def review_content(request): """ View configuration for the review content. :param request: current request of the server :return: dictionary with title and project name as well as a value, weather the user is logged in """ logger('review_content', 'def {}'.format(request.matchdict)) ui_locales = get_language_from_cookie(request) _tn = Translator(ui_locales) subpage_name = request.matchdict['queue'] nickname = request.authenticated_userid session = request.session application_url = request.application_url subpage_dict = review_page_helper.get_subpage_elements_for( nickname, session, application_url, subpage_name, _tn) request.session.update(subpage_dict['session']) if not subpage_dict['elements'] and not subpage_dict[ 'has_access'] and not subpage_dict['no_arguments_to_review']: logger('review_content', 'subpage error', error=True) raise HTTPNotFound() title = _tn.get( if subpage_name in review_queue_helper.title_mapping: title = _tn.get(review_queue_helper.title_mapping[subpage_name]) prep_dict = __main_dict(request, title) prep_dict.update({ 'extras': request.decorated['extras'], 'subpage': subpage_dict, 'lock_time': review_queue_helper.max_lock_time_in_sec }) return prep_dict
def __check_for_empty_fields(title: str, info: str, long_info: str, request: dict) -> dict: """ This method checks if there is a empty field in the data of the new issue. It also creates a error-message with the empty fields. :param title: The title of the new issue :param info: The info of the new issue :param long_info: The long info of the new issue :param request: The request with the data of the new issue :return: a dict with a boolean which tells if there is any empty field and a equivalent error-message. """ _tn = Translator(get_language_from_cookie(request)) error = _tn.get(_.newIssueErrorMsg) + ': ' title_is_empty = title.strip() == '' info_is_empty = info.strip() == '' long_info_is_emtpy = long_info.strip() == '' if title_is_empty: error = error + _tn.get(_.newIssueTitle) + ', ' if info_is_empty: error = error + _tn.get(_.newIssueInfo) + ', ' if long_info_is_emtpy: error = error + _tn.get(_.newIssueLongInfo) + ', ' return { "contains_empty_field": title_is_empty or info_is_empty or long_info_is_emtpy, "error": error[:-2] }
def valid_conclusion(request): """ Given a conclusion id, query the object from the database and return it in the request. :param request: :return: """ conclusion_id = request.json_body.get('conclusion_id') issue = request.validated.get('issue') _tn = Translator(get_language_from_cookie(request)) if not issue: find_issue_in_request = issue_handler.get_issue_id(request) if find_issue_in_request: issue = DBDiscussionSession.query(Issue).get( issue_handler.get_issue_id(request)) else: add_error(request, 'Issue is missing', _tn.get(_.issueNotFound)) return False if conclusion_id and isinstance(conclusion_id, int): db_statement2issue = DBDiscussionSession.query( StatementToIssue).filter( StatementToIssue.issue_uid == issue.uid, StatementToIssue.statement_uid == conclusion_id).first() if db_statement2issue: db_conclusion = DBDiscussionSession.query(Statement).filter_by( uid=conclusion_id, is_disabled=False).first() if db_conclusion: request.validated['conclusion'] = db_conclusion return True add_error(request, 'Conclusion id is missing', _tn.get(_.conclusionIsMissing)) return False
def get_dict_for_jump(self, uid) -> dict: """ Prepares the discussion dict with all bubbles for the jump step :param uid: Argument.uid :return: dict() """ logger('DictionaryHelper', 'argument ' + str(uid)) _tn = Translator(self.lang) argument_text = get_text_for_argument_uid(uid, colored_position=True, with_html_tag=True, attack_type='jump') bubbles_array = history_helper.create_bubbles_from_history( self.history, self.nickname, self.lang, self.slug) coming_from_jump = False if self.history: splitted_history = self.history.split('-') coming_from_jump = '/jump' in self.history[:-1] if len( splitted_history) > 0 else False intro = (_tn.get(_.canYouBeMorePrecise) + '<br><br>') if coming_from_jump else '' db_argument = DBDiscussionSession.query(Argument).get(uid) if db_argument.conclusion_uid is not None: intro += _tn.get(_.whatDoYouThinkArgument).strip() + ': ' else: bind = ', ' if self.lang == 'de' else ' ' intro += _tn.get(_.whatDoYouThinkAboutThat) + bind + _tn.get( _.that) + ' ' offset = len('</' + tag_type + '>') if argument_text.endswith('</' + tag_type + '>') else 1 while argument_text[:-offset].endswith(('.', '?', '!')): argument_text = argument_text[:-offset - 1] + argument_text[-offset:] text = intro + argument_text + '?' bubble = create_speechbubble_dict(BubbleTypes.SYSTEM, content=text, omit_bubble_url=True, lang=self.lang, uid='question-bubble-{}'.format(uid), is_markable=True) bubbles_array.append(bubble) # add statements of discussion to report them statement_list = self.__get_all_statement_texts_by_argument( db_argument) return { 'bubbles': bubbles_array, 'add_premise_text': '', 'save_statement_url': '', 'mode': '', 'extras': statement_list, 'broke_limit': self.broke_limit }
