the form
        head = form.select('form#$id_form')[0]
        head['id'] = '{}_{}_form_head'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        # the button
        button = form.select('button#$id_button')[0]
        button['id'] = '{}_{}_form'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        # the img
        img = form.select('img')[0]
        img['src'] = recipe['img']
        # the fav button
        fav_button = form.select('button#$fav_id')[0]
        fav_button['id'] = 'fav_{}_{}'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
    return soup.prettify(formatter='html')
Пример #7
def get_recipe_ingr_request(recipe_info_list):
    Create a sql request to link recipes with ingredients in the database
    @param recipe_info_list list of dictionnary containing recipe informations :
    [{url, img, ingredients, ...}, {...}, ...]
    @return the sql requests to insert in the table recipe_has_ingredients
    req = []
    for recipe in recipe_info_list:
        recipe_id = db_execute_out("SELECT id FROM recipes WHERE url=\"{}\";".format(recipe['url']))
        recipe_id = recipe_id[0][0]
        for _ingr in recipe['ingredients']:
            ingr_id = db_execute_out("SELECT id FROM ingredients WHERE name=\"{}\";".format(_ingr))
            ingr_id = ingr_id[0][0]
                INSERT INTO recipe_has_ingredients
                VALUES (\"{0}\", \"{1}\");""".format(recipe_id, ingr_id))
    return req
Пример #8
def web_crawler(enter_url, limit=20):
    Get recipes and insert them in the database with ingredients
    @param enter_url base url of a web site (http://marmiton.org)
    @param limit limit number of recipes before ending the search
    _base = enter_url
    url_to_treat = [enter_url]  # the list of url to treat
    url_treated = []  # th list of url treated
    requests = []  # contains the requests to insert recipes and ingredients
    ingr_list = []  # contains the ingredient list
    recipe_info_list = []
    recipe_found = 0

    # Create a dictionnary with all the recipe types and their id
    type_id = {}
    for row in db_execute_out("SELECT * FROM types"):
        type_id[row[1]] = row[0]

    while len(url_to_treat) > 0 and recipe_found < limit:
            # get the recipe in a dictionnary
            res = get_recipe(url_to_treat.pop(), _base)
        except urllib2.HTTPError:

        # insert the sql request to add the recipe in the list
        if 'name' in res.keys():
            # put the type id instead of the name of the id
            res['type'] = type_id[res['type']]
            # add the sql request to insert the recipe in the list of requests
            # add the sql request for the ingredients
            for _ingr in res['ingredients']:
                if _ingr not in ingr_list:
            # showing the number of recipes found
            recipe_found += 1
            print '{0}/{1} recipes found'.format(str(recipe_found), str(limit))
            # keep recipes info to add to recipe_has_ingredients table

        # Adding urls to the stack of urls to treat
        for i in res['add_urls']:
            if i not in url_treated and i not in url_to_treat:

    # recording all the recipes and ingredients in the database
    add_options_to_form('ingredients', 'search_form_path', 'select#ingr-like')
    add_options_to_form('ingredients', 'search_form_path',
    requests = get_recipe_ingr_request(recipe_info_list)
Пример #9
def web_crawler(enter_url, limit=20):
    Get recipes and insert them in the database with ingredients
    @param enter_url base url of a web site (http://marmiton.org)
    @param limit limit number of recipes before ending the search
    _base = enter_url
    url_to_treat = [enter_url] # the list of url to treat
    url_treated = [] # th list of url treated
    requests = [] # contains the requests to insert recipes and ingredients
    ingr_list = [] # contains the ingredient list
    recipe_info_list = []
    recipe_found = 0

    # Create a dictionnary with all the recipe types and their id
    type_id = {}
    for row in db_execute_out("SELECT * FROM types"):
        type_id[row[1]] = row[0]

    while len(url_to_treat) > 0 and recipe_found < limit:
            # get the recipe in a dictionnary
            res = get_recipe(url_to_treat.pop(), _base)
        except urllib2.HTTPError:

        # insert the sql request to add the recipe in the list
        if 'name' in res.keys():
            # put the type id instead of the name of the id
            res['type'] = type_id[res['type']]
            # add the sql request to insert the recipe in the list of requests
            # add the sql request for the ingredients
            for _ingr in res['ingredients']:
                if _ingr not in ingr_list:
            # showing the number of recipes found
            recipe_found += 1
            print '{0}/{1} recipes found'.format(str(recipe_found), str(limit))
            # keep recipes info to add to recipe_has_ingredients table

