Пример #1
def createStochKitModelWrapperFromStochKitModel(handler, model, public = False):
    species = []
    parameters = []
    reactions = []
    meshWrapperDb = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MeshWrapper WHERE user_id = :1", handler.user.user_id()).get()
    def fixName(name):
        if re.match('^[^a-zA-Z_]', name):
            name = 'a' + name
        return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '', name)

    spatial = {
        'initial_conditions' : [],
        'mesh_wrapper_id' : meshWrapperDb.key().id(),
        'reactions_subdomain_assignments': {},
        'species_diffusion_coefficients': {},
        'species_subdomain_assignments': {}
    for specieName, specie in model.listOfSpecies.items():
        name = fixName(specie.name)
        species.append({ 'name' : name, 'initialCondition' : specie.initial_value })
        spatial['species_diffusion_coefficients'][name] = 0.0
        spatial['species_subdomain_assignments'][name] = meshWrapperDb.uniqueSubdomains
    for parameterName, parameter in model.listOfParameters.items():
        name = fixName(parameter.name)
        parameters.append({ 'name' : name, 'value' : parameter.value })

    modelType = 'massaction'
    for reactionName, reaction in model.listOfReactions.items():
        outReaction = {}
        reactants = []
        products = []

        totalReactants = 0
        reactantCount = len(reaction.reactants.items())
        productCount = len(reaction.products.items())
        for reactantName, stoichiometry in reaction.reactants.items():
            reactantName = fixName(reactantName)
            reactants.append({ 'specie' : reactantName, 'stoichiometry' : stoichiometry })
            totalReactants += stoichiometry

        for productName, stoichiometry in reaction.products.items():
            productName = fixName(productName)
            products.append({ 'specie' : productName, 'stoichiometry' : stoichiometry })
        if reaction.massaction == True:
            outReaction['type'] = 'massaction'
            outReaction['rate'] = fixName(reaction.marate.name)

            if reactantCount == 0 and productCount == 1:
                outReaction['type'] = 'creation'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 0:
                outReaction['type'] = 'destruction'
            elif reactantCount == 2 and productCount == 1:
                outReaction['type'] = 'merge'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 1 and totalReactants == 1:
                outReaction['type'] = 'change'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 1 and totalReactants == 2:
                outReaction['type'] = 'dimerization'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 2:
                outReaction['type'] = 'split'
            elif reactantCount == 2 and productCount == 2:
                outReaction['type'] = 'four'

            if totalReactants > 2:
                raise Exception("Error in Reaction {0}: StochKit mass action reactions cannot have more than 2 total reacting particles. Total stoichiometry for this reaction is {1}".format(reactionName, totalRreactants))
            modelType = 'custom'
            outReaction['type'] = 'custom'
            outReaction['equation'] = reaction.propensity_function

        outReaction['reactants'] = reactants
        outReaction['products'] = products
        outReaction['name'] = fixName(reaction.name)

        spatial['reactions_subdomain_assignments'][fixName(reaction.name)] = meshWrapperDb.uniqueSubdomains


    names = [modelt['name'] for modelt in ModelManager.getModels(handler)]

    modelDb = StochKitModelWrapper()

    tmpName = fixName(model.name)
    while tmpName in names:
        tmpName = fixName(model.name) + '_' + ''.join(random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrztuvwxyz') for x in range(3))
    name = tmpName

    modelDb.user_id = handler.user.user_id()
    modelDb.name = name
    modelDb.type = modelType
    modelDb.species = species
    modelDb.parameters = parameters
    modelDb.reactions = reactions
    modelDb.isSpatial = False
    modelDb.units = model.units
    modelDb.spatial = spatial
    modelDb.zipFileName = None
    modelDb.is_public = public
    return modelDb
Пример #2
def createStochKitModelWrapperFromStochKitModel(handler, model, public = False):
    species = []
    parameters = []
    reactions = []
    meshWrapperDb = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MeshWrapper WHERE user_id = :1", handler.user.user_id()).get()
    def fixName(name):
        if re.match('^[^a-zA-Z_]', name):
            name = 'a' + name
        return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '', name)

    spatial = {
        'initial_conditions' : [],
        'mesh_wrapper_id' : meshWrapperDb.key().id(),
        'reactions_subdomain_assignments': {},
        'species_diffusion_coefficients': {},
        'species_subdomain_assignments': {}
    for specieName, specie in model.listOfSpecies.items():
        name = fixName(specie.name)
        species.append({ 'name' : name, 'initialCondition' : specie.initial_value })
        spatial['species_diffusion_coefficients'][name] = 0.0
        spatial['species_subdomain_assignments'][name] = meshWrapperDb.uniqueSubdomains
    for parameterName, parameter in model.listOfParameters.items():
        name = fixName(parameter.name)
        parameters.append({ 'name' : name, 'value' : parameter.value })

