def generategmusicplaylist(**kwargs): station = kwargs.get('station', None) genre = kwargs.get('genre', None) if 'station' in kwargs: dbtable = kwargs.get('dbtable', 'gmusicstations') else: dbtable = kwargs.get('dbtable', 'gmusicgenres') create_db_connection('gmusiclibrary.db') querystring = "SELECT id FROM " + dbtable if (station is not None) or (genre is not None): querystring = querystring + " WHERE" if (station is not None): querystring = querystring + " name LIKE '%" + station.lower( ).translate(removepunct).strip() + "%' AND" if (genre is not None): querystring = querystring + " name LIKE '%" + genre.lower().translate( removepunct).strip() + "%' AND" querystring = querystring + " id IS NOT NULL;" item_ids = read_db_table(querystring) for item in item_ids: if (station is not None): generateplaylistfromstation(item[0]) else: generateplaylistfromgenre(item[0]) close_db_connection()
def creategmusicplaylist(**kwargs): clearplaylists() global musicplaylisttype musicplaylisttype = 'gmusic' song = kwargs.get('song', None) artist = kwargs.get('artist', None) album = kwargs.get('album', None) playlist = kwargs.get('playlist', None) podcast = kwargs.get('podcast', None) if 'playlist' in kwargs and playlist is not None: dbtable = kwargs.get('dbtable', 'gmusicplaylists') elif 'podcast' in kwargs and podcast is not None: dbtable = kwargs.get('dbtable', 'gmusicpodcasts') else: dbtable = kwargs.get('dbtable', 'gmusicsongs') create_db_connection('gmusiclibrary.db') querystring = "SELECT id FROM " + dbtable if (artist is not None) or (album is not None) or (song is not None) or ( playlist is not None) or (podcast is not None): querystring = querystring + " WHERE" if (artist is not None): querystring = querystring + " albumArtist LIKE '%" + artist.lower( ).translate(removepunct).strip() + "%' AND" if (album is not None): querystring = querystring + " album LIKE '%" + album.lower().translate( removepunct).strip() + "%' AND" if (song is not None): querystring = querystring + " title LIKE '%" + song.lower().translate( removepunct).strip() + "%' AND" if (playlist is not None): querystring = querystring + " name LIKE '%" + playlist.lower( ).translate(removepunct).strip() + "%' AND" if (podcast is not None): querystring = querystring + " name LIKE '%" + podcast.lower( ).translate(removepunct).strip() + "%' AND" querystring = querystring + " id IS NOT NULL" if (podcast is not None): querystring = querystring + " ORDER BY time DESC" querystring = querystring + ";" songs_ids = read_db_table(querystring) playlist = [] for song in songs_ids: playlist.append(song[0]) close_db_connection() if playlist: with open('gmusicplaylist.json', 'w') as output_file: json.dump(playlist, output_file)
def __init__(self): self.db = db.create_db_connection() self.items = [] self.session_data = {} if globals.system_log == None: globals.system_log = logger.create("service") self.data_sync = DataSync(self)
def __init__(self): if globals.system_log == None: globals.system_log = logger.create("service") self.db = db.create_db_connection() self.controllers = controllers.Controllers(self.db) self.stats = DataLoggerStats() self.terminate_event = threading.Event() threading.Thread.__init__(self)
def updategmusiclibrary(): try: create_db_connection('gmusiclibrary.db') drop_db_table('gmusicsongs') drop_db_table('gmusicplaylists') drop_db_table('gmusicstations') drop_db_table('gmusicgenres') drop_db_table('gmusicpodcasts') create_db_table('gmusicsongs', ['album', 'albumArtist', 'id', 'title']) getsongsfromlibraryandsavetodb('gmusicsongs') create_db_table('gmusicplaylists', ['name', 'id', 'album', 'albumArtist', 'title']) getsongsfromplaylistandsavetodb('gmusicplaylists') create_db_table('gmusicstations', ['name', 'id']) getstationsandsavetodb('gmusicstations') create_db_table('gmusicgenres', ['name', 'id']) getgenresandsavetodb('gmusicgenres') create_db_table('gmusicpodcasts', ['name', 'id', 'time']) getpodcastsandsavetodb('gmusicpodcasts') commit_db_connection() close_db_connection() return True except Exception: return False
