def tick(self): if time.time() - self.lasttick > 60 * 1: self.lasttick = time.time() #Determine if the database exists with self.db: self.dbexists = self.db.con.execute( "PRAGMA table_info(games)").fetchone( ) is not None if self.dbexists: self.dbexists = self.db.con.execute( "SELECT id FROM games ORDER BY id DESC").fetchone( ) is not None if self.dbexists: #Get a list of weapons from the last played game with self.db: lastgame = self.db.con.execute( "SELECT id FROM games ORDER BY id DESC").fetchone()[0] dbselectors.weaponlist = [ r[0] for r in self.db.con.execute( "SELECT weapon FROM game_weapons WHERE game = %d" % ( lastgame))] #Create a backup, remove old backups backupfile = (homedir + "/statsdbbackups/" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '.sqlite.bak') if not os.path.exists(backupfile): self.db.backup(backupfile) print("Creating backup.") db.flushdir(homedir + "/statsdbbackups", 60 * 60 * 24 * cfgval("backupkeepdays"))
def tick(self): #Calculate caches with self.db: for c in caches.classes: c[0].calcall() #Clear old cached pages todel = [] for k, v in list(self.retcache.items()): dt = 5 if v[1][0] in ['text/html', 'text/json']: dt = 1 if time.time() - v[0] >= 60 * dt: todel.append(k) for k in todel: del self.retcache[k] if time.time() - self.lasttick >= 60 * 1: self.lasttick = time.time() #Determine if the database exists with self.db: self.dbexists = self.db.con.execute( "PRAGMA table_info(games)").fetchone( ) is not None if self.dbexists: self.dbexists = self.db.con.execute( "SELECT id FROM games ORDER BY id DESC").fetchone( ) is not None #Create a backup, remove old backups backupfile = (homedir + "/statsdbbackups/" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '.sqlite.bak') if not os.path.exists(backupfile): self.db.backup(backupfile) print("Creating backup.") db.flushdir(homedir + "/statsdbbackups", 60 * 60 * 24 * cfgval("backupkeepdays"))