def flag_statement_for_merge_or_split(key: str, pgroup: PremiseGroup, text_values: list(), db_user: User, tn: Translator) -> dict(): """ Flags a statement for a merge or split event :param key: either 'split' or 'merge' :param pgroup_uid: ID of the selected PremiseGroup :param text_values: text values :param nickname: Users nickname :return: success, info, error """ logger( 'FlagingHelper', 'Flag statements in pgroup {} for a {} with values {}'.format( pgroup.uid, key, text_values)) # was this already flagged? flag_status = __get_flag_status(None, None, pgroup.uid, db_user.uid) if flag_status: logger('FlagingHelper', 'already flagged') return { 'success': '', 'info': tn.get(_.alreadyFlaggedByYou if flag_status == 'user' else _.alreadyFlaggedByOthers) } if key is 'merge': __add_merge_review(pgroup.uid, db_user.uid, text_values) elif key is 'split': __add_split_review(pgroup.uid, db_user.uid, text_values) return {'success': tn.get(_.thxForFlagText), 'info': ''}
def flag_element(uid: int, reason: Union[key_duplicate, key_optimization, ReviewDeleteReasons], db_user: User, is_argument: bool, ui_locales: str, extra_uid=None) -> dict: """ Flags an given argument based on the reason which was sent by the author. This argument will be enqueued for a review process. :param uid: Uid of the argument/statement, which should be flagged :param reason: String which describes the reason :param db_user: User :param is_argument: Boolean :param ui_locales: ui_locales :param extra_uid: Uid of the argument/statement, which should be flagged :return: success, info, error """ tn = Translator(ui_locales) argument_uid = uid if is_argument else None statement_uid = uid if not is_argument else None # was this already flagged? flag_status = QueueAdapter(db_user=db_user).element_in_queue(argument_uid=argument_uid, statement_uid=statement_uid, premisegroup_uid=None) if flag_status: LOG.debug("Already flagged by %s", flag_status) if flag_status == FlaggedBy.user: info = tn.get(_.alreadyFlaggedByYou) else: info = tn.get(_.alreadyFlaggedByOthers) return {'success': '', 'info': info} return __add_flag(reason, argument_uid, statement_uid, extra_uid, db_user, tn)
def set_statement(text: str, db_user: User, is_position: bool, db_issue: Issue) -> Tuple[Statement, bool]: """ Saves statement for user :param text: given statement :param db_user: User of given user :param is_position: if it is a start statement :param db_issue: Issue :return: Statement, is_duplicate or -1, False on error """ LOG.debug("User_id: %s, text: %s, issue: %s", db_user.uid, text, db_issue.uid) # escaping and cleaning text = escape_string(' '.join(text.strip().split())) _tn = Translator(db_issue.lang) if text.startswith(_tn.get(_.because).lower() + ' '): text = text[len(_tn.get(_.because) + ' '):] while text.endswith(('.', '?', '!', ',')): text = text[:-1] # check, if the text already exists db_dupl = __check_duplicate(db_issue, text) if db_dupl: return db_dupl, True db_statement = __add_statement(is_position) __add_textversion(text, db_user.uid, db_statement.uid) __add_statement2issue(db_statement.uid, db_issue.uid) return db_statement, False
def valid_notification_recipient(request): """ Recipients must exist, author and recipient must be different users. :param request: :return: """ _tn = Translator(get_language_from_cookie(request)) if not valid_user(request): add_error(request, 'Not logged in', _tn.get(_.notLoggedIn)) return False db_author = request.validated["user"] recipient_nickname = str(request.json_body.get('recipient')).replace( '%20', ' ') db_recipient = get_user_by_private_or_public_nickname(recipient_nickname) if not db_recipient or recipient_nickname == 'admin' or recipient_nickname == nick_of_anonymous_user: add_error(request, 'Recipient not found', _tn.get(_.recipientNotFound)) return False elif db_author and db_author.uid == db_recipient.uid: add_error(request, 'Author and Recipient are the same user', _tn.get(_.senderReceiverSame)) return False else: request.validated["recipient"] = db_recipient return True