    modelType = 'massaction'
    for reactionName, reaction in model.listOfReactions.items():
        outReaction = {}
        reactants = []
        products = []

        totalReactants = 0
        reactantCount = len(reaction.reactants.items())
        productCount = len(reaction.products.items())
        for reactantName, stoichiometry in reaction.reactants.items():
            reactantName = fixName(reactantName)
            reactants.append({ 'specie' : reactantName, 'stoichiometry' : stoichiometry })
            totalReactants += stoichiometry

        for productName, stoichiometry in reaction.products.items():
            productName = fixName(productName)
            products.append({ 'specie' : productName, 'stoichiometry' : stoichiometry })
        if reaction.massaction == True:
            outReaction['type'] = 'massaction'
            outReaction['rate'] = fixName(reaction.marate.name)

            if reactantCount == 0 and productCount == 1:
                outReaction['type'] = 'creation'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 0:
                outReaction['type'] = 'destruction'
            elif reactantCount == 2 and productCount == 1:
                outReaction['type'] = 'merge'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 1 and totalReactants == 1:
                outReaction['type'] = 'change'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 1 and totalReactants == 2:
                outReaction['type'] = 'dimerization'
            elif reactantCount == 1 and productCount == 2:
                outReaction['type'] = 'split'
            elif reactantCount == 2 and productCount == 2:
                outReaction['type'] = 'four'

            if totalReactants > 2:
                raise Exception("Error in Reaction {0}: StochKit mass action reactions cannot have more than 2 total reacting particles. Total stoichiometry for this reaction is {1}".format(reactionName, totalRreactants))
            modelType = 'custom'
            outReaction['type'] = 'custom'
            outReaction['equation'] = reaction.propensity_function

        outReaction['reactants'] = reactants
        outReaction['products'] = products
        outReaction['name'] = fixName(reaction.name)

        spatial['reactions_subdomain_assignments'][fixName(reaction.name)] = meshWrapperDb.uniqueSubdomains


    names = [modelt['name'] for modelt in ModelManager.getModels(handler)]

    modelDb = StochKitModelWrapper()

    tmpName = fixName(model.name)
    while tmpName in names:
        tmpName = fixName(model.name) + '_' + ''.join(random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrztuvwxyz') for x in range(3))
    name = tmpName

    modelDb.user_id = handler.user.user_id()
    modelDb.name = name
    modelDb.type = modelType
    modelDb.species = species
    modelDb.parameters = parameters
    modelDb.reactions = reactions
    modelDb.isSpatial = False
    modelDb.units = model.units
    modelDb.spatial = spatial
    modelDb.zipFileName = None
    modelDb.is_public = public
    return modelDb
Пример #3
    def updateModel(handler, jsonModel):
        createModel = False

        if "id" in jsonModel:
            modelWrap = StochKitModelWrapper.get_by_id(jsonModel["id"])

            userID = handler.user.user_id()

            if userID != modelWrap.user_id:
                raise "Error accessing model {0} with user id {1} (model owned by {2})".format(jsonModel["id"], userID, modelWrap.user_id)
            createModel = True

            modelWrap = StochKitModelWrapper()

            if 'isSpatial' not in jsonModel or 'spatial' not in jsonModel:
                jsonModel['isSpatial'] = False
                jsonModel['spatial'] = { 'subdomains' : [],
                                     'mesh_wrapper_id' : None,
                                     'species_diffusion_coefficients' : {} ,
                                     'species_subdomain_assignments' : {} ,
                                     'reactions_subdomain_assignments' : {},
                                     'initial_conditions' : [] }

            # This seems insane
            if 'user_id' in jsonModel:
                userID = jsonModel['user_id']
                userID = handler.user.user_id()

        #if "name" not in jsonModel:
        #    raise Exception("Why is this code here?")

        if 'isSpatial' in jsonModel:
            modelWrap.isSpatial = jsonModel['isSpatial']

        if 'spatial' in jsonModel:
            modelWrap.spatial = jsonModel['spatial']

            # Make sure we have access to a copy of the mesh (if it exists)
            if "mesh_wrapper_id" in modelWrap.spatial and modelWrap.spatial["mesh_wrapper_id"]:
                meshDbCurrent = mesheditor.MeshWrapper.get_by_id(modelWrap.spatial["mesh_wrapper_id"])

                if createModel:
                    if meshDbCurrent.user_id != userID:
                        meshDb = mesheditor.MeshWrapper()

                        meshDb.user_id = userID

                        names = [x.name for x in db.Query(mesheditor.MeshWrapper).filter('user_id =', handler.user.user_id()).run()]
                        tmpName = meshDbCurrent.name
                        i = 0
                        while tmpName in names:
                            tmpName = meshDbCurrent.name + '_' + str(i)
                            i += 1

