Пример #1
def inject_from_master(records_json, database_connection, check_only, no_check, sequencer_only, _eval, abort_on_error):
    This is the main function that creates datastructures from files, controls main classes instances and saves products
    record_json is a file containing a list of records.
    database_connection is a file containing connection parameters.
    # set logging
    log = products.get('log', None)
    logging = logger.getLogger(filename=log, prefix=products['prefixes'].get('log', None), screen=logger.WARNING,
    with logging as log:
            "Launched %s records_json=%s, database_connection=%s. Options: check_only=%s, no_check=%s, sequencer_only=%s" %\
            (sys.argv[0], records_json, database_connection, check_only, no_check, sequencer_only))
        if sequencer_only:
            no_check = True
        if no_check and check_only:
            raise RuntimeError("Incompatible options <check_only> and <no_check>")
            # check files access
        if not os.access(records_json, os.R_OK):
            raise RuntimeError('JSON records file <%s> not found' % records_json)
        if not os.access(database_connection, os.R_OK):
            raise RuntimeError('Connection file <%s> not found' % database_connection)
        flat_seq = check_file_access(products, 'flat_seq', ext=time.strftime('_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.json'), required=False,
        if not sequencer_only:
            flat_inj = check_file_access(products, 'flat_inj', ext=time.strftime('_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.json'),
                                         required=False, create=True)
            connection = json_load(database_connection)
        # load records, mapper and sequencer and launch injection
        if _eval:
            records = json_load(records_json)
            records = json_load(records_json, 'json')
        if not (isinstance(records, list) and isinstance(records[0], dict)):
            raise RuntimeError('JSON records file <%s> should be a list of dictionaries' % records_json)
        if sequencer_only:
            injector = None
            no_check = True
            dsn = connection['dsn'] % connection['connection_context']
            kwargs = dict(records_json=records_json, connection=connection)
            injector = Injector(dsn, kwargs, log)
        mapseq = myMapperSequencer(log=log, imports=(('datetime', ('datetime',)),), aoe=abort_on_error)
        if no_check or injector.check_mapping(mapseq.mapper):
            if not check_only:
                if injector:
                    Shell(mapseq, injector)
                result = mapseq.multi_process_records(records)
                json_dump(mapseq.flat, flat_seq)
                if not sequencer_only:
                    json_dump(injector.flat, flat_inj)