Пример #1
def getLatestDataForVal(conn, hPoolId, mode):
    sql = "select * from " + tables.hpoolperf + " p "
    sql += " where p.hPoolId= %s and mode=%s "
    sql += " order by syncTime desc "
    sql += " limit 1 "

    return dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, (hPoolId, mode))
Пример #2
def getSyncStatus(conn, app, syncType):
    sql = " select * from " + tables.syncstatus
    sql += " where app = %s "
    sql += " and syncType = %s "

    # logger.info(sql)

    return dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, (app, syncType))
def getTxSummary(conn, txDate, txCategory, shardId):
    sql = "select * "
    sql += " from " + tables.htxsummary
    sql += " where txDate = %s and txCategory = %s and shardId = %s "
    sql += " limit 1"

    return dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn,
                                                (txDate, txCategory, shardId))
Пример #4
def getActiveAddressCount(conn):
    sql = "select count(*) as totalAddress "
    sql += " from " + tables.haddress
    sql += " where totalBalance > 0 "

    # logger.info(sql)
    record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn)

    return record["totalAddress"]
Пример #5
def getHarmonyPool(conn, address):
    sql = "select * from " + tables.hpool
    sql += " where address = %s "

    # logger.info(sql)
    record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, address)
    # logger.info("record is: " + str(record))

    return record
Пример #6
def getFeeIncreaseCount(conn):
    sql = " select count(*) as FeeIncrease "
    sql += " from " + tables.hpool + " p "
    sql += " where p.feeChangedEpoch > "
    sql += " (select currentEpoch - 7 from " + tables.coinstat + " where symbol='HARMONY') "
    # logger.info(sql)

    record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn)
    return record["FeeIncrease"]
Пример #7
def getHPoolById(conn, hPoolId):
    sql = "select p.*, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - p.syncEpochTime) as lastUpdatedGap "
    sql += " from " + tables.hpool + " p "
    sql += " where p.hPoolId = %s "

    # logger.info(sql)
    record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, hPoolId)
    # logger.info("record is: " + str(record))

    return record
Пример #8
def isNotForUnderBidPresent(conn, currentEpoch, notificationType):
    sql = "select * "
    sql += " from " + tables.hnotification + " hn "
    sql += " where hn.epochNumber = %s "
    sql += "    and hn.notificationType = %s "
    sql += "    and hn.watchInd = '1' "

    args = (currentEpoch, notificationType)
    # logger.info("sql: {}, args: {}".format(sql, args))
    return dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, args)
Пример #9
def getAddressDetails(conn, address):
    sql = " select ranking, address, round(totalStake,0)  as totalStake, "
    sql += " round(addressBalance,0) as addressBalance, "
    sql += " round(totalRewards,2) as totalRewards, "
    sql += " round(totalBalance,0) as totalBalance, alias "
    sql += " from " + tables.haddress
    sql += " where address = %s "

    # logger.info(sql)

    return dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, address)
Пример #10
def getSSHealthDetails(conn):
    sql = "select round(time_to_sec((TIMEDIFF(NOW(), checkupTime))) / 60,0) as tsLastCheck, "
    sql += " (case when heightGap between -4 and 4 then 'Good' when heightGap not between -4 and 4 then 'Bad' else null end) as healthStatus "
    sql += " from  " + tables.nodehealth + " nh"
    sql += " where symbol=%s"
    sql += " order by checkupTime desc"
    sql += " limit 1"
    # logger.info(sql)
    resp = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, app)
    # logger.info(resp)
    return resp
Пример #11
def getUserSettings(conn, chatId, app):
    sql = "select * "
    sql += " from " + tables.tgsetting
    sql += " where chatId = %s and app=%s "
    sql += " limit 1"

    # logger.info(sql)
    setting = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, (chatId, app))
    # logger.info(setting)

    return setting
Пример #12
def isAlreadyExistingAddress(conn, address):
    sql = "select count(*) as recordCount from " + tables.haddress
    sql += " where address = %s "

    record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, address)
    count = record["recordCount"]

    if count > 0:
        return True

    return False
Пример #13
def getAddressFromAlias(conn, app, alias):
    sql = " select address from " + tables.addressalias
    sql += " where app = %s and alias = %s "
    # logger.info(sql)

    args = (app, alias)
    # logger.info(args)

    data = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, args)
    # logger.info(data)

    return data
Пример #14
def isAlreadyExistingTwoKeys(conn,
    sql = "select count(*) as recordCount from " + tableName
    sql += " where " + columnName1 + " = %s"

    if columnName2 is not None:
        sql += " and " + columnName2 + " = %s"
        record = getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, (key1, key2))
        record = getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, key1)
    # logger.info("record is: " + str(record))
    count = record["recordCount"]

    if count > 0:
        return True

    return False
def getAddressStake(conn, address):
    sql = " select round(totalStake,0) as totalStake "
    sql += " from " + tables.haddress
    sql += " where address = %s "