def flag_statement_for_merge_or_split(key: str, pgroup: PremiseGroup, text_values: list, db_user: User, tn: Translator) -> dict: """ Flags a statement for a merge or split event. On split, the statement of the pgroup will be splitted into the given text_values. On merge the statements of the pgroup will be connected by an and. :param key: either 'split' or 'merge' :param pgroup: ID of the selected PremiseGroup :param text_values: text values :param db_user: current user :param tn: The translator used :return: success, info """ LOG.debug("Flag statements in pgroup %s for a %s with values %s", pgroup.uid, key, text_values) # was this already flagged? flag_status = QueueAdapter(db_user=db_user).element_in_queue(argument_uid=None, statement_uid=None, premisegroup_uid=pgroup.uid) if flag_status: LOG.debug("Already flagged") if flag_status == FlaggedBy.user: info = tn.get(_.alreadyFlaggedByYou) else: info = tn.get(_.alreadyFlaggedByOthers) return {'success': '', 'info': info} if key is key_merge: __add_merge_review(pgroup.uid, db_user.uid, text_values) elif key is key_split: __add_split_review(pgroup.uid, db_user.uid, text_values) success = tn.get(_.thxForFlagText) return {'success': success, 'info': ''}
def get_dict_for_dont_know_reaction(self, uid, nickname) -> dict: """ Prepares the discussion dict with all bubbles for the third step, where an supportive argument will be presented. :param uid: Argument.uid :param nickname: :return: dict() """ LOG.debug("Entering get_dict_for_dont_know_reaction") _tn = Translator(self.lang) bubbles_array = history_handler.create_bubbles(self.history, self.nickname, self.lang, self.slug) add_premise_text = '' save_statement_url = 'set_new_start_statement' gender = '' b = '<' + tag_type + '>' e = '</' + tag_type + '>' statement_list = list() if int(uid) != 0: text = get_text_for_argument_uid(uid, rearrange_intro=True, attack_type='dont_know', with_html_tag=True, start_with_intro=True) db_argument = DBDiscussionSession.query(Argument).get(uid) if not db_argument: text = '' data = get_name_link_of_arguments_author(db_argument, nickname) gender = data['gender'] if data['is_valid']: intro = data['link'] + ' ' + b + _tn.get(_.thinksThat) + e else: intro = b + _tn.get(_.otherParticipantsThinkThat) + e sys_text = intro + ' ' + start_with_small(text) + '. ' sys_text += '<br><br> ' + b + _tn.get( _.whatDoYouThinkAboutThat) + '?' + e bubble_sys = create_speechbubble_dict(BubbleTypes.SYSTEM, is_markable=True, uid=uid, content=sys_text, other_author=data['user']) if not bubbles_already_last_in_list(bubbles_array, bubble_sys): bubbles_array.append(bubble_sys) # add statements of discussion to report them statement_list = self.__get_all_statement_texts_by_argument( db_argument) return { 'bubbles': bubbles_array, 'add_premise_text': add_premise_text, 'save_statement_url': save_statement_url, 'mode': '', 'extras': statement_list, 'gender': gender, 'broke_limit': self.broke_limit }
def get_dict_for_start(self, position_count): """ Prepares the discussion dict with all bubbles for the first step in discussion, where the user chooses a position. :position_count: int :return: dict() """ LOG.debug("At_start with positions: %s", position_count) _tn = Translator(self.lang) add_premise_text = _tn.get(_.whatIsYourIdea) intro = _tn.get(_.initialPositionInterest) + ' ...' save_statement_url = 'set_new_start_premise' start_bubble = create_speechbubble_dict(BubbleTypes.USER, uid='start', content=intro, omit_bubble_url=True, lang=self.lang) bubbles_array = [] if position_count == 1 else [start_bubble] return { 'bubbles': bubbles_array, 'add_premise_text': add_premise_text, 'save_statement_url': save_statement_url, 'mode': '', 'broke_limit': self.broke_limit }
def __get_dict_for_argumentation_end(self, argument_uid: int, user_changed_opinion: bool, db_user: User) -> dict: """ Returns a special dict() when the discussion ends during an argumentation :param argument_uid: Argument.uid :param user_changed_opinion: Boolean :param db_user: User :return: String, String, String """ nickname = db_user.nickname if db_user and db_user.nickname != nick_of_anonymous_user else None _tn = Translator(self.lang) text = get_text_for_argument_uid( argument_uid, user_changed_opinion=user_changed_opinion, minimize_on_undercut=True, nickname=nickname) user_text = start_with_capital(text) sys_text = _tn.get(_.otherParticipantsDontHaveCounterForThat) + '.' trophy = '<i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i>' mid_text = '{} {} {} <br>{}'.format( trophy, _tn.get(_.congratulation), trophy, _tn.get(_.discussionCongratulationEnd)) if nickname is not None: mid_text += _tn.get(_.discussionEndLinkTextWithQueueLoggedIn) else: mid_text += _tn.get(_.discussionEndLinkTextWithQueueNotLoggedIn) return {'user': user_text, 'mid': mid_text, 'sys': sys_text}