def db_DeviceDetails_by_rfiduid(): print("Create a database connection to the DB file .db") conn = db.create_db_connection(database) #print tag_id print("Query the database to read Vehicle Details by RFUID") #vehDetail = db.select_DeviceDetails_by_rfiduid(conn, "RFID 1") with conn: vehDetail = db.select_DeviceDetails_by_rfiduid(conn, tag_id) if (vehDetail != None): vehID = vehDetail[0] vehName = vehDetail[1] BUID = vehDetail[2] RFUID = vehDetail[3] #print vehID, vehName, BUID, RFUID return vehID, vehName, BUID, RFUID
import logging import configparser from random import shuffle from db import get_leaderboard, create_db_connection, db_get_question, post_score from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') database = config['bot']['db_file'] conn = create_db_connection(database) global question_no question_no = dict() def start(bot, update): """ Send a message when the command /start is issued. :return: None """ nickname = str(update.message.from_user.first_name) update.message.reply_text('Hi,' + nickname) chat_id = str(update.message.chat_id) question_no[chat_id] = dict()
from flask import Flask, render_template from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound from context import Context import db as database import settings from flaskext.markdown import Markdown # from admin import admin, generate_admin_photo_set_url app = Flask(__name__) # app.register_blueprint(admin) Markdown(app) db = database.create_db_connection(settings) ctx = Context(settings) def generate_photo_set_url(photoset): return "/photo/%s" % (photoset["slug"],) def generate_video_url(video): return "/video/%s" % (video["slug"],) def shorten_blog_content(text): return text[0:200] + "..." app.jinja_env.filters["photo_set_url"] = generate_photo_set_url app.jinja_env.filters["video_url"] = generate_video_url
def fun(): print("Main Function") try: #print("RFID Module Read TAG ID Function") #tag_id = rfid.RFIDUHFQueryTag() #if tag_id1 != None: #tag_id = tag_id1 #else: #print("RFID Module Read TAG ID Function") #tag_id = rfid.RFIDUHFQueryTag() if (tag_id != None): print("Create a database connection to the DB file .db") if (database != None): dbConn = db.create_db_connection(database) if (dbConn != None): #vehID, vehName, BUID, RFUID = db_DeviceDetails_by_rfiduid(dbConn, tag_id) vehDetails = db_DeviceDetails_by_rfiduid(dbConn, tag_id) #print("Create a database connection to the DB file--- ", vehDetails) if (vehDetails != None): print( "Query the Database to read Tyre Details, Sensor ID, Position by vehID" ) vehID = vehDetails[0] vehName = vehDetails[1] BUID = vehDetails[2] RFUID = vehDetails[3] #Query DB DeviceDetail in VehDetails Table to read vehID, vehName, BUID, RFUID if (vehID != None): print dbConn DBSensorVariable = db_DeviceDetails_by_vehID( dbConn, vehID) #print DBSensorVariable #dbConn.close() else: my_logger.warning( "Vehicle ID not Available or None Function :%s ", vehID) else: my_logger.warning( "RFID Tag ID is not available in DB :%s ", tag_id) else: my_logger.warning("No DB Connection ") else: my_logger.warning("Database path Not Available ") #else: #my_logger.warning ("RFID Tag ID is not available in DB %s: ", tag_id) #Query DB Device Detail to read vehID, vehName, BUID, RFUID if (BUID != None): print("Connect socket RFCOMM to Bluetooth Controller by BUID") print("Create a Bluetooth connection") bleConn = blecontroller.connect_ble(BUID) if (bleConn != None): if ((DBSensorVariable != None)): print( "Configure BT SensorUID, tirePosition based on DB " ) RetValCompare = configure_BTController( bleConn, DBSensorVariable) else: my_logger.warning( "DBSensorVariable not Available or None Function : %s", DBSensorVariable) mylist = Connect_Socket_Bluetooth_by_BUID(bleConn) #Current date and time #t = datetime.utcnow() #date_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y') date_time = int("%s")) * 1000 