def call(self, chat, author, arguments): poll = db.get_poll(chat) if poll is None: telegram.send(chat, "No active polls") return db.add_answer(poll, arguments) telegram.send(chat, "Answer addded")
def call(self, chat, author, command): poll = db.get_poll(chat) if poll is None: telegram.send(chat, "No active poll") return pretty_results(chat, poll) db.end_poll(poll)
def cmd_set_generic(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update, field_name: str, cmd_name: str, example: str): if generic_checks(bot, update, cmd_name, example, 2): # Extract value text = update.message.text cmd, tag, value = text.split(" ", 2) # Apply edit and edit_poll(tag, field_name, value) # send "success" feedback message new_p = get_poll(tag) msg = text_edit_successful.format(p=new_p) cid = update.message.chat_id bot.sendMessage(cid, msg) # Check if complete, and suggest to activate if check_if_complete(tag): msg2 = text_activate_suggestion.format(t=tag) bot.sendMessage(cid, msg2, parse_mode="Markdown") else: # A generic check failed. pass return
def check_if_complete(tag: str): p = get_poll(tag) if p['title'] != "" and p['url'] != "" and p['target_chat'] != 0 and p[ 'active'] == False: return True else: return False
def cmd_activate_deactivate(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update, active: bool): cmd = "activate" if active else "deactivate" if generic_checks(bot, update, cmd, "", 1): # Extract value text = update.message.text cmd, tag = text.split(" ", 1) # Apply edit edit_poll(tag, "active", active) # send "success" feedback message new_p = get_poll(tag) msg = text_edit_successful.format(p=new_p) cid = update.message.chat_id bot.sendMessage(cid, msg) if active: bot.sendMessage(cid, text_activation_complete, parse_mode="Markdown") else: bot.sendMessage(cid, text_deactivated) else: # A generic check failed. pass
def call(self, chat, author, choice): poll = db.get_poll(chat) if poll is None: telegram.send(chat, "No active poll") return if choice is None: telegram.send(chat, "Specify choice") return try: value = int(choice) except ValueError: telegram.send(chat, "Specify choice as an integer number") return if value > len(poll.answers): telegram.send(chat, "No such answer") return db.answer_poll(poll, author, value) telegram.send(chat, "Answer recorded")
def generic_checks(bot: telegram.Bot, update: telegram.Update, cmd_name: str, example: str, num_arguments_required: int): cid = update.message.chat_id uid = text = update.message.text # return True if OK # return False if a test fails # Don't allow this command in an actual chat room if != "private": bot.sendMessage(cid, text_private_chat_only) return False # Detect if the user typed enough arguments parts = text.split(" ", num_arguments_required) if len(parts) < num_arguments_required + 1: msg = text_not_enough_parts.format(c=cmd_name, e=example) bot.sendMessage(cid, msg, parse_mode="Markdown") return False # Detect if the user typed a valid tag like `etaoinsh` tag = parts[1] if not re.match("^[a-z]{8}$", tag): msg = text_malformed_tag.format(t=tag) bot.sendMessage(cid, msg, parse_mode="Markdown") return False # Detect if the user actually owns the specified tag. (Don't let users # edit other users' polls) p = get_poll(tag) if p is None or p["owner"] != uid: msg = text_no_such_tag_or_not_owner.format(t=tag) bot.sendMessage(cid, msg, parse_mode="Markdown") return False # All tests pass return True
def call(self, chat, author, arguments): poll = db.get_poll(chat) if poll is None: telegram.send(chat, 'No active polls') return telegram.send(chat, pretty_poll(poll))
def call(self, chat, author, arguments): poll = db.get_poll(chat) if poll is None: telegram.send(chat, "No active poll") return pretty_results(chat, poll)