def __check_for_duplicated_field(title: str, info: str, long_info: str, request: dict) -> dict: """ This method checks if there is a duplication in any field of the new issue. It also creates a error-message with the fields which are containing the duplication. :param title: The title of the new issue :param info: The info of the new issue :param long_info: The long info of the new issue :param request: The request with the data of the new issue :return: a dict with a boolean which tells if there is any duplicated field and a equivalent error-message. """ _tn = Translator(get_language_from_cookie(request)) error = _tn.get(_.duplicate) + ': ' title_is_duplicate = DBDiscussionSession.query(Issue).filter_by( title=title).all() info_is_duplicate = DBDiscussionSession.query(Issue).filter_by( info=info).all() long_info_is_duplicate = DBDiscussionSession.query(Issue).filter_by( long_info=long_info).all() if title_is_duplicate: error = error + _tn.get(_.newIssueTitle) + ', ' if info_is_duplicate: error = error + _tn.get(_.newIssueInfo) + ', ' if long_info_is_duplicate: error = error + _tn.get(_.newIssueLongInfo) + ', ' return { "contains_duplicated_field": title_is_duplicate or info_is_duplicate or long_info_is_duplicate, "error": error[:-2] }
def __add_flag(reason: Union[key_duplicate, key_optimization, ReviewDeleteReasons], argument_uid: Union[int, None], statement_uid: Optional[int], extra_uid: Optional[int], db_user: User, tn: Translator) -> dict: """ :param reason: :param argument_uid: :param statement_uid: :param extra_uid: :param db_user: :param tn: :return: """ reason_val = reason.value if isinstance(reason, ReviewDeleteReasons) else reason db_del_reason = DBDiscussionSession.query(ReviewDeleteReason).filter_by(reason=reason_val).first() if db_del_reason: __add_delete_review(argument_uid, statement_uid, db_user.uid, db_del_reason.uid) elif reason_val == key_optimization: __add_optimization_review(argument_uid, statement_uid, db_user.uid) elif reason_val == key_duplicate: if statement_uid == extra_uid: LOG.debug("uid Error") return {'success': '', 'info': tn.get(_.internalKeyError)} __add_duplication_review(statement_uid, extra_uid, db_user.uid) return {'success': tn.get(_.thxForFlagText), 'info': ''}
def __get_text_for_click_and_mark_count(db_user: User, is_user: bool, argument_uid: int, statement_uid: int, speech: dict, lang: str): """ Build text for a bubble, how many other participants have the same interest? :param nickname: User.nickname :param is_user: boolean :param argument_uid: Argument.uid :param statement_uid: Statement.uid :param speech: dict() :param lang: ui_locales :return: [String] """ if not db_user: db_user = DBDiscussionSession.query(User).filter_by(nickname=nick_of_anonymous_user).first() db_clicks, db_marks = __get_clicks_and_marks(argument_uid, statement_uid, db_user) _t = Translator(lang) speech['votecounts'] = len(db_clicks) if db_clicks else 0 if db_marks: speech['votecounts'] += len(db_marks) votecount_keys = defaultdict(lambda: "{} {}.".format(speech['votecounts'], _t.get(_.voteCountTextMore))) if is_user and db_user.gender == 'm': gender_key = _.voteCountTextFirstM elif is_user and db_user.gender == 'f': gender_key = _.voteCountTextFirstF else: gender_key = _.voteCountTextFirst votecount_keys[0] = '{}.'.format(_t.get(gender_key)) votecount_keys[1] = _t.get(_.voteCountTextOneOther) + '.' return votecount_keys
def __get_bubble_from_dont_know_step(step: str, db_user: User, lang: str) -> List[dict]: """ Creates bubbles for the don't-know-reaction for a statement. :param step: String :param db_user: User :param lang: ui_locales :return: [dict()] """ steps = step.split('/') uid = int(steps[1]) text = get_text_for_argument_uid(uid, rearrange_intro=True, attack_type='dont_know', with_html_tag=False, start_with_intro=True) db_argument = DBDiscussionSession.query(Argument).get(uid) if not db_argument: text = '' from dbas.strings.text_generator import get_name_link_of_arguments_author _tn = Translator(lang) data = get_name_link_of_arguments_author(db_argument, db_user.nickname, False) if data['is_valid']: intro = data['link'] + ' ' + _tn.get(_.thinksThat) else: intro = _tn.get(_.otherParticipantsThinkThat) sys_text = intro + ' ' + start_with_small(text) + '. ' sys_text += '<br><br>' + _tn.get(_.whatDoYouThinkAboutThat) + '?' sys_bubble = create_speechbubble_dict(BubbleTypes.SYSTEM, content=sys_text, db_user=db_user, other_author=data['user']) text = _tn.get(_.showMeAnArgumentFor) + (' ' if lang == 'de' else ': ') + get_text_for_conclusion(db_argument) user_bubble = create_speechbubble_dict(BubbleTypes.USER, content=text, db_user=db_user) return [user_bubble, sys_bubble]