print date_time if mylist != None: print("displayLEDBoard ") #Display this data in LED Display with Commands dispVar = display.displayLEDBoardParameters(mylist) print dispVar #display.displayLEDBoard(vehName, dispCommand, date_time, dispVar) display.displayLEDBoard(vehName, dispCommand, date_time, dispVar) #dbConn = db.create_db_connection(database) with dbConn: db.update_Latest_data_by_VehId( dbConn, int(vehID), date_time, mylist) dbConn.close() except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] my_logger.error("Failed - Main Function Crashed:%s ", e) print("Failed - Main Function Crashed: ", e) return ("Failed - Main Function Crashed:%s ", e) '''
#Shutdown bp async def shutdown(): await Emitter.emit('Bot shutdown phase', 'Bot is now turning off') await Emitter.shutdown() def main(loop): #Shared lock for keeping database information safe lock = asyncio.Lock() phi = PhiBot(lock) #Manage the asyncio event loop try: loop.run_until_complete(phi.start(config.DISCORD_TOKEN)) except KeyboardInterrupt: phi.set_running(False) loop.run_until_complete(phi.logout()) loop.run_until_complete(shutdown()) finally: loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': #Create database connection and then start all asynchronous actions db.create_db_connection() event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() main(event_loop)
def db_DeviceDetails_by_vehID(vehID1): print("Create a database connection to the DB file .db") conn = db.create_db_connection(database) #print vehID print("Query the database to read Tyre Details by vehID") #vehDetail = db.select_DeviceDetails_by_rfiduid(conn, vehID) with conn: TyreDetail = db.select_TyreDetails_by_VehId(conn, vehID1) #print TyreDetail if (TyreDetail != None): if (TyreDetail[0] != None): Tyre_row1 = TyreDetail[0] SID1 = Tyre_row1[0] if Tyre_row1[1] == "FL": L1 = "01" elif Tyre_row1[1] == "FR": L1 = "02" elif Tyre_row1[1] == "RLO": L1 = "03" elif Tyre_row1[1] == "RLI": L1 = "04" elif Tyre_row1[1] == "RRO": L1 = "05" elif Tyre_row1[1] == "RRI": L1 = "06" #print SID1, L1 if (TyreDetail[1] != None): Tyre_row2 = TyreDetail[1] SID2 = Tyre_row2[0] if Tyre_row2[1] == "FL": L2 = "01" elif Tyre_row2[1] == "FR": L2 = "02" elif Tyre_row2[1] == "RLO": L2 = "03" elif Tyre_row2[1] == "RLI": L2 = "04" elif Tyre_row2[1] == "RRO": L2 = "05" elif Tyre_row2[1] == "RRI": L2 = "06" #print SID2, L2 if (TyreDetail[2] != None): Tyre_row3 = TyreDetail[2] SID3 = Tyre_row3[0] if Tyre_row3[1] == "FL": L3 = "01" elif Tyre_row3[1] == "FR": L3 = "02" elif Tyre_row3[1] == "RLO": L3 = "03" elif Tyre_row3[1] == "RLI": L3 = "04" elif Tyre_row3[1] == "RRO": L3 = "05" elif Tyre_row3[1] == "RRI": L3 = "06" #print SID3, L3 if (TyreDetail[3] != None): Tyre_row4 = TyreDetail[3] SID4 = Tyre_row4[0] if Tyre_row4[1] == "FL": L4 = "01" elif Tyre_row4[1] == "FR": L4 = "02" elif Tyre_row4[1] == "RLO": L4 = "03" elif Tyre_row4[1] == "RLI": L4 = "04" elif Tyre_row4[1] == "RRO": L4 = "05" elif Tyre_row4[1] == "RRI": L4 = "06" #print SID4, L4 if (TyreDetail[4] != None): Tyre_row5 = TyreDetail[4] SID5 = Tyre_row5[0] if Tyre_row5[1] == "FL": L5 = "01" elif Tyre_row5[1] == "FR": L5 = "02" elif Tyre_row5[1] == "RLO": L5 = "03" elif Tyre_row5[1] == "RLI": L5 = "04" elif Tyre_row5[1] == "RRO": L5 = "05" elif Tyre_row5[1] == "RRI": L5 = "06" #print SID5, L5 if (TyreDetail[5] != None): Tyre_row6 = TyreDetail[5] SID6 = Tyre_row6[0] if Tyre_row6[1] == "FL": L6 = "01" elif Tyre_row6[1] == "FR": L6 = "02" elif Tyre_row6[1] == "RLO": L6 = "03" elif Tyre_row6[1] == "RLI": L6 = "04" elif Tyre_row6[1] == "RRO": L6 = "05" elif Tyre_row6[1] == "RRI": L6 = "06" #print SID6, L6 print("Close a database connection to the DB file .db") conn.close() return SID1, L1, SID2, L2, SID3, L3, SID4, L4, SID5, L5, SID6, L6
def before_request(): """Connect to database before each request. """ g.db = db.create_db_connection()
def init_database(): """Create database if it doesn't exist. """ db.create_db_connection(migrate=True)