def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """ Debug this request. """ from dbgp import client if self.brk: # breaks on uncaught exceptions client.brkOnExcept(, self.port, self.idekey) else: # breaks on the next executed line client.brk(, self.port, self.idekey) # we might want to do this, but you end up in some random middleware # and it's not the best experience. Instead, break here, go # set some breakpoints where you want to debug, the continue #c = client.backendCmd(self.idekey) #c.stdin_enabled = 0 #c.connect(, self.port, 'application', [__file__]) # ## despite it's name, this is how to run a function, it does not ## start a thread #return c.runThread(, (environ, start_response), {}) # run the app now, if you've stopped here in a debugger, I suggest # you go set some breakpoints and continue to those. return, start_response)
def exprToDict(expr, query): try: t = translate(expr) rv = t.mongo(query) return rv except AttributeError: from dbgp.client import brk brk('')
def mongo(self, query, name=None): if name is None: name = self.mongoName(query) expr = str(self._ast) try: query.groupOptions['reduce'].append("out.%s = %s;" % (name, expr)) except: from dbgp.client import brk brk('')
def setattr(self, info, object, name, value): """Update the inspector when the selected region changes.""" ss = object.region.getSelf() ds = ss.dataSource #from dbgp.client import brk; brk(port=9011) if name == 'filePath': assert False from dbgp.client import brk; brk(port=9011) elif name == 'loadFile': object.filePath = value else: RegionInspectorTabHandler.setattr(self, info, object, name, value)
def _iteration_changed(self): """ Called automatically by Traits when the iteration updates. Update the progress bar and check the conditions to see whether to stop or pause. """ if self.showProgressBar: try: self._setProgress() except: # may fail when switching from training to inference from dbgp.client import brk; brk(port=9011) pass
def _iteration_changed(self): """ Called automatically by Traits when the iteration updates. Update the progress bar and check the conditions to see whether to stop or pause. """ if self.showProgressBar: try: self._setProgress() except: # may fail when switching from training to inference from dbgp.client import brk brk(port=9011) pass
def moderate_comment(sender, comment, request, **kwargs): if not brk(host="localhost",port=53891) mail_managers("New comment posted", email_body % (, comment.content_object)) entry = comment.content_object delta = - entry.pub_date if delta.days > 30: comment.is_public = False else: akismet_api = Akismet(key=settings.AKISMET_API_KEY, blog_url="http:/%s/" %Site.objects.get_current().domain) if akismet_api.verify_key(): akismet_data = { 'comment_type': 'comment', 'referrer': request.META['HTTP_REFERER'], 'user_ip': comment.ip_address, 'user-agent': request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] } if akismet_api.comment_check(smart_str(comment.comment), akismet_data, build_data=True): comment.is_public = False email_body = "%s posted a new comment on the entry '%s'." mail_managers("New comment posted", email_body % (, comment.content_object))
class RepoPkgError(BaseException): pass loglevel = logging.INFO if os.environ.get('_DEBUG_',"False") == "True": loglevel = logging.DEBUG #KomodoIDE Remote Debugging remote_brk = lambda: sys.stdout.write("remote break") if os.environ.get("_REMOTE_DEBUG_",'False') == 'True': try: from dbgp.client import brk remote_brk = lambda: brk(host=os.environ.get("REMOTE_DEBUG_HOST",""), port=int(os.environ.get("REMOTE_DEBUG_PORT",'9000'))) except: pass logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RepoUser(object): _config_fields = [] def __init__(self): self.login = os.environ.get("USERNAME",os.environ.get("USER")) self.home = os.environ.get("USERPROFILE",os.environ.get("HOME")).replace('\\','/') self.ssh_key = posixpath.join(self.home,".ssh","id_rsa").replace("\\","/") self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.hostname)
