Пример #1
def data_get_current(module_id, group_id, sensor_id):
    data = []
    sensor = utils.get_sensor(module_id, group_id, sensor_id)
    if sensor is None:
        log.error("[" + module_id + "][" + group_id + "][" + sensor_id +
                  "] sensor not found")
        return json.dumps(data)
    if "plugin" in sensor and "poll_on_demand" in sensor["plugin"] and sensor[
        # the sensor needs to be polled on demand
        run(module_id, group_id, sensor_id, "save")
    key = conf["constants"]["db_schema"][
        "root"] + ":" + module_id + ":" + group_id + ":" + sensor_id
    # return the latest measure
    data = db.range(
    # if an image, decode it and return it
    if sensor["format"] == "image":
        return base64.b64decode(data[0])
        # if a calendar, return the current value
    elif sensor["format"] == "calendar":
        return json.dumps(utils.parse_calendar(data))
        return json.dumps(data)
Пример #2
def parse(sensor):
    # retrieve the raw data from the cache
    data = db.range(sensor["db_cache"], withscores=False)
    if len(data) == 0:
        log.warning("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] +
                    "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] + "]: no data to parse")
        return None
    data = data[0]
    measures = None
        # parse the cached data
        measures = plugins[sensor['plugin']['plugin_name']].parse(sensor, data)
        if not isinstance(measures, list):
            # returned a single value, build the data structure
            value = measures
            measures = []
            measure = {}
            measure["key"] = sensor["sensor_id"]
            measure["value"] = value
        # format each value
        for i in range(len(measures)):
            # post-process the measure if configured
            if "command_transform" in sensor:
                orig_value = measures[i]["value"]
                command = sensor["command_transform"].replace(
                    "%value%", str(orig_value))
                measures[i]["value"] = utils.run_command(command)
                log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" +
                          sensor["group_id"] + "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] +
                          "] transforming " + str(orig_value) + " into " +
        # normalize the measures
            if sensor["format"] == "temperature":
                measures[i]["value"] = utils.temperature_unit(
            if sensor["format"] == "length":
                measures[i]["value"] = utils.length_unit(measures[i]["value"])
            if sensor["format"] == "pressure":
                measures[i]["value"] = utils.pressure_unit(
            if sensor["format"] == "speed":
                measures[i]["value"] = utils.speed_unit(measures[i]["value"])
            measures[i]["value"] = utils.normalize(
        log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] +
                  "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] + "] parsed: " + str(measures))
    except Exception, e:
        log.warning("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] +
                    "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] + "] unable to parse " +
                    str(data) + ": " + utils.get_exception(e))
        return None
Пример #3
def run():
    url = "https://weatherstation.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php"
    measures = {}
    # prepare the custom parameters
    count = 0
    for field, sensor_key in conf["pws"]["data"].iteritems():
        # for each mapping, retrieve the sensor
        sensor = utils.get_sensor_string(sensor_key)
        if sensor is None:
            log.warning("invalid sensor " + sensor_key +
                        " associated to field " + field)
        # retrieve the data
        key = conf["constants"]["db_schema"]["root"] + ":" + sensor_key
        data = db.range(key, withscores=True)
        if len(data) == 0: continue
        timestamp = data[0][0]
        value = data[0][1]
        # do not send measure already sent
        if new_measures_only and timestamp < utils.now(
        ) - conf["pws"]["publishing_interval"] * 60:
        # perform the appropriate conversion
        if field in [
                "windspeedmph", "windgustmph", "windspdmph_avg2m",
        ] and not conf["general"]["units"]["imperial"]:
            value = utils.speed_unit(value, force=True)
        if field in ["dewptf", "tempf", "soiltempf"
                     ] and not conf["general"]["units"]["fahrenheit"]:
            value = utils.temperature_unit(value, force=True)
        if field in ["rainin", "dailyrainin", "baromin"
                     ] and not conf["general"]["units"]["imperial"]:
            value = utils.pressure_unit(value, force=True)
        measures[field] = value
        count = count + 1
    # if at least one parameter needs to be updated
    if count > 0:
        log.debug("Prepare uploading to pws " + str(measures))
        # prepare the common parameter
        params = {}
        params["action"] = "updateraw"
        params["ID"] = conf["pws"]["username"]
        params["PASSWORD"] = conf["pws"]["password"]
        params["dateutc"] = "now"
        response = utils.web_get(url, params=params)
        if "success" in response:
            log.info("Updated the PWS " + conf["pws"]["username"] + " with: " +
            log.error("failed to update the PWS: " + str(response))
Пример #4