def set_new_user(mailer: Mailer, user_data: Dict[str, Any], password: str, _tn: Translator) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Public interface for creating a new user. :param mailer: The mailer used to send Emails to the new user. :param user_data: Dictionary containing user information. :param password: The desired password to be set. (un-hashed) :param _tn: The translator object to be used for messaging. :return: A dictionary containing whether the operation was a success, an optional error message and the newly created user if the transaction was successful. """ # copy the dict to not change the mutable structure temporary_user = dict(user_data) db_group = DBDiscussionSession.query(Group).filter_by(name='users').first() # does the group exists? if not db_group: LOG.debug("Internal error occurred") return { 'success': False, 'error': _tn.get(Keywords.errorTryLateOrContant), 'user': None } if DBDiscussionSession.query(User).filter( User.nickname == temporary_user['nickname']).first(): LOG.debug("User already exists") return { 'success': False, 'error': _tn.get(Keywords.nickIsTaken), 'user': None } temporary_user['password'] = password temporary_user['db_group_uid'] = db_group.uid success, info, db_new_user = __create_new_user(temporary_user, _tn.get_lang()) if db_new_user: # sending an email and message subject = _tn.get(Keywords.accountRegistration) body = _tn.get(Keywords.accountWasRegistered).format( temporary_user['firstname'], temporary_user['lastname'], temporary_user['email']) send_mail(mailer, subject, body, temporary_user['email'], _tn.get_lang()) send_welcome_notification(db_new_user.uid, _tn) LOG.debug("Set new user in db") return {'success': success, 'error': '', 'user': db_new_user} LOG.debug("New user not found in db") return { 'success': False, 'error': _tn.get(Keywords.errorTryLateOrContant), 'user': None }
def test_get(self): trans_fr = Translator('fr') trans_de = Translator('de') trans_en = Translator('en') self.assertIn('haben eine', trans_de.get(_.forgotInputRadio)) self.assertIn('forgot to', trans_en.get(_.forgotInputRadio)) self.assertIn('forgot to', trans_fr.get(_.forgotInputRadio))
def send_mail(mailer, subject, body, recipient, lang): """ Try except block for sending an email :param mailer: current mailer :param subject: subject text of the mail :param body: body text of the mail :param recipient: recipient of the mail :param lang: current language :return: duple with boolean for sent message, message-string """ logger('email_helper', 'sending mail with subject \'' + subject + '\' to ' + recipient) _t = Translator(lang) if not mailer: logger('email_helper', 'mailer is none', error=True) return False, _t.get(_.internalKeyError) send_message = False body = body + '\n\n---\n' + _t.get(_.emailBodyText).format( get_global_url()) sender = os.environ.get("MAIL_DEFAULT__SENDER", None) message = Message(subject=subject, sender=sender, recipients=[recipient], body=body) # try sending an catching errors try: from threading import Thread t = Thread(target=__thread_to_send_mail, args=( mailer, message, recipient, body, )) t.start() send_message = True message = _t.get(_.emailWasSent) except smtplib.SMTPConnectError as exception: code = str(exception.smtp_code) error = str(exception.smtp_error) logger('email_helper', 'exception smtplib.SMTPConnectError smtp code / error ' + code + '/' + error, error=True) message = _t.get(_.emailWasNotSent) except socket_error as serr: logger('email_helper', 'socket error while sending ' + str(serr), error=True) message = _t.get(_.emailWasNotSent) return send_message, message