def process_record(self, record): if record['type'].startswith('statement'): if 'create' in record['command'].lower(): p = select_parser.create_stmt.parseString(record['command']) columns = p.columns.asList() table = p.asList()[2] self.columns[table] = columns cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(record['command']) cur.close() elif 'insert' in record['command'].lower(): p = select_parser.insert_stmt.parseString(record['command']) table = p.asList()[2] columns = p.asList()[3] values = p.asList()[5] data = dict((str(c), v) for c, v in zip(columns, values)) cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(record['command']) cur.close() self.db[str(table)].insert(data) else: # huhh? pass elif record['type'].startswith('query'): cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(record['command']) sresults = list(cur.fetchall()) cur.close() typeparts = record['type'].split() query = typeparts[0] types = typeparts[1] sortnosort = typeparts[2] cmd = record['command'] __traceback_info__ = pformat(record) ucmd = cmd.upper() for uns in UNSUPPORTED: if uns in ucmd: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return if ucmd.count('SELECT') > 1: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return try: q = tomongo.Query(record['command']) except tomongo.Unsupported: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return record['debug'] = q.dump() __traceback_info__ = pformat(record) try: mresults = list(q.execute(self.db)) mresults = list(q.sqlresults(mresults)) if len(mresults) > 0: first = mresults[0] coltypes = ''.join([TYPE_TO_STR[type(fv)] for fv in first]) if coltypes != types: print 'Column types mismatch expected: %s vs %s' % ( types, coltypes) self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise ValueError() except tomongo.Unsupported: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return except: print print q.dump() self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise if sortnosort != 'nosort': print 'Dunno how to sort this' self.counts['failed'] += 1 if 'hashing to' in record['results']: parts = record['results'].split() vcount = int(parts[0]) rcount = vcount / len(types) if rcount != len(mresults): print q.dump() print 'Record count mismatch expected: %s vs %s' % ( rcount, len(mresults)) self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise ValueError() # looks like sqllogictest uses the raw bytes of the result # to MD5 check... that's going to be impossible to repro #hsh = md5() #for mr in mresults: # hsh.update(str(mr)) # hsh.update('\n') #hsh = hsh.hexdigest() # let's compare the sqlite and mongo resultset haveerr = False for rowidx, (mrow, srow) in enumerate(zip(mresults, sresults)): for itemidx, (mi, si) in enumerate(zip(mrow, srow)): if mi != si: print 'Result value mismatch at row %s, item %s, %r vs %r' % (rowidx+1, itemidx+1, mi, si) haveerr = True if haveerr: self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise ValueError() else: from dbgp.client import brk; brk('') self.counts['done'] += 1
def set_trace(self): from dbgp.client import brk if not self.started: print >> sys.stderr, 'Starting dbgp client (pid=%d)' % os.getpid() brk(, port=self.port) self.started = True
def run_example(): # setup print '** OAuth Python Library Example **' client = SimpleOAuthClient(SERVER, PORT, REQUEST_TOKEN_URL, ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, AUTHORIZATION_URL) consumer = oauth.OAuthConsumer(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) signature_method_plaintext = oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature_method_hmac_sha1 = oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() pause() # get request token print '* Obtain a request token ...' pause() oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, callback=CALLBACK_URL, http_url=client.request_token_url) oauth_request.sign_request(signature_method_plaintext, consumer, None) print 'REQUEST (via headers)' print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters) pause() #from dbgp.client import brk; brk() token = client.fetch_request_token(oauth_request) print 'GOT' print 'key: %s' % str(token.key) print 'secret: %s' % str(token.secret) print 'callback confirmed? %s' % str(token.callback_confirmed) pause() print '* Authorize the request token ...' pause() oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_token_and_callback(token=token, http_url=client.authorization_url) print 'REQUEST (via url query string)' print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters) pause() from dbgp.client import brk; brk() # this will actually occur only on some callback response = client.authorize_token(oauth_request) print 'GOT' print response # sad way to get the verifier import urlparse, cgi query = urlparse.urlparse(response)[4] params = cgi.parse_qs(query, keep_blank_values=False) verifier = params['oauth_verifier'][0] print 'verifier: %s' % verifier pause() # get access token print '* Obtain an access token ...' pause() oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token=token, verifier=verifier, http_url=client.access_token_url) oauth_request.sign_request(signature_method_plaintext, consumer, token) print 'REQUEST (via headers)' print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters) pause() token = client.fetch_access_token(oauth_request) print 