                        meshDb.name = tmpName
                        meshDb.description = meshDbCurrent.description
                        meshDb.meshFileId = meshDbCurrent.meshFileId
                        meshDb.subdomains = meshDbCurrent.subdomains
                        meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = meshDbCurrent.uniqueSubdomains
                        meshDb.undeletable = False#meshDbCurrent.undeletable
                        meshDb.ghost = False
                        modelWrap.spatial["mesh_wrapper_id"] = meshDb.key().id()
                        meshDbCurrent.ghost = False

                # This is maintained here!
                modelWrap.subdomains = meshDbCurrent.uniqueSubdomains

        if 'is_public' not in jsonModel:
            jsonModel['is_public'] = False

        modelWrap.user_id = userID
        modelWrap.name = jsonModel["name"]
        modelWrap.species = jsonModel["species"]
        modelWrap.type = jsonModel["type"]
        modelWrap.parameters = jsonModel["parameters"]
        modelWrap.reactions = jsonModel["reactions"]
        #modelWrap.spatial = jsonModel["spatial"]
        #modelWrap.isSpatial = jsonModel["isSpatial"]
        modelWrap.is_public = jsonModel["is_public"]
        modelWrap.units = jsonModel["units"]

        return modelWrap.put().id()
Пример #4
    def updateModel(handler, jsonModel):
        createModel = False

        if "id" in jsonModel:
            modelWrap = StochKitModelWrapper.get_by_id(jsonModel["id"])

            userID = handler.user.user_id()

            if userID != modelWrap.user_id:
                raise "Error accessing model {0} with user id {1} (model owned by {2})".format(jsonModel["id"], userID, modelWrap.user_id)
            createModel = True

            modelWrap = StochKitModelWrapper()

            if 'isSpatial' not in jsonModel or 'spatial' not in jsonModel:
                jsonModel['isSpatial'] = False
                jsonModel['spatial'] = { 'subdomains' : [],
                                     'mesh_wrapper_id' : None,
                                     'species_diffusion_coefficients' : {} ,
                                     'species_subdomain_assignments' : {} ,
                                     'reactions_subdomain_assignments' : {},
                                     'initial_conditions' : [] }

            # This seems insane
            if 'user_id' in jsonModel:
                userID = jsonModel['user_id']
                userID = handler.user.user_id()

        #if "name" not in jsonModel:
        #    raise Exception("Why is this code here?")

        if 'isSpatial' in jsonModel:
            modelWrap.isSpatial = jsonModel['isSpatial']

        if 'spatial' in jsonModel:
            modelWrap.spatial = jsonModel['spatial']

            # Make sure we have access to a copy of the mesh (if it exists)
            if "mesh_wrapper_id" in modelWrap.spatial and modelWrap.spatial["mesh_wrapper_id"]:
                meshDbCurrent = mesheditor.MeshWrapper.get_by_id(modelWrap.spatial["mesh_wrapper_id"])

                if createModel:
                    if meshDbCurrent.user_id != userID:
                        meshDb = mesheditor.MeshWrapper()

                        meshDb.user_id = userID

                        names = [x.name for x in db.Query(mesheditor.MeshWrapper).filter('user_id =', handler.user.user_id()).run()]
                        tmpName = meshDbCurrent.name
                        i = 0
                        while tmpName in names:
                            tmpName = meshDbCurrent.name + '_' + str(i)
                            i += 1

                        meshDb.name = tmpName
                        meshDb.description = meshDbCurrent.description
                        meshDb.meshFileId = meshDbCurrent.meshFileId
                        meshDb.subdomains = meshDbCurrent.subdomains
                        meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = meshDbCurrent.uniqueSubdomains
                        meshDb.undeletable = False#meshDbCurrent.undeletable
                        meshDb.ghost = False
                        modelWrap.spatial["mesh_wrapper_id"] = meshDb.key().id()
                        meshDbCurrent.ghost = False

                # This is maintained here!
                modelWrap.subdomains = meshDbCurrent.uniqueSubdomains

        if 'is_public' not in jsonModel:
            jsonModel['is_public'] = False

        modelWrap.user_id = userID
        modelWrap.name = jsonModel["name"]
        modelWrap.species = jsonModel["species"]
        modelWrap.type = jsonModel["type"]
        modelWrap.parameters = jsonModel["parameters"]
        modelWrap.reactions = jsonModel["reactions"]
        #modelWrap.spatial = jsonModel["spatial"]
        #modelWrap.isSpatial = jsonModel["isSpatial"]
        modelWrap.is_public = jsonModel["is_public"]
        modelWrap.units = jsonModel["units"]

        return modelWrap.put().id()