def prepare_item_dict_for_attitude(self, statement_uid): """ Prepares the dict with all items for the second step in discussion, where the user chooses her attitude. :param statement_uid: Statement.uid :return: """ logger('ItemDictHelper', 'def') _tn = Translator(self.lang) slug = DBDiscussionSession.query(Issue).get(self.db_issue.uid).slug statements_array = [] _um = UrlManager(slug, history=self.path) db_arguments = DBDiscussionSession.query(Argument).filter( Argument.conclusion_uid == statement_uid, Argument.is_supportive == True).all() uid = random.choice(db_arguments).uid if len(db_arguments) > 0 else 0 title_t = _tn.get(_.iAgreeWithInColor) + '.' title_f = _tn.get(_.iDisagreeWithInColor) + '.' title_d = _tn.get(_.iHaveNoOpinionYetInColor) + '.' url_t = _um.get_url_for_justifying_statement(statement_uid, Attitudes.AGREE.value) url_f = _um.get_url_for_justifying_statement(statement_uid, Attitudes.DISAGREE.value) url_d = _um.get_url_for_justifying_statement(uid, Attitudes.DONT_KNOW.value) d_t = self.__create_answer_dict(Attitudes.AGREE.value, [{ 'title': title_t, 'id': Attitudes.AGREE.value }], Attitudes.AGREE.value, url_t) d_f = self.__create_answer_dict(Attitudes.DISAGREE.value, [{ 'title': title_f, 'id': Attitudes.DISAGREE.value }], Attitudes.DISAGREE.value, url_f) d_d = self.__create_answer_dict(Attitudes.DONT_KNOW.value, [{ 'title': title_d, 'id': Attitudes.DONT_KNOW.value }], Attitudes.DONT_KNOW.value, url_d) statements_array.append(d_t) statements_array.append(d_f) statements_array.append(d_d) return { 'elements': statements_array, 'extras': { 'cropped_list': False } }
def __build_single_argument_for_en(_t: Translator, sb: str, se: str, you_have_the_opinion_that: str, marked_element, conclusion: str, premises: str, argument: Argument): tmp = sb + ' ' + _t.get(_.isNotRight).lower() + se + ', ' + _t.get( _.because).lower() + ' ' text = (you_have_the_opinion_that + ' ' if marked_element else '') + conclusion + ' ' text += _t.get(_.because).lower() if argument.is_supportive else tmp text += ' ' + premises return text
def __create_new_user(user, ui_locales, oauth_provider='', oauth_provider_id=''): """ Insert a new user row :param user: dict with every information for a user needed :param ui_locales: Language.ui_locales :param oauth_provider: String :param oauth_provider_id: String :return: String, String, User """ success = '' info = '' _t = Translator(ui_locales) # creating a new user with hashed password LOG.debug("Adding user %s", user['nickname']) hashed_password = password_handler.get_hashed_password(user['password']) newuser = User(firstname=user['firstname'], surname=user['lastname'], email=user['email'], nickname=user['nickname'], password=hashed_password, gender=user['gender'], group_uid=user['db_group_uid'], oauth_provider=oauth_provider, oauth_provider_id=oauth_provider_id) DBDiscussionSession.add(newuser) transaction.commit() db_user = DBDiscussionSession.query(User).filter_by( nickname=user['nickname']).first() settings = Settings(author_uid=db_user.uid, send_mails=False, send_notifications=True, should_show_public_nickname=True) DBDiscussionSession.add(settings) transaction.commit() # sanity check, whether the user exists db_user = DBDiscussionSession.query(User).filter_by( nickname=user['nickname']).first() if db_user: LOG.debug("New data was added with uid %s", db_user.uid) success = _t.get(_.accountWasAdded).format(user['nickname']) else: LOG.debug("New data was not added") info = _t.get(_.accoutErrorTryLateOrContant) return success, info, db_user
def register_user_with_json_data(data, lang, mailer: Mailer): """ Consume the ajax data for an login attempt :param data: validated params of webserver's request :param lang: language :param mailer: Mailer :return: Boolean, String, User """ _tn = Translator(lang) success = '' firstname = escape_string(data.get('firstname', '')) lastname = escape_string(data.get('lastname', '')) nickname = escape_string(data.get('nickname', '')) email = escape_string(data.get('email', '')) gender = escape_string(data.get('gender', "")) password = escape_string(data.get('password', '')) passwordconfirm = escape_string(data.get('passwordconfirm', '')) db_new_user = None msg = __check_login_params(firstname, lastname, nickname, email, password, passwordconfirm) if msg: return success, _tn.get(msg), db_new_user # getting the authors group db_group = DBDiscussionSession.query(Group).filter_by(name="users").first() # does the group exists? if not db_group: msg = _tn.get(_.errorTryLateOrContant) LOG.debug("Error occured") return success, msg, db_new_user user_data = { 'firstname': firstname, 'lastname': lastname, 'nickname': nickname, 'gender': gender, 'email': email } ret_dict = user.set_new_user(mailer, user_data, password, _tn) success = ret_dict['success'] error = ret_dict['error'] db_new_user = ret_dict['user'] msg = error if success: msg = _tn.get(_.accountWasAdded).format(nickname) return success, msg, db_new_user