    # logger.info(sql)
    record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, address)

    if record:
        return record["totalStake"]

    return 0
def getDelegation(conn, hPoolId, address):
    sql = "select stake "
    sql += " from " + tables.hpooldel
    sql += " where hPoolId=%s and address=%s "

    # logger.info(sql)
    record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn,
                                                  (hPoolId, address))

    if not record:
        return 0

    return record["stake"]
Пример #17
def getNodeHealth(conn, poolId):
    oldestTime = (datetime.datetime.now() -
    sql = " select min(heightGap) as gap, max(lastUpdated) as checkupTime "
    sql += " from (select nh.*, "
    sql += " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastUpdated) as lw "
    sql += " from " + tables.nodehealth + " nh "
    sql += " where poolId= " + str(poolId)
    sql += " and lastUpdated > '" + str(oldestTime) + "'"
    sql += " order by lw desc limit 2) as nh "
    # logger.info(sql)

    return getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn)
Пример #18
def getExisting(conn, epoch, dataType, poolId=None):
	sql = "select * from " + tables.hhistory
	sql += " where epoch = %s"
	sql += " and dataType = %s"

	args = (epoch, dataType)
	if poolId is not None:
		sql += " and poolId = %s"
		args = (epoch, dataType, poolId)

	# logger.info(sql)
	# logger.info(args)
	record = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, args)

	return record
Пример #19
def getAverageAprForCurrentEpoch(conn, app, epochNumber):
    sql = "select sum(totalStaked * apr)/sum(totalStaked) as averageApr "
    sql += " from " + tables.hpoolperf
    sql += " where mode=%s "
    sql += " and epochNumber=%s and elected='True' "

    args = (constants.H_EPOCH_MODE, epochNumber)
    # logger.info(sql)
    # logger.info(args)

    startTime = commonUtils.getCurrentTime()
    data = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, args)
                            "after processing getAverageAprForCurrentEpoch")

    return data["averageApr"]
Пример #20
def getAccessKey(conn, app, key):
    sql = "select ak.accessKeyId, ak.accessKey, ak.assignedTo, "
    sql += " ak.accessFn1, ak.accessFn2, ak.creationDate, ak.dailyLimit, "
    sql += " ak.app, ak.status, aa.appAuditId, aa.auditDate, "
    sql += " aa.hits, aa.deniedHits "
    sql += " from " + tables.accesskey + " ak "
    sql += " left join " + tables.appaudit + " aa "
    sql += "    on aa.accessKeyId=ak.accessKeyId and auditDate=curDate() "
    sql += " where ak.accessKey = %s "
    sql += " and app = %s and status='ACTIVE' "

    # logger.info(sql)
    accessKey = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, (key, app))
    # logger.info(accessKey)
    # logger.info(accessKey["accessKeyId"])

    return accessKey
Пример #21
def getAddressDisplayDetails(conn, app, address, alias, subType=None):
    startTime = commonUtils.getCurrentTime()
    # logger.info("subType : " + subType)
    if address is None and alias is not None:
        record = aliasUtils.getAddressFromAlias(conn, app, alias)
        commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting address from alias")
        if not record:
            response = "'" + alias + "' - alias not found in server. Please enter the address, alias and use the 'Save Alias in Server' button to save the alias."
            return dbUtil.getResponse(dbUtil.jsondumps({"error": response}))
        address = record["address"]

    coinStats = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(
        commonUtils.getCoinStatSql(), conn, app)
    commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting coinstat")
    addressDetails = getAddressDetails(conn, app, address, alias)
    commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting address details")
    lastUpdated = commonUtils.getEventLastUpdated(
        conn, eventName.syncHarmonyDelegations)
    commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting event last updated")

    delegations = getDelegationDetails(conn, address)
    commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting delegations details")

    smartStake = None
    if subType == "myAccount":
        # logger.info("checking if smart stake user")
        smartStake = isUsingSmartStake(delegations)
        commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting is smart stake")