        # Adding urls to the stack of urls to treat
        for i in res['add_urls']:
            if i not in url_treated and i not in url_to_treat:

    # recording all the recipes and ingredients in the database
    add_options_to_form('ingredients', 'search_form_path', 'select#ingr-like')
    add_options_to_form('ingredients', 'search_form_path', 'select#ingr-dislike')
    requests = get_recipe_ingr_request(recipe_info_list)
Пример #10
def get_recipes(id_user, id_recipe_types, id_wanted_ingredients, id_refused_ingredients):
    weights = {}
    weights['default'] = 0
    weights['wanted_ingredients'] = 2
    weights['past_wanted_ingredients'] = 1
    weights['refused_ingredients'] = -2

    # Get recipes from database
    selectRecipes = db_execute_out(get_select_recipes(id_recipe_types, id_wanted_ingredients, 0))

    if selectRecipes is None:
        return []

    # Create a dict to put together ingredients to the same recipe
    recipes = {}
    for recipe in selectRecipes:
        if(not recipes.has_key(recipe[0])):
            recipes[recipe[0]] = {}
            recipes[recipe[0]]['id'] = recipe[0]
            recipes[recipe[0]]['ingredients'] = []

    # Find the past ingredients preferred already searched in the past
    id_past_ingredients = []
    id_past_ingredients = get_select_last_preferred_ingredients(id_user, 10)

    # Compute the weight of each recipe
    listRecipeWeight = []
    for key in recipes:
        recipe = recipes[key]
        recipe['weights'] = [weights['default']] * len(recipe['ingredients'])
        for ingredient in id_wanted_ingredients:
            if ingredient in recipe['ingredients']:
                recipe['weights'][recipe['ingredients'].index(ingredient)] = weights['wanted_ingredients']
        for ingredient in id_past_ingredients:
            if ingredient in recipe['ingredients']:
                recipe['weights'][recipe['ingredients'].index(ingredient)] = weights['past_wanted_ingredients']
        for ingredient in id_refused_ingredients:
            if ingredient in recipe['ingredients']:
                recipe['weights'][recipe['ingredients'].index(ingredient)] = weights['refused_ingredients']
        recipe['weight'] = 0
        for i in recipe['weights']:
            recipe['weight'] += i

    # Sort recipes to get the must of recipes
    listRecipeWeight.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)

    # Get just id recipes to return
    if listRecipeWeight == []:
        return []
    idRecipes, w = map(list, zip(*listRecipeWeight))