def test_get_text_for_add_premise_container(self): _t = Translator('en') for is_supportive in [True, False]: confrontation = start_with_capital(self.confrontation) undermine = _t.get(_.itIsFalseThat) + ' ' + self.premise support = _t.get(_.itIsTrueThat) if is_supportive else _t.get( _.itIsFalseThat) support += ' ' + self.conclusion + ' ' support += _t.get(_.hold) if is_supportive else _t.get( _.doesNotHold) undercut = confrontation + ', ' + _t.get( _.butIDoNotBelieveCounterFor).format(self.conclusion) rebut = confrontation + ' ' rebut += _t.get(_.iAcceptCounterThat) if is_supportive else _t.get( _.iAcceptArgumentThat) rebut += ' ' + self.conclusion results = { Relations.UNDERMINE: undermine + ' ...', Relations.SUPPORT: support + ' ...', Relations.UNDERCUT: undercut + ' ...', Relations.REBUT: rebut + ' ...', '': '', } for r in results: self.assertEqual( results[r], tg.get_text_for_add_premise_container( 'en', self.confrontation, self.premise, r, self.conclusion, is_supportive))
def send_mail(mailer, subject, body, recipient, lang): """ Try except block for sending an email :param mailer: current mailer :param subject: subject text of the mail :param body: body text of the mail :param recipient: recipient of the mail :param lang: current language :return: duple with boolean for sent message, message-string """ LOG.debug("Sending mail with subject '%s' to %s", subject, recipient) _t = Translator(lang) if not mailer: LOG.debug("Mailer is none") return False, _t.get(_.internalKeyError) send_message = False body = body + '\n\n---\n' + _t.get(_.emailBodyText).format( get_global_url()) sender = os.environ.get("MAIL_DEFAULT__SENDER", None) message = Message(subject=subject, sender=sender, recipients=[recipient], body=body) # try sending an catching errors try: t = Thread(target=__thread_to_send_mail, args=( mailer, message, recipient, body, )) t.start() send_message = True status_message = _t.get(_.emailWasSent) except smtplib.SMTPConnectError as exception: code = str(exception.smtp_code) error = str(exception.smtp_error) LOG.debug( "Exception smtplib.SMTPConnectionError smtp code / error %s / %s", code, error) status_message = _t.get(_.emailWasNotSent) except socket_error as serr: LOG.debug("Socker error while sending %s", serr) status_message = _t.get(_.emailWasNotSent) return send_message, status_message, message
def __set_min_length_error(request, min_length): """ Add an error to the request due to too short statements text. :param request: :param min_length: minimum length of the statement :return: """ _tn = Translator(get_language_from_cookie(request)) a = _tn.get(_.notInsertedErrorBecauseEmpty) b = _tn.get(_.minLength) c = _tn.get(_.eachStatement) error_msg = '{} ({}: {} {})'.format(a, b, min_length, c) add_error(request, 'Text too short', error_msg)
def send_add_argument_notification(url, attacked_argument_uid, user, mailer): """ Sends an notification because an argument was added :param url: String :param attacked_argument_uid: Argument.uid :param user: User :param mailer: Instance of pyramid mailer :return: """ # getting current argument, arguments author, current user and some settings db_argument = DBDiscussionSession.query(Argument).get( attacked_argument_uid) db_author = DBDiscussionSession.query(User).get(db_argument.author_uid) db_current_user = DBDiscussionSession.query(User).filter_by( nickname=user).first() if db_author == db_current_user: return None db_author_settings = db_author.settings user_lang = DBDiscussionSession.query(Language).get( db_author_settings.lang_uid).ui_locales # send notification via websocket to last author _t_user = Translator(user_lang) if db_author_settings.should_send_notifications: send_request_for_info_popup_to_socketio(db_author.nickname, _t_user.get(_.argumentAdded), url) # send mail to last author if db_author_settings.should_send_mails: email_helper.send_mail_due_to_added_text(user_lang, url, db_author, mailer) # find admin db_admin = DBDiscussionSession.query(User).filter_by( nickname=nick_of_admin).first() topic = _t_user.get(_.argumentAdded) content = get_text_for_add_argument_message(db_author.firstname, user_lang, url, True) DBDiscussionSession.add( Message(from_author_uid=db_admin.uid, to_author_uid=db_author.uid, topic=topic, content=content, is_inbox=True)) transaction.commit()
