def convert_db_to_pandas(sPathToDB="../data/sensitivity_results/sensitivity_results.db"): # check if db is existend if not util.check_if_file_exists(sPathToDB): raise Exception("database %s is not existend" % sPathToDB) dbData = dbcon.Dbcon(sPathToDB) # get all tests and parse it to panda dataframe oSensitivityTestData = pd.read_sql_query( "SELECT as 'image', as 'collection', h.hash, ( || ' ' || ht.params) as 'hashalgorithm' FROM images as i INNER JOIN collections as c on = i.collection_id INNER JOIN images_hashes as ih on ih.image_id = INNER JOIN hashes as h on = ih.hash_id INNER JOIN hash_types as ht on = h.hash_type_id;", dbData.con) return oSensitivityTestData
def __init__(self, sPathToDB="sensitivity_results.db", sBaseFolder="../data/sensitivity_results/", aHashes=[], lNumberOfThreads=4): # set hash algos self.aHashes = aHashes # set nr of threads self.lNumberOfThreads = lNumberOfThreads # create folders if not existent self.sBaseFolder = util.create_path(sBaseFolder) # create db file if not existent self.sPathToDB = self.sBaseFolder + sPathToDB open(self.sPathToDB, 'a').close() dbData = dbcon.Dbcon(self.sPathToDB) sDbSchema = """ BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `images_hashes` ( `image_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `hash_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(`hash_id`) REFERENCES `hashes`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY(`image_id`) REFERENCES `images`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, PRIMARY KEY(`image_id`,`hash_id`) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `images` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `name` TEXT NOT NULL, `collection_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(`collection_id`) REFERENCES `collections`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `hashes` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `hash` NPARRAY NOT NULL, `hash_type_id` TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(`hash_type_id`) REFERENCES `hash_types`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `hash_types` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `name` TEXT NOT NULL, `params` TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `collections` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `name` TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE ); COMMIT; """ dbData.execute_sql_query_manipulation_script(sDbSchema)
def get_dbcon(self): """ get db connection object""" return dbcon.Dbcon(self.sPathToDB)
def __init__(self, sBaseFolder="../data/stability_results/", sPathToDB="stability_results.db", aAttacks=[], aHashes=[], fnDeviation=None, lNumberOfThreads=4): # create folders if not existent self.sBaseFolder = util.create_path(sBaseFolder) # set attack list self.aAttacks = aAttacks # set hash function list self.aHashes = aHashes # set deviation function self.fnDeviation = fnDeviation # set number of threads self.lNumberOfThreads = lNumberOfThreads # create db file if not existent self.sPathToDB = sBaseFolder + sPathToDB open(self.sPathToDB, 'a').close() dbData = dbcon.Dbcon(self.sPathToDB) sDbSchema = """ BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tests` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `attack` INTEGER NOT NULL, `hash_type` INTEGER NOT NULL, `image` INTEGER NOT NULL, `original_hash` INTEGER NOT NULL, `attacked_hash` INTEGER NOT NULL, `deviation_hash` REAL, FOREIGN KEY(`image`) REFERENCES `images`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY(`attack`) REFERENCES `attacks`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY(`attacked_hash`) REFERENCES `hashes`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY(`hash_type`) REFERENCES `hash_types`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY(`original_hash`) REFERENCES `hashes`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, UNIQUE(`attack`,`hash_type`,`image`) --ON CONFLICT REPLACE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `images` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `name` TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `hashes` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `hash_value` NPARRAY NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `hash_types` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `hash_fn` TEXT NOT NULL, `hash_params` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(`hash_fn`, `hash_params`) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `attacks` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, `attack_fn` TEXT NOT NULL, `attack_params` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(`attack_fn`, `attack_params`) ); COMMIT; """ dbData.execute_sql_query_manipulation_script(sDbSchema)