def request_procedure(mobile, friendly_ref): try: opportunity = [d for d in list_of_opportunities if d['ref'] == int(friendly_ref)][0] opportunity_id = str(opportunity['id']) print(str.format("Opportunity ID is {0}", opportunity_id)) students = db.get_all_students() print(students) int_mobile = int(mobile) if config.demo_mode: print("Processing in demo mode so will use partially-redacted mobile number as name") student_name = str.format("XXXXX XXX{0}", mobile[-3:]) else: print("Processing in live mode") try: student = [d for d in students if d['phone_number'] == int_mobile][0] student_name = student['student'] except: student_name = "Unknown Student" result = db.update_opportunity(opportunity_id, student_name) print(str.format("Result of database commit was {0}", result)) this_opportunity = db.get_opportunity(opportunity_id) print(str.format("This opportunity is {0}", this_opportunity)) if result is False: sms_twilio.send_sms(mobile, "Sorry - this learning opportunity has been taken by another student. ") elif result is True: message = str.format("Attend {0} by {1}.\n\n" "Ask for {2} to complete this procedure.\n\n" "This learning opportunity has been reserved for you.", this_opportunity['location'], datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(this_opportunity['expiry_time']).strftime("%H:%M"), this_opportunity['doctor']) sms_twilio.send_sms(mobile, message) except IndexError as e: print(e) print("Opportunity not found") sms_twilio.send_sms(mobile, "Sorry - this opportunity is not available.") except Exception as e: print(e)
def broadcast_procedure(procedure, location, duration, doctor, ref_id, demo_mobiles=None): message_ref = get_friendly_ref(ref_id) print(str.format("Ref is {0}", ref_id)) message = sms_generator.new_procedure_message(procedure, location, duration, doctor, message_ref) recipients = db.get_all_students() print(recipients) if config.demo_mode: for demo_mobile in demo_mobiles: if demo_mobile: print("Queuing SMS") print(demo_mobile) result = q.enqueue(sms_twilio.send_sms, demo_mobile, message) else: for recipient in recipients: print("Queuing SMS") print(recipient) sms_twilio.send_sms(recipient['phone_number'], message)
def students(): return jsonify(db.get_all_students())