    rewards = harmonyEvents.getRewardsSummary(conn, address)
    commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting rewards summary")
    stakeHistory = listAddressStakeHistoryChartData(conn, address,
    stakeHistory.sort(key=lambda item: item['epoch'], reverse=False)
    commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting stake history chart")
    # addressEvents = harmonyEvents.listEventsByAddress(conn, address)
    addressEvents = []
    commonUtils.logTimeDiff(startTime, "after getting event details")
    # logger.info("after calling reportData.listRewardComparisonReportData")

    return dbUtil.combineResults8("addressDetails", addressDetails,
                                  "lastUpdated", lastUpdated, "delegations",
                                  delegations, "rewards", rewards,
                                  "stakeHistory", stakeHistory, "events",
                                  addressEvents, "coinStats", coinStats,
                                  "smartStake", smartStake)
def validateStartBlock(conn, startBlock, eventKey, normalMode):
    logger.info("in validateStartBlock: event - {}, normalMode - {}".format(
        eventKey, normalMode))

    if not normalMode:

    event = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(commonUtils.getEventSql(),
                                                 conn, eventKey)
    # logger.info(event)
    dbBlock = int(event["description"])

    msg = "Expected starting block: {}, actual starting block: {}".format(
        dbBlock, startBlock)

    if dbBlock + 1 != startBlock:
        raise Exception("Transaction blocks do not align. " + msg)
Пример #23
def getAddressDetails(conn, app, address, alias):
    sql = " select ranking, ha.alias, ha.address, "
    sql += " round(totalStake,2)  as totalStake,  "
    sql += " round(addressBalance,2) as addressBalance, "
    sql += " round(totalRewards,2) as totalRewards, "
    sql += " round(totalBalance, 2) as totalBalance  "
    sql += " from " + tables.haddress + " ha "

    if address is not None:
        sql += " where ha.address = %s "
        args = address
        sql += " inner join " + tables.addressalias + " aa on ha.address=aa.address"
        sql += " where app = %s and aa.alias = %s "
        args = (app, alias)

    # logger.info(sql)

    return dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, args)
Пример #24
def getNotification(conn, app, poolId=None):
    sql = "select message, endDate "
    sql += " from " + tables.notification
    sql += " where startDate < NOW() "
    sql += " and endDate > NOW() "
    sql += " and app = %s "

    args = ()
    if not poolId:
        sql += " and poolId is null "
        args = (app)
        sql += " and poolId =%s "
        args = (app, poolId)
    sql += " limit 1"
    # logger.info(sql)
    # logger.info(args)

    return getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, args)
Пример #25
def getAccount(conn, chatId, userId):
    # conn = dbUtil.getConnection()
    setting = tgBotUtils.prepUserSettings(conn, chatId, userId, app)

    if not setting["address"]:
        return "Rewards address is not configured. Check /settings command"

    coin = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(commonUtils.getCoinStatSql(),
                                                conn, app)

    # logger.info("starting reward processing")

    # logger.info("searching by address")
    rewards = dbUtil.listResultsWithConn(
        searchByAddressSql(setting["address"]), conn)

    totalOne = getTotalOne(conn, rewards)
    message, totals = getRewardsMessage(coin, rewards, totalOne)
    # logger.info("rewards message: " + message)

    header = "Account Summary: \n"
    header += totals + "\n"
    header += "Rank \t | Address\t\t | Stake \t | Not-staked \t | Rewards \t | Total \t | Total USD\n"
    addressProcessed = {}
    # logger.info("preparing header for rewards")
    # logger.info(rewards)
    for reward in rewards:
        address = reward["address"]
        # logger.info(address)
        if address not in addressProcessed:
            # logger.info("processing header for the address")
            addressProcessed[address] = True
            header += getAddressHeader(conn, coin, reward["address"])
            # logger.info(header)
    header += "\n"

    # logger.info("end of processing")
    # conn.close()
    return header + message
Пример #26
def getKeyDetails(conn, blsKey):
    sql = "select * from " + tables.hblskey
    sql += " where blsKey = %s "

    return dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, blsKey)
Пример #27
def getProp(conn, app, propName):
    return getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(getPropSql(), conn, (app, propName))
def getTotalTransactions(conn):
    sql = "select sum(txCount) as totalTransactions from " + tables.htxsummary

    data = dbUtil.getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn)

    return data["totalTransactions"]
Пример #29
def getCoinStat(conn, symbol):
    sql = getCoinStatSql()
    logger.info("getting coinstat: {}, data: {}".format(sql, symbol))
    return getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(sql, conn, symbol)
Пример #30
def getEventDetails(conn, eventName):
    return getSingleRecordNoJsonWithConn(getEventSql(), conn, eventName)