def apply_button_clicked(self): self.book_text = self.book_title_input.text() sql_conn = SqliteConnection() # Search book by title # if returned id is None, open dialog displaying a message that book # is not found # book_title, year, book_author field is not editable book_id = sql_conn.search_book_id_by_title(self.book_text) if isinstance(book_id, int) and book_id > 0: # if returned id is > 0, pre populate book_title, year, book_author (_, book_title, book_year, book_author, book_note) = \ sql_conn.search_book_by_title(self.book_text) self.set_book_tab_text(book_title, book_author, str(book_year), book_note) self.set_qlineedit_enable(False) else: msg_box = MessageBox('No book is found !!!') msg_box.exec_() # save to db (source_book tb) # should not save to db. open a dialog message saying no recrod # found self.close()
def add_subject_to_combobox(self): # subject is list of tuple # i.e. [('Chemistry',)] sql_conn = SqliteConnection() subject = sql_conn.get_all_subjects() self.clear() self.addItem('Select .....') for subj in subject: self.addItem(subj[0])
def apply_button_clicked(self): self.text = self.subject_input.text() if self.text == '': self.close() msg = MessageBox('Please enter subject') msg.exec_() else: sql_conn = SqliteConnection() sql_conn.add_subject_to_db(self.text) self.close()
def display_labels(self, sql_conn: SqliteConnection): date_info = sql_conn.get_date_info(self.current_card['date_id']) url = sql_conn.get_url(self.current_card['source_id']) url_text_template = '<a href=>Link</a>' url_text = url_text_template[0:8] + url[0][0] + url_text_template[8::] pass_rate = sql_conn.get_pass_rate(self.current_card['card_id']) self.pass_rate_data.setText(pass_rate + '%') if date_info[0][3] == 'None': last_seen = 'N/A' self.last_seen_data.setText(last_seen) else: last_seen = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_info[0][3], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') self.last_seen_data.setText('%m/%d/%Y')) self.url.setText(url_text)
def update_book_note(self): # update_book_note method can only be called if search_book btn # has called prior book_title = url_book.book_tab.title_input.text() book_note = url_book.book_tab.note_input.toPlainText() if not (url_book.book_tab.title_input.isEnabled()): sql_conn = SqliteConnection() book_id = sql_conn.search_book_id_by_title(book_title) success = sql_conn.update_book_note_to_db(book_id, book_note) if success is None: updated_dialog = MessageBox('Success: Updated') updated_dialog.exec_() else: dialog_box = MessageBox('Please Search Book first !!!') dialog_box.exec_()
def fail_btn_clicked(self): #TODO # Increase total_fail_times sql_conn = SqliteConnection() self.increase_total_fail_times(self.current_card['card_id'], sql_conn) now = self.update_last_seen_date(self.current_card['date_id'], now, sql_conn) self.flip = False
def start_test(self): # get subject subject_id = self.test_subject_cb.currentIndex() logic = self.test_logic_cb.currentText() if subject_id != 0 and logic != 'Select .....': sql_stm_dic = { 'Test all cards in the subject': f"SELECT * FROM question_answer WHERE subject_id='{subject_id}'", 'Test only cards in the subject failed more than test times': f"SELECT * FROM question_answer WHERE subject_id='{subject_id}' \ AND (total_fail_times - total_test_times) > 0", 'Test all cards added today': f"SELECT * FROM question_answer WHERE date_id IN (SELECT date_id \ FROM date WHERE strftime('%Y-%m-%d', created_date)\ BETWEEN date('now', '-5 day') AND date('now'))", 'Test all cards added today, failed > 2 times': f"SELECT * FROM question_answer WHERE date_id IN (SELECT date_id \ FROM date WHERE strftime('%Y-%m-%d', created_date)\ BETWEEN date('now', '-5 day') AND date('now')) AND \ total_fail_times > 1" } # get cards in list sql_conn = SqliteConnection() # res is in list containing tuple (card_id, question, answer, ... etc) cards = sql_conn.get_sql_query(sql_stm_dic[logic]) for card in cards: while not self.flip: self.current_card = self.create_card_dict(card) self.show_card() self.display_labels(sql_conn) self._pass_fail_btn_disabled(True) self.flip_btn.setDisabled(False) qApp.processEvents() while self.flip: self.flip_btn.setDisabled(True) self._pass_fail_btn_disabled(False) qApp.processEvents() end_message = MessageBox('End of Test') end_message.exec_() self._clear()
def submit_button_clicked(self): question = q_box.question_textbox.toPlainText() answer = a_box.answer_textbox.toPlainText().replace("'", "''").\ replace('"', '""') subject_id = s_combo.cb.currentIndex() book_title = url_book.book_tab.title_input.text() book_author = url_book.book_tab.author_input.text() book_year = url_book.book_tab.year_input.text() book_note = url_book.book_tab.note_input.toPlainText() url = url_book.url_tab.url_input.toPlainText() url_note = url_book.url_tab.url_note_input.toPlainText() sql_conn = SqliteConnection() now = date_id = sql_conn.post_datetime(now, now) if url_book.book_url_widget.currentIndex() == 0: self.save_book_source_qa(question, answer, subject_id, book_title, book_author, book_year, book_note, date_id, sql_conn) else: self.save_url_source_qa(question, answer, url, url_note, date_id, subject_id, sql_conn)
def update_last_seen_date(self, date_id: int, now: datetime, sql_conn: SqliteConnection): sql_stm = f"UPDATE date SET last_seen_date='{now}' \ WHERE date_id='{date_id}'" sql_conn.post_sql_query(sql_stm)
def increase_total_fail_times(self, card_id: int, sql_conn: SqliteConnection): sql_stm = f"UPDATE question_answer SET total_fail_times=\ total_fail_times + 1 WHERE card_id='{card_id}'" sql_conn.post_sql_query(sql_stm)