def prepare_json_of_issue(db_issue: Issue, db_user: User) -> dict(): """ Prepares slug, info, argument count and the date of the issue as dict :param db_issue: Issue :param db_user: User :return: Issue-dict() """ slug = slugify(db_issue.title) title = db_issue.title info = long_info = db_issue.long_info stat_count = get_number_of_statements(db_issue.uid) lang = db_issue.lang date_pretty = sql_timestamp_pretty_print(, lang) duration = (arrow.utcnow() - days, seconds = duration.days, duration.seconds duration = ceil(days * 24 + seconds / 3600) date_ms = int('X')) * 1000 date ='DD.MM.YY') time ='HH:mm') db_issues = get_visible_issues_for_user_as_query( db_user.uid).filter(Issue.uid != db_issue.uid).all() all_array = [ get_issue_dict_for(issue, db_issue.uid, lang) for issue in db_issues ] _t = Translator(lang) tooltip = _t.get(_.discussionInfoTooltipSg) if stat_count == 1 else _t.get( _.discussionInfoTooltipPl) tooltip = tooltip.format(date, time, stat_count) return { 'slug': slug, 'lang': lang, 'info': info, 'long_info': long_info, 'title': title, 'uid': db_issue.uid, 'stat_count': stat_count, 'date': date, 'date_ms': date_ms, 'date_pretty': date_pretty, 'all': all_array, 'tooltip': tooltip, 'intro': _t.get(_.currentDiscussion), 'duration': duration, 'read_only': db_issue.is_read_only }
def __process_input_of_start_premises(premisegroups, db_conclusion: Statement, supportive, db_issue: Issue, db_user: User) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Inserts premises of groups as new arguments in dependence of the input parameters and returns a URL for forwarding. :param premisegroups: [[String, ..], ...] :param db_conclusion: Statement :param supportive: Boolean :param db_issue: Issue :param db_user: User :return: URL, [Statement.uid], String """ LOG.debug( "Entering __process_input_of_start_premises with # of premisegroups: %s", len(premisegroups)) _tn = Translator(db_issue.lang) # insert all premise groups into our database # all new arguments are collected in a list new_argument_uids = [] new_statement_uids = [ ] # all statement uids are stored in this list to create the link to a possible reference if __is_conclusion_in_premisegroups(premisegroups, db_conclusion): return { 'argument_uids': new_argument_uids, 'statement_uids': new_statement_uids, 'error': _tn.get(_.premiseAndConclusionAreEqual) } for premisegroup in premisegroups: # premise groups is a list of lists new_argument, statement_uids = __create_argument_by_raw_input( db_user, premisegroup, db_conclusion, supportive, db_issue) new_argument_uids.append(new_argument.uid) new_statement_uids.append(statement_uids) error = None if len(new_argument_uids) == 0: a = _tn.get(_.notInsertedErrorBecauseEmpty) b = _tn.get(_.minLength) c = environ.get('MIN_LENGTH_OF_STATEMENT', 10) error = '{} ({}: {})'.format(a, b, c) return { 'argument_uids': new_argument_uids, 'statement_uids': new_statement_uids, 'error': error }
def get_queue_information(self, db_user: User, session: Session, application_url: str, translator: Translator): """ Setup the subpage for the delete queue :param db_user: User :param session: session of current webserver request :param application_url: current url of the app :param translator: Translator :return: dict() """ LOG.debug("Entering setup for subpage of deletion queue") all_rev_dict = get_all_allowed_reviews_for_user(session, f'already_seen_{self.key}', db_user, ReviewDelete, LastReviewerDelete) rev_dict = get_base_subpage_dict(ReviewDelete, all_rev_dict['reviews'], all_rev_dict['already_seen_reviews'], all_rev_dict['first_time'], db_user, all_rev_dict['already_voted_reviews']) if not rev_dict['rnd_review']: return { 'stats': None, 'text': None, 'reason': None, 'issue_titles': None, 'extra_info': None, 'session': session } db_reason = DBDiscussionSession.query(ReviewDeleteReason).get(rev_dict['rnd_review'].reason_uid) stats = get_reporter_stats_for_review(rev_dict['rnd_review'], translator.get_lang(), application_url) reason = '' if db_reason.reason == 'offtopic': reason = translator.get(_.argumentFlaggedBecauseOfftopic) if db_reason.reason == 'spam': reason = translator.get(_.argumentFlaggedBecauseSpam) if db_reason.reason == 'harmful': reason = translator.get(_.argumentFlaggedBecauseHarmful) rev_dict['already_seen_reviews'].append(rev_dict['rnd_review'].uid) session[f'already_seen_{self.key}'] = rev_dict['already_seen_reviews'] return { 'stats': stats, 'text': rev_dict['text'], 'reason': reason, 'issue_titles': rev_dict['issue_titles'], 'extra_info': rev_dict['extra_info'], 'session': session }