'GOT' print 'key: %s' % str(token.key) print 'secret: %s' % str(token.secret) pause() # access some protected resources print '* Access protected resources ...' pause() #parameters = {'file': 'vacation.jpg', 'size': 'original'} # resource specific params parameters = {} url = RESOURCE_URL + "account.xml" oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token=token, http_method='POST', http_url=url, parameters=parameters) oauth_request.sign_request(signature_method_hmac_sha1, consumer, token) print 'REQUEST (via post body)' print 'parameters: %s' % str(oauth_request.parameters) pause() params = client.access_resource(oauth_request) print 'GOT' print 'non-oauth parameters: %s' % params pause()
data_folder = 'Data' ANNOTATION_FILE_NAME = 'annotation2.png' SETTINGS_TABLE = { 'LOCAL_HOME': '', 'LOCAL_DATA': '', 'IM_DIR': '', 'OS_TYPE': '' } settings_file = './settings.txt' if (DEBUG_VERSION): #for cgi debugging sys.path.append( 'C:\\Komodo-PythonRemoteDebugging-8.5.3-83298-win32-x86\\pythonlib') from dbgp.client import brk brk( host="localhost", port=51460 ) #sets hard breakpoint (port number should match value for Port from 'Debug->Listener Status' in Komodo) def read_settings(): try: f = open(settings_file, 'r') except (IOError): return 'Could not open ' + '"' + settings_file + '" for reading.\n' for line in f: line = line.strip() if (line and line[0] != '#'): #ignore lines beginning with # as comments m = re.match(r'([A-Z_]+)\s*=\s*(.+)', line) if (m):
def on_register(request): from dbgp.client import brk; brk("", 9090) if not request.args.get('name', False): return "Missing name"
def index(request): from dbgp.client import brk; brk("", 9090) return "index"
def process_record(self, record): if record['type'].startswith('statement'): if 'create' in record['command'].lower(): p = select_parser.create_stmt.parseString(record['command']) columns = p.columns.asList() table = p.asList()[2] self.columns[table] = columns cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(record['command']) cur.close() elif 'insert' in record['command'].lower(): p = select_parser.insert_stmt.parseString(record['command']) table = p.asList()[2] columns = p.asList()[3] values = p.asList()[5] data = dict((str(c), v) for c, v in zip(columns, values)) cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(record['command']) cur.close() self.db[str(table)].insert(data) else: # huhh? pass elif record['type'].startswith('query'): cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(record['command']) sresults = list(cur.fetchall()) cur.close() typeparts = record['type'].split() query = typeparts[0] types = typeparts[1] sortnosort = typeparts[2] cmd = record['command'] __traceback_info__ = pformat(record) ucmd = cmd.upper() for uns in UNSUPPORTED: if uns in ucmd: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return if ucmd.count('SELECT') > 1: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return try: q = tomongo.Query(record['command']) except tomongo.Unsupported: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return record['debug'] = q.dump() __traceback_info__ = pformat(record) try: mresults = list(q.execute(self.db)) mresults = list(q.sqlresults(mresults)) if len(mresults) > 0: first = mresults[0] coltypes = ''.join([TYPE_TO_STR[type(fv)] for fv in first]) if coltypes != types: print 'Column types mismatch expected: %s vs %s' % ( types, coltypes) self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise ValueError() except tomongo.Unsupported: self.counts['unsupported'] += 1 return except: print print q.dump() self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise if sortnosort != 'nosort': print 'Dunno how to sort this' self.counts['failed'] += 1 if 'hashing to' in record['results']: parts = record['results'].split() vcount = int(parts[0]) rcount = vcount / len(types) if rcount != len(mresults): print q.dump() print 'Record count mismatch expected: %s vs %s' % ( rcount, len(mresults)) self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise ValueError() # looks like sqllogictest uses the raw bytes of the result # to MD5 check... that's going to be impossible to repro #hsh = md5() #for mr in mresults: # hsh.update(str(mr)) # hsh.update('\n') #hsh = hsh.hexdigest() # let's compare the sqlite and mongo resultset haveerr = False for rowidx, (mrow, srow) in enumerate(zip(mresults, sresults)): for itemidx, (mi, si) in enumerate(zip(mrow, srow)): if mi != si: print 'Result value mismatch at row %s, item %s, %r vs %r' % ( rowidx + 1, itemidx + 1, mi, si) haveerr = True if haveerr: self.counts['failed'] += 1 raise ValueError() else: from dbgp.client import brk brk('') self.counts['done'] += 1