def data_get_current_timestamp(module_id, group_id, sensor_id):
    data = []
    sensor = utils.get_sensor(module_id, group_id, sensor_id)
    if sensor is None:
        log.error("[" + module_id + "][" + group_id + "][" + sensor_id +
                  "] sensor not found")
        return json.dumps(data)
    key = conf["constants"]["db_schema"][
        "root"] + ":" + module_id + ":" + group_id + ":" + sensor_id
    data = db.range(key, withscores=True, milliseconds=True)
    if len(data) > 0:
        return json.dumps(
            [utils.timestamp_difference(utils.now(), data[0][0] / 1000)])
        return json.dumps(data)
Пример #5
def data_get_calendar(module_id, group_id, sensor_id):
    data = []
    sensor = utils.get_sensor(module_id, group_id, sensor_id)
    if sensor is None:
        log.error("[" + module_id + "][" + group_id + "][" + sensor_id +
                  "] sensor not found")
        return json.dumps(data)
    key = conf["constants"]["db_schema"][
        "root"] + ":" + module_id + ":" + group_id + ":" + sensor_id
    # return the latest measure
    data = db.range(
    return json.dumps(data)
Пример #6
def save(sensor, force=False):
    cache_timestamp = 0
    # get the raw data from the cache
    if db.exists(sensor["db_cache"]):
        data = db.range(sensor["db_cache"], withscores=True)
        cache_timestamp = data[0][0]
    # if too old, refresh it
    cache_expire_min = sensor["plugin"][
        "cache_expire_min"] if "plugin" in sensor and "cache_expire_min" in sensor[
            "plugin"] else conf["sensors"]["cache_expire_min"]
    if force or (utils.now() - cache_timestamp
                 ) > cache_expire_min * conf["constants"]["1_minute"]:
        # if an exception occurred, skip this sensor
        if poll(sensor) is None: return
    # get the parsed data
    measures = parse(sensor)
    # store it into the database
    store(sensor, measures)
Пример #7
def store(sensor, measures, ifnotexists=False):
    # if an exception occurred, skip this sensor
    if measures is None: return
    # for each returned measure
    for measure in measures:
        # set the timestamp to now if not already set
        if "timestamp" not in measure: measure["timestamp"] = utils.now()
        # define the key to store the value
        key = sensor["db_group"] + ":" + measure["key"]
        # if ifnotexists is set, check if the key exists
        if ifnotexists and db.exists(key):
            log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] +
                      "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] +
                      "] key already exists, ignoring new value")
        # delete previous values if needed
        realtime_count = conf["sensors"]["retention"]["realtime_count"]
        if "retention" in sensor and "realtime_count" in sensor["retention"]:
            realtime_count = sensor["retention"]["realtime_count"]
        if realtime_count > 0:
            db.deletebyrank(key, 0, -realtime_count)
        # if only measures with a newer timestamp than the latest can be added, apply the policy
        realtime_new_only = conf["sensors"]["retention"]["realtime_new_only"]
        if "retention" in sensor and "realtime_new_only" in sensor["retention"]:
            realtime_new_only = sensor["retention"]["realtime_new_only"]
        if realtime_new_only:
            # retrieve the latest measure's timestamp
            last = db.range(key, -1, -1)
            if len(last) > 0:
                last_timestamp = last[0][0]
                # if the measure's timestamp is older or the same, skip it
                if measure["timestamp"] <= last_timestamp:
                    log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" +
                              sensor["group_id"] + "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] +
                              "] (" +
                              utils.timestamp2date(measure["timestamp"]) +
                              ") old event, ignoring " + measure["key"] +
                              ": " + str(measure["value"]))
        # check if there is already something stored with the same timestamp
        old = db.rangebyscore(key, measure["timestamp"], measure["timestamp"])
        if len(old) > 0:
            if old[0][1] == measure["value"]:
                # if the value is also the same, skip it
                log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" +
                          sensor["group_id"] + "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] +
                          "] (" + utils.timestamp2date(measure["timestamp"]) +
                          ") already in the database, ignoring " +
                          measure["key"] + ": " + str(measure["value"]))
                # same timestamp but different value, remove the old value so to store the new one
                db.deletebyscore(key, measure["timestamp"],
        # store the value into the database
        log.info("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] + "][" +
                 sensor["sensor_id"] + "] (" +
                 utils.timestamp2date(measure["timestamp"]) + ") saving " +
                 measure["key"] + ": " +
                 utils.truncate(str(measure["value"])) +
        db.set(key, measure["value"], measure["timestamp"])
        # re-calculate the derived measures for the hour/day
        if "summarize" in sensor:
            summarize(sensor, 'hour', utils.hour_start(measure["timestamp"]),
            summarize(sensor, 'day', utils.day_start(measure["timestamp"]),