    # Return recipes
    return idRecipes
Пример #11
def get_recipe_ingr_request(recipe_info_list):
    Create a sql request to link recipes with ingredients in the database
    @param recipe_info_list list of dictionnary containing recipe informations :
    [{url, img, ingredients, ...}, {...}, ...]
    @return the sql requests to insert in the table recipe_has_ingredients
    req = []
    for recipe in recipe_info_list:
        recipe_id = db_execute_out(
            "SELECT id FROM recipes WHERE url=\"{}\";".format(recipe['url']))
        recipe_id = recipe_id[0][0]
        for _ingr in recipe['ingredients']:
            ingr_id = db_execute_out(
                "SELECT id FROM ingredients WHERE name=\"{}\";".format(_ingr))
            ingr_id = ingr_id[0][0]
                INSERT INTO recipe_has_ingredients
                VALUES (\"{0}\", \"{1}\");""".format(recipe_id, ingr_id))
    return req
Пример #12
def create_favs(user_id):
    retrieve the favorites recipes of the user and format them then return them
    @param user_id the id of the user
    @return favorites recipes formatted in html
    fav_rows = db_execute_out("""
        SELECT idRecipe
        FROM user_has_favorite_recipes
        WHERE idUser LIKE \"{}\";
    if fav_rows == []:
        return parse(
            <h4>Favorite List :</h4><p>No favorite</p>
        """, 'lxml').prettify(formatter='html')
    favorite_list = format_recipes([x[0] for x in fav_rows])
    # constructing the web page part
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    _fd = open(config.get('html', 'fav_panel'))
    fav_panel = _fd.read()
    soup = parse('<h4>Favorite List :</h4><div></div>', 'lxml')
    panel_group = soup.div
    panel_group['class'] = 'container-fluid'
    # creating a panel for each recipe
    for recipe in favorite_list:
        panel = parse(fav_panel, 'lxml')
        # the well
        well = panel.select('div#$id_fav')[0]
        well['id'] = 'well_unfav_{}_{}'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        unfav = panel.select('button#$unfav_id')[0]
        unfav['id'] = 'unfav_{}_{}'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        # the img
        img = panel.select('img#$fav_img')[0]
        img['id'] = str(recipe['id']) + '_favimg'
        img['src'] = recipe['img']
        # the url
        url = panel.select('a#$fav_url')[0]
        url['id'] = str(recipe['id']) + '_favurl'
        url['href'] = recipe['url']
    return soup.prettify(formatter='html')
Пример #13
def create_favs(user_id):
    retrieve the favorites recipes of the user and format them then return them
    @param user_id the id of the user
    @return favorites recipes formatted in html
    fav_rows = db_execute_out("""
        SELECT idRecipe
        FROM user_has_favorite_recipes
        WHERE idUser LIKE \"{}\";
    if fav_rows == []:
        return parse("""
            <h4>Favorite List :</h4><p>No favorite</p>
        """, 'lxml').prettify(formatter='html')
    favorite_list = format_recipes([x[0] for x in fav_rows])
    # constructing the web page part
    config = SafeConfigParser()
    _fd = open(config.get('html', 'fav_panel'))
    fav_panel = _fd.read()
    soup = parse('<h4>Favorite List :</h4><div></div>', 'lxml')
    panel_group = soup.div
    panel_group['class'] = 'container-fluid'
    # creating a panel for each recipe
    for recipe in favorite_list:
        panel = parse(fav_panel, 'lxml')
        # the well
        well = panel.select('div#$id_fav')[0]
        well['id'] = 'well_unfav_{}_{}'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        unfav = panel.select('button#$unfav_id')[0]
        unfav['id'] = 'unfav_{}_{}'.format(str(user_id), str(recipe['id']))
        # the img
        img = panel.select('img#$fav_img')[0]
        img['id'] = str(recipe['id'])+'_favimg'
        img['src'] = recipe['img']
        # the url
        url = panel.select('a#$fav_url')[0]
        url['id'] = str(recipe['id'])+'_favurl'
        url['href'] = recipe['url']
    return soup.prettify(formatter='html')
Пример #14
def format_recipes(recipe_list):
    retrieve recipes in the database and format them in dictionnaries
    @param recipe_list a list string containing recipe's ids
    @return a lit of dictionnaries containing recipes :
    [{id, name, url, img, ingredients, opinions}, {...}, ...]
    if recipe_list == []:
        return []
    _req = """
        SELECT recipes.id, recipes.name, recipes.url, recipes.photo_url
        FROM recipes
        WHERE recipes.id LIKE \"{}\"
    for i in recipe_list:
        _req += 'OR recipes.id LIKE \"{}\"'.format(i)
    _req += ';'

    rows = db_execute_out(_req)

    result = []
    for _row in rows:
        # general informations
        recipe = {
            'id': _row[0],
            'name': unicodedata.normalize('NFD', _row[1]).encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
            'url': unicodedata.normalize('NFD', _row[2]).encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
            'img': unicodedata.normalize('NFD', _row[3]).encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
            'ingredients': [],
            'opinions': []

        if recipe['img'] == '':
            recipe['img'] = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/No_image_available.svg'

        # adding ingredients
        ingredient_rows = db_execute_out("""
            SELECT ingredients.name
            FROM ingredients
            INNER JOIN recipe_has_ingredients
            ON ingredients.id LIKE recipe_has_ingredients.idIngr
            WHERE recipe_has_ingredients.idRecipe LIKE \"{}\";
        for _ingr in ingredient_rows:
                unicodedata.normalize('NFD', _ingr[0]).encode('ascii', 'ignore'))

        # adding opinions
        opinion_rows = db_execute_out("""
            SELECT opinions.mark, opinions.comment, users.email
            FROM opinions
            INNER JOIN users ON opinions.author=users.id
            WHERE opinions.recipe_id LIKE \"{}\";
        for _op in opinion_rows:
                'mark': _op[0],
                'comment': unicodedata.normalize('NFD', _op[1]).encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
                'author': unicodedata.normalize('NFD', _op[2]).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        # adding the recipe to the list
    return result